Trial offers a peek into the world of limitless abortion


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Mainstream media and especially pro-abortion liberal opinionists are desperate to control the narrative on the horrific abortionist, Kermit Gosnell.
Ignoring the fact that he is not the exception, but increasingly the rule among abortionists, “pro-choice” media is trying to segregate this case, to isolate the public from the broader truth—that Gosnell is the natural consequence of rabid pro-abortion advocacy.
So the Associated Press, along with HuffPo and other mainstream media outlets are claiming that the poor women who went to the “elegant man” (aka Gosnell) had no choice. They bemoan that Gosnell’s workers had “few options” (because most of Philly’s employed choose jobs where they brutally cut people’s spinal cords and toss around their lifeless bodies like play objects). And they accuse the prolife movement, who has always pushed for abortion clinic regulations and enforcement, of somehow creating Gosnell’s situation. NARAL lamented Gosnell was a “peek into the world before Roe”. No. It’s a peek into the world of limitless abortion (as championed by NARAL, Planned Parenthood, NOW, and other rabidly pro-abortion groups), with no regard for the lives of women and children."

"Philadelphia, which doesn’t record or publish any data on abortion in its city, has no idea who is seeking abortions. In other states/cities that actually track this vital data (like Georgia), college students in attempts to hide who they are, often list themselves as poor or needing financial aid when seeking abortions, which grossly exaggerates the genuine “poverty” status of those having abortions. Even if every patient who went to Gosnell were poor, do we know the repeat abortion rate of his victims? Do we know if they remained trapped in the cycle of poverty? Do we know how many were on Medicaid? Marcotte and her abortion cohorts can make up stuff all they want, but they can’t conjure a reality where abortion magically cures poverty or strengthens women shackled by circumstances unimproved by killing the life within them."

In fact, mainstream media doesn’t talk about another seedy Philly abortionist, Soleiman M. Soli, who closed his doors (in November 2010) instead of fighting a newly invigorated PA Department of Health after the Gosnell discovery. As reported by The Inquirer back in March 2011 (and covered by Soli had medications in his clinic that were expired for over 30 years, no recovery room, no admitting privileges at an area hospital, stored aborted baby parts in exam-room cabinets and the list went on and on. Unsurprisingly, the same Board of Medicine that chose to ignore Kermit Gosnell’s butchery of poor black women in his 1972 supercoil illegal abortion experiment gone awry turned their backs on Soli’s repeated violations, too. Even as an OB/GYN he was embroiled in numerous lawsuits for harming women in his care, one case ending in a $35 million settlement. Gosnell was, and is not, alone in preying on women. Where were the abortion activists when women were being harmed by Soli for three decades? Silent and complicit."

Poor Excuses for a Butcher: Gosnell is the Typical Abortionist |
Do you have any other source besides an obviously biased site, KG? You cannot possibly believe that an anti abortion website would be reporting the whole truth, do you?
In case you haven't noticed, PP doesn't provide real information and the mainstream media does not cover this subject. But the piece references sources, and you can check those.

Meawhile, what, exactly, do you contest? Or do you just assume that anyone who doesn't gush with enthusiasm for abortion is necessarily making stuff up, like PP does?
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In case you haven't noticed, PP doesn't provide real information and the mainstream media does not cover this subject. But the piece references sources, and you can check those.

Meawhile, what, exactly, do you contest? Or do you just assume that anyone who doesn't gush with enthusiasm for abortion is necessarily making stuff up, like PP does?

I consent everything that LifeSiteNews says. They are anti abortion, of course they will skew things to suit their agenda.
In case you haven't noticed, PP doesn't provide real information and the mainstream media does not cover this subject. But the piece references sources, and you can check those.

Meawhile, what, exactly, do you contest? Or do you just assume that anyone who doesn't gush with enthusiasm for abortion is necessarily making stuff up, like PP does?

I consent everything that LifeSiteNews says. They are anti abortion, of course they will skew things to suit their agenda.

So tell me what you think is a lie. Otherwise, you're just trolling. Point out the lie.
Pennsylvania's failure to oversee abortion clinics, which allowed a West Philadelphia facility to operate for decades with grave deficiencies, also enabled two other Philadelphia-area clinics to endanger patients and ignore rules, a Health Department report shows.
The clinics, one in Bensalem and one in the Germantown section of Philadelphia, were run by Soleiman M. Soli, an obstetrician-gynecologist whose malpractice history includes a case settled for $35 million."

Inspections find dangerous conditions at two Phila.-area abortion clinics -
The reports show the same egregious errors in care and maintenance at both locations. For example, inspectors on both visits inquired about containers of fetal tissue found inside exam-room cabinets. The doctor expressed surprise at the discoveries and dumped them in bags for removal during the inspection.
Inspectors also found a lack of resuscitation equipment and no documentation of patients' vital signs, such as blood pressure, before or after care.
The clinics had no recovery room and, because of the lack of staff, patients were discharged still groggy. A secretary told inspectors she helped patients dress and then they walked out as if in "a drunken state."
Medications and syringes - uncovered and uncapped - were kept directly on the floor under a cabinet in the exam room to hide them from potential burglars, clinic staff told inspectors.
Soli received his medical degree from Shiraz University of Medical Sciences in Iran in 1958, according to the website WebMD. He has been licensed to practice in Pennsylvania since 1967 and is a board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist.
The state Board of Medicine has never disciplined Soli. He has been sued for malpractice at least six times since 1981."

Inspections find dangerous conditions at two Phila.-area abortion clinics -
Yeah, everything in that article is sourced. If you're too lazy or stupid to check the sources and are going with the stupid meme "it's a lie because I don't like who wrote it" then that's your problem, not mine, and it also shows dishonesty on your part.
You're a liar. The sickness is yours. People who refuse to look closely at the conditions under which women are violated, injured and killed in the name of "choice" are the monsters. They're so attached to the idea of killing babies that they refuse to provide any oversight because they're afraid of what they'll find...they KNOW what they will find, and they don't care. Because abortion is all about exploiting and abusing women; NOT helping them.
Quit trolling, baby killer.

No one creates a lower view of women than YOU.

I see women as equals with the intelligence to make their own decisions about their lives and their bodies. YOU see women as possessions and mere 'vessels' for a man's use. Second class citizens who don't have the intelligence to determine their own lives. YOU see women as subservient to men, slaves that submit to the will of men. You 'gushed with enthusiasm' for purity balls, where young women pledge their vaginas to their father, who gets to pass that possession over to the husband.

YOU are the one who degrades women.
Do you have any other source besides an obviously biased site, KG? You cannot possibly believe that an anti abortion website would be reporting the whole truth, do you?

Unlike the MSM, I think you deserve credit for at least daring to make a stand.

Insane and diabolical as it might ultimately be shown to be.
Quit trolling, baby killer.

No one creates a lower view of women than YOU.

I see women as equals with the intelligence to make their own decisions about their lives and their bodies. YOU see women as possessions and mere 'vessels' for a man's use. Second class citizens who don't have the intelligence to determine their own lives. YOU see women as subservient to men, slaves that submit to the will of men. You 'gushed with enthusiasm' for purity balls, where young women pledge their vaginas to their father, who gets to pass that possession over to the husband.

YOU are the one who degrades women.

And I see little girls die because you don't care. I see little girls die because you and your friends don't think God exists or has an opinion on this. I see little girls die because you don't want to be bothered with a possible increase to your taxes, and you are eager enough and stupid enough to swallow the secular liberal lie.

I also see the incredible hypocrisy of pro-choice "do-gooders" and the MSM who villify and imprison some terrified girl who put her one day old child in a dumpster, but think it is so Ok to have another child legally murdered because it happened to be a week younger and still in mommy's tummy.
I have never heard or read ANYONE 'gush with enthusiasm for abortion'.

[ame=]Barack Obama Promises to Sign FOCA - YouTube[/ame]
Quit trolling, baby killer.

No one creates a lower view of women than YOU.

I see women as equals with the intelligence to make their own decisions about their lives and their bodies. YOU see women as possessions and mere 'vessels' for a man's use. Second class citizens who don't have the intelligence to determine their own lives. YOU see women as subservient to men, slaves that submit to the will of men. You 'gushed with enthusiasm' for purity balls, where young women pledge their vaginas to their father, who gets to pass that possession over to the husband.

YOU are the one who degrades women.

And I see little girls die because you don't care. I see little girls die because you and your friends don't think God exists or has an opinion on this. I see little girls die because you don't want to be bothered with a possible increase to your taxes, and you are eager enough and stupid enough to swallow the secular liberal lie.

I also see the incredible hypocrisy of pro-choice "do-gooders" and the MSM who villify and imprison some terrified girl who put her one day old child in a dumpster, but think it is so Ok to have another child legally murdered because it happened to be a week younger and still in mommy's tummy.

Hey Pope turzovka, do only liberal and progressive women have abortions?

The truth is years ago the only women who had safe abortions were the wealthy. Poor little girls died before they could legally have an abortion performed by a doctor in a clinical setting. They were forced to have backroom abortions by hacks, or perform them on themselves with a coat hanger. UNLESS they were the daughters of the opulent, then Priscilla would be 'off on a European vacation' for the neighbors consumption, while having a doctor perform a safe abortion elsewhere.

The current law is extremely fair. If you don't believe in abortions, DON'T HAVE ONE.

But if you right wingers want to force every pregnant woman to carry full term, then YOU OWN the pregnancy; all the doctor bills, special nutritional needs, pay for lost work. And if the mother has a medical problem that affects her health and future earning ability, you owe her for life.

You want to dictate, then YOU have to step up to the plate. You right wingers never THINK of the all ramifications and consequences.

Irony abounds with you right wing 'less government' hacks. Because you view women as possessions that are not smart enough to decide for themselves, their uterus should be the property of the state.
I have never heard or read ANYONE 'gush with enthusiasm for abortion'.

[ame=]Barack Obama Promises to Sign FOCA - YouTube[/ame]

Does your tiny little pea brain ever wonder why that video is so heavily edited? WHERE is the 'gushing'???????????
Mainstream media and especially pro-abortion liberal opinionists are desperate to control the narrative on the horrific abortionist, Kermit Gosnell.


Get this through your dumb thick head. No one is pro-abortion.

No one wants more abortions. (Though, if some drunk dope planted his seed in you, the world might be better off... know what I mean?)

But you can keep your baby with your idiot genes. That's freedom, dummy. We let people like you have babies or terminate your pregnancy if you want to spare us all a jr you.
Hey Pope turzovka, do only liberal and progressive women have abortions?

No, do you violate any principles or rules you preach? Or is it just Christians who have to be perfect or else they are total frauds?

The truth is years ago the only women who had safe abortions were the wealthy. Poor little girls died before they could legally have an abortion performed by a doctor in a clinical setting. They were forced to have backroom abortions by hacks, or perform them on themselves with a coat hanger. UNLESS they were the daughters of the opulent, then Priscilla would be 'off on a European vacation' for the neighbors consumption, while having a doctor perform a safe abortion elsewhere.

Whatever “the truth is” I am surely not taking your biased lean on it. I suspect the truth is, most people did not consider abortions back then because it was not an option in their minds. And I strongly, strongly suspect within a few months after having given birth, they were eternally grateful they did not end the life of the child now before their eyes.

The current law is extremely fair. If you don't believe in abortions, DON'T HAVE ONE.

Your stupid argument is just that. Don’t like heroine, don’t inject it. Don’t like being with a hooker, don’t seek one out. I am protecting an innocent life, you don’t seem to care.

But if you right wingers want to force every pregnant woman to carry full term, then YOU OWN the pregnancy; all the doctor bills, special nutritional needs, pay for lost work. And if the mother has a medical problem that affects her health and future earning ability, you owe her for life.

You sure like to spew from the mouth whatever your brain imagines. How many Catholic services are there that willingly care for pregnant mothers and their children? How many tens of thousands of couples would gladly adopt the child the moment its born? I guess it’s too much to ask someone like you. You’d rather let a few butchers run wild and kill babies on guerneys just so you can pretend all is well in your world.

You want to dictate, then YOU have to step up to the plate. You right wingers never THINK of the all ramifications and consequences.

We don’t agree what you term as “thinking,” that much is certain.

Irony abounds with you right wing 'less government' hacks. Because you view women as possessions that are not smart enough to decide for themselves, their uterus should be the property of the state.

How many more leftist clichés can you come up with in one post? Possessions? Oh my. You really are beyond redemption on this.
No one creates a lower view of women than YOU.

I see women as equals with the intelligence to make their own decisions about their lives and their bodies. YOU see women as possessions and mere 'vessels' for a man's use. Second class citizens who don't have the intelligence to determine their own lives. YOU see women as subservient to men, slaves that submit to the will of men. You 'gushed with enthusiasm' for purity balls, where young women pledge their vaginas to their father, who gets to pass that possession over to the husband.

YOU are the one who degrades women.

And I see little girls die because you don't care. I see little girls die because you and your friends don't think God exists or has an opinion on this. I see little girls die because you don't want to be bothered with a possible increase to your taxes, and you are eager enough and stupid enough to swallow the secular liberal lie.

I also see the incredible hypocrisy of pro-choice "do-gooders" and the MSM who villify and imprison some terrified girl who put her one day old child in a dumpster, but think it is so Ok to have another child legally murdered because it happened to be a week younger and still in mommy's tummy.

Hey Pope turzovka, do only liberal and progressive women have abortions?

The truth is years ago the only women who had safe abortions were the wealthy. Poor little girls died before they could legally have an abortion performed by a doctor in a clinical setting. They were forced to have backroom abortions by hacks, or perform them on themselves with a coat hanger. UNLESS they were the daughters of the opulent, then Priscilla would be 'off on a European vacation' for the neighbors consumption, while having a doctor perform a safe abortion elsewhere.

The current law is extremely fair. If you don't believe in abortions, DON'T HAVE ONE.

But if you right wingers want to force every pregnant woman to carry full term, then YOU OWN the pregnancy; all the doctor bills, special nutritional needs, pay for lost work. And if the mother has a medical problem that affects her health and future earning ability, you owe her for life.

You want to dictate, then YOU have to step up to the plate. You right wingers never THINK of the all ramifications and consequences.

Irony abounds with you right wing 'less government' hacks. Because you view women as possessions that are not smart enough to decide for themselves, their uterus should be the property of the state.

How quickly they (pretend to) forget that shitty santorum's wife had an abortion.

Should she have been able to get that abortion?

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