Treason At Pearl Harbor.


Active Member
May 18, 2024
The big problem with history written by the victors is that everything else, such as the truth, becomes a "conspiracy theory." But the truth of the matter is that FDR knew well in advance when the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor. Making all of the servicemen who died in the attack suckers. If I were a ghost of any of those killed there, I wouldn't have the least interest in any "honor" you may pay me and the others who died. I would be more interested in JUSTICE! Such as by having the real story come out. I will show you a number of websites that show that FDR knew well in advance what the Japanese were planning on doing and when. The first two bring up what cryptographers themselves had to say. This first one is from a letter written by somebody named Lietwiler to Parke. The really telling part of it is it speaking of the Japanese naval code. It says, "By November 16, 1941 (Manila time) Lietweiler informed Parke that he was "reading enough current traffic to keep two translators very busy." Here is the website.

Pearl Harbor Document: Letter from Leitweiler to Parke: The...

Obviously, it was in FDR's best interest to keep this information as secret as possible. And it is still being kept secret. For any cryptographers back then, it was in their best interest to shut up about the matter. In this next website it speaks of another cryptographer named William Friedman. Though what he had to say came from what his wife had to say on the matter. Probably after his death. I would assume it is what happened when they both heard about the 'surprise" attack on Pearl Harbor. He paced back and forth in their home and muttered to himself repeatedly, "But they knew, they knew, they knew." Here is the website that speaks of it and other matters.

Eighty Years of Lies: President... - CovertAction Magazine

This next website posts a quote that was stated by an army board of inquiry in 1944. It says, "...everything that the Japanese were planning to do was known to the United States..." Here is the website.

Pearl Harbor - Mother of All Conspiracies

Here is another website for you on the matter.

81 Years After Pearl Harbor, We... - The Free Thought Project

There was no intelligence network in the United States during the FDR presidency. The prevailing government opinion was that the Japanese were little yellow savages who couldn't build a ship that would float or a plane that would fly. FDR's dementia and social bias might have caused his bad decision to invite an attack so the U.S. could overcome anti-war sentiment in the U.S. and get into the real war in Europe. COS Marshall was credited with a photographic memory but he claimed that he could not remember where he was on the night of Dec. 6 1941. When he arrived uncharacteristically late for work his frantic staffers gave him the decoded message that implied an imminent Japanese attack. He read and re-read and re-re-read the decoded transcript until the message center went out for some reason. Instead of picking up a phone and calling Pearl Harbor Marshall sent a Western Union telegram that arrived about the same time as the Japanese Zeroes.
lol not this idiot rubbish yet again.
It is an absolute fact that the Japanese code was broken well before Pearl Harbor

At best, you can only speculate that the Japanese did not send any messages before the attack to defend the notion that FDR did not know the attack was coming. I highly doubt that was the case though.

Trouble is, history tells us that FDR used the same device that broke the code a few months later at Midway to route the Japanese in a victory.

There is a conundrum of sorts when breaking a code during war time. If you know what you enemy will do at every turn and take actions to fight them off at every turn, then they will conclude that you must have broken their code and change it or find another way to communicate. You are then in far more danger in future conflict.

However, if you allow some devastation by not responding to their every code, they will assume you have not broken their code and continue with it. So, you let the Japanese have some victories so long as you don't let them win the war.

Thus, it certainly becomes an interesting ethical dilemma regarding ignoring certain codes that cost people their lives so that you will ultimately win the war.
It is an absolute fact that the Japanese code was broken well before Pearl Harbor

At best, you can only speculate that the Japanese did not send any messages before the attack to defend the notion that FDR did not know the attack was coming. I highly doubt that was the case though.

Trouble is, history tells us that FDR used the same device that broke the code a few months later at Midway to route the Japanese in a victory.

There is a conundrum of sorts when breaking a code during war time. If you know what you enemy will do at every turn and take actions to fight them off at every turn, then they will conclude that you must have broken their code and change it or find another way to communicate. You are then in far more danger in future conflict.

However, if you allow some devastation by not responding to their every code, they will assume you have not broken their code and continue with it. So, you let the Japanese have some victories so long as you don't let them win the war.

Thus, it certainly becomes an interesting ethical dilemma regarding ignoring certain codes that cost people their lives so that you will ultimately win the war.
The Japan DIPLOMATIC code was broken. JN 25, the naval code was still somewhat secure in the run up to Midway six months later. Thats why the deception message about Midway’s desalination plant being down was sent in plain language so the code breakers had a known specific fact to use in their translation.
It is an absolute fact that the Japanese code was broken well before Pearl Harbor

At best, you can only speculate that the Japanese did not send any messages before the attack to defend the notion that FDR did not know the attack was coming. I highly doubt that was the case though.

Trouble is, history tells us that FDR used the same device that broke the code a few months later at Midway to route the Japanese in a victory.

There is a conundrum of sorts when breaking a code during war time. If you know what you enemy will do at every turn and take actions to fight them off at every turn, then they will conclude that you must have broken their code and change it or find another way to communicate. You are then in far more danger in future conflict.

However, if you allow some devastation by not responding to their every code, they will assume you have not broken their code and continue with it. So, you let the Japanese have some victories so long as you don't let them win the war.

Thus, it certainly becomes an interesting ethical dilemma regarding ignoring certain codes that cost people their lives so that you will ultimately win the war.

Topic has been beat to death many times already, and the silly myths exploded. Repeating the stuff over and over and over again doesn't make it become true, same as with holocaust denial or any other smear job and fake history.
There was no intelligence network in the United States during the FDR presidency. The prevailing government opinion was that the Japanese were little yellow savages who couldn't build a ship that would float or a plane that would fly. FDR's dementia and social bias might have caused his bad decision to invite an attack so the U.S. could overcome anti-war sentiment in the U.S. and get into the real war in Europe. COS Marshall was credited with a photographic memory but he claimed that he could not remember where he was on the night of Dec. 6 1941. When he arrived uncharacteristically late for work his frantic staffers gave him the decoded message that implied an imminent Japanese attack. He read and re-read and re-re-read the decoded transcript until the message center went out for some reason. Instead of picking up a phone and calling Pearl Harbor Marshall sent a Western Union telegram that arrived about the same time as the Japanese Zeroes.

Reptilean space aliens made them do it.
There was no intelligence network in the United States during the FDR presidency. The prevailing government opinion was that the Japanese were little yellow savages who couldn't build a ship that would float or a plane that would fly. FDR's dementia and social bias might have caused his bad decision to invite an attack so the U.S. could overcome anti-war sentiment in the U.S. and get into the real war in Europe. COS Marshall was credited with a photographic memory but he claimed that he could not remember where he was on the night of Dec. 6 1941. When he arrived uncharacteristically late for work his frantic staffers gave him the decoded message that implied an imminent Japanese attack. He read and re-read and re-re-read the decoded transcript until the message center went out for some reason. Instead of picking up a phone and calling Pearl Harbor Marshall sent a Western Union telegram that arrived about the same time as the Japanese Zeroes.

I see there is no sense in speaking to you. But just for your information, there have probably been intelligence networks for as long as humans have been warring. Next, the U.S. wasn't that stupid. The Japanese navy beat the Russian navy in 1905. Nobody would have underestimated the Japanese. Maybe if you actually read the websites I gave links to, you might learn something.
Problem is will we ever know for sure? like so many other events in history, the Kennedy assassination comes to mind.

When it comes to the attack on Pearl Harbor, we do know for sure. The government will deny it and keep things secret. But now and then enough truth slips out to let people know that the attack wasn't a surprise.
It is an absolute fact that the Japanese code was broken well before Pearl Harbor

At best, you can only speculate that the Japanese did not send any messages before the attack to defend the notion that FDR did not know the attack was coming. I highly doubt that was the case though.

Trouble is, history tells us that FDR used the same device that broke the code a few months later at Midway to route the Japanese in a victory.

There is a conundrum of sorts when breaking a code during war time. If you know what you enemy will do at every turn and take actions to fight them off at every turn, then they will conclude that you must have broken their code and change it or find another way to communicate. You are then in far more danger in future conflict.

However, if you allow some devastation by not responding to their every code, they will assume you have not broken their code and continue with it. So, you let the Japanese have some victories so long as you don't let them win the war.

Thus, it certainly becomes an interesting ethical dilemma regarding ignoring certain codes that cost people their lives so that you will ultimately win the war.
The Japanese diplomatic code was broken but not the military code. It was called "Magic" and only a handful of people including COS Marshall had access to it. Too many coincidences with Marshall being uncharacteristically late for work on the Day of Infamy and even with a photographic memory he couldn't remember where he was the night before. The US military message center went down just when Marshall had the decoded message in his hand and the Hawaii radar station malfunctioned. The critical Aircraft Carriers were conveniently at sea while the antiquated Battleships were sitting ducks.
Topic has been beat to death many times already, and the silly myths exploded. Repeating the stuff over and over and over again doesn't make it become true, same as with holocaust denial or any other smear job and fake history.
Putin done it
Rubbish? Along with everything else, the cryptographers I spoke of were there. Where were you. As for "yet again," is there another thread along these lines? Tell me where it is or what it is called so I can look it up.

Only at least a dozen or so, and in this sub-forum. Doesn't matter because your rubbish isn't any better.
I see there is no sense in speaking to you. But just for your information, there have probably been intelligence networks for as long as humans have been warring. Next, the U.S. wasn't that stupid. The Japanese navy beat the Russian navy in 1905. Nobody would have underestimated the Japanese. Maybe if you actually read the websites I gave links to, you might learn something.
Everybody underestimated the Japanese. The Russians were a fourth rate navy in 1905 and were so bad they almost started a war with the UK by firing on fishing boats. Claire Chennault was warning the Army brass about the quality of the Japanese pilots and aircraft and they ignored him. The British thought that the Buffalo which they rated as totally unsuited for European combat would dominate the Japanese fighters. I could go on and on about the constant underestimation of the Japanese in 1941.
Everybody underestimated the Japanese. The Russians were a fourth rate navy in 1905 and were so bad they almost started a war with the UK by firing on fishing boats. Claire Chennault was warning the Army brass about the quality of the Japanese pilots and aircraft and they ignored him. The British thought that the Buffalo which they rated as totally unsuited for European combat would dominate the Japanese fighters. I could go on and on about the constant underestimation of the Japanese in 1941.
When they underestimated the Japs some of it would have been based on racism, nonsense like their pilots can't fly at night because of their bad eye sight, as for their army i have known some British vets who fought them in Burma, one i knew was at the battle of Kohima, they all said the same the Japs were very good soldiers but it was based on fanaticism, hard to fight men who actually embrace death, glad to say our guys obliged them.
Battle of Kohima
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Everybody underestimated the Japanese. The Russians were a fourth rate navy in 1905 and were so bad they almost started a war with the UK by firing on fishing boats. Claire Chennault was warning the Army brass about the quality of the Japanese pilots and aircraft and they ignored him. The British thought that the Buffalo which they rated as totally unsuited for European combat would dominate the Japanese fighters. I could go on and on about the constant underestimation of the Japanese in 1941.

I have some information for you that may shock you. You may not believe it. But I will tell you anyway. Those in charge of the various branches of our military were far from fools. They may have been politically motivated. But they knew what they were doing. I will also tell you the same thing I told whitehall. Take the time to read the websites I gave links to. That should change your opinion.
The world had many years of experience with Japanese industrial development and military expertise; nobody important thought them totally incompetent or harmless, despite all the sniveling about 'racism n stuff' that is popular today with assorted halfwits with high self-esteem and no critical thinking skills. It was their own previous successes and racism that got them defeated, same as with every other amoral 'master race' cult in history. Nothing new there.

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