Treasury Secretary Mnuchin refuses to release Trump's tax returns

The IRS has determined the demands for Trump's returns are political theater and not legit.
Years of court battles to follow. :D

Treasury Department rejects Democrats' request for Trump tax returns
Trump has to shroud himself in secrecy or go to prison.
Or so you need to believe.

Petulant Democrat curiosity is not a valid reason to pierce any Americans' privacy but you can hang on the the very slim hope the unhinged crybabies will win in court ... someday. :lol:
Suspicion of criminal activity and treason sure are
What "criminal activity?"
Not true and Trump is right to defend every American's 4th Amendment protection against unwarranted search & seizure.

Let me help a moron like you....since I'm a nice guy.......

Why did Trump call on Russia to hack Hillary's emails???? (you know, Russia if yo're listening???"......and "I love Wikileaks")..........Since Trump is such a defender of the 4th Amendment....WHY THE FUCK DID HE ASK OTHERS TO VIOLATE HILLARY'S PRIVACY???

Let me help a moron like YOU - again. You don't get to declare, "This is what happened, and this is what he did" any more after you got the investigation you demanded and it didn't agree with you.

Desperation. If your butt hurt as much and for as long (30 months) as Nat's you'd be feeling pretty hysterical as well.
Trump has to shroud himself in secrecy or go to prison.

What secret in his tax returns would result in jail time?
What if he claimed that he took a 10 million deduction for work performed & that contractor see it & says bullshit?

Or he claims income from one investment at 1 million & he had borrowed money at a bank & listed that income as 50 million.
And you think the IRS would let that slide...
THIS IRS.....? Depends on what donnie has on Mnuchin.
Mnuchin is clearly breaking federal law by not releasing Trump's tax returns to Congress. It isn't optional - it's the law.

Let these morons hire expensive lawyer to bilk them on a fool's errand to fight it in court.

The law is CLEAR.....The IRS "SHALL" release the tax returns........the verb shall is unequivocal........and if they argue with that verb....remind them that its also used in the 2nd Amendment......that usually shuts them up quick.

The law is even clearer when you're not cherrypicking the parts you want.

From YOUR OWN LINK, shithead:

IRC 6103(d) provides that return information may be shared with state agencies responsible for tax administration.
IRC 6103(i)(1) provides that, pursuant to court order, return information may be shared with law enforcement agencies for investigation and prosecution of non-tax criminal laws.
IRC 6103(k)(6) allows the IRS to make limited disclosures of return information in the course of official tax administration investigations to third parties if necessary to obtain information that is not otherwise reasonably available.
IRC 6103(l)(1) provides that return information related to taxes imposed under chapters 2, 21, and 24 may be disclosed to the Social Security Administration (SSA) as needed to carry out its responsibilities under the Social Security Act.
IRC 6103(e)(6) and (c) provide for disclosures to powers of attorney and other designees.

Which one of those is Congress? And by the way, I note that NONE of those contains the word "shall", so by all means, show us where your HIGHLY edited quote comes from.
Trump has to shroud himself in secrecy or go to prison.

What secret in his tax returns would result in jail time?
What if he claimed that he took a 10 million deduction for work performed & that contractor see it & says bullshit?

Or he claims income from one investment at 1 million & he had borrowed money at a bank & listed that income as 50 million.
And you think the IRS would let that slide...
THIS IRS.....? Depends on what donnie has on Mnuchin.
No it doesn't, dumbass. Mnuchin doesn't do Trump's taxes.
They know nothing of the rule of law, our constitutional rights to due process and presumption of innocence, or the 4th Amendment

NItwit,,,,,,,,,,if the 4th Amendment did not list a bunch of reasons why it is NOT absolute.....every drug dealer in the US would be cheering idiots like you on.

READ... COMPREHEND..... LEARN...the law instead of relying on Hannity for all your "education"

26 U.S. Code § 6103
Nowhere did I mention or quote Hannity and nothing you believe supersedes "the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." Yeah … even those named Trump enjoy our 4th Amendment protections and unless and until Hysterical House Dems or some other flaming loons can convince a judge that they have probable cause y'all are just pissin' into the wind.

BTW, why do you suppose no one has even attempted to enforce your fantasies in a court of law and get a warrant but instead have tried all manner of end arounds?

Hint: your butt-hurt may be painful for you but it's not gonna impress a judge.
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This is pretty much a no brainer. The following is most likely why Trump is petrified of releasing his tax returns:

He pays no taxes, or
He is heavily into Russia financially, or
He ain't nearly as wealthy as he claims, or the BIGGIE,


You ain't got to be a rocket scientist folks with this idiot.
Trump has to shroud himself in secrecy or go to prison.

What secret in his tax returns would result in jail time?
What if he claimed that he took a 10 million deduction for work performed & that contractor see it & says bullshit?

Or he claims income from one investment at 1 million & he had borrowed money at a bank & listed that income as 50 million.
And you think the IRS would let that slide...
THIS IRS.....? Depends on what donnie has on Mnuchin.
No it doesn't, dumbass. Mnuchin doesn't do Trump's taxes.
So...he has NO control over the IRS....or releasing tax returns then?

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin Informs Dem, Who are Witch Hunting Trump Rather Than Working For the American People, That They Can Kiss His Ass and They Still Will Not Get Trump’s Tax Returns

House Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal (D-MA) in a letter that his committee’s request for Trump’s tax returns “lacks a legitimate legislative purpose.”

“Out of respect for the deadlines previously set by the Committee, and consistent with our commitment to a prompt response, I am informing you now that the Department may not lawfully fulfill the Committee’s request,” Mnuchin said, citing legal guidance from the Department of Justice.

“Until such time that I’m not under audit, I would not be inclined to do that,” Trump said.

There is no law requiring a president to release their tax returns, but the Democrats don’t care about laws.
Where in the statute does it say the request must serve a "legistlative purpose"? You clowns don't want them released because you're afraid of what's in them. Admit it, you'll feel better.

Where in the statute does it say the request can be made with no justification at all?

You clowns want them released because you think being a Republican is a crime. Admit it, you'll feel better.
What secret in his tax returns would result in jail time?
What if he claimed that he took a 10 million deduction for work performed & that contractor see it & says bullshit?

Or he claims income from one investment at 1 million & he had borrowed money at a bank & listed that income as 50 million.
And you think the IRS would let that slide...
THIS IRS.....? Depends on what donnie has on Mnuchin.
No it doesn't, dumbass. Mnuchin doesn't do Trump's taxes.
So...he has NO control over the IRS....or releasing tax returns then?
Congress has no control over it, moron.
He could have recommended indictment or at least concluded Trump and/or members of his fam had committed a crime in his pesky 440 page INTERNAL DOJ report. He didn't. In fact, he found exactly the opposite:
"this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime."

Do you find that to be in any way unclear or ambiguous or just disappointing?

Tell you what eternal moron........Answer this.....

Sid the Mueller report FULLY EXONERATE Trump???................A simple Yes or No will do before you go change your diapers.

Few, if any, criminal investigations can exonerate anyone for anything. A criminal investigation is a search for evidence of a crime. If the investigation finds sufficient evidence to prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that a target committed a crime, then the prosecution will commence. If the investigation does not find sufficient evidence, then the target is determined not to be a criminal, under the law, and the investigation is closed.

Mueller did not indict President Trump, nor did he recommend that the AG indict Trump. The evidence he found concerning obstruction of justice, did not rise to the level of beyond a shadow of doubt.
He could have recommended indictment or at least concluded Trump and/or members of his fam had committed a crime in his pesky 440 page INTERNAL DOJ report. He didn't. In fact, he found exactly the opposite:
"this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime."

Do you find that to be in any way unclear or ambiguous or just disappointing?

Tell you what eternal moron........Answer this.....

Sid the Mueller report FULLY EXONERATE Trump???................A simple Yes or No will do before you go change your diapers.

Few, if any, criminal investigations can exonerate anyone for anything. A criminal investigation is a search for evidence of a crime. If the investigation finds sufficient evidence to prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that a target committed a crime, then the prosecution will commence. If the investigation does not find sufficient evidence, then the target is determined not to be a criminal, under the law, and the investigation is closed.

Mueller did not indict President Trump, nor did he recommend that the AG indict Trump. The evidence he found concerning obstruction of justice, did not rise to the level of beyond a shadow of doubt.
I believe the bar in this matter is "reasonable doubt" but otherwise you are spot on.

With the Muel Team's failure to find criminality our bitter Nat's are desperate for something - anything - that gives them hope.
Do YOU think the American people are stupid enough to think you know more about taxes than the IRS does?

YES............Nixon was "cleared" of his tax return audit ....but when congress requested a review of that audit.......the IRS found it had made a :mistake: and that Nixon actually OWED more than half a million dollars.

So, YES...........the IRS makes lots of mistakes.

One of the mistakes that the IRS rarely makes is to turn over tax return information to a bunch of partisan zealots that will leak cherry picked portions of the return to the public.
If there were "probable cause that Trump committed obstruction", Mueller would have recommended indictment

Why can;t you get it through your fucked up head that Mueller COULD NOT indict AND he DID list TEN instances where Trump could be indicted either after he leaves office or impeached by the WHOLE congress.

Why can't YOU get it through your fucked-up and incredibly vacuous head that if Mueller couldn't do anything to Trump, there was no fucking reason to investigate him in the first place? So what the fuck were cluebirds like you screaming for the investigation for? Why did you spend two years cheering the investigation on, confidently asserting multiple times every single day that Mueller was going to "get Trump"? How the fuck was he going to "get him" if he had no ability to do anything? Why was it that you fucking morons didn't realize that Mueller's investigation was powerless and therefore pointless until AFTER he found nothing?

ANSWER: Because Mueller had the power to say, "THIS is the evidence that Trump and/or his campaign staff committed crimes, and THIS is why it's sufficient for an indictment, although DOJ policy prohibits indicting a sitting President." In short, he had the power to say what you leftist ass-nuzzlers keep trying to pretend he said, BUT HE DIDN'T SAY IT.

What he actually listed were multiple instances on BOTH sides of the question, demonstrating that the question was in doubt, and then he very, VERY much did NOT say, "So he should be indicted."
in Teapot Dome, Congress had actual evidence that a crime - bribery - had been committed BEFORE they went looking for evidence. In other words, they had that little thing called "probable cause". In THIS case, Congress is demanding the records in order to (hopefully) FIND probable cause in the first place. Very different scenario.

You learned your "law" from the back of your cereal box; proving that you are a fucking idiot.

"Probable cause" CLEARLY rests in the fact that Trump has NOT divest himself from the hotel in DC where he is breaching the emolument clause.

"Probable cause" is also part of the congressional functions to OVERSEE the executive branch as part of Article I.

Finally, congress has every right to demand from the IRS is the orange piece of lard has told the truth that his tax returns are STILL "under audit" for each of the years that the tax returns were requested.

You WISH you had learned law from something as reliable as the back of a cereal box, instead of inventing it in your own dust bunny-filled head as you go along.

Probable cause is a level of reasonable belief, based on facts that can be articulated, that is required to sue a person in civilcourt or to arrest and prosecute a person in criminal court. Before a person can be sued or arrested and prosecuted, the civilplaintiff or police and prosecutor must possess enough facts that would lead a reasonable person to believe that the claim or charge is true.

probable cause

And again, where in YOUR OWN FUCKING LINK you keep posting, please show us where Congress has the right to demand tax returns simply because it wants to see them in the hopes it can generate an accusation.

I already caught you in one lie about that link and that law, and don't think I didn't notice you pretending it never happened to go right on lying.

From your own post:

The law is CLEAR.....The IRS "SHALL" release the tax returns........the verb shall is unequivocal........and if they argue with that verb....remind them that its also used in the 2nd Amendment......that usually shuts them up quick.

Still waiting for you to cite the law where it says, "The IRS SHALL release the tax returns", not to mention the REST of that law, where it tells us under what circumstances.

Don't you fucking tell ME about lack of legal knowledge, you lying sack of rotting dog shit, until you prove that you have any right to do so.
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He could have recommended indictment or at least concluded Trump and/or members of his fam had committed a crime in his pesky 440 page INTERNAL DOJ report. He didn't. In fact, he found exactly the opposite:
"this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime."

Do you find that to be in any way unclear or ambiguous or just disappointing?

Tell you what eternal moron........Answer this.....

Sid the Mueller report FULLY EXONERATE Trump???................A simple Yes or No will do before you go change your diapers.

Tell YOU what, eternal lying shitstain. You can demand answers from other people when you strap on a pair and answer the questions posed to you, instead of ignoring them and continuing to repeat your lies.

From your post:

Let these morons hire expensive lawyer to bilk them on a fool's errand to fight it in court.

The law is CLEAR.....The IRS "SHALL" release the tax returns........the verb shall is unequivocal........and if they argue with that verb....remind them that its also used in the 2nd Amendment......that usually shuts them up quick.

Where does the law say that? What does this alleged law say AFTER those ellipses?
Do YOU think the American people are stupid enough to think you know more about taxes than the IRS does?

YES............Nixon was "cleared" of his tax return audit ....but when congress requested a review of that audit.......the IRS found it had made a :mistake: and that Nixon actually OWED more than half a million dollars.

So, YES...........the IRS makes lots of mistakes.

Did I say the IRS was perfect? No, I didn't, so thank you so much for setting up that straw man.

Now, maybe you could POSSIBLY strap on a pair - since you obviously don't have a real pair - and answer the QUESTIONS ACTUALLY BEING ASKED, you junkless cowardly liar.

Do you expect anyone to believe YOU know more than the IRS does about taxes?

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