Trickle-Up Recession: The 1% Getting Real About the Permanent Fix for the Economy

The 1% didn't create this. The 99% wanting to be able to do more with less did.

Supply...demand. Neither knows nor cares about your perception of what is moral, or what is not.

Who created the "with less" part of the statement you just made?

Every single individual walking the face of God's green earth. That's who.

Are you truly so stupid you can't see that someone buying a product for $80, instead of $100, so they can spend the other $20 on something else is what every one with a functional brain does?
Your lack of empathy is apparent. At least you're owning it..

Empathy in business, doesn't work. Why? Because *YOU* the customer, do not exercise empathy. When I was in high school, there was a grocery store chain called "Big Bear". You can look them up if you want.

They paid pretty good wages for an entry level job. I specifically went to Big Bear, because it paid more than the other stores. Today Big Bear doesn't exist. Why? Because the other stores had the same products at a cheaper price.
I did the same thing until the economy tanked and I was forced to choose between buying slightly more expensive milk and paying the phone bill... I didn't create those conditions of "amorality". The 1% did on Wallstreet. Own your shit.

Can I blame you for stuff, without any evidence supporting it? It's your fault I lost my job in 2010. Own your sh!t.

By the way, I went two years without phone service, because I didn't have money to pay for it. It's your fault.

A long time ago when my first was born, my wife and I could have qualified for some federal assistance. We didn't even consider it. We made it just fine without, just as many of the people today could if they so chose.

In those days, being a useless drag on society was frowned on. Now? People like you celebrate when someone fails to even try. That's the most pathetic thing of all about your cannibal creed.
Your lack of empathy is apparent. At least you're owning it..

Empathy in business, doesn't work. Why? Because *YOU* the customer, do not exercise empathy. When I was in high school, there was a grocery store chain called "Big Bear". You can look them up if you want.

They paid pretty good wages for an entry level job. I specifically went to Big Bear, because it paid more than the other stores. Today Big Bear doesn't exist. Why? Because the other stores had the same products at a cheaper price.
I did the same thing until the economy tanked and I was forced to choose between buying slightly more expensive milk and paying the phone bill... I didn't create those conditions of "amorality". The 1% did on Wallstreet. Own your shit.

Can I blame you for stuff, without any evidence supporting it? It's your fault I lost my job in 2010. Own your sh!t.

By the way, I went two years without phone service, because I didn't have money to pay for it. It's your fault.

A long time ago when my first was born, my wife and I could have qualified for some federal assistance. We didn't even consider it. We made it just fine without, just as many of the people today could if they so chose.

In those days, being a useless drag on society was frowned on. Now? People like you celebrate when someone fails to even try. That's the most pathetic thing of all about your cannibal creed.

I was being sarcastic. He was trying to blame everything that happens to him, on Wall street. So I was being sarcastic, and blaming him for every bad thing that happened to me.

I personally, have been able to find a job, every single time I have been laid off. Shockingly, employers like people who work.
Your lack of empathy is apparent. At least you're owning it..

Empathy in business, doesn't work. Why? Because *YOU* the customer, do not exercise empathy. When I was in high school, there was a grocery store chain called "Big Bear". You can look them up if you want.

They paid pretty good wages for an entry level job. I specifically went to Big Bear, because it paid more than the other stores. Today Big Bear doesn't exist. Why? Because the other stores had the same products at a cheaper price.
I did the same thing until the economy tanked and I was forced to choose between buying slightly more expensive milk and paying the phone bill... I didn't create those conditions of "amorality". The 1% did on Wallstreet. Own your shit.

Can I blame you for stuff, without any evidence supporting it? It's your fault I lost my job in 2010. Own your sh!t.

By the way, I went two years without phone service, because I didn't have money to pay for it. It's your fault.

A long time ago when my first was born, my wife and I could have qualified for some federal assistance. We didn't even consider it. We made it just fine without, just as many of the people today could if they so chose.

In those days, being a useless drag on society was frowned on. Now? People like you celebrate when someone fails to even try. That's the most pathetic thing of all about your cannibal creed.

I was being sarcastic. He was trying to blame everything that happens to him, on Wall street. So I was being sarcastic, and blaming him for every bad thing that happened to me.

I personally, have been able to find a job, every single time I have been laid off. Shockingly, employers like people who work.

I got it, I was pointing out someone else managed to get by without the government bailing them out. A foreign concept to people like him. I can see where it may have been misunderstood though.
I personally, have been able to find a job, every single time I have been laid off. Shockingly, employers like people who work.

Once again you're implying I don't like to work. And that makes you an asshole. I told you I have more scars (including broken bones that didn't heal right) from working harder in one day than you probably have worked in your entire life.

We can all find a temp job as a greeter for Wallmart...oops...I mean the ones that didn't just get shut down... or flipping burgers at Mikky-Ds... but will that keep the mortgage paid? Lay up a retirement and leave a surplus to go buy your extras on the market? Nope. If I was lucky enough to pay my relatively low mortgage with a shit job like that (the majority of what's out there, let's face it) with my health and advancing age (I was nearing retirement when the market crashed...and am far less "hireable" than a healthy youngster), I'd most certainly not have extra cash lying around to buy your extraneous widgets.

So then BigEntertainment and BigVacation and Big(Fill in the frivolous/fluff product of your choice here) will feel the pinch first. If you're heavily invested in vacations, expensive trinkets or any other non-essentials to the basic survival of the shrinking middle class' immediate-necessities, I would suggest reinvesting in food, medicine and roofing materials. Time to pull out the investments in Disney, designer clothes, restaurants and home furnishings industries. There Mr. 1%, I just gave the reptile in you a way to keep profiting even more as the carcass kicks its last in the death throes...

Your patriotism is quite remarkable..
I personally, have been able to find a job, every single time I have been laid off. Shockingly, employers like people who work.

Once again you're implying I don't like to work. And that makes you an asshole. I told you I have more scars (including broken bones that didn't heal right) from working harder in one day than you probably have worked in your entire life.

We can all find a temp job as a greeter for Wallmart...oops...I mean the ones that didn't just get shut down... or flipping burgers at Mikky-Ds... but will that keep the mortgage paid? Lay up a retirement and leave a surplus to go buy your extras on the market? Nope. If I was lucky enough to pay my relatively low mortgage with a shit job like that (the majority of what's out there, let's face it) with my health and advancing age (I was nearing retirement when the market crashed...and am far less "hireable" than a healthy youngster), I'd most certainly not have extra cash lying around to buy your extraneous widgets.

So then BigEntertainment and BigVacation and Big(Fill in the frivolous/fluff product of your choice here) will feel the pinch first. If you're heavily invested in vacations, expensive trinkets or any other non-essentials to the basic survival of the shrinking middle class' immediate-necessities, I would suggest reinvesting in food, medicine and roofing materials. Time to pull out the investments in Disney, designer clothes, restaurants and home furnishings industries. There Mr. 1%, I just gave the reptile in you a way to keep profiting even more as the carcass kicks its last in the death throes...

Your patriotism is quite remarkable..

We're pretty darn sure you don't like to work. You proclaim your hatred of working with pretty much everything you type.
I personally, have been able to find a job, every single time I have been laid off. Shockingly, employers like people who work.

Once again you're implying I don't like to work. And that makes you an asshole. I told you I have more scars (including broken bones that didn't heal right) from working harder in one day than you probably have worked in your entire life.

We can all find a temp job as a greeter for Wallmart...oops...I mean the ones that didn't just get shut down... or flipping burgers at Mikky-Ds... but will that keep the mortgage paid? Lay up a retirement and leave a surplus to go buy your extras on the market? Nope. If I was lucky enough to pay my relatively low mortgage with a shit job like that (the majority of what's out there, let's face it) with my health and advancing age (I was nearing retirement when the market crashed...and am far less "hireable" than a healthy youngster), I'd most certainly not have extra cash lying around to buy your extraneous widgets.

So then BigEntertainment and BigVacation and Big(Fill in the frivolous/fluff product of your choice here) will feel the pinch first. If you're heavily invested in vacations, expensive trinkets or any other non-essentials to the basic survival of the shrinking middle class' immediate-necessities, I would suggest reinvesting in food, medicine and roofing materials. Time to pull out the investments in Disney, designer clothes, restaurants and home furnishings industries. There Mr. 1%, I just gave the reptile in you a way to keep profiting even more as the carcass kicks its last in the death throes...

Your patriotism is quite remarkable..

So? What you think about me.... doesn't matter to me.

As for your broken bones and scars.... I'm not advocating you work as a crash test dummy. You can.... not very intelligent line of work to do....

Working hard, isn't just getting your butt out of bed, and killing yourself at a job. It includes things like getting along with others. Learning new skills and abilities that make you more valuable, or worth keeping. It means working smarter, not just 'harder'. It means appreciating your job and employer. I can't count the number of people who are greedy and envious, and despise their employer, and then complain they never get a raise. Well of course not. I wouldn't promote that person to manager of an out house.

"We can all find a temp job as a greeter for Wallmart...oops...I mean the ones that didn't just get shut down... or flipping burgers at Mikky-Ds... but will that keep the mortgage paid?"​

Two things..... First, the answer to that question depends on how expensive a house you buy, doesn't it? I've seen homes on sale for $50,000. You can afford such a home, while working for low wages. If you are single, get a roommate. If you are married, two people working minimum wage is $31,000. That places you in the top 1% of wage earners in the world. You can afford a $50,000 home.

Again, the biggest problem with people, is they want a luxury life style, while working at McDonalds. Not going to happen.

Second, there are many people that the only job they can do, is a Walmart job, and as you just pointed out, they closed a 154 stores, and thousands on thousands of people were left unemployed.

Thanks to you, now they earn NOTHING. Good job. Well done. Leftism strikes again, harming the people they claim to support.

Isn't this what you are effectively advocating? You demanded that Walmart increase wages, they did, and now they closed a bunch of stores, and laid off tons of people. Well done.

How many times does this have to be demonstrated over and over, before you get it?

This is exactly what I've been saying the entire thread. The wealthy are going to pack up and leave if you make it unprofitable to have jobs here. Walmart's latest move in response to the wage and union attacks, is exactly what I warned about.
As for your broken bones and scars.... I'm not advocating you work as a crash test dummy. You can.... not very intelligent line of work to do....

Working hard, isn't just getting your butt out of bed, and killing yourself at a job. It includes things like getting along with others. Learning new skills and abilities that make you more valuable, or worth keeping. It means working smarter, not just 'harder'...

Well that house you're sitting in typing from...enjoy the concrete slab underneath it, the wood studs, plate and roof joists above that. Don't forget to thank the roof shingles, gutters, window sills, insulation, drywall, electrical and plumbing you take for granted every day. Because that was the industry I was in and you don't get that stuff done without breaking bones and getting a few scars. Go look up a carpenter and see if they've made it to age 30 without broken bones and scars.

I know a guy (he was an idiot grunt, obviously) who sawed off one hand completely. Then while that was healing, he went back to work, tried to make a cut with it and sawed off the other good hand. They sewed both of them back on but they are all curled up and useless because the idiot didn't do good physical therapy and their nerve reattachment techniques weren't that good back then. He stands out as an exception, but when you are working with a crew of all sorts, boards get dropped, nail guns aren't always handled properly, heavy objects fall and fly around as a matter of course. And sometimes you get pinned between them. Sometimes people die. Not uncommonly in construction in fact. All so you marshmallow types can sit around and take it all for granted and ultimately ruin the industry with the stock markets you can't leave alone.

Not every highly-skilled job means sitting at a desk and playing the stock market. Someone had to build that desk for you. Go ahead and try to build one yourself. See how close you can come to the beauty and functionality of that art and skill. Good luck.. Some industry requires smart and hard together. You couldn't do it. Not if your life depended on it, and oddly, it does. Like to see you sitting on your high horse typing from a tent in the woods in Winter..
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As for your broken bones and scars.... I'm not advocating you work as a crash test dummy. You can.... not very intelligent line of work to do....

Working hard, isn't just getting your butt out of bed, and killing yourself at a job. It includes things like getting along with others. Learning new skills and abilities that make you more valuable, or worth keeping. It means working smarter, not just 'harder'...

Well that house you're sitting in typing from...enjoy the concrete slab underneath it, the wood studs, plate and roof joists above that. Don't forget to thank the roof shingles, gutters, window sills, insulation, drywall, electrical and plumbing you take for granted every day. Because that was the industry I was in and you don't get that stuff done without breaking bones and getting a few scars. Go look up a carpenter and see if they've made it to age 30 without broken bones and scars.

I know a guy (he was an idiot grunt, obviously) who sawed off one hand completely. Then while that was healing, he went back to work, tried to make a cut with it and sawed off the other good hand. They sewed both of them back on but they are all curled up and useless because the idiot didn't do good physical therapy and their nerve reattachment techniques weren't that good back then. He stands out as an exception, but when you are working with a crew of all sorts, boards get dropped, nail guns aren't always handled properly, heavy objects fall and fly around as a matter of course. And sometimes you get pinned between them. Sometimes people die. Not uncommonly in construction in fact. All so you marshmallow types can sit around and take it all for granted and ultimately ruin the industry with the stock markets you can't leave alone.

Not every highly-skilled job means sitting at a desk and playing the stock market. Someone had to build that desk for you. Go ahead and try to build one yourself. See how close you can come to the beauty and functionality of that art and skill. Good luck.. Some industry requires smart and hard together. You couldn't do it. Not if your life depended on it, and oddly, it does. Like to see you sitting on your high horse typing from a tent in the woods in Winter..

That's all peachy... but up until this post right here, the basis of our discussion was low-wage low-skill walmart-like jobs. Now all of a sudden it's Carpentry? Most of my extended family is all into skilled labor. Electrician, Carpenter, Dry Wallers, Welders, and so on. Thus far, I don't know a single one that has broken bones, or gives a crap about Walmart jobs. In fact most did Walmart jobs, while they trained to do their current careers.

Nor did I suggest those jobs are bad. All of those people make a ton more money than I do. As to whether or not I could do those jobs... Yeah some of them. Easily. I'm 6 foot 2, and 250 lbs, and I can, and have, helped in some building projects. I'm no where near as good as my relatives, as far as quality, that's for sure.

I'm not sure how you got the idea that I'm some CEO, spread sheet maker, on some board of directors. I certainly never said that.

Dude, I'm manual labor. I've spent my whole life in manufacturing, as an hourly employee. Right now, I just put product together.

I think you, and people like you, assume that since I talk to CEOs, and actually ask questions, instead of blindly making accusations, that I must make six-figure incomes like them. No. The most money I have ever made in a single year, thus far, is about $20,000 a year.

Instead of attacking people who make more than me, I talk to them, and ask them questions, and see how they got there, and why they make the choices they make. When I come to you with this information, you blindly seem to assume I'm a CEO. Try talking to people, instead of attacking them.
As for your broken bones and scars.... I'm not advocating you work as a crash test dummy. You can.... not very intelligent line of work to do....

Working hard, isn't just getting your butt out of bed, and killing yourself at a job. It includes things like getting along with others. Learning new skills and abilities that make you more valuable, or worth keeping. It means working smarter, not just 'harder'...

Well that house you're sitting in typing from...enjoy the concrete slab underneath it, the wood studs, plate and roof joists above that. Don't forget to thank the roof shingles, gutters, window sills, insulation, drywall, electrical and plumbing you take for granted every day. Because that was the industry I was in and you don't get that stuff done without breaking bones and getting a few scars. Go look up a carpenter and see if they've made it to age 30 without broken bones and scars.

I know a guy (he was an idiot grunt, obviously) who sawed off one hand completely. Then while that was healing, he went back to work, tried to make a cut with it and sawed off the other good hand. They sewed both of them back on but they are all curled up and useless because the idiot didn't do good physical therapy and their nerve reattachment techniques weren't that good back then. He stands out as an exception, but when you are working with a crew of all sorts, boards get dropped, nail guns aren't always handled properly, heavy objects fall and fly around as a matter of course. And sometimes you get pinned between them. Sometimes people die. Not uncommonly in construction in fact. All so you marshmallow types can sit around and take it all for granted and ultimately ruin the industry with the stock markets you can't leave alone.

Not every highly-skilled job means sitting at a desk and playing the stock market. Someone had to build that desk for you. Go ahead and try to build one yourself. See how close you can come to the beauty and functionality of that art and skill. Good luck.. Some industry requires smart and hard together. You couldn't do it. Not if your life depended on it, and oddly, it does. Like to see you sitting on your high horse typing from a tent in the woods in Winter..

That's all peachy... but up until this post right here, the basis of our discussion was low-wage low-skill walmart-like jobs. Now all of a sudden it's Carpentry? Most of my extended family is all into skilled labor. Electrician, Carpenter, Dry Wallers, Welders, and so on. Thus far, I don't know a single one that has broken bones, or gives a crap about Walmart jobs. In fact most did Walmart jobs, while they trained to do their current careers.

Nor did I suggest those jobs are bad. All of those people make a ton more money than I do. As to whether or not I could do those jobs... Yeah some of them. Easily. I'm 6 foot 2, and 250 lbs, and I can, and have, helped in some building projects. I'm no where near as good as my relatives, as far as quality, that's for sure.

I'm not sure how you got the idea that I'm some CEO, spread sheet maker, on some board of directors. I certainly never said that.

Dude, I'm manual labor. I've spent my whole life in manufacturing, as an hourly employee. Right now, I just put product together.

I think you, and people like you, assume that since I talk to CEOs, and actually ask questions, instead of blindly making accusations, that I must make six-figure incomes like them. No. The most money I have ever made in a single year, thus far, is about $20,000 a year.

Instead of attacking people who make more than me, I talk to them, and ask them questions, and see how they got there, and why they make the choices they make. When I come to you with this information, you blindly seem to assume I'm a CEO. Try talking to people, instead of attacking them.

Your most 20K a year explains quite a bit why you are so extreme right. Danged, I make twice that much and I am retired with 2 big and one small retirement plans paying me to sit on my but and type this. So far, every convicted felon I know of around here are Tea Party Republicans. It seems if you do away with the gun regs (all of them) that they can get guns legally again. Many have guns that they purchased at a gun show or privately even though they are forbidden by law to have them. So I guess you may very well be a convicted felon since they are the most vocal and make the least money for a job.
As for your broken bones and scars.... I'm not advocating you work as a crash test dummy. You can.... not very intelligent line of work to do....

Working hard, isn't just getting your butt out of bed, and killing yourself at a job. It includes things like getting along with others. Learning new skills and abilities that make you more valuable, or worth keeping. It means working smarter, not just 'harder'...

Well that house you're sitting in typing from...enjoy the concrete slab underneath it, the wood studs, plate and roof joists above that. Don't forget to thank the roof shingles, gutters, window sills, insulation, drywall, electrical and plumbing you take for granted every day. Because that was the industry I was in and you don't get that stuff done without breaking bones and getting a few scars. Go look up a carpenter and see if they've made it to age 30 without broken bones and scars.

I know a guy (he was an idiot grunt, obviously) who sawed off one hand completely. Then while that was healing, he went back to work, tried to make a cut with it and sawed off the other good hand. They sewed both of them back on but they are all curled up and useless because the idiot didn't do good physical therapy and their nerve reattachment techniques weren't that good back then. He stands out as an exception, but when you are working with a crew of all sorts, boards get dropped, nail guns aren't always handled properly, heavy objects fall and fly around as a matter of course. And sometimes you get pinned between them. Sometimes people die. Not uncommonly in construction in fact. All so you marshmallow types can sit around and take it all for granted and ultimately ruin the industry with the stock markets you can't leave alone.

Not every highly-skilled job means sitting at a desk and playing the stock market. Someone had to build that desk for you. Go ahead and try to build one yourself. See how close you can come to the beauty and functionality of that art and skill. Good luck.. Some industry requires smart and hard together. You couldn't do it. Not if your life depended on it, and oddly, it does. Like to see you sitting on your high horse typing from a tent in the woods in Winter..

Ah so you know a lot of bad, stupid carpenters.

Only bad, stupid carpenters I've known had broken bones and scars. Only ones I've seen injure themselves frankly were drunk or doped up.
Ah so you know a lot of bad, stupid carpenters.

Only bad, stupid carpenters I've known had broken bones and scars. Only ones I've seen injure themselves frankly were drunk or doped up.

Yep, because sober, skilled carpenters NEVER get hurt in their daily strenuous, hard jobs. Yep. Sure buddy. Got any other fairy tales you want to share?

Made that desk yet? No? Need someone skilled to do that for you? Wait until those dumb, stupid brainless farmers start to strike. Then you'll snap around quick... You need us. The 1% needs the 99%. They wouldn't last one week without us. :popcorn: So keep piling those straws on the camel's back..Ms. Antoinette..
Ah so you know a lot of bad, stupid carpenters.

Only bad, stupid carpenters I've known had broken bones and scars. Only ones I've seen injure themselves frankly were drunk or doped up.

Yep, because sober, skilled carpenters NEVER get hurt in their daily strenuous, hard jobs. Yep. Sure buddy. Got any other fairy tales you want to share?

Made that desk yet? No? Need someone skilled to do that for you? Wait until those dumb, stupid brainless farmers start to strike. Then you'll snap around quick... You need us. The 1% needs the 99%. They wouldn't last one week without us. :popcorn: So keep piling those straws on the camel's back..Ms. Antoinette..

I'm sorry you suck at your job and apparently hang out with guys who aren't good at anything. Good carpenters are methodical and careful....because they're NOT stupid. Getting hurt means you don't work, you don't work as a don't eat and the worst injury I ever suffered in decades of building things was I dropped a beam on my foot and lost a toenail a few days later. Hell I hurt myself worse playing golf.

And yeah, if I need a desk, I can make one, I'm going with a built-in one for my new house....which I designed btw.

So no, I don't need your useless ass, and if the farmers strike...well it's good that I'm an old country boy and know how to do many things...cause I had grandparents that taught me the old ways. And I applied some new tricks they never thought of.
I'm sorry you suck at your job and apparently hang out with guys who aren't good at anything. Good carpenters are methodical and careful....because they're NOT stupid. Getting hurt means you don't work, you don't work as a don't eat and the worst injury I ever suffered in decades of building things was I dropped a beam on my foot and lost a toenail a few days later. Hell I hurt myself worse playing golf.

And yeah, if I need a desk, I can make one, I'm going with a built-in one for my new house....which I designed btw.

So no, I don't need your useless ass, and if the farmers strike...well it's good that I'm an old country boy and know how to do many things...cause I had grandparents that taught me the old ways. And I applied some new tricks they never thought of.
Sounds like "let them eat cake"...

And, I wonder how many other people can do the things you do in the 1%? Those born into money especially? Care to speculate?
I'm sorry you suck at your job and apparently hang out with guys who aren't good at anything. Good carpenters are methodical and careful....because they're NOT stupid. Getting hurt means you don't work, you don't work as a don't eat and the worst injury I ever suffered in decades of building things was I dropped a beam on my foot and lost a toenail a few days later. Hell I hurt myself worse playing golf.

And yeah, if I need a desk, I can make one, I'm going with a built-in one for my new house....which I designed btw.

So no, I don't need your useless ass, and if the farmers strike...well it's good that I'm an old country boy and know how to do many things...cause I had grandparents that taught me the old ways. And I applied some new tricks they never thought of.
Sounds like "let them eat cake"...

And, I wonder how many other people can do the things you do in the 1%? Those born into money especially? Care to speculate?
Just the other day Paris Hilton made "a slut out of herself"."; so you see those born into money can make things!
I'm sorry you suck at your job and apparently hang out with guys who aren't good at anything. Good carpenters are methodical and careful....because they're NOT stupid. Getting hurt means you don't work, you don't work as a don't eat and the worst injury I ever suffered in decades of building things was I dropped a beam on my foot and lost a toenail a few days later. Hell I hurt myself worse playing golf.

And yeah, if I need a desk, I can make one, I'm going with a built-in one for my new house....which I designed btw.

So no, I don't need your useless ass, and if the farmers strike...well it's good that I'm an old country boy and know how to do many things...cause I had grandparents that taught me the old ways. And I applied some new tricks they never thought of.
Sounds like "let them eat cake"...

And, I wonder how many other people can do the things you do in the 1%? Those born into money especially? Care to speculate?

80% of Millionaires are first generation rich. They were not born into it, like the Kennedy's and other leftists that you support.
I'm sorry you suck at your job and apparently hang out with guys who aren't good at anything. Good carpenters are methodical and careful....because they're NOT stupid. Getting hurt means you don't work, you don't work as a don't eat and the worst injury I ever suffered in decades of building things was I dropped a beam on my foot and lost a toenail a few days later. Hell I hurt myself worse playing golf.

And yeah, if I need a desk, I can make one, I'm going with a built-in one for my new house....which I designed btw.

So no, I don't need your useless ass, and if the farmers strike...well it's good that I'm an old country boy and know how to do many things...cause I had grandparents that taught me the old ways. And I applied some new tricks they never thought of.
Sounds like "let them eat cake"...

And, I wonder how many other people can do the things you do in the 1%? Those born into money especially? Care to speculate?

80% of Millionaires are first generation rich. They were not born into it, like the Kennedy's and other leftists that you support.
Being a Millionaire on paper is not all that tough.
In my neighborhood, it means you own a house.
And yes, when someone is defined as being a Millionaire we DON'T REALLY know what that means.
As for your broken bones and scars.... I'm not advocating you work as a crash test dummy. You can.... not very intelligent line of work to do....

Working hard, isn't just getting your butt out of bed, and killing yourself at a job. It includes things like getting along with others. Learning new skills and abilities that make you more valuable, or worth keeping. It means working smarter, not just 'harder'...

Well that house you're sitting in typing from...enjoy the concrete slab underneath it, the wood studs, plate and roof joists above that. Don't forget to thank the roof shingles, gutters, window sills, insulation, drywall, electrical and plumbing you take for granted every day. Because that was the industry I was in and you don't get that stuff done without breaking bones and getting a few scars. Go look up a carpenter and see if they've made it to age 30 without broken bones and scars.

I know a guy (he was an idiot grunt, obviously) who sawed off one hand completely. Then while that was healing, he went back to work, tried to make a cut with it and sawed off the other good hand. They sewed both of them back on but they are all curled up and useless because the idiot didn't do good physical therapy and their nerve reattachment techniques weren't that good back then. He stands out as an exception, but when you are working with a crew of all sorts, boards get dropped, nail guns aren't always handled properly, heavy objects fall and fly around as a matter of course. And sometimes you get pinned between them. Sometimes people die. Not uncommonly in construction in fact. All so you marshmallow types can sit around and take it all for granted and ultimately ruin the industry with the stock markets you can't leave alone.

Not every highly-skilled job means sitting at a desk and playing the stock market. Someone had to build that desk for you. Go ahead and try to build one yourself. See how close you can come to the beauty and functionality of that art and skill. Good luck.. Some industry requires smart and hard together. You couldn't do it. Not if your life depended on it, and oddly, it does. Like to see you sitting on your high horse typing from a tent in the woods in Winter..

That's all peachy... but up until this post right here, the basis of our discussion was low-wage low-skill walmart-like jobs. Now all of a sudden it's Carpentry? Most of my extended family is all into skilled labor. Electrician, Carpenter, Dry Wallers, Welders, and so on. Thus far, I don't know a single one that has broken bones, or gives a crap about Walmart jobs. In fact most did Walmart jobs, while they trained to do their current careers.

Nor did I suggest those jobs are bad. All of those people make a ton more money than I do. As to whether or not I could do those jobs... Yeah some of them. Easily. I'm 6 foot 2, and 250 lbs, and I can, and have, helped in some building projects. I'm no where near as good as my relatives, as far as quality, that's for sure.

I'm not sure how you got the idea that I'm some CEO, spread sheet maker, on some board of directors. I certainly never said that.

Dude, I'm manual labor. I've spent my whole life in manufacturing, as an hourly employee. Right now, I just put product together.

I think you, and people like you, assume that since I talk to CEOs, and actually ask questions, instead of blindly making accusations, that I must make six-figure incomes like them. No. The most money I have ever made in a single year, thus far, is about $20,000 a year.

Instead of attacking people who make more than me, I talk to them, and ask them questions, and see how they got there, and why they make the choices they make. When I come to you with this information, you blindly seem to assume I'm a CEO. Try talking to people, instead of attacking them.

Your most 20K a year explains quite a bit why you are so extreme right. Danged, I make twice that much and I am retired with 2 big and one small retirement plans paying me to sit on my but and type this. So far, every convicted felon I know of around here are Tea Party Republicans. It seems if you do away with the gun regs (all of them) that they can get guns legally again. Many have guns that they purchased at a gun show or privately even though they are forbidden by law to have them. So I guess you may very well be a convicted felon since they are the most vocal and make the least money for a job.

LOL! I knew it! You claim to be for the poor, but the moment you find someone who earns less than you, you insult them, belittle them, and attack them, and accuse them.

You hate the poor. While you attack others as being guilty as sin, you are the most hateful and evil person to post on this thread yet. Look at the judging you just illustrated for all of us! Left-wing people are all the same. I've never had a different response from a left-winger. Never once. The moment they find I'm in the low-income bracket, attacks, insults and judging. Never fails.

Thank you sir. You proved me right, once again.
I'm sorry you suck at your job and apparently hang out with guys who aren't good at anything. Good carpenters are methodical and careful....because they're NOT stupid. Getting hurt means you don't work, you don't work as a don't eat and the worst injury I ever suffered in decades of building things was I dropped a beam on my foot and lost a toenail a few days later. Hell I hurt myself worse playing golf.

And yeah, if I need a desk, I can make one, I'm going with a built-in one for my new house....which I designed btw.

So no, I don't need your useless ass, and if the farmers strike...well it's good that I'm an old country boy and know how to do many things...cause I had grandparents that taught me the old ways. And I applied some new tricks they never thought of.
Sounds like "let them eat cake"...

And, I wonder how many other people can do the things you do in the 1%? Those born into money especially? Care to speculate?

More like...don't be a useless ass and learn.

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