Trayvon Martin And The Right To Be Left Alone...

We also have the witness.

dumb ass

Really? Thus far, all I have seen is that someone said the kid was on top. Not that the kid confronted Zimmerman. And the experts are stating that Zimmerman was not the one screaming for help.

There are accounts that go back and forth, what makes zimmermans account of events believable was the evidence. To further highlight that point, no immediate arrest was made.

All you have is a desire to convict someone based on a news account.

The investigating officer wanted to make an arrest for manslaughter and was prevented from doing that.
You are making the assumptions that Zimmerman acted inappropriately by pursuing Martin and your assumption Martin intervened.
No evidence whatsoever of that but you have made that conclusion.

If Zimmerman pursued Martin, he acted inappropriately based upon NW protocols.

If he intervened with Martin, that was also inappropriate based upon NW protocols.

I'm not sure why he exited his vehicle in proximity to Martin, but according to NW protocols, he should not have done so.

These are my only assumptions, and they are based upon thorougly understanding the role of NW volunteers. I've also provided you with evidence of this.

You can continue to misstate my position, if you wish, but that would be stupid.

'NW Protocols' are not the law, so it really doesn't matter whether he followed them or not in a court of law. As to why he got out of his vehicle, the obvious answer is that he couldn't follow Martin that way to let the police know where he was once they got there. You always allude to sinister motivation on the part of Zimmerman, it's somewhat obvious that you're biased against him. ;)

he was told NOT to follow...

i'd say that it's obvious you think it's ok that he hunted an unarmed kid.
News flash to the uninformed here: Zimmerman HAS a concealed weapons permit.
That trumps any and all civilian police "guidelines" stating they "should" not have a weapon.
Anyone that works on a community watch without being armed has to be beyond stupid.
"Hey Moe, we have been robbed many times in our neighborhood and we want you to be on guard watching for other burglars. But do not bring a weapon"
I am sure there will be a long line of volunteers.
Some people live in LAH LAH LAND.

Damn!!!!!!!!! Your post is beyond stupid. Almost all NW's forbid the carrying of weopons. Your job is to report suspicious events to the police, not act as police.

My post is THE LAW, which is stupid to folks that want to ignore the law and live their lives based on their ideology.
We are a nation of LAW, not you and your ideology.
If he was acting like the police that is impersonating a police officer.
Kindly show me some evidence that Zimmerman was charged with that. Otherwise read your post again and tell me with a straight face your post is not the one beyond stupid.
Zimmerman had a license to carry that weapon.
I would be the first to argue from past nuisance 911 calls that possibly he should NOT have that license but he LEGALLY carried the gun.
Again, anyone that works on a community watch in a high crime area WITHOUT a weapon is a damn fool.
If Zimmerman pursued Martin, he acted inappropriately based upon NW protocols.

If he intervened with Martin, that was also inappropriate based upon NW protocols.

I'm not sure why he exited his vehicle in proximity to Martin, but according to NW protocols, he should not have done so.

These are my only assumptions, and they are based upon thorougly understanding the role of NW volunteers. I've also provided you with evidence of this.

You can continue to misstate my position, if you wish, but that would be stupid.

'NW Protocols' are not the law, so it really doesn't matter whether he followed them or not in a court of law. As to why he got out of his vehicle, the obvious answer is that he couldn't follow Martin that way to let the police know where he was once they got there. You always allude to sinister motivation on the part of Zimmerman, it's somewhat obvious that you're biased against him. ;)

he was told NOT to follow...

i'd say that it's obvious you think it's ok that he hunted an unarmed kid.

Obviously you can't be taken seriously on this issue... :cuckoo:
If Zimmerman pursued Martin, he acted inappropriately based upon NW protocols.

If he intervened with Martin, that was also inappropriate based upon NW protocols.

I'm not sure why he exited his vehicle in proximity to Martin, but according to NW protocols, he should not have done so.

These are my only assumptions, and they are based upon thorougly understanding the role of NW volunteers. I've also provided you with evidence of this.

You can continue to misstate my position, if you wish, but that would be stupid.

'NW Protocols' are not the law, so it really doesn't matter whether he followed them or not in a court of law. As to why he got out of his vehicle, the obvious answer is that he couldn't follow Martin that way to let the police know where he was once they got there. You always allude to sinister motivation on the part of Zimmerman, it's somewhat obvious that you're biased against him. ;)

he was told NOT to follow...

i'd say that it's obvious you think it's ok that he hunted an unarmed kid.

Quit reading the BS media.
"You do not have to do that" is NOT being told NOT to follow.
First, Zimmerman was NOT on neighborhood watch duty the night of the shooting. He was in his vehicle on a personal errand on a cold rainy night.

Neighborhood watch doesn't operate on shifts. It teaches people in their neighborhood how to observe and report suspicious activities. As a NW Captain, Zimmerman had access to a non-emergency number that he used to report Mr. Martin's suspicious activity.
Really? Thus far, all I have seen is that someone said the kid was on top. Not that the kid confronted Zimmerman. And the experts are stating that Zimmerman was not the one screaming for help.

There are accounts that go back and forth, what makes zimmermans account of events believable was the evidence. To further highlight that point, no immediate arrest was made.

All you have is a desire to convict someone based on a news account.

The investigating officer wanted to make an arrest for manslaughter and was prevented from doing that.

One of them was, yes. And I believe that is STILL the appropriate charge and would have been if the crime lab would have been allowed to get their report in to the DA before the circus came to town there.
2nd degree murder is an absurd charge. As I stated here many times this is a manslaughter case at best. I stated a dozen times here weeks ago this is a 10 year plea case with 1-3 to do. UNLESS there is evidence Zimmerman just gunned him down.
Which I believe did not happen.
But the Stand Your Ground Law, which I, law enforcement and prosecutors DO NOT like IS THE LAW and applied Zimmerman most likely walks IF Martin hits him first.
No matter if Zimmerman pursued him, walked up to him and stated "why are you here".
Stand Your Ground and even common law gives no one the right to attack someone that has followed you, pursued you and asked you a question.
But NONE OF US KNOW what really happened other than the fact that Zimmerman just did not pull out the gun and shoot him. The shooting after the struggle on the ground with martin on top. That is not in dispute. But maybe Martin was provoked and Zimmerman attempted to restrain him. Then Martin has every right to try to get away and hit Zimmerman.
"If" is the word here. None of us know but the "Zimmerman is the guilty one" mentality is ALSO WRONG.
Really? Thus far, all I have seen is that someone said the kid was on top. Not that the kid confronted Zimmerman. And the experts are stating that Zimmerman was not the one screaming for help.

There are accounts that go back and forth, what makes zimmermans account of events believable was the evidence. To further highlight that point, no immediate arrest was made.

All you have is a desire to convict someone based on a news account.

all your recitation does is illustrate why there needs to be a trial and why the police failed in investigating the matter properly.

The trial has come about because of outside influence and intentional manipulation by the media.
If someone followed and then chased me, I'd take action.

Dick Tuck is a criminal

How many times do I have to point out that you are not allowed to attack someone because they ask you a question. You can just ignore them & not reply.

Likewise you can't attack someone for following you or because they have a gun. Open carry guns is legal in Florida.
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'NW Protocols' are not the law, so it really doesn't matter whether he followed them or not in a court of law. As to why he got out of his vehicle, the obvious answer is that he couldn't follow Martin that way to let the police know where he was once they got there. You always allude to sinister motivation on the part of Zimmerman, it's somewhat obvious that you're biased against him. ;)

he was told NOT to follow...

i'd say that it's obvious you think it's ok that he hunted an unarmed kid.

Quit reading the BS media.
"You do not have to do that" is NOT being told NOT to follow.

what are you babbling about?

he absolutely was told not to follow. the EXACT words were "we don't need you to do that".

maybe you should start reading actual news sources instead of rightwingnut blogs.
If it were your 17 year old son who was profiled, stalked, chased, and killed by a black male, who had just went to pick up Skittles and iced tea from a store, your position would be 180 degrees. Don't lie to yourselves.
If someone followed and then chased me, I'd take action.

DickHead is a criminal

How many times do I have to point out that you are not allowed to attack someone because they ask you a question. You can just assert your 5th amendment rights & not reply.

Likewise you can't attack someone for following you or because they have a gun. Open carry guns is legal in Florida.

who is dickhead?

the 5th amendment only applies to governmental inquiries. and even there, only to inquiries made in the course of criminal investigation. there is no 5th amendment privilege in civil matters. if you stop me on the street and i don't answer you. you have no right to follow me and make me feel threatened.

and you don't get to create a problem and then claim the right to "stand your ground" when the person tries to defend themselves from YOU.
First, Zimmerman was NOT on neighborhood watch duty the night of the shooting. He was in his vehicle on a personal errand on a cold rainy night.

Neighborhood watch doesn't operate on shifts. It teaches people in their neighborhood how to observe and report suspicious activities. As a NW Captain, Zimmerman had access to a non-emergency number that he used to report Mr. Martin's suspicious activity.

Those who volunteer for neighborhood watch patrol DO operate on shifts. At leaast they have in every organized and active neighborhood watch program we have participated in. Both my husband and I have volunteered for that duty from time to time. But yes, even off duty, responsible citizens still report suspicious activity whether or not they volunteer for neighborhood watch patrols. In our current neighborhood it isn't an all the time thing, but on nights where mischief is likely, like on Halloween night, our patrols activate. The last time somebody put a firecracker in our mailbox, the patrol saw him and followed him home and confronted him and his parents.

Zimmerman was NOT instructed not to follow Martin. When he advised Dispatch that he was following him, the Dispatcher said "we don't need you to do that." And Zimmerman, according to his statement, broke off pursuit at that point and was returning to his vehicle. Can any of the armchair detectives here say for certain that he did not? Or that he did for that matter?

All that has absolutely nothing to do whether you have the right to be walking along a public street in a neighborhood where you don't live, in the dark, in the rain, and not have somebody think that you look out of place and report you as a possibly suspicious person.
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If someone followed and then chased me, I'd take action.

DickHead is a criminal

How many times do I have to point out that you are not allowed to attack someone because they ask you a question. You can just assert your 5th amendment rights & not reply.

Likewise you can't attack someone for following you or because they have a gun. Open carry guns is legal in Florida.

Except moron, the fact is documented that Zimmerman profiled, stalked, and chased Martin. All you have is "white advocate" speculation. I think you're nothing more than racist scum, who personally likes to see kids murdered because of their melanin content.
he was told NOT to follow...

i'd say that it's obvious you think it's ok that he hunted an unarmed kid.

Quit reading the BS media.
"You do not have to do that" is NOT being told NOT to follow.

what are you babbling about?

he absolutely was told not to follow. the EXACT words were "we don't need you to do that".

maybe you should start reading actual news sources instead of rightwingnut blogs.

I do not read blogs like you do or am right wing.
They have NO authority to tell him what to do in his own neighborhood if he is not breaking the law.
That is your problem. You do not even know the law.
Show me where Zimmerman is charged with disobeying a lawful police command.
Show us or close the pie hole. Put up or shut up.
Thought so, you have nothing and you know it.
It is all in your imagination sweetie but the facts are not anywhere close to what you are claiming.
He was never given a police command "DO NOT PURSUE'.
Never. If he was he would be charged with a crime.
This was my take before Al Sharpton came to town and the family started selling DVDs:
1. Man with gun shoots and kills young man.
Then the media started posting 6th grade photos of Martin instead of the many they had of him at age 17 and in the 12th grade.
2. Incident report clearly states evidence collected and sent to crime lab. No charges to date. Would I be upset over this if I was the family? Hell yes and did they do anything wrong yelling about that? Hell no. Would have done the same thing. But they were told that the crime lab reports take months and months sometimes. Should they have charged him. Probably yes but that MEANS NOTHING.
This was my take before Al Sharpton came to town and the family started selling DVDs:
1. Man with gun shoots and kills young man.
Then the media started posting 6th grade photos of Martin instead of the many they had of him at age 17 and in the 12th grade.
2. Incident report clearly states evidence collected and sent to crime lab. No charges to date. Would I be upset over this if I was the family? Hell yes and did they do anything wrong yelling about that? Hell no. Would have done the same thing. But they were told that the crime lab reports take months and months sometimes. Should they have charged him. Probably yes but that MEANS NOTHING.

The only fact that you've presented is that a 17 year old kid was murdered.
1. Man with gun shoots and kills young man.
Then the media started posting 6th grade photos of Martin instead of the many they had of him at age 17 and in the 12th grade.
2. Incident report clearly states evidence collected and sent to crime lab. No charges to date. Would I be upset over this if I was the family? Hell yes and did they do anything wrong yelling about that? Hell no. Would have done the same thing. But they were told that the crime lab reports take months and months sometimes. Should they have charged him. Probably yes but that MEANS NOTHING.

The media's insistence on using a old photo is a drop in the ocean of the media bias on this case, which is the same bias the media has all the time.

Why should the police have charged Zimmerman in the first place? Zimmerman called 911 and was assaulted, before he shot the African. There is no evidence this wasn't self-defense and a fair amount of evidence that it was self-defense.

If I had raised a piece of shit like Trayvon, I'd first repent and then I'd apologize to Mr. Zimmerman that my flesh-and-blood assaulted him.
This was my take before Al Sharpton came to town and the family started selling DVDs:
1. Man with gun shoots and kills young man.
Then the media started posting 6th grade photos of Martin instead of the many they had of him at age 17 and in the 12th grade.
2. Incident report clearly states evidence collected and sent to crime lab. No charges to date. Would I be upset over this if I was the family? Hell yes and did they do anything wrong yelling about that? Hell no. Would have done the same thing. But they were told that the crime lab reports take months and months sometimes. Should they have charged him. Probably yes but that MEANS NOTHING.

The only fact that you've presented is that a 17 year old kid was murdered.

You did not see the 6th grade photos that media had out of Martin for a month?
Incident report clearly stated evidence sent to crime lab.
Crime labs due to massive drug case backlog can take as long as 6 months to forward results to the DA's office.
Are you stupid or something?

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