Transgender Thugs Who Pose With Guns Should Be Considered A Terroristic Threat

Sure you care. You're talking about putting gay people in prison camps, and your fellow DemoKKKrats here are 100% on board with that. Just like they were 100% on board with your calls to imprison and execute unvaccinated Americans. Just like they were 100% on board with your support for cops killing unarmed women. You're in a death cult.
Not prison camps.....mental hospitals where they undergo conversion therapy so they can be normal...instead of deranged Demonic pedophiles....why are you against this?
If you think trannies with guns and threatening vengeance against Christians isn't a terrorist threat -- then you are a Democrat

Tim McVeigh was a terrorist too so was the Unabomber why don't you want to outlaw people like them?

You have a flaw in your premise because you are using that broad brush you like so much
Not prison camps.....mental hospitals where they undergo conversion therapy so they can be normal...instead of deranged Demonic pedophiles....why are you against this?

Either way, you've got 100% support from your fellow DemoKKKrats. When do you put the plan into action? After your next school shooting?
I don't really care if someone wants to dress up like a woman or be a woman, or vice versa....

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At one time, you folks didn't either...the problem ended up losing the culture war to treat gays like mentally ill second class this is like the only thing you really got going ....

Now, will Conservatives back down like they did on gays -- or insist trans people are mentally ill and start imposing their will on them?
We don't have to insist on anything.
Transsexuals are mentally ill & denying this only enables their delusions while ignoring obvious cries for help.

Now you can try on another dress & tell yourself you're a normal person Buffy. Knock yourself out.
Just don't expect me to enable you're psychosis
Anyone willing to get off there political party propaganda soap box
and look around at what is happing with young people in America?
Anyone willing to get off there political party propaganda soap box
and look around at what is happing with young people in America?

There's a large contingent of our population that has no problem with what's happening with young people in America. In fact, they're encouraging and rewarding it. YOU need to decide which side of that issue you want to be on.
Just a reminder of a time before conservatives allowed the "woke left" to bully them from their position....

"Freud himself had explicitly stated by 1935 that homosexuality was not an illness and strongly discouraged attempts to treat it; nevertheless, by the 1950s, his theories were widely misappropriated by conservative American and émigré psychiatrists vested in reaffirming the heterosexual, breadwinner-homemaker household in the wake of World War II. With the popularization of behavioral therapies in the 1960s and ’70s also came new attempts to treat homosexuality, in the form of “aversion” therapies, including electric shocks"

You had a chance to stop all of this if you had just stood your ground and insisted on shock therapy for fags....but instead, you got weak.......but hopefully this time, breaking out the "mental illness" trope will stop those trannies at least....
Methinks you're a bit nuts.

Just sayin....

I'd like to make this perfectly clear to the disaffected among us like Stormlover

I'll speak only for myself, although I'm aware of like minded sentiment.

It's not the trannies I'm after, it's the leftards who manipulate them.

Trannies are generally shy by nature, because they're different, and because of the way they're treated.

This business of converting a shy, scared individual into a screaming political activist is extremely detrimental to trannies themselves, not to mention society in general.

These shy uncomfortable people are being MANIPULATED by others who really don't give a shit about their well being. Dishonest political hacks are turning honest trannies into monsters.

This crap has to stop! These are PEOPLE, they're not political playthings.

Look at this fucking moron Biden, hiring a tranny for his LOOKS, who thereafter becomes so detached that he starts stealing other peoples' clothing. That's the kind of emotional pressure libtards bring to the table for these people, it's destructive for both the individual and for society.
Methinks you're a bit nuts.

Just sayin....

I'd like to make this perfectly clear to the disaffected among us like Stormlover

I'll speak only for myself, although I'm aware of like minded sentiment.

It's not the trannies I'm after, it's the leftards who manipulate them.

Trannies are generally shy by nature, because they're different, and because of the way they're treated.

This business of converting a shy, scared individual into a screaming political activist is extremely detrimental to trannies themselves, not to mention society in general.

These shy uncomfortable people are being MANIPULATED by others who really don't give a shit about their well being. Dishonest political hacks are turning honest trannies into monsters.

This crap has to stop! These are PEOPLE, they're not political playthings.

Look at this fucking moron Biden, hiring a tranny for his LOOKS, who thereafter becomes so detached that he starts stealing other peoples' clothing. That's the kind of emotional pressure libtards bring to the table for these people, it's destructive for both the individual and for society.

Good points. Trans people are by far the most radicalized population in our country. They are indeed being used by the left as a suicide battalion.
Methinks you're a bit nuts.

Just sayin....

I'd like to make this perfectly clear to the disaffected among us like Stormlover

I'll speak only for myself, although I'm aware of like minded sentiment.

It's not the trannies I'm after, it's the leftards who manipulate them.

Trannies are generally shy by nature, because they're different, and because of the way they're treated.

This business of converting a shy, scared individual into a screaming political activist is extremely detrimental to trannies themselves, not to mention society in general.

These shy uncomfortable people are being MANIPULATED by others who really don't give a shit about their well being. Dishonest political hacks are turning honest trannies into monsters.

This crap has to stop! These are PEOPLE, they're not political playthings.

Look at this fucking moron Biden, hiring a tranny for his LOOKS, who thereafter becomes so detached that he starts stealing other peoples' clothing. That's the kind of emotional pressure libtards bring to the table for these people, it's destructive for both the individual and for society.
So trannies are shy -- but also bold enough to dress as women in public and scare folks like you to death?

Trannies are shy -- but also the most deadliest threat to the country in American history?

Why is it when you are forced to identify the so-called threat -- and put names to them -- you back down or try to create some other phantom group to scapegoat?

When you folks say "no no, it's the left" -- these aren't fantasy people...they why not do something to them instead of whining?
So now wearing a shirt with a picture of a gun on it counts as “posing with a gun”?
This does, pay attention to the middle

At one time, you folks didn't either...the problem

Drag queens used to be a joke. Something people laughed at because it was so ridiculous. They were men dressing up as women to mock women. I never cared for that type of comedy.

Now we have transgender freaks who want to groom children into becoming transgender freaks just like them. Not something comedic drag queens seem to do. Of course you want to conflate the two in order to make it appear we are being hypocritical. But in the end you just expose yourself as a dishonest fool.
What's the point of background checks if dangerous degenerates suffering from mental illness are excluded for political reasons? Gun grabbing scum need to get their house in order or admit the whole process is designed with power and control as the goal with no regards to public safety.
So trannies are shy -- but also bold enough to dress as women in public and scare folks like you to death?

Trannies are shy -- but also the most deadliest threat to the country in American history?

Why is it when you are forced to identify the so-called threat -- and put names to them -- you back down or try to create some other phantom group to scapegoat?

When you folks say "no no, it's the left" -- these aren't fantasy people...they why not do something to them instead of whining?

You've already suggested several "final solutions" to the problem. Your fellow DemoKKKrats are 100% aligned, so when do you start?

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