Treasury Secretary Mnuchin refuses to release Trump's tax returns

Elementary my dear Watson! :wink:

Not true and Trump is right to defend every American's 4th Amendment protection against unwarranted search & seizure.

Let me help a moron like you....since I'm a nice guy.......

Why did Trump call on Russia to hack Hillary's emails???? (you know, Russia if yo're listening???"......and "I love Wikileaks")..........Since Trump is such a defender of the 4th Amendment....WHY THE FUCK DID HE ASK OTHERS TO VIOLATE HILLARY'S PRIVACY???
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Not true and Trump is right to defend every American's 4th Amendment protection against unwarranted search & seizure.

Let me help a moron like you....since I'm a nice guy.......

Why did Trump call on Russia on hack Hillary's emails???? (you know, Russia if yo're listening???"......and "I love Wikileaks")..........Since Trump is such a defender of the 4th Amendment....WHY THE FUCK DID HE ASK OTHERS TO VIOLATE HILLARY'S PRIVACY???

Why did Trump call on Russia on hack Hillary's emails????

The server that was already taken apart and bleach-bitted?
If there was something Trumps taxes that was illegal don't you think the IRS would go after it? Unless we now have a kinder gentler IRS they tend to go after people who cheat on their taxes like a pit bull going after raw meat.

Tax Fraud is only a possible outcome...

Trump could be profiting from foreigners, that is against the law.

The IRS could be not treating him equably.

There is many reasons and this is why presidents before him freeze their assets and publish there tax returns... Congress has the power to look at them anyway..
Partisan bullshit this is about one thing and one thing only 2020 the Democrats want to use their position to do oppsition research under the guise of oversight. They and their supporters can pretend that this is not the case and it's being done for some nobel and high minded purpose but the honest people are not being fooled by it. Before you ask yes the Republicans do the same thing and the honest people see that for what it is as well.

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin Informs Dem, Who are Witch Hunting Trump Rather Than Working For the American People, That They Can Kiss His Ass and They Still Will Not Get Trump’s Tax Returns

House Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal (D-MA) in a letter that his committee’s request for Trump’s tax returns “lacks a legitimate legislative purpose.”

“Out of respect for the deadlines previously set by the Committee, and consistent with our commitment to a prompt response, I am informing you now that the Department may not lawfully fulfill the Committee’s request,” Mnuchin said, citing legal guidance from the Department of Justice.

“Until such time that I’m not under audit, I would not be inclined to do that,” Trump said.

There is no law requiring a president to release their tax returns, but the Democrats don’t care about laws.
he is doing his job and obeying the law
Here....Learn something....LOL
Disclosure Laws | Internal Revenue Service
Here ... learn something.
Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
There is probable cause that Trump committed obstruction. That fact is spelled out by Mueller in his report. Trump may as well bend over now, grab his ankles & brace himself for the same screwing he's been giving everyone else his entire adult lfe.

The Karma God has been eyeing Trump for a long, long time.
really, there has to be a crime, and there was no crime
he is doing his job and obeying the law
Here....Learn something....LOL
Disclosure Laws | Internal Revenue Service
Here ... learn something.
Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Good lord is this poster ever an IDIOT..........Dickhead.....IF the 4th Amendment really thwarted "search and seizure" drug dealers would be ECSTATIC .....

Here you ignorant Trump ass kisser........Here's what stated in the Amendment

In addition, it sets requirements for issuing warrants: warrants must be issued by a judge or magistrate, justified by probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and must particularly describe the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized.

Now, since you're one of those poorly educated cult member.... the above term "warrant" the same as a request of a congressional committee......and the term "probable cause" stands firm in that there is suspicion by congressional investigators in the breach of the Emolument Clause. by the orange clown.
maybe the Dems can try their faux FISA court again LOL
I don't think he's the least bit scared of anything, he just like pissing on commies. As for the rest of your crap, it's all speculation

What's with the "commie" slurs, Tigger???.......You are offending one of Trump's most beloved despots.

Then maybe you and your ilk and party leaders should look at some self improvement courses. At least Russian commies are honest about what they are, you commies, not so much. ROFL

The IRS has determined the demands for Trump's returns are political theater and not legit.
Years of court battles to follow. :D

Treasury Department rejects Democrats' request for Trump tax returns
Trump has to shroud himself in secrecy or go to prison.
Or so you need to believe.

Petulant Democrat curiosity is not a valid reason to pierce any Americans' privacy but you can hang on the the very slim hope the unhinged crybabies will win in court ... someday. :lol:
Suspicion of criminal activity and treason sure are
Point being there is no evidence of criminality and no charges. Suspicion and allegations are not proof of guilt. IRS justly determined it's just another partisan Democrat Socialist witch-hunt but the attorneys will benefit until the court sorts it out ... in about 5 or 6 years.
Question. Why would anyone with any sense NOT want to see them? Because Trump says you can't? Adoration for Trump is no excuse for his behaviour. And just because Repubs hate Dems is no reason to trash the Constitution.

Or is it?

The courts did that long ago.

There’s a big pile of shit that stinks to high heaven. Republicans know it’s there because they can smell it too but are desperately trying to ignore it.

But... wow does that big plie of Orange shit stink and nothing anyone can do can make the stench go away. Well actually maybe s few people. This shit show needs to end.

It will, just 57 months to go. LOL

If there was something Trumps taxes that was illegal don't you think the IRS would go after it? Unless we now have a kinder gentler IRS they tend to go after people who cheat on their taxes like a pit bull going after raw meat.

Tax Fraud is only a possible outcome...

Trump could be profiting from foreigners, that is against the law.

The IRS could be not treating him equably.

There is many reasons and this is why presidents before him freeze their assets and publish there tax returns... Congress has the power to look at them anyway..

Since when is it against the law to profit from foreigners? You might want to let Boeing and Caterpillar know.

If there was something Trumps taxes that was illegal don't you think the IRS would go after it? Unless we now have a kinder gentler IRS they tend to go after people who cheat on their taxes like a pit bull going after raw meat.

Tax Fraud is only a possible outcome...

Trump could be profiting from foreigners, that is against the law.

The IRS could be not treating him equably.

There is many reasons and this is why presidents before him freeze their assets and publish there tax returns... Congress has the power to look at them anyway..

The MAIN and SIMPLEST question that Trump's tax returns from the IRS would reveal, is whether Trump lied about being "under audit" for the last decade.

No way could you tell just by looking at his returns.

Not true and Trump is right to defend every American's 4th Amendment protection against unwarranted search & seizure.

Let me help a moron like you....since I'm a nice guy.......

Why did Trump call on Russia to hack Hillary's emails???? (you know, Russia if yo're listening???"......and "I love Wikileaks")..........Since Trump is such a defender of the 4th Amendment....WHY THE FUCK DID HE ASK OTHERS TO VIOLATE HILLARY'S PRIVACY???

The bitches server was off line by that time, tell me how they would accomplish the task even if they tried?

There’s a big pile of shit that stinks to high heaven. Republicans know it’s there because they can smell it too but are desperately trying to ignore it.

But... wow does that big plie of Orange shit stink and nothing anyone can do can make the stench go away. Well actually maybe s few people. This shit show needs to end.

It will, just 57 months to go. LOL


You're short by 12 months.
There’s a big pile of shit that stinks to high heaven. Republicans know it’s there because they can smell it too but are desperately trying to ignore it.

But... wow does that big plie of Orange shit stink and nothing anyone can do can make the stench go away. Well actually maybe s few people. This shit show needs to end.

It will, just 57 months to go. LOL


You're short by 12 months.

OOPS! It's late, I guess I should turn in.


Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin Informs Dem, Who are Witch Hunting Trump Rather Than Working For the American People, That They Can Kiss His Ass and They Still Will Not Get Trump’s Tax Returns

House Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal (D-MA) in a letter that his committee’s request for Trump’s tax returns “lacks a legitimate legislative purpose.”

“Out of respect for the deadlines previously set by the Committee, and consistent with our commitment to a prompt response, I am informing you now that the Department may not lawfully fulfill the Committee’s request,” Mnuchin said, citing legal guidance from the Department of Justice.

“Until such time that I’m not under audit, I would not be inclined to do that,” Trump said.

There is no law requiring a president to release their tax returns, but the Democrats don’t care about laws.
Mnuchin is clearly breaking federal law by not releasing Trump's tax returns to Congress. It isn't optional - it's the law.

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