"Transgender" Target Stores: Prepare To Be Sued.


^Imagine the nightmares our adolescents are going to have sharing the public restroom with it^


I do believe that you would want to keep this person out of any restroom. It isn't about the gender at birth with you, is it?
I'd go outside and piss on the tires on your car before going into the same restroom with that thing in the picture............I wouldn't deny him or her or IT the right to fucking pee............by I would stay the hell the way from it...........

Now you will say I would do it out of fear........just stopping you ahead of time..............it's not fear................it's DISGUST..........just heading off your usual posting........

BTW that wetness on your tires isn't water...........

That's excellent. You have decided to remove yourself from the restroom. You are not demanding that someone remove this person. That is progress.
I'm sure you would adapt and make that thing your best friend........now wouldn't you.............Do you accept that thing as NORMAL?

Well......I am very accepting of others. That's true. While I don't make a habit of engaging people in restrooms in conversation, I'd welcome a chance to ask that person a few questions in another setting. I wouldn't freak out like you.

If given a choice between having a beer with that person....who I don't know....and having one with a frightened bigot like you....who I know to be a dumb fuck.....I'd probably choose that person.

^Imagine the nightmares our adolescents are going to have sharing the public restroom with it^


I do believe that you would want to keep this person out of any restroom. It isn't about the gender at birth with you, is it?
I'd go outside and piss on the tires on your car before going into the same restroom with that thing in the picture............I wouldn't deny him or her or IT the right to fucking pee............by I would stay the hell the way from it...........

Now you will say I would do it out of fear........just stopping you ahead of time..............it's not fear................it's DISGUST..........just heading off your usual posting........

BTW that wetness on your tires isn't water...........

That's excellent. You have decided to remove yourself from the restroom. You are not demanding that someone remove this person. That is progress.
I'm sure you would adapt and make that thing your best friend........now wouldn't you.............Do you accept that thing as NORMAL?

Well......I am very accepting of others. That's true. While I don't make a habit of engaging people in restrooms in conversation, I'd welcome a chance to ask that person a few questions in another setting. I wouldn't freak out like you.

If given a choice between having a beer with that person....who I don't know....and having one with a frightened bigot like you....who I know to be a dumb fuck.....I'd probably choose that person.
Well good for you...................and of course you use the FEAR FACTOR.............equation...........like normal................are you having trouble figuring out the difference between FEAR and DISGUST.....................seems like it.......................

Have fun having a beer with that thing..................That's on you............I CHOOSE NOT TO..........and if you and that thing doesn't like it...........I don't give a damn.
It's a state law here. Businesses cannot keep anyone out of any restroom. There's no suit to be had.
The law can and will be challenged. Invasion of privacy vs the State Law. A judge or more likely a jury, would have to find that it is more important for a self-diagnosed man who has to convince the jury he is somehow "a woman" (this would involve numerous professional testimony from both sides pro and con), than a woman or girl's right to not be exposed to naked men or men in the room where they are naked or near-naked.

And, good luck with a jury coming down all 12 for the tranny!
That didn't even happen in more conservative states. They had to pass laws to make gender relevant. That isn't going to happen here.
So...what laws are you putting forth to prevent that person from using the Public Restroom?

Would you say this person is normal or would you say this person has very serious psychological issues? Should this person be on the streets or should this person be in a psychological unit getting help with their illness?

Are you under the impression that the only possible categories are "normal" and "mentally ill"?

The world is that black and white to you?

Of course not.

However look at the person in that picture, he wants to become a Dragon, he's had his ears and nose chopped off....would you call this in any way a normal thing to do, is this something that psychologically healthy people do?
In the world of political correctness everything is acceptable except for Christianity...

Ah, go pee in a corner somewhere, Christ lover.

Ah, go pee in a corner somewhere, woman hater

Fixed it
Would you say this person is normal or would you say this person has very serious psychological issues? Should this person be on the streets or should this person be in a psychological unit getting help with their illness?

Are you under the impression that the only possible categories are "normal" and "mentally ill"?

The world is that black and white to you?

Of course not.

However look at the person in that picture, he wants to become a Dragon, he's had his ears and nose chopped off....would you call this in any way a normal thing to do, is this something that psychologically healthy people do?
In the world of political correctness everything is acceptable except for Christianity...

Ah, go pee in a corner somewhere, Christ lover.

Ah, go pee in a corner somewhere, woman hater

Fixed it
It's a desperate PC publicity stunt. Target will lose more customers to Walmart as a result. Bet on it.

That's the point I've been trying to make. All the other posters are having fun with the strawmen of "what is transgender" etc. etc. But now that the word is out, regular people without the time to parse out those debates will know that men are going to use the women's restroom. Given that most of Target's customers are regular dowdy older women or younger skittish girls, they're going to choose to go somewhere else; regardless of what fixed and highly-selective polling is being pumped through the media or into Target corporate headquarters to the contrary. This is where false reality falls short of real reality. And that real reality says "Sell your Target shares...fast..."...
The relevant point being a man, any man, self-diagnosing "as a woman" (there is no such actual diagnosis either in professional or laymen's worlds) can walk into a Target store and follow a woman into the women's bathroom. There is one of three things this will accomplish:

1. An increase in customer visits to Target.

2. No change at all to customer visits to Target.

3. A loss of sales to Target from customers avoiding the store.

If you're an honest person, you know which one is almost certain. (Shareholders, prepare your lawsuit...)
Would you say this person is normal or would you say this person has very serious psychological issues? Should this person be on the streets or should this person be in a psychological unit getting help with their illness?

Are you under the impression that the only possible categories are "normal" and "mentally ill"?

The world is that black and white to you?

Of course not.

However look at the person in that picture, he wants to become a Dragon, he's had his ears and nose chopped off....would you call this in any way a normal thing to do, is this something that psychologically healthy people do?
In the world of political correctness everything is acceptable except for Christianity...

Ah, go pee in a corner somewhere, Christ lover.

Ah, go pee in a corner somewhere, woman hater

Fixed it

Why? There are perfectly good restrooms for them to use.
This is the same POS store that lost my credit card information. I will never go there again...Sears beats their act. Who is in charge over there Donald Duck?
Do you have a cartoon with a grave stone, empty parking lot and buzzards flying around the top of a Target store saying "here lies one of the worst corporate decisions ever"...with a picture of a Wall Mart next door with the lines out the door wrapping around the block and a sign saying "women's restrooms for women only" out front..


The story doesn't end with finality upon Target telling most of its customers recently "you now can expect to see men in your private restrooms". If they had a whit of knowledge about female psychology, they would know that women constantly are apprehensive around men in the best of times, if for no other reason that ones of vanity. The bathroom and showers were their only retreat, to let their hair and cellulite down..lol... and not worry about being leered at or raped. Take that away and you have lost enough customers at Target to force bankruptcy.

Sell sell sell. Or, organize a lawsuit from shareholders when the stocks start to PLUMMET.. and they will...
OK...listen up...prevailing laws already cover some guy coming into the women's restroom....but a transgender who looks female? How are YOU going to determine if he is genetically a man or not? Are you willing to become a Peeping Tom to keep the Transpeople out?

Isn't that the problem.

Should a woman have the right to know? I would think that's a slam dunk.
Ah...so you are suggesting that women in the restroom "have the right to know" the actual naughty parts of everyone else in the restroom with them.

Well, that's an Interesting concept.

When only women populate the room, the naughty bits are known

But you're an idiot, so there's that
Really ? You know this how?

I've been with women.

You should try it some time. It might help your idiocy.....


Well it's fun even though I doubt it would help your idiocy
Buying them doesn't count.
I'll wager that I've been with at least as many women as you have.
A little too much cutty sark there pop ?
That's not the issue.

The only issue is that warped mind of yours
Facts are warped?

When you get a fact, let us all know

Now, your next deflection?
I never deflect.
But you sure as hell are.
undignified for a man of your years.

Lies, lies and more lies.

Good job
Prove I'm lying.
Because people have been assaulted in the communal sink areas and pervs have both climbed over and under stall partitions.

A nine year old girl was murdered in a women's restroom in Nevada by a man who sneaked in. Now they don't have to sneak.

Was the killer a transgendered person?
Don't think she will answer.

You don't run my life.

No the killer was a nice looking young man who might have killed someone else. He went into the women's room intending to kill someone. He had to sneak in. Now he can just walk in.
How does one "sneak into" a public bathroom?

Well if it's a man intending to kill a woman, he would sneak in, this is because there could be 20 women in the bathroom, so it's unlikely a killer would want an audience is it?

^Imagine the nightmares our adolescents are going to have sharing the public restroom with it^

So...what laws are you putting forth to prevent that person from using the Public Restroom?

Would you say this person is normal or would you say this person has very serious psychological issues? Should this person be on the streets or should this person be in a psychological unit getting help with their illness?
define normal ?
Are you under the impression that the only possible categories are "normal" and "mentally ill"?

The world is that black and white to you?

Of course not.

However look at the person in that picture, he wants to become a Dragon, he's had his ears and nose chopped off....would you call this in any way a normal thing to do, is this something that psychologically healthy people do?
In the world of political correctness everything is acceptable except for Christianity...

Yes everything is acceptable except Christianity, Christians are "bigots" apparently, say those who say things like "go piss in a corner, Christ lover", those people aren't bigots apparently.

Oh, you poor pitiful persecuted Christians.

Stop whining, you sound like a SJW.
the greatest trick Christianity ever did is convincing the ignorant that a devil exists.
It's not the published people avoiding Target that's the worry...as I said, their main customer base is older women and younger women...both of which spend great deals of time in bathrooms preening and tending to bodily issues. If they believe, silently, as not part of an official protest, that there will be a man lurking in a Target bathroom at any given time THEY WILL opt for another department store...there are so damned many of them.

First off, you have no idea what the primary demographic of Target shoppers are. You're just making shit up. And you have no idea how long they spend in the bathrooms. You're just making shit up.

When women themselves are asked, more support allowing transgender women use the ladies room than oppose it. So you ignore the women.....and cling to whatever shit you make up.

But why would we or any business give a shit about the silly nonsense you tell yourself?

You should sell your Target shares now. You'll have to eventually anyway as they approach bankruptcy, so might as well ditch them now while they're still worth something....silent protests will kill a store...

Just like we should expect Trump to lose New York badly as you predicted a few days ago.

Remember, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

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