Transgender, Non-Binary, and all the Ridiculousness in Between...

gender is a social/culture issue. Sex would be the biological issue.
People can be whatever gender they want. People cant pick their sex. With artificial limbs or not, you are still your born sex.
Horseshit! Two genders: male and female. That's the tradition. Humans can't be cats or dogs.
gender is a social/culture issue. Sex would be the biological issue.
People can be whatever gender they want. People cant pick their sex. With artificial limbs or not, you are still your born sex.
Horseshit! Two genders: male and female. That's the tradition. Humans can't be cats or dogs.
gender is a social concept. Male and female is sex. Sex is biology, pronouns are social.
When I was young, I read the book "1984" and I thought then that it was bullshit, that people would never deny reality. I was wrong, The book was simply 30 years too early.

Did the same thing. Took a literature course on sci-fi way back in the day. We all would talk about the books afterwards and say "yeah, but no way would any of this come even remotely true. Tell you the truth, it has panned out far worse than any of us would've ever imagined then. Men creating laws that insist other people refer to men as women and women as men...Men marrying men. Men using women's bathrooms.

If you went back in time and showed people just in the 1970s what the world has come to today, they would've all dropped dead of shock on the spot.
When I was young, I read the book "1984" and I thought then that it was bullshit, that people would never deny reality. I was wrong, The book was simply 30 years too early.

Did the same thing. Took a literature course on sci-fi way back in the day. We all would talk about the books afterwards and say "yeah, but no way would any of this come even remotely true. Tell you the truth, it has panned out far worse than any of us would've ever imagined then. Men creating laws that insist other people refer to men as women and women as men...Men marrying men. Men using women's bathrooms.

If you went back in time and showed people just in the 1970s what the world has come to today, they would've all dropped dead of shock on the spot.
What makes today's world so much worse than you could ever imagine? Trannys and gay marriage, how does that make a difference in your world? If image a gay person In The 70s would far a sigh of relief seeing the progress which is now being realized.
gender is a social/culture issue. Sex would be the biological issue.
People can be whatever gender they want. People cant pick their sex. With artificial limbs or not, you are still your born sex.
Horseshit! Two genders: male and female. That's the tradition. Humans can't be cats or dogs.
gender is a social concept. Male and female is sex. Sex is biology, pronouns are social.
I think that this is what people are up in arms about. Ever since grade school we have been taught that pronouns refer to a person's sex...not what culture (in this case masculine or feminine) that they identify with. I mean will we start to create specific pronouns based off of whether somebody identifies with being German, Asian, in "high society", "academic", "rap" culture, or any other culture you can imagine? Pronouns have referred to your has always literally been that simple. Why these people are trying to change our lexicon and the English language in order to suit themselves is an absurdity that we really shouldn't tolerate.
I recently watched a clip of a "non-binary transgender" person coming out to Obama during a press conference and found myself confused (no...not in that way). This really seemed to be looked favorably upon in that setting which I found mystifying. Now, I am a moderate liberal and I'm not against people trying to find out who they are or define themselves. But I've always seen gender as a biological issue...not a cultural issue, not an emotional issue, not any other than what biology you are equipped with. Why, now, are we now taking something that we previously defined biologically (do you have a penis or not), and trying to interpret that through how somebody feels, what they identify (or in this case do not identify) with, or what culture the person happens to be in?

Am I the only crazy person here that thinks that males have penises, females don't and it is as simple as that (except maybe the rare people born with both)? Why have we started asking how people feel to define their gender? I don't understand why it isn't okay for a male (or female) to identify with the opposite gender...but still be a male or female? I mean I really feel as if America nowadays has entered some sort of weird Twilight Zone type of place where fantastical, absurd things are becoming reality.

Just a small rant on what I see as the absurdity of the far left. The video of this person "coming out" to Obama is linked below.

Gender is not the same thing as biological sex i.e. Male, female, or hermaphodite. Gender is how one identifies psychologically, not physically.

It's hard for normal people to understand because we identify as our biological sex, but try to imagine that you feel like you do, either male or female- whatever you are, but your body is that of the other sex. How weird, and fucked up, and crazy would that be? It's so powerful a feeling for these people that they have surgeries and take pills to try and match their bodies to their brains.

It's like God put their souls in the wrong body.

There is more to the world and the human condition than any one person can experience and understand. If you can't accept someone for who they are, just try your best to live and let live.

Then where does it end? Should we cut off the arm of a "transabled" person because they feel strange with the arm? Or the anorexic, should we tell her that yes, she does look fat and that she should eat less?

When does it stop?


Liberalism enables this mental illness because it is a mental illness too.
gender is a social/culture issue. Sex would be the biological issue.
People can be whatever gender they want. People cant pick their sex. With artificial limbs or not, you are still your born sex.
Horseshit! Two genders: male and female. That's the tradition. Humans can't be cats or dogs.
gender is a social concept. Male and female is sex. Sex is biology, pronouns are social.
.look up the definition of "gender" dipshit.


  1. 1.
    the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).
    "traditional concepts of gender"


  1. 1.
    the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).
    "traditional concepts of gender"
(typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones). :dunno:

Definition of sex : either of the two main categories (male and female) into which humans and many other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions

In "ordinary" speech, they can be used without a difference. But the intellectual community describes them differently. Consider the term "gender identity". How in the fuck could someone falsely identify with biology?
This has been known since the 60s. All you have done is jump on the feminist hippy bandwagon. You got DUPED, dipshit.
Look up john money. That insane pervert changed many definitions.
gender is a social/culture issue. Sex would be the biological issue.
People can be whatever gender they want. People cant pick their sex. With artificial limbs or not, you are still your born sex.
Horseshit! Two genders: male and female. That's the tradition. Humans can't be cats or dogs.
gender is a social concept. Male and female is sex. Sex is biology, pronouns are social.

Studies have repeatedly shown that males and females are not only different physically, but mentally as well. "Gender" is no more of a social construct than a penis is.

Wouldn't it be stupid for nature to make us the same mentally when we aren't physically? Girls play with dolls because their bodies are built to have children, and they sub consciously understand that.

When I was young, I read the book "1984" and I thought then that it was bullshit, that people would never deny reality. I was wrong, The book was simply 30 years too early.

Did the same thing. Took a literature course on sci-fi way back in the day. We all would talk about the books afterwards and say "yeah, but no way would any of this come even remotely true. Tell you the truth, it has panned out far worse than any of us would've ever imagined then. Men creating laws that insist other people refer to men as women and women as men...Men marrying men. Men using women's bathrooms.

If you went back in time and showed people just in the 1970s what the world has come to today, they would've all dropped dead of shock on the spot.

Its not "worse" yet. Now that our "leaders" know that we can be talked into believing anything, the worst parts of the book 1984 are yet to come.

This is only the beginning.

When I was young, I read the book "1984" and I thought then that it was bullshit, that people would never deny reality. I was wrong, The book was simply 30 years too early.

Did the same thing. Took a literature course on sci-fi way back in the day. We all would talk about the books afterwards and say "yeah, but no way would any of this come even remotely true. Tell you the truth, it has panned out far worse than any of us would've ever imagined then. Men creating laws that insist other people refer to men as women and women as men...Men marrying men. Men using women's bathrooms.

If you went back in time and showed people just in the 1970s what the world has come to today, they would've all dropped dead of shock on the spot.
What makes today's world so much worse than you could ever imagine? Trannys and gay marriage, how does that make a difference in your world? If image a gay person In The 70s would far a sigh of relief seeing the progress which is now being realized.

Denying reality is not progress. It is the central tenet of the book 1984. It is totalitarianism, and sadly, most people are falling for it.

When I was young, I read the book "1984" and I thought then that it was bullshit, that people would never deny reality. I was wrong, The book was simply 30 years too early.

Did the same thing. Took a literature course on sci-fi way back in the day. We all would talk about the books afterwards and say "yeah, but no way would any of this come even remotely true. Tell you the truth, it has panned out far worse than any of us would've ever imagined then. Men creating laws that insist other people refer to men as women and women as men...Men marrying men. Men using women's bathrooms.

If you went back in time and showed people just in the 1970s what the world has come to today, they would've all dropped dead of shock on the spot.
What makes today's world so much worse than you could ever imagine? Trannys and gay marriage, how does that make a difference in your world? If image a gay person In The 70s would far a sigh of relief seeing the progress which is now being realized.

Denying reality is not progress. It is the central tenet of the book 1984. It is totalitarianism, and sadly, most people are falling for it.

Our world and function of government is nothing like 1984, that is a horrible comparison...


  1. 1.
    the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).
    "traditional concepts of gender"
(typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones). :dunno:

Definition of sex : either of the two main categories (male and female) into which humans and many other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions

In "ordinary" speech, they can be used without a difference. But the intellectual community describes them differently. Consider the term "gender identity". How in the fuck could someone falsely identify with biology?
This has been known since the 60s. All you have done is jump on the feminist hippy bandwagon. You got DUPED, dipshit.
Look up john money. That insane pervert changed many definitions.

I'd heard of the David Reimer matter, but never before realized just how heinous and depraved the treatment of him was. I know that awareness of the sexual abuse of children came to the fore much later than the incidents for which Dr. Money was responsible, but even in the 1960s, how did he not end up going to prison, for what, even then, had to have been clearly recognizable as sexual abuse of David Reimer and his brother, and the production of child pornography?


  1. 1.
    the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).
    "traditional concepts of gender"
(typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones). :dunno:

Definition of sex : either of the two main categories (male and female) into which humans and many other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions

In "ordinary" speech, they can be used without a difference. But the intellectual community describes them differently. Consider the term "gender identity". How in the fuck could someone falsely identify with biology?
This has been known since the 60s. All you have done is jump on the feminist hippy bandwagon. You got DUPED, dipshit.
Look up john money. That insane pervert changed many definitions.

I'd heard of the David Reimer matter, but never before realized just how heinous and depraved the treatment of him was. I know that awareness of the sexual abuse of children came to the fore much later than the incidents for which Dr. Money was responsible, but even in the 1960s, how did he not end up going to prison, for what, even then, had to have been clearly recognizable as sexual abuse of David Reimer and his brother, and the production of child pornography?
That guy was fuckin twisted.
David ended up killing himself, too...
Its fuckin sad so many people supported money.. They translated his work into many languages and he won all kinds of awards and shit. Its crazy man!


  1. 1.
    the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).
    "traditional concepts of gender"
(typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones). :dunno:
This is provably false. Did they ever ask you in school what American gender culture you identified with when teaching these concepts? When you were in 2nd grade (or whenever we learn pronoun usage) did they have everybody fill out a questionnaire related to how our society typically classifies masculine and feminine traits and then assign you your correct pronoun based off of your answers? Did they then have you memorize which pronoun to use with which of you classmates? Did they ever teach you to ask each person what they identified with before you used a pronoun to identify with them? The answer is no.

They told you men / boys are "he" and women / girls are "she" when replacing a proper noun with a pronoun. it is simple. It is effective. It works. I never learned in school (and neither did you by the way) that we use these pronouns based off of what a person feels, but rather what the ARE. This implies a biological rather than cultural basis.

Here is another example. Think of a newborn baby. Now your baby is a boy or a girl and there is no way that it has the faculties or knowledge to identify with a certain gender culture. we never use masculine or feminine pronouns when referring to the baby until it grows up enough to understand what it identifies with? Nope. We use the pronoun representing what the baby is biologically. If you have a baby boy and your son takes his first steps you don't go around and tell people "It just took its first step today!" You say, "He just took his first step today!"
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  1. 1.
    the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).
    "traditional concepts of gender"
(typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones). :dunno:
This is provably false. Did they ever ask you in school what American gender culture you identified with when teaching these concepts? When you were in 2nd grade (or whenever we learn pronoun usage) did they have everybody fill out a questionnaire related to how our society typically classifies masculine and feminine traits and then assign you your correct pronoun based off of your answers? Did they then have you memorize which pronoun to use with which of you classmates? Did they ever teach you to ask each person what they identified with before you used a pronoun to identify with them? The answer is no.

They told you men / boys are "he" and women / girls are "she" when replacing a proper noun with a pronoun. it is simple. It is effective. It works. I never learned in school (and neither did you by the way) that we use these pronouns based off of what a person feels, but rather what the ARE. This implies a biological rather than cultural basis.

Here is another example. Think of a newborn baby. Now your baby is a boy or a girl and there is no way that it has the faculties or knowledge to identify with a certain gender culture. we never use masculine or feminine pronouns when referring to the baby until it grows up enough to understand what it identifies with? Nope. We use the pronoun representing what the baby is biologically. If you have a baby boy and your son takes his first steps you don't go around and tell people "It just took its first step today!" You say, "He just took his first step today!"
he, she , him, her, guy, girl are all social concepts. Male and Female, which is a person sex, are biological.


  1. 1.
    the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).
    "traditional concepts of gender"
(typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones). :dunno:
This is provably false. Did they ever ask you in school what American gender culture you identified with when teaching these concepts? When you were in 2nd grade (or whenever we learn pronoun usage) did they have everybody fill out a questionnaire related to how our society typically classifies masculine and feminine traits and then assign you your correct pronoun based off of your answers? Did they then have you memorize which pronoun to use with which of you classmates? Did they ever teach you to ask each person what they identified with before you used a pronoun to identify with them? The answer is no.

They told you men / boys are "he" and women / girls are "she" when replacing a proper noun with a pronoun. it is simple. It is effective. It works. I never learned in school (and neither did you by the way) that we use these pronouns based off of what a person feels, but rather what the ARE. This implies a biological rather than cultural basis.

Here is another example. Think of a newborn baby. Now your baby is a boy or a girl and there is no way that it has the faculties or knowledge to identify with a certain gender culture. we never use masculine or feminine pronouns when referring to the baby until it grows up enough to understand what it identifies with? Nope. We use the pronoun representing what the baby is biologically. If you have a baby boy and your son takes his first steps you don't go around and tell people "It just took its first step today!" You say, "He just took his first step today!"
he, she , him, her, guy, girl are all social concepts. Male and Female, which is a person sex, are biological.
I just gave examples that disproved that assertion. Concrete examples in which pronouns are based off of a person's biology rather than identity. If not then please prove that we use he / she when referring to newborn babies because they identify with that gender and not because that is what they are biologically.

Just to clarify, I am not saying that there isn't a masculine or feminine culture. I am saying that that culture doesn't have anything to do with pronoun usage. If you have a penis you are "he", if you don't you are "she" any other usage of these terms is incorrect.
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gender is a social/culture issue. Sex would be the biological issue.
People can be whatever gender they want. People cant pick their sex. With artificial limbs or not, you are still your born sex.

A person can call themselves whatever they want, its when they want to use government to force everyone else along for the ride that I have an issue with.

What is this ride you're referring to?

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