Trickle-Up Recession: The 1% Getting Real About the Permanent Fix for the Economy

Without offshoring, we would have fewer jobs, and be in a much worse mess.


Yes, because less Americans working = a stronger economy. Got it... I took math in elementary school. So, no wool over my eyes.

Let Americans working.....???

Isn't that how things work.

These unemployed get together and start businesses to compete for the dollars the "rich" are hauling in (and they are hauling in a great deal of them).

Unless they've been taught to mope around and blame someone else for their woes.
The mood in the Chamber during the SOTU was very sober. It's when the 1% realize their portfolios are shrinking. I find it amusing that these folks can't do the simple math. If you squeeze the people from every angle possible who buy things from you, they lose the ability to buy things from you. This isn't rocket science..

Where exactly are you getting this myth, that their portfolios are shrinking? My investments have not shrunk. I'm way up for the year.

I mean, you do realize that when stock prices drop... that doesn't mean they lost any stock... right? All it means is that now they can purchase more stock at a lower price. Which means that even if by chance their portfolio value is lower... they are getting more dividend payments from it, because they can buy more stock.

I myself have dumped more money into the market now, than I was this time last year, because prices are cheap.

Now the only counter to that is if this is in response to a move on protectionism, or nationalizing health care. But I doubt that's the problem. IF it is, things will get much worse for all of us as we move towards the election.

Protectionism and trade wars, will wipe out the economy. The stock market is a reflection of investors reacting to future problems.

But I still doubt that's what's going on. It's too early.
The mood in the Chamber during the SOTU was very sober. It's when the 1% realize their portfolios are shrinking. I find it amusing that these folks can't do the simple math. If you squeeze the people from every angle possible who buy things from you, they lose the ability to buy things from you. This isn't rocket science..

Where exactly are you getting this myth, that their portfolios are shrinking? My investments have not shrunk. I'm way up for the year.

I mean, you do realize that when stock prices drop... that doesn't mean they lost any stock... right? All it means is that now they can purchase more stock at a lower price. Which means that even if by chance their portfolio value is lower... they are getting more dividend payments from it, because they can buy more stock.
The rich are not immune to severe depressions. And, as it happens, I have a first hand account of what happens to the rich in an economy that stubbornly won't stop shrinking...

I heard stories of what happened to even some of the best-set Americans during the 1930s depression. My own grandfather, whom I had the privilege to know as well as my parents, had to work three jobs just to barely keep his wife and two daughters in food and hand-me-downs with a spartan roof over their head in their old wood farmhouse he bought. And he was one of the best-off people in town. He owned the newspaper; about the only thing people kept buying fervently to see if any good news was coming. He was a avid republican to his death, a businessman above all. But he would open his front door to strangers begging for food and give them some of the family soup and biscuits because he also went to church every Sunday and paid attention to the sermons with a bowed head.

That man no longer exists in our world...literally and figuratively. And that is the problem with America today. My grandfather, part of the 1% in his town, lived frugally off the wealth he finally did acquire when WWII came along and his newspaper was the hottest franchise going. He saw to it that others didn't suffer unnecessarily. He became greedy for the power of his wealth and what it could do to bolster others, not how he could roll in it like a filthy spoiled pig.

He understood that people were basically good and wanted to work. He was a republican. That's what it meant to be a republican: to be successful by working hard, but to also live frugally and humbly before God; helping the plight of the less fortunate without being a total chump. He knew how to spot a manipulator from an authentic hard case. Manipulators were not the common fare back then though because from the highest aristocrat to the lowest shoe shine boy, they all had had exposure to the fear of God's moral retribution. So it tempered their arrogance. What's missing today is morality on a grand scale.

I wish we could clone him and fill the seats of the GOP with him. Our country's economy would look a whole lot different today if we could.
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The mood in the Chamber during the SOTU was very sober. It's when the 1% realize their portfolios are shrinking. I find it amusing that these folks can't do the simple math. If you squeeze the people from every angle possible who buy things from you, they lose the ability to buy things from you. This isn't rocket science..

Where exactly are you getting this myth, that their portfolios are shrinking? My investments have not shrunk. I'm way up for the year.

I mean, you do realize that when stock prices drop... that doesn't mean they lost any stock... right? All it means is that now they can purchase more stock at a lower price. Which means that even if by chance their portfolio value is lower... they are getting more dividend payments from it, because they can buy more stock.
The rich are not immune to severe depressions. And, as it happens, I have a first hand account of what happens to the rich in an economy that stubbornly won't stop shrinking...

I heard stories of what happened to even some of the best-set Americans during the 1930s depression. My own grandfather, whom I had the privilege to know as well as my parents, had to work three jobs just to barely keep his wife and two daughters in food and hand-me-downs with a spartan roof over their head in their old wood farmhouse he bought. And he was one of the best-off people in town. He owned the newspaper; about the only thing people kept buying fervently to see if any good news was coming. He was a avid republican to his death, a businessman above all. But he would open his front door to strangers begging for food and give them some of the family soup and biscuits because he also went to church every Sunday and paid attention to the sermons with a bowed head.

That man no longer exists in our world...literally and figuratively. And that is the problem with America today. My grandfather, part of the 1% in his town, lived frugally off the wealth he finally did acquire when WWII came along and his newspaper was the hottest franchise going. He saw to it that others didn't suffer unnecessarily. He became greedy for the power of his wealth and what it could do to bolster others, not how he could roll in it like a filthy spoiled pig.

He understood that people were basically good and wanted to work. He was a republican. That's what it meant to be a republican: to be successful by working hard, but to also live frugally and humbly before God; helping the plight of the less fortunate without being a total chump. He knew how to spot a manipulator from an authentic hard case. Manipulators were not the common fare back then though because from the highest aristocrat to the lowest shoe shine boy, they all had had exposure to the fear of God's moral retribution. So it tempered their arrogance. What's missing today is morality on a grand scale.

I wish we could clone him and fill the seats of the GOP with him. Our country's economy would look a whole lot different today if we could.

While I agree with most of what you said there.... two issue.

The top 1% of his town? Henry Ford wasn't wiped out by the depression. Or any of the other truly wealthy. Good man or not, I doubt your grand father was the top 1% of anything other than his town. I'm talking about the real wealthy. A minor dip (or even a major dip) in their portfolio isn't going to cause Warren Buffet even the slightest discomfort. Trust me.

Second, unless you know every single wealthy person in the world today... how you think you have the ability to judge their character from the comfort of your keyboard is beyond me.

Most all charity is given by the rich. Most charitable organizations are created by the rich. And most all jobs are created by the rich.

Are their some that are greedy and spoiled? Yeah, but there are some greedy spoiled people in this very thread too. There are greedy spoiled people throughout our culture. It's not isolated among the rich, or even concentrated among the rich.

Quite frankly to 90% of the planet, the poorest idiot in America is the spoiled greedy rich. I still remember listening to the BBC interviewing people who came from Africa to America, and they sit there marveling at how complainy and whiny Americans are. These people come from places where having electricity for more than 8 hours a day, and running water that doesn't need cleaned and boiled, is the height of luxury. And all we do is whine about those who have more than us... while 90% of the planet can only dream about what the least of us has.

Sometimes I wish the rich people would just get tired of all the childish bickering of the public, and pack up their stuff and leave.. And when you all are starving to death, and there is no charity..... See how well you like it when the rich are gone. Go all Atlas Shrugged on the public, and see how they fair. But of course, like most spoiled bratty Americans, the public will just find a way to blame them, like Obama blamed Bush, long after all the wealthy leave.
A newspaper owner is going to be at or near the top 1% of his peers. He wasn't just CEO with investors. He owned the entire thing, lock stock and print-type. It was an award-winning newspaper recognized across many states, not just his own County or his own state. So, yeah, he sold it for over 10 million as a favor to a family member; to help him get a start in the world..
Most all charity is given by the rich. Most charitable organizations are created by the rich. And most all jobs are created by the rich.

Are their some that are greedy and spoiled? Yeah, but there are some greedy spoiled people in this very thread too. There are greedy spoiled people throughout our culture. It's not isolated among the rich, or even concentrated among the rich.

Quite frankly to 90% of the planet, the poorest idiot in America is the spoiled greedy rich.

So you have distilled the problem down exactly as I have: Our economy is suffering and dying directly as a result of the moral decay of Americans. Thank you. If everyone is greedy and not thinking of their fellow men, then the ability to do the simple math of "if I hoard, then the ability of my fellows to help me keep our collective economy afloat is reduced."

All economies are socialist bodies. No man is an island in a nation's economy.
Most all charity is given by the rich. Most charitable organizations are created by the rich. And most all jobs are created by the rich.

Are their some that are greedy and spoiled? Yeah, but there are some greedy spoiled people in this very thread too. There are greedy spoiled people throughout our culture. It's not isolated among the rich, or even concentrated among the rich.

Quite frankly to 90% of the planet, the poorest idiot in America is the spoiled greedy rich.

So you have distilled the problem down exactly as I have: Our economy is suffering and dying directly as a result of the moral decay of Americans. Thank you. If everyone is greedy and not thinking of their fellow men, then the ability to do the simple math of "if I hoard, then the ability of my fellows to help me keep our collective economy afloat is reduced."

All economies are socialist bodies. No man is an island in a nation's economy.

Yeah.... sort of. However the difference is between the two views, is extreme.

Everything that you call Greed and Envy, is the exact opposite of what I call Greed and Envy.

Equally the solution that you would propose, and the solution I would propose, are also complete opposites.

Greed and Envy is wanting stuff that isn't yours, and hating people who have what you want.

I don't see the rich and wealth being Greedy or Envious. It's the left-wing, and Democrats that are Greedy and Envious.

See the rich give their own money to charity and to projects. The left-wing never does. You don't see Obama, or Hillary, on capital hill, demanding that they themselves give more money to the poor.

They are always demand OTHER people give more to the poor. The left-wing cares for the poor. They only demand other people care for the poor.

The rich and wealthy have always been the biggest supporters of charity.

I was working at a charity place, and I got into this exact conversation with one of the people there, and they were saying the wealthy should give more, and I stopped and pointed to everything in the room, and asked... what item in the room, didn't come from the wealthy. They just stared at me..... "Never thought it that way". I then asked... who built this building and gave it to you?

The entire building... let alone the millions of dollars worth of food, clothing, blankets, beds, coats and boots, socks, tooth paste, housewares from plates to cups to everything on and on and on.... all of it was build, or made, and donated free, by wealthy people. They had a walk in freeze, donated by a wealthy person. The clinic the shelter ran, and the doctors and care workers, were all paid for by wealthy people.

What have YOU done? What has anyone on the left ever done? "Well Obama care....." Pays for it by taking money from others. You people never pay for it yourself. You just demand others pay for it.

You are the greedy and envious. You are the people who don't care about their fellow man. We care about our fellow man. That's why I donate money, and my personal time, to help out with charity.

I don't stand around whining that Warren Buffet has more money, and demanding other people give more to charity. I'm not Greedy and Envious.

And when you say they "squeeze the people".... that is just more evidence that you are greedy and envious.

To the rest of us... providing jobs is "squeezing the people"?

Creating wealth is squeezing the people?

How is creating things that benefit the entire country, somehow 'squeezing the people'?

You guys squeeze the people. I work really hard, and come home with 1/4 my check gone. My boss didn't squeeze me. You did.
How is creating things that benefit the entire country, somehow 'squeezing the people'?

When you import illegal cheap labor or export labor overseas and deprive people of jobs within the borders of the United States: our tax base. If more people were paying income tax, you'd be taxed less... Even Albert Einstein could've done that math.

When you say "you guys", remember, you are talking about yourself. You cannot disassociate yourself from the outfall of stripping your neighbors of their jobs so you can take home more profits.
How is creating things that benefit the entire country, somehow 'squeezing the people'?

When you import illegal cheap labor or export labor overseas and deprive people of jobs within the borders of the United States: our tax base. If more people were paying income tax, you'd be taxed less... Even Albert Einstein could've done that math.

When you say "you guys", remember, you are talking about yourself. You cannot disassociate yourself from the outfall of stripping your neighbors of their jobs so you can take home more profits.

Yeah, actually I can. When the French tried to nail down the rich people of their country, the rich packed up their jobs and companies, and left the country.

When Che Guevara tried to force the rich sugar plantations into his system, they ditched the country, came to the US, and setup new businesses here. Meanwhile the sugar crops declined in Cuba, because the people who knew the business, left.

Do not think the rich are stuck with you. They are not. If you try force them in your ideology, they will go Atlas Shrugged on your butt, and disappear. You'll be sitting in the ruins of a nation wide 'detroit', trying to find someone to blame other than your own destructive ideology.

As for Taxes, that's a complete lie. And you should know it. This asinine claim that if others pay more tax, then I will pay less tax, is another left-wing mythology.

When has that ever been the case? When? You show me the time when tax revenue went up, and my taxes went down? Are you suggesting there was never a year when people paid more taxes?

2014 was a record year in tax revenue. The Federal Government collected $3 TRILLION DOLLARS. That's TON. More money than it has ever collected from taxes, in the entire history of this country. Where's my tax cut? Huh?

Tax revenue has increased year over year, and my taxes have gone UP! Not down. The rich paying more, has not given me a tax cut. It's given me a tax HIKE.

During the 90s, we got close to a balanced budget. It's wasn't quite there, because we can see that debt increased every single year. But it was close.

Did Clinton, or even congress, push to cut taxes? No. They found ways to spend the "surplus". They blew the money.

You show me when more tax revenue resulted in us paying lower taxes.

And lastly, you tell me which is "squeezing the people" more:

A. Outsourcing to keep the company open and have dozens of jobs in the US.
B: Not outsourcing, and closing the company, keeping ZERO jobs in the US.

Which is worse? Which "squeezes" the public?

Contrary to your left-wing myths, companies do not outsource because they got bored playing golf. Companies do not outsource, to save a nickle every week.

Companies outsource generally, because they have no alternative.

Again, I've lived this. My former company, was placed into a situation, where they either outsourced, or closed.

We used to produce all of our controller boards in house. Built with local labor. The cost became too high.

We had only 3 options. 1. We could close the company, and lay off everyone entirely. 2. We could buy expensive machines to build the boards with a fraction of the labor. 3. We could outsource.

Of those three options, none of them resulted in those jobs being saved. Obviously we didn't want to close the company. And although we could buy automation machines, we sold several thousand units a year. The automation machines would be over a million dollars, and be able to build every single board we needed in 24-hours. That's a ton of money to have the machines sitting idle for 11 months a year.

The only truly viable alternative was to outsource. Because we outsourced, dozens of Engineers, sales people, and workers have jobs. Yes 50% fewer than before, but the alternative is zero jobs.

If we had followed your plan, everyone would be laid off. How's that for Squeezing the people?
How is creating things that benefit the entire country, somehow 'squeezing the people'?
When you import illegal cheap labor or export labor overseas and deprive people of jobs within the borders of the United States: our tax base. If more people were paying income tax, you'd be taxed less... Even Albert Einstein could've done that math.

When you say "you guys", remember, you are talking about yourself. You cannot disassociate yourself from the outfall of stripping your neighbors of their jobs so you can take home more profits.

Yeah, actually I can. When the French tried to nail down the rich people of their country, the rich packed up their jobs and companies, and left the country.....When Che Guevara tried to force the rich sugar plantations into his system, they ditched the country, came to the US, and setup new businesses here. Meanwhile the sugar crops declined in Cuba, because the people who knew the business, left....Do not think the rich are stuck with you. They are not. If you try force them in your ideology, they will go Atlas Shrugged on your butt, and disappear.
Yes, you have outlined the problem perfectly. But problems always have remedies....stay tuned. BTW, will you be selling your detroit autos, expensive fuels, luxury vacations and hotel space, fancy electronics etc. to the children chained to looms in Asia? Or don't they make enough to afford those things...? :popcorn:

Industry and its wealth never exists outside its consumer base... it's a fact you'd better get real about, really fast. Your arrogant snake has just about consumed the last scale on the end of its own tail. And BTW, your lack of patriotism to American economic woes is stunningly obvious. You're lucky we're in modern "PC" times. Our forefathers would've had a far less PC solution to your seditious position.

You forgot the rest of the story about Pre-Revolutionary/Revolutionary France. Not all the rich packed up their things and left. Some of them lost their heads over the whole affair for the exact type of "let them eat cake" arrogance you just displayed.
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How is creating things that benefit the entire country, somehow 'squeezing the people'?
When you import illegal cheap labor or export labor overseas and deprive people of jobs within the borders of the United States: our tax base. If more people were paying income tax, you'd be taxed less... Even Albert Einstein could've done that math.

When you say "you guys", remember, you are talking about yourself. You cannot disassociate yourself from the outfall of stripping your neighbors of their jobs so you can take home more profits.

Yeah, actually I can. When the French tried to nail down the rich people of their country, the rich packed up their jobs and companies, and left the country.....When Che Guevara tried to force the rich sugar plantations into his system, they ditched the country, came to the US, and setup new businesses here. Meanwhile the sugar crops declined in Cuba, because the people who knew the business, left....Do not think the rich are stuck with you. They are not. If you try force them in your ideology, they will go Atlas Shrugged on your butt, and disappear.
Yes, you have outlined the problem perfectly. But problems always have remedies....stay tuned. BTW, will you be selling your detroit autos, expensive fuels, luxury vacations and hotel space, fancy electronics etc. to the children chained to looms in Asia? Or don't they make enough to afford those things...? :popcorn:

Industry and its wealth never exists outside its consumer base... it's a fact you'd better get real about, really fast. Your arrogant snake has just about consumed the last scale on the end of its own tail. And BTW, your lack of patriotism to American economic woes is stunningly obvious. You're lucky we're in modern "PC" times. Our forefathers would've had a far less PC solution to your seditious position.

You forgot the rest of the story about Pre-Revolutionary/Revolutionary France. Not all the rich packed up their things and left. Some of them lost their heads over the whole affair for the exact type of "let them eat cake" arrogance you just displayed.

Yeah, and France was in shambles after the Revolution. How did that work for them? Just like some of the rich didn't escape Cuba either. How has that worked for them? Impoverishment and death? Just like Hugo Chavez imprisoned the rich of Venezuela. How's that working for them? Starvation, nation wide power outages, and over a million people have left the country?

Yeah, you can slaughter the rich. Won't change the outcome. Death, starvation, impoverishment and decline.

Lack of patriotism? Look, the America I support, is the America that protects the rights of the individual. The America that rejected being taxed to support other people in another country. The America that believed in property rights. The America that said you have the right to PURSUE happiness, not a right to force others to deliver happiness to you by force.

If that America is dead, and the new America, is the Socialist hell version.... then sir, I have absolutely no patriotism for your authoritarian hell. And no one should. Proudly anti-socialist-American.

As for your crack pot claims about selling stuff to Asia.....

Are you freakin insane? What rock have you being living under?

Top American brands in China today.... (market share)

KFC (40%)
General Motors (12.8%)
Microsoft (99.3)
Boeing (52%)
Nike (N/A)
Coca Cola/Sprite (61.5%/26.95) – Did you know that Sprite is the NUMBER one soda in China?
Procter & Gamble (55%) – Leader in hair care products with room to grow.
Intel (14.9%) -This is the share of ALL semicoundoctor revenue (chips that go into computers, mobile phones, set-top boxes, etc.). Intel has between 70-80% market share in PC’s (desktop, notebook and server computers).
Starbucks (70%) – The global leader in coffee store sales is also the leader in China.
Apple (51%) –

GM made more money in China, than it made in the US.

If you screw over these companies, and millions of other companies just like them... they'll leave. GM can easily reincorporate in the EU, Asia, and several other places. EASILY.
So can Nike, P&G, Intel even, Apple, and many more.

And then you'll have to pay more for all those products, and you'll have a ton fewer jobs.

And you wonder who will buy their products? What are you smoking? Most of them already do buy their products. Many of these companies, make more money internationally, than they do domestically.

You will lose. They won't. Just fact. You call speaking the facts "arrogance", then I'm arrogant.
How is creating things that benefit the entire country, somehow 'squeezing the people'?
When you import illegal cheap labor or export labor overseas and deprive people of jobs within the borders of the United States: our tax base. If more people were paying income tax, you'd be taxed less... Even Albert Einstein could've done that math.

When you say "you guys", remember, you are talking about yourself. You cannot disassociate yourself from the outfall of stripping your neighbors of their jobs so you can take home more profits.

Yeah, actually I can. When the French tried to nail down the rich people of their country, the rich packed up their jobs and companies, and left the country.....When Che Guevara tried to force the rich sugar plantations into his system, they ditched the country, came to the US, and setup new businesses here. Meanwhile the sugar crops declined in Cuba, because the people who knew the business, left....Do not think the rich are stuck with you. They are not. If you try force them in your ideology, they will go Atlas Shrugged on your butt, and disappear.
Yes, you have outlined the problem perfectly. But problems always have remedies....stay tuned. BTW, will you be selling your detroit autos, expensive fuels, luxury vacations and hotel space, fancy electronics etc. to the children chained to looms in Asia? Or don't they make enough to afford those things...? :popcorn:

Industry and its wealth never exists outside its consumer base... it's a fact you'd better get real about, really fast. Your arrogant snake has just about consumed the last scale on the end of its own tail. And BTW, your lack of patriotism to American economic woes is stunningly obvious. You're lucky we're in modern "PC" times. Our forefathers would've had a far less PC solution to your seditious position.

You forgot the rest of the story about Pre-Revolutionary/Revolutionary France. Not all the rich packed up their things and left. Some of them lost their heads over the whole affair for the exact type of "let them eat cake" arrogance you just displayed.

I'm not saying the French Revolution was great or that I would welcome it again. It's just that the rich and arrogant have very short memories...or the inability to read...or skipped history class or something. The elite in France in the Pre-Revolutionary tipping point (a point I believe we are near now, in part with help from our enemies manipulating the economy), failed to assimilate the idea that their wealth was directly tied to the middle class' ability to buy goods and sundries. "If they have no bread, let them eat cake" meant that to the shrinking middle class, the rich were so completely detached from completely ignorant of the true struggle the 99% go through every day, that it was infuriating to the boiling point.

My points here being: Do something before it comes to the boiling point. First step: Universal healthcare + higher tariffs on imports manufactured abroad = more jobs. Of course the 1% will temporarily have to do with only 10 mansions, 10 yachts etc. etc. until the middle class is rebuilt and their purchasing power to buy the rich's goods is restored. But I hardly think any of the 1% will even notice that moment in time. How much money does one man need anyway to feel rested and relaxed on a daily basis? A fraction would do for a short time. That's all it would take. In 10 years we could rebuild the American economy fat enough for the 1% to begin really raping good and strong again. Even frat boys have to take a rest from partying and clean up the house before the next party..
I'm not saying the French Revolution was great or that I would welcome it again. It's just that the rich and arrogant have very short memories...or the inability to read...or skipped history class or something. The elite in France in the Pre-Revolutionary tipping point (a point I believe we are near now, in part with help from our enemies manipulating the economy), failed to assimilate the idea that their wealth was directly tied to the middle class' ability to buy goods and sundries. "If they have no bread, let them eat cake" meant that to the shrinking middle class, the rich were so completely detached from completely ignorant of the true struggle the 99% go through every day, that it was infuriating to the boiling point.

My points here being: Do something before it comes to the boiling point. First step: Universal healthcare + higher tariffs on imports manufactured abroad = more jobs. Of course the 1% will temporarily have to do with only 10 mansions, 10 yachts etc. etc. until the middle class is rebuilt and their purchasing power to buy the rich's goods is restored. But I hardly think any of the 1% will even notice that moment in time. How much money does one man need anyway to feel rested and relaxed on a daily basis? A fraction would do for a short time. That's all it would take. In 10 years we could rebuild the American economy fat enough for the 1% to begin really raping good and strong again. Even frat boys have to take a rest from partying and clean up the house before the next party..

My points here being: Do something before it comes to the boiling point. First step: Universal healthcare + higher tariffs on imports manufactured abroad = more jobs.

Yeah, but we don't want to increase government jobs while hurting private sector employment.

How much money does one man need anyway to feel rested and relaxed on a daily basis? A fraction would do for a short time.

Your plan to reduce the money of the middle class and poor won't make them feel relaxed.
I'm not saying the French Revolution was great or that I would welcome it again. It's just that the rich and arrogant have very short memories...or the inability to read...or skipped history class or something. The elite in France in the Pre-Revolutionary tipping point (a point I believe we are near now, in part with help from our enemies manipulating the economy), failed to assimilate the idea that their wealth was directly tied to the middle class' ability to buy goods and sundries. "If they have no bread, let them eat cake" meant that to the shrinking middle class, the rich were so completely detached from completely ignorant of the true struggle the 99% go through every day, that it was infuriating to the boiling point.

My points here being: Do something before it comes to the boiling point. First step: Universal healthcare + higher tariffs on imports manufactured abroad = more jobs. Of course the 1% will temporarily have to do with only 10 mansions, 10 yachts etc. etc. until the middle class is rebuilt and their purchasing power to buy the rich's goods is restored. But I hardly think any of the 1% will even notice that moment in time. How much money does one man need anyway to feel rested and relaxed on a daily basis? A fraction would do for a short time. That's all it would take. In 10 years we could rebuild the American economy fat enough for the 1% to begin really raping good and strong again. Even frat boys have to take a rest from partying and clean up the house before the next party..

First, it's not the wealthy people's job, to make you happy. Nearly all the wealthy, are wealthy because they worked for it. Unlike the French aristocracy, the wealthy of America, are wealthy because they earned it. And I'm sorry, but the one or two counter examples, do not prove the claim.

Second, even France at the time of the revolution, was one of the leading economies of the world. They destroyed themselves. It's not the rich and wealthy's job to prevent you from destroying yourself.

Third, those things you just listed, will destroy the country. You claim we haven't read history, and then prove you yourself have not.

Universal healthcare + higher tariffs on imports manufactured abroad = more jobs?

A: Protectionism has been tried over and over and over. Not one time, in any country, in any history, has protectionism resulted in economic growth. Not once. Not in American history. Not in any other countries history. Communist China was massively protectionist. $2 a day sound like prosperity to you? Hong Kong adopted almost 100% free trade with almost zero barriers to imports. They have a higher GDP PPP, than Norway.

Protectionism was the primary economic policy leading into the Great Depression. More jobs all over the country during the 1930s, thanks to the tariffs... right? That's why they called it the Roaring 30s and depressing 20s.

Moreover, Universal Health care will create jobs? You realize that doing that would require at least 15% to 20% more taxes? How is taking away 15% plus of the working people's income going to create jobs, when they can't buy as much anymore? Seriously.

And the bottom line is, the rich and wealthy are not going to do with less, no matter what you say or do. You people on the left live in a fantasy world. The rich and wealthy are going to do better, whether you people on the left ruin the country or not.

They can leave. The top 1%, any one of them, could buy an entire CHAIN of Islands, build luxury resorts on each one, and all live on those islands for the rest of their entire life, and have bikini clad servant girls serve them martinis until they die.

You are not going to hurt them. You are only going to hurt yourself. No one else dude.

See this is what you don't get about wealth. Maybe in centuries past it was different, but today... wealth is fluid. It can move, and very easily.

Let's say you pass some laws, or rules, and screw over Walmart. Are you going to hurt the Waltons? You really think you can hurt them as much as tick on the butt of an elephant?

Not chance. The Waltons have their stocks in a trust. The trust is managed.

Let me explain what that means... if you do something to Walmart..... They'll sell the stock.... and buy other investments. They'll continue to be multi-billionaires, but you will destroy Walmart which will send 2.2 MILLION PEOPLE UNEMPLOYED.

You hurt yourself... and don't do JACK to the Waltons.

When Steve Jobs left Apple computer, he knew that Apple was going to be run into the ground, because he knew the CEO didn't have a clue. So he sold off his stock, and invested in other things, one of which was Pixar. He poured $10 Million into Pixar, and years later sold Pixar to Disney for $10 Billion.

Point being... you think you can harm the wealthy? They are simply going to invest their money somewhere else. You make it unprofitable, not worth it to invest in the US... and they will simply invest in another country.

When the Che Guevara got control of Cuba, the wealthy of Cuba simply moved to the US and opened business here. Cuba lost jobs, and wealth, and business. The US gained jobs wealth and business. They lost. We won.

If you make policies that make the US like Cuba, the wealthy here will do the same thing. And honestly it won't be hard to do.... most of the wealthy today, already have property in other countries.

You are not going to win this battle. You will lose. Better to wake up yourself, and get your butt work. Stop whining about what others have, and get you some yourself.
I'm not saying the French Revolution was great or that I would welcome it again. It's just that the rich and arrogant have very short memories...or the inability to read...or skipped history class or something. The elite in France in the Pre-Revolutionary tipping point (a point I believe we are near now, in part with help from our enemies manipulating the economy), failed to assimilate the idea that their wealth was directly tied to the middle class' ability to buy goods and sundries. "If they have no bread, let them eat cake" meant that to the shrinking middle class, the rich were so completely detached from completely ignorant of the true struggle the 99% go through every day, that it was infuriating to the boiling point.

My points here being: Do something before it comes to the boiling point. First step: Universal healthcare + higher tariffs on imports manufactured abroad = more jobs. Of course the 1% will temporarily have to do with only 10 mansions, 10 yachts etc. etc. until the middle class is rebuilt and their purchasing power to buy the rich's goods is restored. But I hardly think any of the 1% will even notice that moment in time. How much money does one man need anyway to feel rested and relaxed on a daily basis? A fraction would do for a short time. That's all it would take. In 10 years we could rebuild the American economy fat enough for the 1% to begin really raping good and strong again. Even frat boys have to take a rest from partying and clean up the house before the next party..

First, it's not the wealthy people's job, to make you happy. Nearly all the wealthy, are wealthy because they worked for it. Unlike the French aristocracy, the wealthy of America, are wealthy because they earned it. And I'm sorry, but the one or two counter examples, do not prove the claim.....Second, even France at the time of the revolution, was one of the leading economies of the world. They destroyed themselves. It's not the rich and wealthy's job to prevent you from destroying yourself....Third, those things you just listed, will destroy the country. You claim we haven't read history, and then prove you yourself have not.
You are not going to win this battle. You will lose. Better to wake up yourself, and get your butt work. Stop whining about what others have, and get you some yourself.

First, it's the wealthy who need to realize their own portfolios are in danger in a shrinking economy...which is shrinking for all the reasons I've brought up..

Second, the French economy was destroyed by the excesses and endless warring of the elite classes to expand their endless lust for their version of "Manifest Destiny". Everyone belonged to the French economy in France. The elite, as always, were the last ones to feel the brutal impact of their own excesses.

Third, there is no battle, only an American economy in peril. It's hard to get one's butt to work when all the jobs have either been shipped overseas or undercut by hiring illegal aliens..or in industries that were T-boned by reckless schemes on Wallstreet. I guarantee I work harder than you and have all my life. I've got a beat up body, healed broken bones and scars to prove it. And all in a field that until 2008 was doing just fine until the swine on Wallstreet gutted my industry. I'm not alone. I've got lots and lots of company and we all are living what's coming your way sooner or later. Have fun playing pretend in the meantime..
I'm not saying the French Revolution was great or that I would welcome it again. It's just that the rich and arrogant have very short memories...or the inability to read...or skipped history class or something. The elite in France in the Pre-Revolutionary tipping point (a point I believe we are near now, in part with help from our enemies manipulating the economy), failed to assimilate the idea that their wealth was directly tied to the middle class' ability to buy goods and sundries. "If they have no bread, let them eat cake" meant that to the shrinking middle class, the rich were so completely detached from completely ignorant of the true struggle the 99% go through every day, that it was infuriating to the boiling point.

My points here being: Do something before it comes to the boiling point. First step: Universal healthcare + higher tariffs on imports manufactured abroad = more jobs. Of course the 1% will temporarily have to do with only 10 mansions, 10 yachts etc. etc. until the middle class is rebuilt and their purchasing power to buy the rich's goods is restored. But I hardly think any of the 1% will even notice that moment in time. How much money does one man need anyway to feel rested and relaxed on a daily basis? A fraction would do for a short time. That's all it would take. In 10 years we could rebuild the American economy fat enough for the 1% to begin really raping good and strong again. Even frat boys have to take a rest from partying and clean up the house before the next party..

First, it's not the wealthy people's job, to make you happy. Nearly all the wealthy, are wealthy because they worked for it. Unlike the French aristocracy, the wealthy of America, are wealthy because they earned it. And I'm sorry, but the one or two counter examples, do not prove the claim.....Second, even France at the time of the revolution, was one of the leading economies of the world. They destroyed themselves. It's not the rich and wealthy's job to prevent you from destroying yourself....Third, those things you just listed, will destroy the country. You claim we haven't read history, and then prove you yourself have not.
You are not going to win this battle. You will lose. Better to wake up yourself, and get your butt work. Stop whining about what others have, and get you some yourself.

First, it's the wealthy who need to realize their own portfolios are in danger in a shrinking economy...which is shrinking for all the reasons I've brought up..

Second, the French economy was destroyed by the excesses and endless warring of the elite classes to expand their endless lust for their version of "Manifest Destiny". Everyone belonged to the French economy in France. The elite, as always, were the last ones to feel the brutal impact of their own excesses.

Third, there is no battle, only an American economy in peril. It's hard to get one's butt to work when all the jobs have either been shipped overseas or undercut by hiring illegal aliens..or in industries that were T-boned by reckless schemes on Wallstreet. I guarantee I work harder than you and have all my life. I've got a beat up body, healed broken bones and scars to prove it. And all in a field that until 2008 was doing just fine until the swine on Wallstreet gutted my industry. I'm not alone. I've got lots and lots of company and we all are living what's coming your way sooner or later. Have fun playing pretend in the meantime..

You just don't seem capable of getting it.

You NEED the rich people. Need them very badly to create the industry you say we need....and we do need it.

But then how do morons like you ask for it? You demonize them, tell them they're horrible people, they need to die off so someone can do something useful with their money. And THEN you expect them to do something for you?

So they have to get buy being worth only a few hundred million instead of a few billion and don't have to deal with ungrateful wretches like you? Hell I'd call that a win.

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