Trey Gowdy Has Hillary in the Crosshairs.

Trey Gowdy Has Hillary in the Crosshairs.

Well, he hasn't been able to hit the broadside of barn with a scatter gun so far so, she's not fucking worried, nor should she be.
I agree ... I just saw him on msnbc this morning and what we learned is he can't demand didly squat ... that's what so funny ... Hillary will become president and the republicans will lose their minds and the attacks will get even worse ... why they're republicans ... that's all they know how to do is attack you over mediocre things ... forget about trying to pass laws ... that's not in their job description ....
You are dreaming
So you support hill's bullshit over fixing it.
Unlike you, I support who can actually win...
Nope....per the NY Times her approval rating among Independents is 43% and dropping fast. She's a loser....Dems better drop her while they can. :(
Not concerned, not in the slightest, since you got nothin'.

Ah....Gowdy said tonight Hillary's direct assistants at the State Dept will now be subpeoned as well as their personal emails.

Oopsie!!! :lol:
BFD. All the email will show is Stevens turned down more security, twice, and chose to be 400 miles away from the embassy where no one died.

her IT team is so advanced

to insure that her data was kept private


they did not understand that

she could have used more then one email

from a single device


im sure the sheeple out there

agree that the two devices thing

is an "acceptable" answer

CNN sure carried her water with that line for awhile

Scares the shit out of you doesn't it?
Not in the slightest. It was always bullshit, always.
So you support hill's bullshit over fixing it.
Unlike you, I support who can actually win...

Nope....per the NY Times her approval rating among Independents is 43% and dropping fast. She's a loser....Dems better drop her while they can. :(
Early enough that the publics 30 second interest will have likely moved on within the next month - WELL before any real electioneering goes on.

not to mention that PMH shows exactly how the left takes this type of thing. It does not matter that she set up her own server. It does not matter that the server has none of the backup or public access that is required for official correspondence. It STILL does not matter that she has stonewalled access to the emails - deleting many by her own admission. It does not even matter that she has been caught in a outright lie as to what was contained in some of those emails. None of it matters because blatant corruption is accepted as long as it is not on the other side. THAT corruption matters.
before you can call it blatant, you first have to have a leg to stand on... so far they don't have any legal leg to stand on ... there isn't any law that she has to give up any of the emails in question ... so before you can call her or any one a blatant corrupted politician ... you can't just go on your politician preference ... you have to base it on what she is doing, or anyone is doing, is illegal ??? so far all we have heard is its not illegal ...

her IT team is so advanced

to insure that her data was kept private


they did not understand that

she could have used more then one email

from a single device


im sure the sheeple out there

agree that the two devices thing

is an "acceptable" answer

CNN sure carried her water with that line for awhile

its not a question of whats a acceptable answer ... the real question that should be asked here and all you righties fail to accept this ... is what she is doing illegal ... and all I've heard with just about every lawyer, they say its not illegal and she doesn't have to show you or anyone, any of these emails in question ... the fact that CNN is reporting that is acceptable to do is what you righties can't accept ... following the law...
Scares the shit out of you doesn't it?
Not in the slightest. It was always bullshit, always.
So you support hill's bullshit over fixing it.
Unlike you, I support who can actually win...

Nope....per the NY Times her approval rating among Independents is 43% and dropping fast. She's a loser....Dems better drop her while they can. :(
Early enough that the publics 30 second interest will have likely moved on within the next month - WELL before any real electioneering goes on.

not to mention that PMH shows exactly how the left takes this type of thing. It does not matter that she set up her own server. It does not matter that the server has none of the backup or public access that is required for official correspondence. It STILL does not matter that she has stonewalled access to the emails - deleting many by her own admission. It does not even matter that she has been caught in a outright lie as to what was contained in some of those emails. None of it matters because blatant corruption is accepted as long as it is not on the other side. THAT corruption matters.

blatant corruption on their side of the fence is accepted by all liberfools.., and why not ?
forget about trying to pass laws ...

who needs any more fucking laws, we already have so damn many useless fucking laws now that the average person with a brain, i.e., Republican conservatives, can not possibly comprehend. personally i would like to have all anti-gun laws deemed UNCONSTITUTIONAL. :up:
As Titanic's builder Thomas Andrews said to Capt. Smith after hitting the iceberg...."She's going down by the head, it's just a matter of time. All of this will be at the bottom of the Atlantic. No matter what we do, Titanic will founder." Hillary will never make it to the Iowa Caucuses.
Again, we've heard that in the last 8 investigations and we'll hear it again during the next 20.
We also heard Hillary will beat McCain, but a little inexperienced negro. Handed her ass to her more like it. Lol

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