Treasury to Borrow Over $1 Trillion in 2019 for Second Year in a Row

And nothing but crickets from the Republicans who wailed nonstop about the debt being run up during the last administration

Treasury to Borrow Over $1 Trillion in 2019 for Second Year in a Row
So we should have another government shutdown? Maybe when we get rid of the Congress from this cycle and put in some fiscally responsible people then Congress will stop sending trillion dollar bills for the president to sign.

During Obama's 8 years of debt, he spent average for those 8 years 1.15 trillion dollars, and not one peep from the liberals...
Congress spends the money. The President just signs the check. What programs would angry lefties like to eliminate?
the history books will record that with the coming economic collapse, Trump never saw it coming!
the failed Obama economy had 11 quarters of 3 percent GDP growth, so the numbers Trump is putting up are not impressive!
During Obama's 8 years of debt, he spent average for those 8 years 1.15 trillion dollars, and not one peep from the liberals...

amazing how alike you and the liberals are. When your man is in the White House things like debt and overspending do not matter, when it is the other guy...they are the end of the world.

You wingnuts are all the same, matter not which side you are on.
the history books will record that with the coming economic collapse, Trump never saw it coming!

Not true, he does see it coming ,that is why he is trying to get the Feds to lower the rates so that it does not come till Dec of 2020. He does not give a fuck what happens after that.
Trump was handcuffed. Pelosi was demanding more spending and in order to take the budget out of play for the 2020 election the Republicans decided to pass it

Then the SCOTUS ruled Trump could use defense money for border wall.

Trump wins, Republicans win, and Democrats don't have a budget fight to hit Trump with next year.
I'm hoping that I will be dead by the time the shit really hits the fan. I doubt that In will live more than 30 years longer.
the history books will record that with the coming economic collapse, Trump never saw it coming!

Not true, he does see it coming ,that is why he is trying to get the Feds to lower the rates so that it does not come till Dec of 2020. He does not give a fuck what happens after that.
Trump's economic results are insulting to the left-behind voters of flyover america who elected him in the first place!
Trump was handcuffed. Pelosi was demanding more spending and in order to take the budget out of play for the 2020 election the Republicans decided to pass it

Then the SCOTUS ruled Trump could use defense money for border wall.

Trump wins, Republicans win, and Democrats don't have a budget fight to hit Trump with next year.

and the country loses, but that does not matter to you as long as Trump and the Repubs before country is your motto.

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