Treasury to Borrow Over $1 Trillion in 2019 for Second Year in a Row

And nothing but crickets from the Republicans who wailed nonstop about the debt being run up during the last administration

Treasury to Borrow Over $1 Trillion in 2019 for Second Year in a Row

Alright Taz the reality is the GOP has never been Conservative on the Fiscal level and they only care when they are no longer in power.

Bush was wasteful and Trump is and never will be Conservative on any lever from Fiscal or Social.

In the end America wi bankrupt it future...
2.91 sucks? I dont see you as president of the US, who with his magic wand has done a lot better than the last admin who said 1% was the new norm. 2.91% up is a lot better than 2.91% down, but I doubt you are even an investor, just a complainer.

Yes, 2.91% growth for the DJI per year sucks!

The DJI gained 358% under the last guy, and he was a shity POTUS.

That is 44.75 per year, and here you are cheering for Trump's 2.9%.
2.91 sucks? I dont see you as president of the US, who with his magic wand has done a lot better than the last admin who said 1% was the new norm. 2.91% up is a lot better than 2.91% down, but I doubt you are even an investor, just a complainer.

Yes, 2.91% growth for the DJI per year sucks!

The DJI gained 358% under the last guy, and he was a shity POTUS.

That is 44.75 per year, and here you are cheering for Trump's 2.9%.
Wow, Obama's FED printed 4.5 trillion dollars of debt that is still on the books, so if you add that to Obama's 9.5 trillion dollars, that equals 14 trillion dollars, and want to show that to the growth? It is a big ass negative...Fuck you are a stupid twit...and a liberal, and a Obama voter, and a liar..

All you do is complain about Trump.

You never praise his help for veterans.

You never praise his help getting help for all the people Clintoon imprisoned.

You never praise him for bringing North Korea to talks.

You never praise him for China trade talks where Schumer tells him to be tougher.

You never praise a fucking thing he does that's good. You just hang around here and see if you can find some wedge issue you can bash him with. That's why your wet dream Hillaryous is not President.

Not true at all.

I have praised him for his two SCOTUS picks,

I praised him for his desire to pull the troops out of the ME,

I have praised him for his changing of the Fed regulations making it easier to get rid of dead weight in the Fed Govt,

I have praised him for his desire to privatize ATC (though that was just talk it seems).

I cannot praise him for imprisoning people that have not been imprisoned.

I cannot praise him for a trade war that was not needed and that has caused 555 days of stagnation in our financial markets.

I cannot praise him for sending to congress the largest budget request in history.

I cannot praise him for talking to NK until something comes of those talks other than him giving away up training exercise to appease Un.

I can tell you this with 100% certainty, I praise him about 99 times more than you disagree with him. I have never seen you say a bad thing about Trump no matter what he does.
555 days of stagnation in the financial markets, are you fucking kidding me? When Obama left office the DOW as 17k today it is over 27K almost 28k. If that is stagnation, I would hate to see trump see a metoric rise..

With all these great numbers and low unemployment, why are we looking to lower interest rates?
If you pulled your head out of your ass, you would know why..But I will tell you anyway. China, lowered interest rates to manipulate their currency. EU lowered the interest rates to manipulate their currency. Japan lowered their interest rates to manipulate their currency. Are you getting my drift, or are you really that stupid?

It would appear you are. China has a slowing economy and aren't 21 trillion in debt. The argument is our economy is booming.
Oh yeah, That growth is based on real work production, from jobs that came back from overseas while Obama chased all the jobs to China and Mexico, and put more people in poverty since the war on poverty started, where was that growth again? Yeah, in QE 1, 2 3 and forever...​
Wow, Obama's FED printed 4.5 trillion dollars of debt that is still on the books, so if you add that to Obama's 9.5 trillion dollars, that equals 14 trillion dollars, and want to show that to the growth? It is a big ass negative...Fuck you are a stupid twit...and a liberal, and a Obama voter, and a liar..

Yes, Obama sucked, that we agree on. you should ask yourself why your only defense of Trump is to bring up Obama...thus showing how very alilke they are.
Come on lefties, democrats are in charge in congress. Which programs do you want to dump?

Our stupid useless wars.
Yes, stop the useless war on poverty, shut down welfare and Medicaid and either the liberals get off their ass and work, thus helping pay down the debt, or they get shot, for trying to steal, thus removing them from welfare assistance. Win win for the president...

The War on Poverty: 50 years of failure
This year marks the 50th anniversary of President Lyndon B. Johnson's launch of the War on Poverty. In January 1964, Johnson declared "unconditional war on poverty in America." Since then, the taxpayers have spent $22 trillion on Johnson's war. Adjusted for inflation, that's three times the cost of all military wars since the American Revolution.
By the way, what is the national debt again? Is there a correlation between the two?
Wow, Obama's FED printed 4.5 trillion dollars of debt that is still on the books, so if you add that to Obama's 9.5 trillion dollars, that equals 14 trillion dollars, and want to show that to the growth? It is a big ass negative...Fuck you are a stupid twit...and a liberal, and a Obama voter, and a liar..

Yes, Obama sucked, that we agree on. you should ask yourself why your only defense of Trump is to bring up Obama...thus showing how very alilke they are.
Because Obama had 8 fucking years to do something, yet he couldn't do shit except flood the world with dollars, while his FED lied about inflation. Then when this President got in, and only in for 1 1/2 years you expect the world, and just like the rest of the liberals, criticize his every move. Again, Congress is hostage to the Demonrats, if they wanted a shutdown, they the fiscal Dimwitocraps could of cut spending on the budget, but didnt. So everyone in the government should go without pay because of the Demonrats wont play nice, right?
And nothing but crickets from the Republicans who wailed nonstop about the debt being run up during the last administration

Treasury to Borrow Over $1 Trillion in 2019 for Second Year in a Row
Nothing but crickets?

DEMOCRATS have controlled the budget / spending for the last year, and Democrats continue to surrender our sovereignty, refuse to secure our borders, refuse to stop the flood of illegals into the US, continue to run tax payer-funded federal law-violating Sanctuary Cities, continue to use tax dollars to support the already 22+ million illegals in this country, and continue to vow to raise US citizen's taxes and add to the huge deficit to give the illegal invaders *free medical care, housing, food, educatio, etc...

Was that loud enough for you, snowflake?

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