Trickle-Up Recession: The 1% Getting Real About the Permanent Fix for the Economy


Why? You want to give exiled Cubans a reason to start swimming back to Cuba? Make Putin have flash backs to the Soviet years when he visits?

You really want mass graves like North Korea here in the US? Maybe can have starvation, and send office workers to hop on boats and go fish, and end up ghost ships wash up on Japan or something.

Mystery of Japan sea's ghost ships points to North Korea

Vote for Sanders! We can have mass starvation too!
Too far left. Need a sensible middle person opposed to gay marriage. (Kids being stripped of either a mother or father for life).. And one who knows that more Americans working a living wage = a stronger portfolio for the 1%.

Why? You want to give exiled Cubans a reason to start swimming back to Cuba? Make Putin have flash backs to the Soviet years when he visits?

You really want mass graves like North Korea here in the US? Maybe can have starvation, and send office workers to hop on boats and go fish, and end up ghost ships wash up on Japan or something.

Mystery of Japan sea's ghost ships points to North Korea

Vote for Sanders! We can have mass starvation too!
Why yes, everyone knows about how rwer's all think..
Democracy=socialism=communism=progressives....It's as plain as the nose on your face...
Why? You want to give exiled Cubans a reason to start swimming back to Cuba? Make Putin have flash backs to the Soviet years when he visits?

You really want mass graves like North Korea here in the US? Maybe can have starvation, and send office workers to hop on boats and go fish, and end up ghost ships wash up on Japan or something.

Mystery of Japan sea's ghost ships points to North Korea

Vote for Sanders! We can have mass starvation too!
Thanks for the quote. Extreme hyperbole much. :eusa_eh:

We did just fine in the 50's - 70's w/all incomes rising. Why you going out of your way to fellate the 1%? Andylusion :eusa_think:


Why? You want to give exiled Cubans a reason to start swimming back to Cuba? Make Putin have flash backs to the Soviet years when he visits?

You really want mass graves like North Korea here in the US? Maybe can have starvation, and send office workers to hop on boats and go fish, and end up ghost ships wash up on Japan or something.

Mystery of Japan sea's ghost ships points to North Korea

Vote for Sanders! We can have mass starvation too!
Why yes, everyone knows about how rwer's all think..
Democracy=socialism=communism=progressives....It's as plain as the nose on your face...

The only reason I can think of to vote for Sanders...... he's not Hillary.

If Sanders switched to Republican, and it was Sanders or Hillary... I'd vote Sanders. Heck... if everyone fell off the planet, and it was Hillary or Donald Duck, I'd vote for Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, or Smurfette over Hillary.
Why? You want to give exiled Cubans a reason to start swimming back to Cuba? Make Putin have flash backs to the Soviet years when he visits?

You really want mass graves like North Korea here in the US? Maybe can have starvation, and send office workers to hop on boats and go fish, and end up ghost ships wash up on Japan or something.

Mystery of Japan sea's ghost ships points to North Korea

Vote for Sanders! We can have mass starvation too!
Thanks for the quote. Extreme hyperbole much. :eusa_eh:

We did just fine in the 50's - 70's w/all incomes rising. Why you going out of your way to fellate the 1%? Andylusion :eusa_think:


Of course I hyperbole much. That was the point.

And ironically your graphs supports my position to the extreme. I have always said that when you have "equality" it means people are equally poor and miserable.

The fact you can make the case income growth was more 'equal' during the 70s, which flat out SUCKED.... proves my point. I have yet to meet anyone anywhere who remembers the 1970s well, who says we were better off then, than in the 80s and 90s.

Why? You want to give exiled Cubans a reason to start swimming back to Cuba? Make Putin have flash backs to the Soviet years when he visits?

You really want mass graves like North Korea here in the US? Maybe can have starvation, and send office workers to hop on boats and go fish, and end up ghost ships wash up on Japan or something.

Mystery of Japan sea's ghost ships points to North Korea

Vote for Sanders! We can have mass starvation too!
Why yes, everyone knows about how rwer's all think..
Democracy=socialism=communism=progressives....It's as plain as the nose on your face...
There's literally a thread where a far night nutjob claims all "liberals/socialist/progressives/islamists" are communists.
Why? You want to give exiled Cubans a reason to start swimming back to Cuba? Make Putin have flash backs to the Soviet years when he visits?

You really want mass graves like North Korea here in the US? Maybe can have starvation, and send office workers to hop on boats and go fish, and end up ghost ships wash up on Japan or something.

Mystery of Japan sea's ghost ships points to North Korea

Vote for Sanders! We can have mass starvation too!
Thanks for the quote. Extreme hyperbole much. :eusa_eh:

We did just fine in the 50's - 70's w/all incomes rising. Why you going out of your way to fellate the 1%? Andylusion :eusa_think:


Of course I hyperbole much. That was the point.

And ironically your graphs supports my position to the extreme. I have always said that when you have "equality" it means people are equally poor and miserable.

The fact you can make the case income growth was more 'equal' during the 70s, which flat out SUCKED.... proves my point. I have yet to meet anyone anywhere who remembers the 1970s well, who says we were better off then, than in the 80s and 90s.
Thanks for proving that you can't read a chart :thup: the rates of increase were the same dummy NOT the net incomes. You're not very good at debating. Perhaps we should have a spelling contest?
Why? You want to give exiled Cubans a reason to start swimming back to Cuba? Make Putin have flash backs to the Soviet years when he visits?

You really want mass graves like North Korea here in the US? Maybe can have starvation, and send office workers to hop on boats and go fish, and end up ghost ships wash up on Japan or something.

Mystery of Japan sea's ghost ships points to North Korea

Vote for Sanders! We can have mass starvation too!
Thanks for the quote. Extreme hyperbole much. :eusa_eh:

We did just fine in the 50's - 70's w/all incomes rising. Why you going out of your way to fellate the 1%? Andylusion :eusa_think:


Of course I hyperbole much. That was the point.

And ironically your graphs supports my position to the extreme. I have always said that when you have "equality" it means people are equally poor and miserable.

The fact you can make the case income growth was more 'equal' during the 70s, which flat out SUCKED.... proves my point. I have yet to meet anyone anywhere who remembers the 1970s well, who says we were better off then, than in the 80s and 90s.
Thanks for proving that you can't read a chart :thup: the rates of increase were the same dummy NOT the net incomes. You're not very good at debating. Perhaps we should have a spelling contest?

Thanks for proving that you can't read period.

"The fact you can make the case income growth was..."

I said INCOME GROWTH..... I never said net income.

If you are going to try and insult someone, at least make sure that you don't make a fool out of yourself in the process. Just a helpful tip.
Why? You want to give exiled Cubans a reason to start swimming back to Cuba? Make Putin have flash backs to the Soviet years when he visits?

You really want mass graves like North Korea here in the US? Maybe can have starvation, and send office workers to hop on boats and go fish, and end up ghost ships wash up on Japan or something.

Mystery of Japan sea's ghost ships points to North Korea

Vote for Sanders! We can have mass starvation too!
Thanks for the quote. Extreme hyperbole much. :eusa_eh:

We did just fine in the 50's - 70's w/all incomes rising. Why you going out of your way to fellate the 1%? Andylusion :eusa_think:


Of course I hyperbole much. That was the point.

And ironically your graphs supports my position to the extreme. I have always said that when you have "equality" it means people are equally poor and miserable.

The fact you can make the case income growth was more 'equal' during the 70s, which flat out SUCKED.... proves my point. I have yet to meet anyone anywhere who remembers the 1970s well, who says we were better off then, than in the 80s and 90s.
Thanks for proving that you can't read a chart :thup: the rates of increase were the same dummy NOT the net incomes. You're not very good at debating. Perhaps we should have a spelling contest?

Thanks for proving that you can't read period.

"The fact you can make the case income growth was..."

I said INCOME GROWTH..... I never said net income.

If you are going to try and insult someone, at least make sure that you don't make a fool out of yourself in the process. Just a helpful tip.
Strike three & you are outta here :itsok: You should start in the lobby THEN move up to the Politics sub-forum. Not the other way around kiddo. You're outta your depth.
Why? You want to give exiled Cubans a reason to start swimming back to Cuba? Make Putin have flash backs to the Soviet years when he visits?

You really want mass graves like North Korea here in the US? Maybe can have starvation, and send office workers to hop on boats and go fish, and end up ghost ships wash up on Japan or something.

Mystery of Japan sea's ghost ships points to North Korea

Vote for Sanders! We can have mass starvation too!
Thanks for the quote. Extreme hyperbole much. :eusa_eh:

We did just fine in the 50's - 70's w/all incomes rising. Why you going out of your way to fellate the 1%? Andylusion :eusa_think:


Of course I hyperbole much. That was the point.

And ironically your graphs supports my position to the extreme. I have always said that when you have "equality" it means people are equally poor and miserable.

The fact you can make the case income growth was more 'equal' during the 70s, which flat out SUCKED.... proves my point. I have yet to meet anyone anywhere who remembers the 1970s well, who says we were better off then, than in the 80s and 90s.
Thanks for proving that you can't read a chart :thup: the rates of increase were the same dummy NOT the net incomes. You're not very good at debating. Perhaps we should have a spelling contest?

Thanks for proving that you can't read period.

"The fact you can make the case income growth was..."

I said INCOME GROWTH..... I never said net income.

If you are going to try and insult someone, at least make sure that you don't make a fool out of yourself in the process. Just a helpful tip.
Strike three & you are outta here :itsok: You should start in the lobby THEN move up to the Politics sub-forum. Not the other way around kiddo. You're outta your depth.

And here's another pro tip.... when you do make fool out of yourself, don't pretend you were brilliant, and hope no one notices how dumb you look. Just own it... say "opps I was dumb" and most people respect a humble reply. When you are arrogant about your stupidity, you just make everyone laugh at you more.
I'm done w/ you n00b. Your trying to salvage your monumental blunders is beyond tiresome. Toodles :bye1:
I'm done w/ you n00b. Your trying to salvage your monumental blunders is beyond tiresome. Toodles :bye1:

Even the other people on this thread can see you are making yourself into the biggest jack ass on the forum right now. I tried to give you some helpful advice, but apparently you are bent to claim the biggest idiot title. By all means fool... go for it.
it doesn't make a damn what the economy has done during a Democrats 2 terms in office .. the whining RW's see it entirely different, facts be damned.

Obama lied, branded deep in the heart and soul of simpletons ... that's what really matters.

The 1% crosses both parties. Leave partisan politics out of it.

can't sorry. The Dem Party isn't the Party spreading totally negative BS about the economy and job growth.

If things are so rosey, then why did the president bring this up in his SOTU address.
And this is why the richest populations with the largest middle classes all have some kind of government regulations and minimum wages. Central America, southern Asia and Africa all have massive poor populations as the rich take it all and they have very little of this. In all these cases the rich hog it all and fuck everyone else!!! Same is occurring here the past 30 years under Reaganism.

Funny indeed. Loserterianism is from the pits of hell. History proves it wrong, current realities prove it wrong and that is just the way it is.

Those countries are not libertarians you moron.

Can you please stop bleating like a stupid sheep ?
The mood in the Chamber during the SOTU was very sober. It's when the 1% realize their portfolios are shrinking. I find it amusing that these folks can't do the simple math. If you squeeze the people from every angle possible who buy things from you, they lose the ability to buy things from you. This isn't rocket science..

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