Treasury to Borrow Over $1 Trillion in 2019 for Second Year in a Row

Trump was handcuffed. Pelosi was demanding more spending and in order to take the budget out of play for the 2020 election the Republicans decided to pass it

Then the SCOTUS ruled Trump could use defense money for border wall.

Trump wins, Republicans win, and Democrats don't have a budget fight to hit Trump with next year.

and the country loses, but that does not matter to you as long as Trump and the Repubs before country is your motto.

Ya, right. The Democrats got a bigger percentage of the spending increase. So where's your party before country bullshit towards Democrats?
if we cut defense spending we'd solve the problem, my friends!

we dont need to cut social security, we need to EXPAND social security.

and expand medicare to include dental and eye care!
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Congress spends the money. The President just signs the check. What programs would angry lefties like to eliminate?

signing the checks makes him just as responsible as those spending it.
Never mind that Trump has been the leader in both the tax cuts that are going to cost us so much in lost revenue...and this budget bill..where everyone gets a present under the tree...all bought with the Govt.'s credit card.
Sheer stupidity--drop revenue...increase spending..and smile..knowing that most of the geezers that prompted this fiasco will be dead..when the SHTF!

Not a lefty..and I'd put the burden for 70% of all public welfare programs on the States...and watch the fur fly.
Trump was handcuffed. Pelosi was demanding more spending and in order to take the budget out of play for the 2020 election the Republicans decided to pass it

Then the SCOTUS ruled Trump could use defense money for border wall.

Trump wins, Republicans win, and Democrats don't have a budget fight to hit Trump with next year.

and the country loses, but that does not matter to you as long as Trump and the Repubs before country is your motto.

Ya, right. The Democrats got a bigger percentage of the spending increase. So where's your party before country bullshit towards Democrats?

You know, pointing to the bad behavior of others does not change yours. But I do appreciate the fact that you realize you are no different than the Dems.
During Obama's 8 years of debt, he spent average for those 8 years 1.15 trillion dollars, and not one peep from the liberals...

amazing how alike you and the liberals are. When your man is in the White House things like debt and overspending do not matter, when it is the other guy...they are the end of the world.

You wingnuts are all the same, matter not which side you are on.
So the congress who makes the bills, a majority of liberals, should have the government shutdown, I noticed you totally avoided that question. Hmmm?
Trump was handcuffed. Pelosi was demanding more spending and in order to take the budget out of play for the 2020 election the Republicans decided to pass it

Then the SCOTUS ruled Trump could use defense money for border wall.

Trump wins, Republicans win, and Democrats don't have a budget fight to hit Trump with next year.

and the country loses, but that does not matter to you as long as Trump and the Repubs before country is your motto.

Ya, right. The Democrats got a bigger percentage of the spending increase. So where's your party before country bullshit towards Democrats?

You know, pointing to the bad behavior of others does not change yours. But I do appreciate the fact that you realize you are no different than the Dems.

Oh the irony. Didn't hear shit from you when Obamakov added $10 Trillion to the debt. Didn't hear you complaining of the added cost of illegal aliens. Didn't hear you complain about the billions the Obamacare cluster fuck cost.

Didn't hear you complain about the $1 Trillion stimuless package.

Now will you quit bitching about your increase in welfare and find something constructive to do?
And nothing but crickets from the Republicans who wailed nonstop about the debt being run up during the last administration

Treasury to Borrow Over $1 Trillion in 2019 for Second Year in a Row
Still a major concern. I just don’t know how to stop it. It would have been worse under Clinton. Is that a consolation prize? The democrats shut down the government over spending on illegals. No chance they will cut anything meaningful. If Trump can’t do it who the hell can?
During Obama's 8 years of debt, he spent average for those 8 years 1.15 trillion dollars, and not one peep from the liberals...

amazing how alike you and the liberals are. When your man is in the White House things like debt and overspending do not matter, when it is the other guy...they are the end of the world.

You wingnuts are all the same, matter not which side you are on.
So the congress who makes the bills, a majority of liberals, should have the government shutdown, I noticed you totally avoided that question. Hmmm?

the Liberals are not going to spend less, they are liberals. Used to be the Conservatives were the ones that were fiscally responsible, now nobody is.
there's been zero growth in the median household income since the end of the reagan years.
Median household income in the United States rose to $63,688 in January 2019, a 0.3% increase over the Sentier Research's estimate of $63,517 for December 2018.

Historically speaking, the nominal growth rate is still well elevated near its recent record high, but it's something to watch as the U.S. economy's exposure to well established adverse headwinds from the global economy increases and the chickens come home to roost from the Fed's rate hikes of 2018.
Before you start spouting about stuff you have no idea about, you might want to do a little research before you totally prove yourself a retarded individual.

Historically speaking, the nominal growth rate is still well elevated near its recent record high
Oh the irony. Didn't hear shit from you when Obamakov added $10 Trillion to the debt. Didn't hear you complaining of the added cost of illegal aliens. Didn't hear you complain about the billions the Obamacare cluster fuck cost.

Didn't hear you complain about the $1 Trillion stimuless package.

Now will you quit bitching about your increase in welfare and find something constructive to do?

Actually I talked about Obama and his debt jut as much as I do Trump and his. I have been bitching about the debt since some guy looked me in the and told me to read my lips.

I did complain about the wasted trillion of the stimulus package

you are just another mindless Trump worshipers that thinks anyone that does not worship Trump is a Dem lover. Sorry ,but that just is not the case.
During Obama's 8 years of debt, he spent average for those 8 years 1.15 trillion dollars, and not one peep from the liberals...

amazing how alike you and the liberals are. When your man is in the White House things like debt and overspending do not matter, when it is the other guy...they are the end of the world.

You wingnuts are all the same, matter not which side you are on.
So the congress who makes the bills, a majority of liberals, should have the government shutdown, I noticed you totally avoided that question. Hmmm?

the Liberals are not going to spend less, they are liberals. Used to be the Conservatives were the ones that were fiscally responsible, now nobody is.
You do realize that the swamp has been full of liberals (R) and (D) and 40 of the (R) retired out of Congress, thus giving the (D)s their majority to help the country better. But instead of listening to the people, the (D)'s went on a witch hunt wasting billions of dollars and time, and to come up empty on the all mighty Mueller report he didnt even read. So I see a big change coming, when it happens you will see cuts that will rattle the liberal mind.
Oh the irony. Didn't hear shit from you when Obamakov added $10 Trillion to the debt. Didn't hear you complaining of the added cost of illegal aliens. Didn't hear you complain about the billions the Obamacare cluster fuck cost.

Didn't hear you complain about the $1 Trillion stimuless package.

Now will you quit bitching about your increase in welfare and find something constructive to do?

Actually I talked about Obama and his debt jut as much as I do Trump and his. I have been bitching about the debt since some guy looked me in the and told me to read my lips.

I did complain about the wasted trillion of the stimulus package

you are just another mindless Trump worshipers that thinks anyone that does not worship Trump is a Dem lover. Sorry ,but that just is not the case.

All you do is complain about Trump.

You never praise his help for veterans.

You never praise his help getting help for all the people Clintoon imprisoned.

You never praise him for bringing North Korea to talks.

You never praise him for China trade talks where Schumer tells him to be tougher.

You never praise a fucking thing he does that's good. You just hang around here and see if you can find some wedge issue you can bash him with. That's why your wet dream Hillaryous is not President.
During Obama's 8 years of debt, he spent average for those 8 years 1.15 trillion dollars, and not one peep from the liberals...

amazing how alike you and the liberals are. When your man is in the White House things like debt and overspending do not matter, when it is the other guy...they are the end of the world.

You wingnuts are all the same, matter not which side you are on.
So the congress who makes the bills, a majority of liberals, should have the government shutdown, I noticed you totally avoided that question. Hmmm?

the Liberals are not going to spend less, they are liberals. Used to be the Conservatives were the ones that were fiscally responsible, now nobody is.
You do realize that the swamp has been full of liberals (R) and (D) and 40 of the (R) retired out of Congress, thus giving the (D)s their majority to help the country better. But instead of listening to the people, the (D)'s went on a witch hunt wasting billions of dollars and time, and to come up empty on the all mighty Mueller report he didnt even read. So I see a big change coming, when it happens you will see cuts that will rattle the liberal mind.

Ya, it's coming and it's called Brexit.

my friends, the middle class will bear the brunt of the coming recession, causing a sense of betrayal among Trump voters, which will demoralize Trump and make him lash out
Trump could drive us to a depression, and his fucking drones would lick his ass and wipe their chin with his $105 Million dollar golf tab.
All you do is complain about Trump.

You never praise his help for veterans.

You never praise his help getting help for all the people Clintoon imprisoned.

You never praise him for bringing North Korea to talks.

You never praise him for China trade talks where Schumer tells him to be tougher.

You never praise a fucking thing he does that's good. You just hang around here and see if you can find some wedge issue you can bash him with. That's why your wet dream Hillaryous is not President.

Not true at all.

I have praised him for his two SCOTUS picks,

I praised him for his desire to pull the troops out of the ME,

I have praised him for his changing of the Fed regulations making it easier to get rid of dead weight in the Fed Govt,

I have praised him for his desire to privatize ATC (though that was just talk it seems).

I cannot praise him for imprisoning people that have not been imprisoned.

I cannot praise him for a trade war that was not needed and that has caused 555 days of stagnation in our financial markets.

I cannot praise him for sending to congress the largest budget request in history.

I cannot praise him for talking to NK until something comes of those talks other than him giving away up training exercise to appease Un.

I can tell you this with 100% certainty, I praise him about 99 times more than you disagree with him. I have never seen you say a bad thing about Trump no matter what he does.

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