Transgender child rapist denied hormones in prison

I suppose you could find a study to back pretty much any theory out there on the internet. Regardless, this douchebag is nothing more than a criminal and one that preys upon the most innocent and vulnerable victims. NO hormonal or other such "sex change" type procedures for these guys. Give them pills like they do with the others. Antidepressants. Call it good.
His fellow inmates will calm him down just fine, freak.
Ah, more of your vigilante justice at work. Terrific...
ER...justice was done when he had his sick transgender ass thrown in prison. It's where all freaks belong. And the only special treatment pedophile trans need is the treatment they get in prison. It's poetic justice. They'll do to him a thousand times what he did to that poor kid, and that's fitting. If you are sorry for him I urge you to get homosexuality and transgender disorder listed as MENTAL ILLNESSES so that these loons can be locked up BEFORE they abuse children and BEFORE they get thrown in with some Very Bad Men.
Your complete lack of any form of morality or even basic human decency is noted.

Funny, I'm sure you'd be more than happy to chop off his balls for him? You'd probably pay for the privilege...

Basic human decency? You mean like the basic human decency this transgender freak showed the child IT molested.

Whatever happens to IT in prison isn't good enough.
IMO, prison should be quite miserable with the very basic necessities for survival. Also, they should be working . . . at least those convicted of serious crimes/violent crimes. Why do we coddle these people and go so easy on them? What's up with this letting them out early on "good behavior" bullshit? We need to change this, IMO. You should have to serve the sentence handed down, and there should be no such thing as "parole." What a ridiculous concept.
His fellow inmates will calm him down just fine, freak.
Ah, more of your vigilante justice at work. Terrific...
ER...justice was done when he had his sick transgender ass thrown in prison. It's where all freaks belong. And the only special treatment pedophile trans need is the treatment they get in prison. It's poetic justice. They'll do to him a thousand times what he did to that poor kid, and that's fitting. If you are sorry for him I urge you to get homosexuality and transgender disorder listed as MENTAL ILLNESSES so that these loons can be locked up BEFORE they abuse children and BEFORE they get thrown in with some Very Bad Men.
Your complete lack of any form of morality or even basic human decency is noted.

Funny, I'm sure you'd be more than happy to chop off his balls for him? You'd probably pay for the privilege...

Basic human decency? You mean like the basic human decency this transgender freak showed the child IT molested.

Whatever happens to IT in prison isn't good enough.
Yep, the morality of a puffer fish, and my apologies to the puffer fish, which isn't required to know better, unlike Con65.
His fellow inmates will calm him down just fine, freak.
Ah, more of your vigilante justice at work. Terrific...
ER...justice was done when he had his sick transgender ass thrown in prison. It's where all freaks belong. And the only special treatment pedophile trans need is the treatment they get in prison. It's poetic justice. They'll do to him a thousand times what he did to that poor kid, and that's fitting. If you are sorry for him I urge you to get homosexuality and transgender disorder listed as MENTAL ILLNESSES so that these loons can be locked up BEFORE they abuse children and BEFORE they get thrown in with some Very Bad Men.
Your complete lack of any form of morality or even basic human decency is noted.

Funny, I'm sure you'd be more than happy to chop off his balls for him? You'd probably pay for the privilege...

Basic human decency? You mean like the basic human decency this transgender freak showed the child IT molested.

Whatever happens to IT in prison isn't good enough.
Yep, the morality of a puffer fish, and my apologies to the puffer fish, which isn't required to know better, unlike Con65.

There isn't a treatment bad enough for a child molester. You seem to think they should be coddled. Not surprised you want to treat someone that acts inhumanely toward an innocent person as a person. They should be treated worse than dog shit.
Ah, more of your vigilante justice at work. Terrific...
ER...justice was done when he had his sick transgender ass thrown in prison. It's where all freaks belong. And the only special treatment pedophile trans need is the treatment they get in prison. It's poetic justice. They'll do to him a thousand times what he did to that poor kid, and that's fitting. If you are sorry for him I urge you to get homosexuality and transgender disorder listed as MENTAL ILLNESSES so that these loons can be locked up BEFORE they abuse children and BEFORE they get thrown in with some Very Bad Men.
Your complete lack of any form of morality or even basic human decency is noted.

Funny, I'm sure you'd be more than happy to chop off his balls for him? You'd probably pay for the privilege...

Basic human decency? You mean like the basic human decency this transgender freak showed the child IT molested.

Whatever happens to IT in prison isn't good enough.
Yep, the morality of a puffer fish, and my apologies to the puffer fish, which isn't required to know better, unlike Con65.

There isn't a treatment bad enough for a child molester. You seem to think they should be coddled. Not surprised you want to treat someone that acts inhumanely toward an innocent person as a person. They should be treated worse than dog shit.
They should be treated as what they are, a human being who did a bad thing, The world is full of the fuckers, many of whom you probably like.
The world's smallest violin is still too big for the criminal,

I am so not crying a river over his lack of hormones.
ER...justice was done when he had his sick transgender ass thrown in prison. It's where all freaks belong. And the only special treatment pedophile trans need is the treatment they get in prison. It's poetic justice. They'll do to him a thousand times what he did to that poor kid, and that's fitting. If you are sorry for him I urge you to get homosexuality and transgender disorder listed as MENTAL ILLNESSES so that these loons can be locked up BEFORE they abuse children and BEFORE they get thrown in with some Very Bad Men.
Your complete lack of any form of morality or even basic human decency is noted.

Funny, I'm sure you'd be more than happy to chop off his balls for him? You'd probably pay for the privilege...

Basic human decency? You mean like the basic human decency this transgender freak showed the child IT molested.

Whatever happens to IT in prison isn't good enough.
Yep, the morality of a puffer fish, and my apologies to the puffer fish, which isn't required to know better, unlike Con65.

There isn't a treatment bad enough for a child molester. You seem to think they should be coddled. Not surprised you want to treat someone that acts inhumanely toward an innocent person as a person. They should be treated worse than dog shit.
They should be treated as what they are, a human being who did a bad thing, The world is full of the fuckers, many of whom you probably like.

The typical he was a good person that just did a bad thing. Good people don't do those types of things.

If we dealt with people like this transgender freak who molested a child the way a child molester should be dealt with, the smart ones would learn and the dumb ones would be dealt with the way they need to be dealt with.
ER...justice was done when he had his sick transgender ass thrown in prison. It's where all freaks belong. And the only special treatment pedophile trans need is the treatment they get in prison. It's poetic justice. They'll do to him a thousand times what he did to that poor kid, and that's fitting. If you are sorry for him I urge you to get homosexuality and transgender disorder listed as MENTAL ILLNESSES so that these loons can be locked up BEFORE they abuse children and BEFORE they get thrown in with some Very Bad Men.
Your complete lack of any form of morality or even basic human decency is noted.

Funny, I'm sure you'd be more than happy to chop off his balls for him? You'd probably pay for the privilege...

Basic human decency? You mean like the basic human decency this transgender freak showed the child IT molested.

Whatever happens to IT in prison isn't good enough.
Yep, the morality of a puffer fish, and my apologies to the puffer fish, which isn't required to know better, unlike Con65.

There isn't a treatment bad enough for a child molester. You seem to think they should be coddled. Not surprised you want to treat someone that acts inhumanely toward an innocent person as a person. They should be treated worse than dog shit.
They should be treated as what they are, a human being who did a bad thing, The world is full of the fuckers, many of whom you probably like.
Conservative65, koshergrl, it is pointless discussing this topic with PMH. This is the same character that believes that the State should have the right to administer infanticide on children it deems not worthy of using up the States resources. This poster hates children, so what is the point of discussing this issue with one who has had so little contact and so little involvement with children that he hates them and views them as little more than tools, annoyances, and pieces of meat? If he was dictator for a day, he would pass a law that you had to have a license to have children, planned parenthood could unilaterally sterilize folks w/o their consent, and the State would impose a one child only policy. He's basically anti-life. I wouldn't be surprised if he is for legalizing diddling children after all. :doubt:
Your complete lack of any form of morality or even basic human decency is noted.

Funny, I'm sure you'd be more than happy to chop off his balls for him? You'd probably pay for the privilege...

Basic human decency? You mean like the basic human decency this transgender freak showed the child IT molested.

Whatever happens to IT in prison isn't good enough.
Yep, the morality of a puffer fish, and my apologies to the puffer fish, which isn't required to know better, unlike Con65.

There isn't a treatment bad enough for a child molester. You seem to think they should be coddled. Not surprised you want to treat someone that acts inhumanely toward an innocent person as a person. They should be treated worse than dog shit.
They should be treated as what they are, a human being who did a bad thing, The world is full of the fuckers, many of whom you probably like.
Conservative65, koshergrl, it is pointless discussing this topic with PMH. This is the same character that believes that the State should have the right to administer infanticide on children it deems not worthy of using up the States resources. This poster hates children, so what is the point of discussing this issue with one who has had so little contact and so little involvement with children that he hates them and views them as little more than tools, annoyances, and pieces of meat? If he was dictator for a day, he would pass a law that you had to have a license to have children, planned parenthood could unilaterally sterilize folks w/o their consent, and the State would impose a one child only policy. He's basically anti-life. I wouldn't be surprised if he is for legalizing diddling children after all. :doubt:
That must be why in a discussion of people demanding immoral things I'm telling them that justice demands better.

Total morons here...
Your complete lack of any form of morality or even basic human decency is noted.

Funny, I'm sure you'd be more than happy to chop off his balls for him? You'd probably pay for the privilege...

Basic human decency? You mean like the basic human decency this transgender freak showed the child IT molested.

Whatever happens to IT in prison isn't good enough.
Yep, the morality of a puffer fish, and my apologies to the puffer fish, which isn't required to know better, unlike Con65.

There isn't a treatment bad enough for a child molester. You seem to think they should be coddled. Not surprised you want to treat someone that acts inhumanely toward an innocent person as a person. They should be treated worse than dog shit.
They should be treated as what they are, a human being who did a bad thing, The world is full of the fuckers, many of whom you probably like.

The typical he was a good person that just did a bad thing. Good people don't do those types of things.

If we dealt with people like this transgender freak who molested a child the way a child molester should be dealt with, the smart ones would learn and the dumb ones would be dealt with the way they need to be dealt with.
Your "morality" leads to us burning witches and heretics again. Pass.
Basic human decency? You mean like the basic human decency this transgender freak showed the child IT molested.

Whatever happens to IT in prison isn't good enough.
Yep, the morality of a puffer fish, and my apologies to the puffer fish, which isn't required to know better, unlike Con65.

There isn't a treatment bad enough for a child molester. You seem to think they should be coddled. Not surprised you want to treat someone that acts inhumanely toward an innocent person as a person. They should be treated worse than dog shit.
They should be treated as what they are, a human being who did a bad thing, The world is full of the fuckers, many of whom you probably like.

The typical he was a good person that just did a bad thing. Good people don't do those types of things.

If we dealt with people like this transgender freak who molested a child the way a child molester should be dealt with, the smart ones would learn and the dumb ones would be dealt with the way they need to be dealt with.
Your "morality" leads to us burning witches and heretics again. Pass.

The guy raped children. He deserves only the very basics to survive. If he has a heart attack and needs medicine, fine. We don't need to feed his delusions or his mental illness. He can get antidepressants and live with it.
Basic human decency? You mean like the basic human decency this transgender freak showed the child IT molested.

Whatever happens to IT in prison isn't good enough.
Yep, the morality of a puffer fish, and my apologies to the puffer fish, which isn't required to know better, unlike Con65.

There isn't a treatment bad enough for a child molester. You seem to think they should be coddled. Not surprised you want to treat someone that acts inhumanely toward an innocent person as a person. They should be treated worse than dog shit.
They should be treated as what they are, a human being who did a bad thing, The world is full of the fuckers, many of whom you probably like.
Conservative65, koshergrl, it is pointless discussing this topic with PMH. This is the same character that believes that the State should have the right to administer infanticide on children it deems not worthy of using up the States resources. This poster hates children, so what is the point of discussing this issue with one who has had so little contact and so little involvement with children that he hates them and views them as little more than tools, annoyances, and pieces of meat? If he was dictator for a day, he would pass a law that you had to have a license to have children, planned parenthood could unilaterally sterilize folks w/o their consent, and the State would impose a one child only policy. He's basically anti-life. I wouldn't be surprised if he is for legalizing diddling children after all. :doubt:
That must be why in a discussion of people demanding immoral things I'm telling them that justice demands better.

Total morons here...

Nothing moral about feeding into a mentally ill person's delusions.
Yep, the morality of a puffer fish, and my apologies to the puffer fish, which isn't required to know better, unlike Con65.

There isn't a treatment bad enough for a child molester. You seem to think they should be coddled. Not surprised you want to treat someone that acts inhumanely toward an innocent person as a person. They should be treated worse than dog shit.
They should be treated as what they are, a human being who did a bad thing, The world is full of the fuckers, many of whom you probably like.
Conservative65, koshergrl, it is pointless discussing this topic with PMH. This is the same character that believes that the State should have the right to administer infanticide on children it deems not worthy of using up the States resources. This poster hates children, so what is the point of discussing this issue with one who has had so little contact and so little involvement with children that he hates them and views them as little more than tools, annoyances, and pieces of meat? If he was dictator for a day, he would pass a law that you had to have a license to have children, planned parenthood could unilaterally sterilize folks w/o their consent, and the State would impose a one child only policy. He's basically anti-life. I wouldn't be surprised if he is for legalizing diddling children after all. :doubt:
That must be why in a discussion of people demanding immoral things I'm telling them that justice demands better.

Total morons here...

Nothing moral about feeding into a mentally ill person's delusions.
Transgenders usually aren't mentally ill, and that is up to the docs to work out in this case.
Yep, the morality of a puffer fish, and my apologies to the puffer fish, which isn't required to know better, unlike Con65.

There isn't a treatment bad enough for a child molester. You seem to think they should be coddled. Not surprised you want to treat someone that acts inhumanely toward an innocent person as a person. They should be treated worse than dog shit.
They should be treated as what they are, a human being who did a bad thing, The world is full of the fuckers, many of whom you probably like.

The typical he was a good person that just did a bad thing. Good people don't do those types of things.

If we dealt with people like this transgender freak who molested a child the way a child molester should be dealt with, the smart ones would learn and the dumb ones would be dealt with the way they need to be dealt with.
Your "morality" leads to us burning witches and heretics again. Pass.

The guy raped children. He deserves only the very basics to survive. If he has a heart attack and needs medicine, fine. We don't need to feed his delusions or his mental illness. He can get antidepressants and live with it.
Treating his transgenderism is also medical care. It shouldn't bother you, it will make him less of a threat.
There isn't a treatment bad enough for a child molester. You seem to think they should be coddled. Not surprised you want to treat someone that acts inhumanely toward an innocent person as a person. They should be treated worse than dog shit.
They should be treated as what they are, a human being who did a bad thing, The world is full of the fuckers, many of whom you probably like.
Conservative65, koshergrl, it is pointless discussing this topic with PMH. This is the same character that believes that the State should have the right to administer infanticide on children it deems not worthy of using up the States resources. This poster hates children, so what is the point of discussing this issue with one who has had so little contact and so little involvement with children that he hates them and views them as little more than tools, annoyances, and pieces of meat? If he was dictator for a day, he would pass a law that you had to have a license to have children, planned parenthood could unilaterally sterilize folks w/o their consent, and the State would impose a one child only policy. He's basically anti-life. I wouldn't be surprised if he is for legalizing diddling children after all. :doubt:
That must be why in a discussion of people demanding immoral things I'm telling them that justice demands better.

Total morons here...

Nothing moral about feeding into a mentally ill person's delusions.
Transgenders usually aren't mentally ill, and that is up to the docs to work out in this case.

I disagree.
There isn't a treatment bad enough for a child molester. You seem to think they should be coddled. Not surprised you want to treat someone that acts inhumanely toward an innocent person as a person. They should be treated worse than dog shit.
They should be treated as what they are, a human being who did a bad thing, The world is full of the fuckers, many of whom you probably like.

The typical he was a good person that just did a bad thing. Good people don't do those types of things.

If we dealt with people like this transgender freak who molested a child the way a child molester should be dealt with, the smart ones would learn and the dumb ones would be dealt with the way they need to be dealt with.
Your "morality" leads to us burning witches and heretics again. Pass.

The guy raped children. He deserves only the very basics to survive. If he has a heart attack and needs medicine, fine. We don't need to feed his delusions or his mental illness. He can get antidepressants and live with it.
Treating his transgenderism is also medical care. It shouldn't bother you, it will make him less of a threat.

I think of it as feeding a delusion. Suicide rates remain high postoperatively.
They should be treated as what they are, a human being who did a bad thing, The world is full of the fuckers, many of whom you probably like.

The typical he was a good person that just did a bad thing. Good people don't do those types of things.

If we dealt with people like this transgender freak who molested a child the way a child molester should be dealt with, the smart ones would learn and the dumb ones would be dealt with the way they need to be dealt with.
Your "morality" leads to us burning witches and heretics again. Pass.

The guy raped children. He deserves only the very basics to survive. If he has a heart attack and needs medicine, fine. We don't need to feed his delusions or his mental illness. He can get antidepressants and live with it.
Treating his transgenderism is also medical care. It shouldn't bother you, it will make him less of a threat.

I think of it as feeding a delusion. Suicide rates remain high postoperatively.
It's a fucking hard way to live. That should not be a shock considering. And if he thought his was Queen Victoria we'd be treating that eh?

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