Trey Gowdy erupts: we've seen the bias, show us the evidence. America is being torn apart

Because I am loyal to my country. Try it sometime.

You don't have to be disloyal to your country to point out the hypocrisy of your statement. I mean, look at what you assholes have done with the pretend Trump/Russia connection. You tried to shove Hemisphere 1 Hitlery down our throats. Yeah, you care alright...:eusa_hand:
You support foreign sabotage of our country. If that’s not disloyalty, I don’t know what is.

You're talking out your ass. I support shutting down the fake Trump/Russia bullshit. But since you are such a patriot, how about that comrade Obama/Hitlery/Putin collusion? Mums the word, o patriot?

Get back to me if Russia buy what's left of our uranium mines from Trump, you nut job. You voted for Hemisphere 1 Hitlery, didn't you? And you pretend to love our country, you sham.
You want to shut down the investigation of Russia’s sabotage of our nation. I dare say you’re a traitor. You can “b-b-b-b-but Hillary” all day but that doesn’t change your gratitude at Russia for assaulting our system of election.

Hemisphere 1? Are you retarded? Good grief.

How did Russia "sabotage" our nation?
Have you been asleep? Idiot.
You don't have to be disloyal to your country to point out the hypocrisy of your statement. I mean, look at what you assholes have done with the pretend Trump/Russia connection. You tried to shove Hemisphere 1 Hitlery down our throats. Yeah, you care alright...:eusa_hand:
You support foreign sabotage of our country. If that’s not disloyalty, I don’t know what is.

You're talking out your ass. I support shutting down the fake Trump/Russia bullshit. But since you are such a patriot, how about that comrade Obama/Hitlery/Putin collusion? Mums the word, o patriot?

Get back to me if Russia buy what's left of our uranium mines from Trump, you nut job. You voted for Hemisphere 1 Hitlery, didn't you? And you pretend to love our country, you sham.
You want to shut down the investigation of Russia’s sabotage of our nation. I dare say you’re a traitor. You can “b-b-b-b-but Hillary” all day but that doesn’t change your gratitude at Russia for assaulting our system of election.

Hemisphere 1? Are you retarded? Good grief.

How did Russia "sabotage" our nation?
Have you been asleep? Idiot.

Nice answer.... care to try and answer the fucking question? How did Russia "sabotage" our nation?
I seriously doubt Trump has anything to really worry about here. First, Comey and Rosenstien both told Trump he was not the target of the investigation.

Second, if they really had evidence that the sitting President had colluded with the Russians and committed treason, I doubt they would be prodding along. How many Supreme Court picks, Federal Judge picks, trade deals and other major decisions can you allow without submitting the information to the House for immediate impeachment?
It's amazing how Conservatives seem to be so sure that the Mueller investigation will implicate Trump in colluding illegally wit Russia.

It's equally amazing how they seem to not care. They seem to be perfectly O.K. with what amounts to exterme illegal activity by our President that borders on treason.

It seems that the reason they want this investigation to end is that if Trump is implicated they want any impeachment proceeding to happen when they still control both houses of congress - guaranteeing that Trump will not be removed from office - if it even gets to the senate.

They know that if he's implicated after the election (assuming the the election goes well for the Dems), Trump is gone.

Of course what everyone is overlooking is that the Mueller investigation will probably not implicate Trump.
Russia is not being hurt by this investigation, America is.

you've got evidence, present it to a damn grand jury. America is being destroyed by the Mueller investigation. time to wrap it up!

However long it takes is how long it takes. That's all there is to it.

provide him some evidence that it's moving and most likely he'd shut up. if not, then I'd say that everyday until something is presented. I know you all hate trump and wish to punish the voters for voting for him. Why not just say that and let's move on. you got nothing else. thanks.
Russia is not being hurt by this investigation, America is.

you've got evidence, present it to a damn grand jury. America is being destroyed by the Mueller investigation. time to wrap it up!

However long it takes is how long it takes. That's all there is to it.

provide him some evidence that it's moving and most likely he'd shut up. if not, then I'd say that everyday until something is presented. I know you all hate trump and wish to punish the voters for voting for him. Why not just say that and let's move on. you got nothing else. thanks.

The number of indictment brought by Mueller's investigation is easily evidence that the investigation is moving along.

I hate Trump, but I don't want him impeached unless there's really good, valid reasons for impeaching him.

A whole ot more than was the basis for Clinton's impeachment.
Russia is not being hurt by this investigation, America is.

you've got evidence, present it to a damn grand jury. America is being destroyed by the Mueller investigation. time to wrap it up!

How ironic the guy who dragged the Benghazi hearings on for years and years is whining about how long Mueller is taking.

Karma's a bitch, baby.

Gowdy's investigation took two years, it was like the 8th Benghazi investigation and resulted in zero indictments. Trey and his ever changing hair need to sit down and shut up.
It's amazing how Conservatives seem to be so sure that the Mueller investigation will implicate Trump in colluding illegally wit Russia.

The opposite is true. If they had anything they would shout it from the roof tops. They spied on him and couldn't get anything. This is several years old by now. Put up or shut up.
And hurry up because we know of documented collusion with Obama and Putin, and can't wait for part 2 of this Russia thing to be investigated. < The, "Tell Putie I'll have more flexibilty after the election..." part.

It's amazing how Conservatives seem to be so sure that the Mueller investigation will implicate Trump in colluding illegally wit Russia.

The opposite is true. If they had anything they would shout it from the roof tops. They spied on him and couldn't get anything. This is several years old by now. Put up or shut up.
And hurry up because we know of documented collusion with Obama and Putin, and can't wait for part 2 of this Russia thing to be investigated. < The, "Tell Putie I'll have more flexibilty after the election..." part.

So point out where Robert Mueller, in past investigations, has shouted his findings “from the rooftops” before the investigation was concluded,
Russia is not being hurt by this investigation, America is.

you've got evidence, present it to a damn grand jury. America is being destroyed by the Mueller investigation. time to wrap it up!

Bias didn't affect the investigation. Mueller's evidence will have to wait until his investigation is finished. Howdy doody needs to sit down and shut up.
In due time

Mueller is putting all his pieces together before he springs his trap

Russia is not being hurt by this investigation, America is.

you've got evidence, present it to a damn grand jury. America is being destroyed by the Mueller investigation. time to wrap it up!

But cons were oh so patient and let the Ben Gassy 'investigation' go on for four straight years without a peep. Because it served as a good club to hit people over the head with.

Conservatives you are soulless human beings. There isn't anything inside you.

Benghazi happened overseas directly overseen by the Hillary and Hussein regime. They and only they could be held accountable for the coverup and lies they told the American public in the days after. Remember they blamed it on a YouTube video? Was their own corrupt FBI going to investigate? Hell no.

These allegations of “collusion” happened in the states while the Hussein regime was spying on the Trump campaign, so if there is evidence let the FBI press charges.
Leave Mueller alone to do his investigation, Trey. Shut up and sit down.
Russia is not being hurt by this investigation, America is.

you've got evidence, present it to a damn grand jury. America is being destroyed by the Mueller investigation. time to wrap it up!

However long it takes is how long it takes. That's all there is to it.

provide him some evidence that it's moving and most likely he'd shut up. if not, then I'd say that everyday until something is presented. I know you all hate trump and wish to punish the voters for voting for him. Why not just say that and let's move on. you got nothing else. thanks.

The number of indictment brought by Mueller's investigation is easily evidence that the investigation is moving along.

I hate Trump, but I don't want him impeached unless there's really good, valid reasons for impeaching him.

A whole ot more than was the basis for Clinton's impeachment.

Sure it is if you’re looking for apples and get oranges! But dude, you make me laugh! Thanks
It's amazing how Conservatives seem to be so sure that the Mueller investigation will implicate Trump in colluding illegally wit Russia.

The opposite is true. If they had anything they would shout it from the roof tops. They spied on him and couldn't get anything. This is several years old by now. Put up or shut up.
And hurry up because we know of documented collusion with Obama and Putin, and can't wait for part 2 of this Russia thing to be investigated. < The, "Tell Putie I'll have more flexibilty after the election..." part.

So point out where Robert Mueller, in past investigations, has shouted his findings “from the rooftops” before the investigation was concluded,

Show me where he was successful? LOL
Russia is not being hurt by this investigation, America is.

you've got evidence, present it to a damn grand jury. America is being destroyed by the Mueller investigation. time to wrap it up!

How ironic the guy who dragged the Benghazi hearings on for years and years is whining about how long Mueller is taking.

Karma's a bitch, baby.

Gowdy's investigation took two years, it was like the 8th Benghazi investigation and resulted in zero indictments. Trey and his ever changing hair need to sit down and shut up.

I plead the fifth was what he got. Can’t do that in court and he doesn’t have that pull. So it was easy to say, I plead the fifth! Dude, I’m still laughing
Russia is not being hurt by this investigation, America is.

you've got evidence, present it to a damn grand jury. America is being destroyed by the Mueller investigation. time to wrap it up!

Bias didn't affect the investigation. Mueller's evidence will have to wait until his investigation is finished. Howdy doody needs to sit down and shut up.

What evidence?
Mueller hid Russian crimes associated with their attempts to acquire Uranium One and US uranium....

Evidence shows the Russians paid willing traitorous liberal groups Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and the black Fist to tear America apart by spreading racial division and violence....

Evidence shows $100+ million went from Russia's KGB Bank into the Clinton Foundation pockets....

How much do you think went into Mueller's and Rosenstein's pockets?

Evidence shows that Russian money went into Trump's pockets as well. Trump and the Republicans are dividing this country.
You don't have to be disloyal to your country to point out the hypocrisy of your statement. I mean, look at what you assholes have done with the pretend Trump/Russia connection. You tried to shove Hemisphere 1 Hitlery down our throats. Yeah, you care alright...:eusa_hand:
You support foreign sabotage of our country. If that’s not disloyalty, I don’t know what is.

You're talking out your ass. I support shutting down the fake Trump/Russia bullshit. But since you are such a patriot, how about that comrade Obama/Hitlery/Putin collusion? Mums the word, o patriot?

Get back to me if Russia buy what's left of our uranium mines from Trump, you nut job. You voted for Hemisphere 1 Hitlery, didn't you? And you pretend to love our country, you sham.
You want to shut down the investigation of Russia’s sabotage of our nation. I dare say you’re a traitor. You can “b-b-b-b-but Hillary” all day but that doesn’t change your gratitude at Russia for assaulting our system of election.

Hemisphere 1? Are you retarded? Good grief.

How did Russia "sabotage" our nation?
Have you been asleep? Idiot.
Show us what he did? Why can’t you, you afraid? Chicken!!!! Come on genius dude, show us

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