Treasury Secretary Mnuchin refuses to release Trump's tax returns

They know nothing of the rule of law, our constitutional rights to due process and presumption of innocence, or the 4th Amendment

NItwit,,,,,,,,,,if the 4th Amendment did not list a bunch of reasons why it is NOT absolute.....every drug dealer in the US would be cheering idiots like you on.

READ... COMPREHEND..... LEARN...the law instead of relying on Hannity for all your "education"

26 U.S. Code § 6103

Oh, hey, another link without a single citation to show that it actually supports you. You continue to hope in vain that everyone is as eagerly gullible as you are.
But by all means, prove me wrong. Cite me exactly where your link says either that Mnuchin can release any tax records he wants, to whomever asks, without probable cause, or that Presidents' tax returns are public property.

26 U.S. Code § 6103

Posting links without citations = "I surrender, but I don't want to say it".

I accept your surrender. When you can man up, answer questions, and post proof, perhaps I will deign to notice you again. Anything else will just be another white flag on your part.
Not true and Trump is right to defend every American's 4th Amendment protection against unwarranted search & seizure.

Let me help a moron like you....since I'm a nice guy.......

Why did Trump call on Russia to hack Hillary's emails???? (you know, Russia if yo're listening???"......and "I love Wikileaks")..........Since Trump is such a defender of the 4th Amendment....WHY THE FUCK DID HE ASK OTHERS TO VIOLATE HILLARY'S PRIVACY???

Let me help a moron like YOU - again. You don't get to declare, "This is what happened, and this is what he did" any more after you got the investigation you demanded and it didn't agree with you.

Desperation. If your butt hurt as much and for as long (30 months) as Nat's you'd be feeling pretty hysterical as well.

That would require me to be as pig-stupid and amoral as Nat, so . . .
There is probable cause that Trump committed obstruction. That fact is spelled out by Mueller in his report.
Why don't you post the obstruction highlights? Top 3 bits of evidence. TIA
Excuse me but I'm not your secretary. Do your own research.
You'll have to forgive Toddy.........After he got kicked out of his GED classes, he has a hard time doing ANY homework.
So both you and Clippy are big on echoing CNN/PMSNBC talking points like "obstruction" but small on supporting those claims.

Well don't feel bad … your leftarded media - the squawking heads that for over 2 years filled your painfully empty heads with LIES about "collusion" - come up just as small but you can take comfort in the knowledge that the Hysterical Dem House will impeach the POTUS. It will be politicized and televised and the Senate will squash it after which you will have another hissy-fit and some poor Democrat Socialists will have to face a 2020 American electorate filled with rage and disgust for the US-hating twits who have repeatedly foisted witch-hunts and frauds on their fellow Americans.

Yeah … you fools are digging your party's political grave and if Trump isn't the puppeteer he's doing a fine job of looking the part. He snaps a tweet and y'all froth at the mouth and bark like trained puppies. The best part? Some of you know it and still can't stop doing it. It's a beautiful thing … BIGLY. :D
One would think that Commander Bone Spurs would want Mueller to testify after he TOTALLY EXONERATED Donnie. No? Which begs the question what that lousy slimeball Trump is afraid of?
The IRS has determined the demands for Trump's returns are political theater and not legit.
Years of court battles to follow. :D

Treasury Department rejects Democrats' request for Trump tax returns
Trump has to shroud himself in secrecy or go to prison.
Or so you need to believe.

Petulant Democrat curiosity is not a valid reason to pierce any Americans' privacy but you can hang on the the very slim hope the unhinged crybabies will win in court ... someday. :lol:
Suspicion of criminal activity and treason sure are
Point being there is no evidence of criminality and no charges. Suspicion and allegations are not proof of guilt. IRS justly determined it's just another partisan Democrat Socialist witch-hunt but the attorneys will benefit until the court sorts it out ... in about 5 or 6 years.
Question. Why would anyone with any sense NOT want to see them? Because Trump says you can't? Adoration for Trump is no excuse for his behaviour. And just because Repubs hate Dems is no reason to trash the Constitution.

Or is it?

Question: Why do you dipshits think "I want to" makes any difference to anyone but you? Grow the fuck up and learn that you aren't entitled to everything you want, and you don't get everything you want.

Either show me the provision in the Constitution that says, "If Democrats want to see someone's financial records, they get to with no justification needed", or shove your putrid attempts to wrap your partisan shit in the flag right up your ass next to your brain.
Fool, the Dem party didn't exist when the Constitution was written. In fact, no political parties are mentioned.

So how's that degree from Trump Whatsammatta University workin out for ya?
There’s a big pile of shit that stinks to high heaven. Republicans know it’s there because they can smell it too but are desperately trying to ignore it.

But... wow does that big plie of Orange shit stink and nothing anyone can do can make the stench go away. Well actually maybe s few people. This shit show needs to end.

"There's a big pile of shit! We haven't been able to prove it, but we JUST KNOW, and that gives us the right to keep fishing around until we find something we can claim is a pile of shit!"

What actual evidence do you have of this alleged "big pile of shit", other than the fact that he had the gall to become President when you didn't want him to? You do realize that beating you in an election isn't actually a crime, right?

You want to claim some sort of moral high ground for yourself in this little foray into taxes, tell us the probable cause.
Where in the Constitution that you Repukes claim to love so much does it say Congress needs probable cause to look at someone's tax return? Let's have it, Einstein.
Here ... learn something.
Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
There is probable cause that Trump committed obstruction. That fact is spelled out by Mueller in his report. Trump may as well bend over now, grab his ankles & brace himself for the same screwing he's been giving everyone else his entire adult lfe.

Karma is a bitch.

There is probable cause that Trump committed obstruction. That fact is spelled out by Mueller in his report.

Why don't you post the obstruction highlights?
Top 3 bits of evidence.
Excuse me but I'm not your secretary. Do your own research even though you probably know already. Don't worry, Trump won't know you suspect him.

Excuse me, but YOU made the assertion, so it's YOUR secretarial work to substantiate it. This pretense of "I don't have to prove it to you, go look it up yourself" is just another way of admitting defeat while being too cowardly to actually do it.
If Trumps tax returns made him look good, he'd have them printed on the front page of every major newspaper in the Country, you stupid fool. Were you born delusional or did you become afflicted after joining Commander Bone Spurs' cult?
There’s a big pile of shit that stinks to high heaven. Republicans know it’s there because they can smell it too but are desperately trying to ignore it.

But... wow does that big plie of Orange shit stink and nothing anyone can do can make the stench go away. Well actually maybe s few people. This shit show needs to end.

"There's a big pile of shit! We haven't been able to prove it, but we JUST KNOW, and that gives us the right to keep fishing around until we find something we can claim is a pile of shit!"

What actual evidence do you have of this alleged "big pile of shit", other than the fact that he had the gall to become President when you didn't want him to? You do realize that beating you in an election isn't actually a crime, right?

You want to claim some sort of moral high ground for yourself in this little foray into taxes, tell us the probable cause.
Where in the Constitution that you Repukes claim to love so much does it say Congress needs probable cause to look at someone's tax return? Let's have it, Einstein.

Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
There is probable cause that Trump committed obstruction. That fact is spelled out by Mueller in his report.
Why don't you post the obstruction highlights? Top 3 bits of evidence. TIA
Excuse me but I'm not your secretary. Do your own research.
You'll have to forgive Toddy.........After he got kicked out of his GED classes, he has a hard time doing ANY homework.
So both you and Clippy are big on echoing CNN/PMSNBC talking points like "obstruction" but small on supporting those claims.

Well don't feel bad … your leftarded media - the squawking heads that for over 2 years filled your painfully empty heads with LIES about "collusion" - come up just as small but you can take comfort in the knowledge that the Hysterical Dem House will impeach the POTUS. It will be politicized and televised and the Senate will squash it after which you will have another hissy-fit and some poor Democrat Socialists will have to face a 2020 American electorate filled with rage and disgust for the US-hating twits who have repeatedly foisted witch-hunts and frauds on their fellow Americans.

Yeah … you fools are digging your party's political grave and if Trump isn't the puppeteer he's doing a fine job of looking the part. He snaps a tweet and y'all froth at the mouth and bark like trained puppies. The best part? Some of you know it and still can't stop doing it. It's a beautiful thing … BIGLY. :D
One would think that Commander Bone Spurs would want Mueller to testify after he TOTALLY EXONERATED Donnie. No? Which begs the question what that lousy slimeball Trump is afraid of?

One would have to be as dirt-stupid as you are to assume, "I want this, therefore President Trump should want this, therefore he's hiding something because he doesn't want what I think he should want."
There’s a big pile of shit that stinks to high heaven. Republicans know it’s there because they can smell it too but are desperately trying to ignore it.

But... wow does that big plie of Orange shit stink and nothing anyone can do can make the stench go away. Well actually maybe s few people. This shit show needs to end.

"There's a big pile of shit! We haven't been able to prove it, but we JUST KNOW, and that gives us the right to keep fishing around until we find something we can claim is a pile of shit!"

What actual evidence do you have of this alleged "big pile of shit", other than the fact that he had the gall to become President when you didn't want him to? You do realize that beating you in an election isn't actually a crime, right?

You want to claim some sort of moral high ground for yourself in this little foray into taxes, tell us the probable cause.
Where in the Constitution that you Repukes claim to love so much does it say Congress needs probable cause to look at someone's tax return? Let's have it, Einstein.

Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
And what court has deemed Congress's request "unreasonable"? I suppose every single document request Congress has asked for is "unreasonable", right Ace?

Of course it is! Because Dear Leader said so!
There is probable cause that Trump committed obstruction. That fact is spelled out by Mueller in his report.
Why don't you post the obstruction highlights? Top 3 bits of evidence. TIA
Excuse me but I'm not your secretary. Do your own research.
You'll have to forgive Toddy.........After he got kicked out of his GED classes, he has a hard time doing ANY homework.
So both you and Clippy are big on echoing CNN/PMSNBC talking points like "obstruction" but small on supporting those claims.

Well don't feel bad … your leftarded media - the squawking heads that for over 2 years filled your painfully empty heads with LIES about "collusion" - come up just as small but you can take comfort in the knowledge that the Hysterical Dem House will impeach the POTUS. It will be politicized and televised and the Senate will squash it after which you will have another hissy-fit and some poor Democrat Socialists will have to face a 2020 American electorate filled with rage and disgust for the US-hating twits who have repeatedly foisted witch-hunts and frauds on their fellow Americans.

Yeah … you fools are digging your party's political grave and if Trump isn't the puppeteer he's doing a fine job of looking the part. He snaps a tweet and y'all froth at the mouth and bark like trained puppies. The best part? Some of you know it and still can't stop doing it. It's a beautiful thing … BIGLY. :D
One would think that Commander Bone Spurs would want Mueller to testify after he TOTALLY EXONERATED Donnie. No? Which begs the question what that lousy slimeball Trump is afraid of?

One would have to be as dirt-stupid as you are to assume, "I want this, therefore President Trump should want this, therefore he's hiding something because he doesn't want what I think he should want."
leftist double talk, you got it.
Or so you need to believe.

Petulant Democrat curiosity is not a valid reason to pierce any Americans' privacy but you can hang on the the very slim hope the unhinged crybabies will win in court ... someday. :lol:
Suspicion of criminal activity and treason sure are
Point being there is no evidence of criminality and no charges. Suspicion and allegations are not proof of guilt. IRS justly determined it's just another partisan Democrat Socialist witch-hunt but the attorneys will benefit until the court sorts it out ... in about 5 or 6 years.
Question. Why would anyone with any sense NOT want to see them? Because Trump says you can't? Adoration for Trump is no excuse for his behaviour. And just because Repubs hate Dems is no reason to trash the Constitution.

Or is it?

Question: Why do you dipshits think "I want to" makes any difference to anyone but you? Grow the fuck up and learn that you aren't entitled to everything you want, and you don't get everything you want.

Either show me the provision in the Constitution that says, "If Democrats want to see someone's financial records, they get to with no justification needed", or shove your putrid attempts to wrap your partisan shit in the flag right up your ass next to your brain.
Fool, the Dem party didn't exist when the Constitution was written. In fact, no political parties are mentioned.

So how's that degree from Trump Whatsammatta University workin out for ya?

Fool, the reason the Constitution doesn't support your viewpoint isn't because "The Dem party didn't exist". Even if it had, the Constitution STILL wouldn't declare that they get their way whenever they want without justification. How many times WERE you dropped on your head, anyway?

So, how's that lack of any education whatsoever working out for you?
There’s a big pile of shit that stinks to high heaven. Republicans know it’s there because they can smell it too but are desperately trying to ignore it.

But... wow does that big plie of Orange shit stink and nothing anyone can do can make the stench go away. Well actually maybe s few people. This shit show needs to end.

"There's a big pile of shit! We haven't been able to prove it, but we JUST KNOW, and that gives us the right to keep fishing around until we find something we can claim is a pile of shit!"

What actual evidence do you have of this alleged "big pile of shit", other than the fact that he had the gall to become President when you didn't want him to? You do realize that beating you in an election isn't actually a crime, right?

You want to claim some sort of moral high ground for yourself in this little foray into taxes, tell us the probable cause.
Where in the Constitution that you Repukes claim to love so much does it say Congress needs probable cause to look at someone's tax return? Let's have it, Einstein.

Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
And what court has deemed Congress's request "unreasonable"? I suppose every single document request Congress has asked for is "unreasonable", right Ace?

Of course it is! Because Dear Leader said so!
the congress has no judicial authority. just don't. what is it you think will happen? come on, you can't be that fking stupid right?
There’s a big pile of shit that stinks to high heaven. Republicans know it’s there because they can smell it too but are desperately trying to ignore it.

But... wow does that big plie of Orange shit stink and nothing anyone can do can make the stench go away. Well actually maybe s few people. This shit show needs to end.

"There's a big pile of shit! We haven't been able to prove it, but we JUST KNOW, and that gives us the right to keep fishing around until we find something we can claim is a pile of shit!"

What actual evidence do you have of this alleged "big pile of shit", other than the fact that he had the gall to become President when you didn't want him to? You do realize that beating you in an election isn't actually a crime, right?

You want to claim some sort of moral high ground for yourself in this little foray into taxes, tell us the probable cause.
Where in the Constitution that you Repukes claim to love so much does it say Congress needs probable cause to look at someone's tax return? Let's have it, Einstein.

Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
And what court has deemed Congress's request "unreasonable"? I suppose every single document request Congress has asked for is "unreasonable", right Ace?

Of course it is! Because Dear Leader said so!
The whole Democratic process in the House is unreasonable and every subpoena or contempt citation issued will be challenged in court and in three or four years the SC will tell us if they are all unreasonable.
There is probable cause that Trump committed obstruction. That fact is spelled out by Mueller in his report.
Why don't you post the obstruction highlights? Top 3 bits of evidence. TIA
Excuse me but I'm not your secretary. Do your own research.
You'll have to forgive Toddy.........After he got kicked out of his GED classes, he has a hard time doing ANY homework.
So both you and Clippy are big on echoing CNN/PMSNBC talking points like "obstruction" but small on supporting those claims.

Well don't feel bad … your leftarded media - the squawking heads that for over 2 years filled your painfully empty heads with LIES about "collusion" - come up just as small but you can take comfort in the knowledge that the Hysterical Dem House will impeach the POTUS. It will be politicized and televised and the Senate will squash it after which you will have another hissy-fit and some poor Democrat Socialists will have to face a 2020 American electorate filled with rage and disgust for the US-hating twits who have repeatedly foisted witch-hunts and frauds on their fellow Americans.

Yeah … you fools are digging your party's political grave and if Trump isn't the puppeteer he's doing a fine job of looking the part. He snaps a tweet and y'all froth at the mouth and bark like trained puppies. The best part? Some of you know it and still can't stop doing it. It's a beautiful thing … BIGLY. :D
One would think that Commander Bone Spurs would want Mueller to testify after he TOTALLY EXONERATED Donnie. No? Which begs the question what that lousy slimeball Trump is afraid of?

One would have to be as dirt-stupid as you are to assume, "I want this, therefore President Trump should want this, therefore he's hiding something because he doesn't want what I think he should want."
Go back & read the Constitution, fool. Congress is a co equal branch of Our Republic. No everyone wants to trash it just because Trump or his goon squad no longer respect or believe in it. GFY.
There’s a big pile of shit that stinks to high heaven. Republicans know it’s there because they can smell it too but are desperately trying to ignore it.

But... wow does that big plie of Orange shit stink and nothing anyone can do can make the stench go away. Well actually maybe s few people. This shit show needs to end.

"There's a big pile of shit! We haven't been able to prove it, but we JUST KNOW, and that gives us the right to keep fishing around until we find something we can claim is a pile of shit!"

What actual evidence do you have of this alleged "big pile of shit", other than the fact that he had the gall to become President when you didn't want him to? You do realize that beating you in an election isn't actually a crime, right?

You want to claim some sort of moral high ground for yourself in this little foray into taxes, tell us the probable cause.
Where in the Constitution that you Repukes claim to love so much does it say Congress needs probable cause to look at someone's tax return? Let's have it, Einstein.

Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
And what court has deemed Congress's request "unreasonable"? I suppose every single document request Congress has asked for is "unreasonable", right Ace?

Of course it is! Because Dear Leader said so!
the congress has no judicial authority. just don't. what is it you think will happen? come on, you can't be that fking stupid right?
They have supeona power, Trumptard. Granted in the Constitution, assclown.
There is probable cause that Trump committed obstruction. That fact is spelled out by Mueller in his report.
Why don't you post the obstruction highlights? Top 3 bits of evidence. TIA
Excuse me but I'm not your secretary. Do your own research.
You'll have to forgive Toddy.........After he got kicked out of his GED classes, he has a hard time doing ANY homework.
So both you and Clippy are big on echoing CNN/PMSNBC talking points like "obstruction" but small on supporting those claims.

Well don't feel bad … your leftarded media - the squawking heads that for over 2 years filled your painfully empty heads with LIES about "collusion" - come up just as small but you can take comfort in the knowledge that the Hysterical Dem House will impeach the POTUS. It will be politicized and televised and the Senate will squash it after which you will have another hissy-fit and some poor Democrat Socialists will have to face a 2020 American electorate filled with rage and disgust for the US-hating twits who have repeatedly foisted witch-hunts and frauds on their fellow Americans.

Yeah … you fools are digging your party's political grave and if Trump isn't the puppeteer he's doing a fine job of looking the part. He snaps a tweet and y'all froth at the mouth and bark like trained puppies. The best part? Some of you know it and still can't stop doing it. It's a beautiful thing … BIGLY. :D
One would think that Commander Bone Spurs would want Mueller to testify after he TOTALLY EXONERATED Donnie. No? Which begs the question what that lousy slimeball Trump is afraid of?

One would have to be as dirt-stupid as you are to assume, "I want this, therefore President Trump should want this, therefore he's hiding something because he doesn't want what I think he should want."
Go back & read the Constitution, fool. Congress is a co equal branch of Our Republic. No everyone wants to trash it just because Trump or his goon squad no longer respect or believe in it. GFY.
they have zip judicial authority. so what can they do? you should go read up on the nothing they can do.

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