Transgender Is A Stalking Horse For The Normalization Of Pedophilia

Less need of safe space, more boredom from your samefag repeating of the same tired troll tropes.
Or.... maybe once you concede medical professionals don't give you the time of day and you curse me to serving hard time in your make believe land what else is there for you to say? 😄

You obviously care a great deal.

No one looks to ignorant morons like to define "harm". 😄

Ahh. Cosplayer jail. That last hope for you sad sack fantasy players. 😂

Kids are raped all the time all around you and don't do dick about it Super Cripes

Or, maybe once you concede medical professionals don't give you the time of day and you curse me to serving hard time in your make believe land what else is there for you to say? 😄

What a bunch of word salad
Or, maybe once you concede medical professionals don't give you the time of day and you curse me to serving hard time in your make believe land what else is there for you to say? 😄

Nope, it's boredom.

And your appeal to authority fails on the merits, because you can't assume the authorities aren't miserable assholes like you.
Neither does your uniformed accusations.

And he was condemned by other medical professionals not just assclowns on the internet who still believe in Neverland Prison.

You can find medical people who think this trans thing is crazy, but of course your side squashes anyone who dissents, so they rightfully fear any pushback against the SJW groupthink.

Now go deny this like the good little progressive lemming you are.
You can find medical people who think this trans thing is crazy, but of course your side squashes anyone who dissents, so they rightfully fear any pushback against the SJW groupthink.
Oh are we disappearing all your cuckpatriots? Did Q tell you that? 😄
Now go deny this like the good little progressive lemming you are.
Not at all. I encourage you to find and post the opinions of medical professionals who feel as you do. I can't wait to see what these mutants look like. By all means, present them. 😄
Some become angry at people with gender dysphoria because they don't understand it, and want to discriminate against those who have it.

Gender dysphoria is the feeling of discomfort or distress that might occur in people whose gender identity differs from their sex assigned at birth or sex-related physical characteristics.
Transgender and gender-diverse people might experience gender dysphoria at some point in their lives. However, some transgender and gender-diverse people feel at ease with their bodies, with or without medical intervention.
A diagnosis for gender dysphoria is included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), a manual published by the American Psychiatric Association. The diagnosis was created to help people with gender dysphoria get access to necessary health care and effective treatment. The term focuses on discomfort as the problem, rather than identity.

Some become angry at people with gender dysphoria because they don't understand it, and want to discriminate against those who have it.

Gender dysphoria is the feeling of discomfort or distress that might occur in people whose gender identity differs from their sex assigned at birth or sex-related physical characteristics.
Transgender and gender-diverse people might experience gender dysphoria at some point in their lives. However, some transgender and gender-diverse people feel at ease with their bodies, with or without medical intervention.
A diagnosis for gender dysphoria is included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), a manual published by the American Psychiatric Association. The diagnosis was created to help people with gender dysphoria get access to necessary health care and effective treatment. The term focuses on discomfort as the problem, rather than identity.

Most of what we are seeing isn't that, it's fetishism trying to become a protected class.

In any even any surgery or drug treatment should be the LAST resort, well after the person has reached 18. Anything else is child abuse.
You can find medical people who think this trans thing is crazy, but of course your side squashes anyone who dissents, so they rightfully fear any pushback against the SJW groupthink.
Reputable medical associations such as the American Medical Association, the American Psychiatric Association, etc. recognize gender dysphoria. No such authoritative bodies are in denial.
Reputable medical associations such as the American Medical Association, the American Psychiatric Association, etc. recognize gender dysphoria. No such authoritative bodies are in denial.

Recognizing it is different than pushing it, which is happening now with any child who is showing mental issues.

Depression? You must be transgender
Anxiety? Transgender
Associative disorder? Transgender

Act like a tomboy? Transgender
Like ballet as a boy? Transgender.
Recognizing it is different than pushing it, which is happening now with any child who is showing mental issues.

Depression? You must be transgender
Anxiety? Transgender
Associative disorder? Transgender

Act like a tomboy? Transgender
Like ballet as a boy? Transgender.
Don't forget that trans lawn guy hiding in your bushes! :oops:
Most of what we are seeing isn't that, it's fetishism trying to become a protected class.

In any even any surgery or drug treatment should be the LAST resort, well after the person has reached 18. Anything else is child abuse.
Treatment can help people who have gender dysphoria explore their gender identity and find the gender role that feels comfortable for them, easing distress. However, treatment should be individualized. What might help one person might not help another.
Treatment options might include changes in gender expression and role, hormone therapy, surgery, and behavioral therapy.
It's a condition for which the proper treatment modality is complicated:

Some politicians, with no medical expertise, attempt to exploit ignorance and fuel the anger for their own purposes.
Boston Children's Hospital:
... [A]cross the country there is a recent increase in proposed legislation aiming to restrict the rights of transgender and gender diverse youth. Many of these bills aim to restrict access to medical care and limit children and adolescents who identify as gender diverse from participation in sports.
Boston Children’s Hospital has always been and always will be committed to providing the best care for ALL of our patients, regardless of their gender identity. The belief that all children deserve the opportunity to live, grow and thrive with love and support, is foundational to who we are and what we do...
The proposed bans on medical care, sports participation and other legislation aiming to restrict the rights of transgender and gender diverse youth are in direct opposition to our commitment to equity, diversity and inclusivity, as well as the standard of care that we live by. ... n 2016, Massachusetts voters upheld legislation designed to protect the rights of transgender residents in public accommodations. Boston Children’s was proud to be part of the coalition that worked in support of that ballot question.
... Boston Children’s has signed on as an endorsing organization of the Equality Act, which is federal legislation that would provide affirmative, legal nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ Americans both in the workplace and the community by adding sexual orientation and gender identity to the list of protected characteristics in federal civil rights laws.
We are here to affirm, uplift, and advocate for transgender and gender diverse youth, and we remain committed to doing all we can to support their care and well-being.

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