Treasury Secretary Mnuchin refuses to release Trump's tax returns

So . . . what? Now you think you not only know how to audit tax returns better than the IRS, you ALSO think you know the applicable laws better than they do?

No dimwit.......what the tax returns from the orange charlatan will show is:

Breach of emolument clause
Foreign income
Foreign borrowing
Lack of charity giving
....and most of all that INFLATION of assets when asking for a loan from a foreign bank to DEFLATING those assets when filing tax returns.....

....amnd a bunch of other little embarrass that orange head..
he commies have been telegraphing their desire to obtain and release his returns for more than 2 years, it has nothing to do with legislation, good luck. LMFAO

What's your "educated guess" why Trump is scared shitless of his tax returns being revealed, Tigger.....?????

Mueller probably got to see them.....

....and Deutsche Bank is handing them over to NYS Attorney General....

Do you see the walls closing in a bit, Tugger????
he commies have been telegraphing their desire to obtain and release his returns for more than 2 years, it has nothing to do with legislation, good luck. LMFAO

What's your "educated guess" why Trump is scared shitless of his tax returns being revealed, Tigger.....?????

Mueller probably got to see them.....

....and Deutsche Bank is handing them over to NYS Attorney General....

Do you see the walls closing in a bit, Tugger????

I don't think he's the least bit scared of anything, he just like pissing on commies. As for the rest of your crap, it's all speculation.

Trump has to shroud himself in secrecy or go to prison.

What secret in his tax returns would result in jail time?
What if he claimed that he took a 10 million deduction for work performed & that contractor see it & says bullshit?

Or he claims income from one investment at 1 million & he had borrowed money at a bank & listed that income as 50 million.

What if you pulled your head out of your ass?

What the fuck do you think the employees of the IRS do all day, anyway? Sit around twiddling their thumbs waiting for YOUR stupid ass to point out tax cheats to them? You don't think they MIGHT, just possibly, notice shit like that?
Stop right now! If he pulled his head out of his ass the resulting shock wave would change the Earths orbit!
Trump has to shroud himself in secrecy or go to prison.

What secret in his tax returns would result in jail time?
For starters, you would need them to show gains from alleged criminal actovoty,in some cases.

Secondly, they can help untangle webs of money laundering.

Third, they could reveal illegal emoluments.

Fourth, they could reveal loan and insirance fraud.

Fifth, they could help reveal tax fraud.

Got any other softballs?

"coulda should woulda".

Not a legal justification for violating someone's right to privacy. Even someone with an R after their name.
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on Monday told House Democrats he would not furnish President Trump’s tax returns despite their legal request, the latest move by Trump administration officials to shield the president from congressional investigations.

Mnuchin, in a letter to House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal (D-Mass.), said he had consulted with the Justice Department and that they had concluded that it would not be lawful for the Trump administration to turn over the tax returns because of potential violations of privacy.

Mnuchin added that requests from Congress “must reasonable serve a legitimate legislative purpose” and that the request from Democrats does not.

A number of legal experts have said it would be unprecedented for Mnuchin to refuse to turn over the tax returns, as the power for lawmakers to seek the returns is written explicitly in a 1924 law.

But Mnuchin, Trump’s former campaign finance chairman, has fought to protect the returns from public disclosure and said it would create a dangerous precedent if the returns are released. Mnuchin’s announcement on Monday appears to be his final decision in the matter, though he has hinted for weeks that he would not allow the release.

On April 23, Mnuchin notified House Democrats that he would be consulting with the Justice Department about the request for Trump’s tax returns and planned to reach his final decision on May 6

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


That 1924 law has never been challenged in court as to contitutionality.

Now might be a good time.

Fishing expeditions are an abuse of power, even the lousy WashPost knows that.

If there was a problem with his tax returns you can count on it that the IRS would have leaked it by now.

The scumbags that they are.
I don't think he's the least bit scared of anything, he just like pissing on commies. As for the rest of your crap, it's all speculation

What's with the "commie" slurs, Tigger???.......You are offending one of Trump's most beloved despots.
The IRS has determined the demands for Trump's returns are political theater and not legit.
Years of court battles to follow. :D

Treasury Department rejects Democrats' request for Trump tax returns
Trump has to shroud himself in secrecy or go to prison.
Or so you need to believe.

Petulant Democrat curiosity is not a valid reason to pierce any Americans' privacy but you can hang on the the very slim hope the unhinged crybabies will win in court ... someday. :lol:
Suspicion of criminal activity and treason sure are
Point being there is no evidence of criminality and no charges. Suspicion and allegations are not proof of guilt. IRS justly determined it's just another partisan Democrat Socialist witch-hunt but the attorneys will benefit until the court sorts it out ... in about 5 or 6 years.
Question. Why would anyone with any sense NOT want to see them? Because Trump says you can't? Adoration for Trump is no excuse for his behaviour. And just because Repubs hate Dems is no reason to trash the Constitution.

Or is it?
The IRS has determined the demands for Trump's returns are political theater and not legit.
Years of court battles to follow. :D

Treasury Department rejects Democrats' request for Trump tax returns
Trump has to shroud himself in secrecy or go to prison.
Or so you need to believe.

Petulant Democrat curiosity is not a valid reason to pierce any Americans' privacy but you can hang on the the very slim hope the unhinged crybabies will win in court ... someday. :lol:
Suspicion of criminal activity and treason sure are
Point being there is no evidence of criminality and no charges. Suspicion and allegations are not proof of guilt. IRS justly determined it's just another partisan Democrat Socialist witch-hunt but the attorneys will benefit until the court sorts it out ... in about 5 or 6 years.
Question. Why would anyone with any sense NOT want to see them? Because Trump says you can't? Adoration for Trump is no excuse for his behaviour. And just because Repubs hate Dems is no reason to trash the Constitution.

Or is it?

Because some of us feel the IRS can handle the taxes. Besides what would you do if you did see his taxes...complain more?
The IRS has determined the demands for Trump's returns are political theater and not legit.
Years of court battles to follow. :D

Treasury Department rejects Democrats' request for Trump tax returns
Trump has to shroud himself in secrecy or go to prison.
Or so you need to believe.

Petulant Democrat curiosity is not a valid reason to pierce any Americans' privacy but you can hang on the the very slim hope the unhinged crybabies will win in court ... someday. :lol:
Suspicion of criminal activity and treason sure are
Point being there is no evidence of criminality and no charges. Suspicion and allegations are not proof of guilt. IRS justly determined it's just another partisan Democrat Socialist witch-hunt but the attorneys will benefit until the court sorts it out ... in about 5 or 6 years.
Question. Why would anyone with any sense NOT want to see them? Because Trump says you can't? Adoration for Trump is no excuse for his behaviour. And just because Repubs hate Dems is no reason to trash the Constitution.

Or is it?
You don't have that right and neither does congress.
According to the very constitution you evidently never read, every American - even Trump - is entitled to due process, assumption of innocence, and protection against unreasonable search & seizure. As Mueller spent 2 years looking for criminality and admitted "the report does not conclude that the President committed a crime," there are no grounds for anyone to demand his (or your) tax returns. Would you trust our House Dems with your personal info? Would anyone with a lick of sense?
The same thing happened under Nixon.

It was the third article of his impeachment. Only he was never impeached.

Because he resigned first.
he is doing his job and obeying the law
Here....Learn something....LOL
Disclosure Laws | Internal Revenue Service
Here ... learn something.
Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

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