Trickle-Up Recession: The 1% Getting Real About the Permanent Fix for the Economy

And this is why the richest populations with the largest middle classes all have some kind of government regulations and minimum wages. Central America, southern Asia and Africa all have massive poor populations as the rich take it all and they have very little of this. In all these cases the rich hog it all and fuck everyone else!!! Same is occurring here the past 30 years under Reaganism.

Funny indeed. Loserterianism is from the pits of hell. History proves it wrong, current realities prove it wrong and that is just the way it is.

No, actually everything you said was false. Governments in central America, south asia, and especially africa, have tons of laws.

Moreover, we've been doing far better after Reagan, than we were before. The 1970s sucked. Haven't met a single person that said we should go back to those days. Not one.
You know me, always keeping it raw and real...

Last night in Obama's SOTU speech he just frankly lied a hellof a lot. Especially about the economy & jobs.

He made veiled reference though, addressing the 1% in the audience (virtually all of them), to how automation, offshoring jobs and foreign bank accounts to escape taxes were the culprits.

When you take jobs away from people, they can't buy stuff from you anymore. That's the long and the short of the argument.

Solutions would be like Canada's very sensible requirement of a certain percentage of industry using automation, to have humans doing that work. Also, stiffer tariffs on ALL goods manufactured offshore. PERIOD. And, universal healthcare, where the equivalent of a second mortgage in premiums and deductibles would immediately vanish from the American home's outlay each month. That money would be converted to consuming. Private healthcare maintained for the upper classes. Free clinics require a co-pay for routine visits. All paid for via Article I, Section 8.

Ask yourselves this as your portfolio shrinks, dear 1%....How many of these workers are buying cars, vacations, dining, sundries or new homes this year? Welcome to trickle-up recession. You have nobody but yourselves to thank..

The new auto assembly line...a tiny group of people getting filthy ass rich...until trickle-up grabs them by the throat.. Obama said "auto sales are up!". He just failed to mention that Americans aren't the ones able to buy them. Very recently banks have announced they're loaning up to 120% of the value of a new car. And 90% of a new home purchase. These bandaids might work to get people elected, but then the banks are sitting precariously...again...who will bail them out next time when there are no more crumbs left in the cookie jar?

Folks, we have to get REAL about the economy.....AND FAST...


The old auto assembly line... I'll bet a bunch of these guys would be buying stuff all day long if we had the Canadian requirements in place:


Very recently banks have announced they're loaning up to 120% of the value of a new car.


Gone are the days of the 3 and 4 year car loan for a large percentage of Americans.
With soaring prices on vehicles and dwindling income people are signing 6 and 7 year loans.
Thats fucken nuts!! You're pretty much guaranteed to end up backasswards on the loan.
This is a symptom of what the OP is talking about,and it's only going to get worse.

Cars are built better than they used to be. Gone are the days of planned obsolescence.
That being said, we need to teach more economics in school, most people have no clue how to manage their money.
You know me, always keeping it raw and real...

Last night in Obama's SOTU speech he just frankly lied a hellof a lot. Especially about the economy & jobs.

He made veiled reference though, addressing the 1% in the audience (virtually all of them), to how automation, offshoring jobs and foreign bank accounts to escape taxes were the culprits.

When you take jobs away from people, they can't buy stuff from you anymore. That's the long and the short of the argument.

Solutions would be like Canada's very sensible requirement of a certain percentage of industry using automation, to have humans doing that work. Also, stiffer tariffs on ALL goods manufactured offshore. PERIOD. And, universal healthcare, where the equivalent of a second mortgage in premiums and deductibles would immediately vanish from the American home's outlay each month. That money would be converted to consuming. Private healthcare maintained for the upper classes. Free clinics require a co-pay for routine visits. All paid for via Article I, Section 8.

Ask yourselves this as your portfolio shrinks, dear 1%....How many of these workers are buying cars, vacations, dining, sundries or new homes this year? Welcome to trickle-up recession. You have nobody but yourselves to thank..

The new auto assembly line...a tiny group of people getting filthy ass rich...until trickle-up grabs them by the throat.. Obama said "auto sales are up!". He just failed to mention that Americans aren't the ones able to buy them. Very recently banks have announced they're loaning up to 120% of the value of a new car. And 90% of a new home purchase. These bandaids might work to get people elected, but then the banks are sitting precariously...again...who will bail them out next time when there are no more crumbs left in the cookie jar?

Folks, we have to get REAL about the economy.....AND FAST...


The old auto assembly line... I'll bet a bunch of these guys would be buying stuff all day long if we had the Canadian requirements in place:


Very recently banks have announced they're loaning up to 120% of the value of a new car.


Gone are the days of the 3 and 4 year car loan for a large percentage of Americans.
With soaring prices on vehicles and dwindling income people are signing 6 and 7 year loans.
Thats fucken nuts!! You're pretty much guaranteed to end up backasswards on the loan.
This is a symptom of what the OP is talking about,and it's only going to get worse.

I have huge problem with this logic.

The whole reason prices have gone up, is because of buyers. Buyers demand cars that are more expensive than they can afford. If no one bought a car they couldn't pay cash for, the prices of cars would go down. But that would require you buy a less expensive car. People don't want to do that. So this crying over buying cars you can't afford, for loans you can't pay back, is not the car companies fault. It's the public's fault. Stop buying cars you can't afford.

And of course you are going to end up backwards on the loan. Any loan made on a product that goes down in value, you are going to end up upside down on. If you buy a couch with a credit card, you are upside down on the couch before you get it to your home.

Any time you borrow money on something that loses value, it is mathematically impossible to end up upside down on it, unless you place a ton of money down.

You used to be able to buy a nice truck for 25k 15 years ago.
Now that same truck would run you around 40k yet wages are still the same...thats a problem.
I don't know you need humans bolting down seats? Someone has to Design, build, program, install, maintain, monitor, order all of those Automation machines. Higher pay, better jobs. This allows all that human labor to be used elsewhere.

Am I way wrong?

Yes in that there are fewer decent paying jobs.
Obviously automation is designed to make the manufacturer more money and that translates into fewer workers.

I'm no liberal by any stretch and I believe in free markets but there is going to be an adjustment period and it's going to suck.

But see what you are ignoring is that it is exactly those automations that allow us to buy products. The whole reason we are able to buy the goods and services we do, is exactly because automation allows prices to fall.

You can't look exclusively at the job/wage side of the equation, and ignore the price side.

Yeah, wouldn't it be great if everyone was hand building car parts like the 1949, and was making a middle class income of.... $36,000 a year. That's how much those amazing auto factory jobs were, that you claim we need.

To put that in context, two people working full time wage at Mcdonalds, earn $6 thousand more a year.

And by the way, the average car in 1949 was $16,500.

What's my point? There are hundreds of jobs that pay better than the factory worker jobs of the past, by a wide margin too.

Are you fucking kidding me?
The average price of a new car in 1949 was $1,650.00
You know me, always keeping it raw and real...

Last night in Obama's SOTU speech he just frankly lied a hellof a lot. Especially about the economy & jobs.

He made veiled reference though, addressing the 1% in the audience (virtually all of them), to how automation, offshoring jobs and foreign bank accounts to escape taxes were the culprits.

When you take jobs away from people, they can't buy stuff from you anymore. That's the long and the short of the argument.

Solutions would be like Canada's very sensible requirement of a certain percentage of industry using automation, to have humans doing that work. Also, stiffer tariffs on ALL goods manufactured offshore. PERIOD. And, universal healthcare, where the equivalent of a second mortgage in premiums and deductibles would immediately vanish from the American home's outlay each month. That money would be converted to consuming. Private healthcare maintained for the upper classes. Free clinics require a co-pay for routine visits. All paid for via Article I, Section 8.

Ask yourselves this as your portfolio shrinks, dear 1%....How many of these workers are buying cars, vacations, dining, sundries or new homes this year? Welcome to trickle-up recession. You have nobody but yourselves to thank..

The new auto assembly line...a tiny group of people getting filthy ass rich...until trickle-up grabs them by the throat.. Obama said "auto sales are up!". He just failed to mention that Americans aren't the ones able to buy them. Very recently banks have announced they're loaning up to 120% of the value of a new car. And 90% of a new home purchase. These bandaids might work to get people elected, but then the banks are sitting precariously...again...who will bail them out next time when there are no more crumbs left in the cookie jar?

Folks, we have to get REAL about the economy.....AND FAST...


The old auto assembly line... I'll bet a bunch of these guys would be buying stuff all day long if we had the Canadian requirements in place:


Very recently banks have announced they're loaning up to 120% of the value of a new car.


Gone are the days of the 3 and 4 year car loan for a large percentage of Americans.
With soaring prices on vehicles and dwindling income people are signing 6 and 7 year loans.
Thats fucken nuts!! You're pretty much guaranteed to end up backasswards on the loan.
This is a symptom of what the OP is talking about,and it's only going to get worse.

Cars are built better than they used to be. Gone are the days of planned obsolescence.
That being said, we need to teach more economics in school, most people have no clue how to manage their money.

You cant deny that prices are going up and wages are not keeping up.
You know me, always keeping it raw and real...

Last night in Obama's SOTU speech he just frankly lied a hellof a lot. Especially about the economy & jobs.

He made veiled reference though, addressing the 1% in the audience (virtually all of them), to how automation, offshoring jobs and foreign bank accounts to escape taxes were the culprits.

When you take jobs away from people, they can't buy stuff from you anymore. That's the long and the short of the argument.

Solutions would be like Canada's very sensible requirement of a certain percentage of industry using automation, to have humans doing that work. Also, stiffer tariffs on ALL goods manufactured offshore. PERIOD. And, universal healthcare, where the equivalent of a second mortgage in premiums and deductibles would immediately vanish from the American home's outlay each month. That money would be converted to consuming. Private healthcare maintained for the upper classes. Free clinics require a co-pay for routine visits. All paid for via Article I, Section 8.

Ask yourselves this as your portfolio shrinks, dear 1%....How many of these workers are buying cars, vacations, dining, sundries or new homes this year? Welcome to trickle-up recession. You have nobody but yourselves to thank..

The new auto assembly line...a tiny group of people getting filthy ass rich...until trickle-up grabs them by the throat.. Obama said "auto sales are up!". He just failed to mention that Americans aren't the ones able to buy them. Very recently banks have announced they're loaning up to 120% of the value of a new car. And 90% of a new home purchase. These bandaids might work to get people elected, but then the banks are sitting precariously...again...who will bail them out next time when there are no more crumbs left in the cookie jar?

Folks, we have to get REAL about the economy.....AND FAST...


The old auto assembly line... I'll bet a bunch of these guys would be buying stuff all day long if we had the Canadian requirements in place:


Very recently banks have announced they're loaning up to 120% of the value of a new car.


Gone are the days of the 3 and 4 year car loan for a large percentage of Americans.
With soaring prices on vehicles and dwindling income people are signing 6 and 7 year loans.
Thats fucken nuts!! You're pretty much guaranteed to end up backasswards on the loan.
This is a symptom of what the OP is talking about,and it's only going to get worse.

Cars are built better than they used to be. Gone are the days of planned obsolescence.
That being said, we need to teach more economics in school, most people have no clue how to manage their money.

You cant deny that prices are going up and wages are not keeping up.

Import 20 million low skilled illegals, wages at the low end are going to suffer.
You used to be able to buy a nice truck for 25k 15 years ago.
Now that same truck would run you around 40k yet wages are still the same...thats a problem.

And the problem is too much money at the top. You see, back in the day, company owners were brought up, by and large, from an origin of plain morality towards their fellow men. Not always, but often enough to cause shame to the other moguls who practiced slavery and complete disinterest for their workers' well being. Nowadays if you share with your employees, you're a threat to the religion. You're a "communist"!

There's enough money to hire American workers so they can afford the cars you make. It's just that the filthy rich 1% don't want to do that. But at the same time they're watching sales go down and their net worth washing away with each new wave of the endless a sand castle at the beach.. And for the life of them they can't figure out the connection between not sharing their wealth so that they can maintain it. They understand investing in the stock market, balling that money away for awhile only to return to them again. They just can't understand that the American worker is their best stock market investment. Because after all, it's the vast horde of American working families....with a living wage (remember the middle class?) that fattens them up again each market year with demand and purchases. You strangle your life source and soon you will find yourself starving.

The problem is that these filthy rich have SO much money that their demise has been slowed down quite a bit. We can't afford to wait until they inevitably are eating ramen noodles in their old RV living in a vacant lot like many of us are destined to do in this economy. Something has to give at the top.
You know me, always keeping it raw and real...

Last night in Obama's SOTU speech he just frankly lied a hellof a lot. Especially about the economy & jobs.

He made veiled reference though, addressing the 1% in the audience (virtually all of them), to how automation, offshoring jobs and foreign bank accounts to escape taxes were the culprits.

When you take jobs away from people, they can't buy stuff from you anymore. That's the long and the short of the argument.

Solutions would be like Canada's very sensible requirement of a certain percentage of industry using automation, to have humans doing that work. Also, stiffer tariffs on ALL goods manufactured offshore. PERIOD. And, universal healthcare, where the equivalent of a second mortgage in premiums and deductibles would immediately vanish from the American home's outlay each month. That money would be converted to consuming. Private healthcare maintained for the upper classes. Free clinics require a co-pay for routine visits. All paid for via Article I, Section 8.

Ask yourselves this as your portfolio shrinks, dear 1%....How many of these workers are buying cars, vacations, dining, sundries or new homes this year? Welcome to trickle-up recession. You have nobody but yourselves to thank..

The new auto assembly line...a tiny group of people getting filthy ass rich...until trickle-up grabs them by the throat.. Obama said "auto sales are up!". He just failed to mention that Americans aren't the ones able to buy them. Very recently banks have announced they're loaning up to 120% of the value of a new car. And 90% of a new home purchase. These bandaids might work to get people elected, but then the banks are sitting precariously...again...who will bail them out next time when there are no more crumbs left in the cookie jar?

Folks, we have to get REAL about the economy.....AND FAST...


The old auto assembly line... I'll bet a bunch of these guys would be buying stuff all day long if we had the Canadian requirements in place:


Very recently banks have announced they're loaning up to 120% of the value of a new car.


Gone are the days of the 3 and 4 year car loan for a large percentage of Americans.
With soaring prices on vehicles and dwindling income people are signing 6 and 7 year loans.
Thats fucken nuts!! You're pretty much guaranteed to end up backasswards on the loan.
This is a symptom of what the OP is talking about,and it's only going to get worse.

Cars are built better than they used to be. Gone are the days of planned obsolescence.
That being said, we need to teach more economics in school, most people have no clue how to manage their money.

You cant deny that prices are going up and wages are not keeping up.

Import 20 million low skilled illegals, wages at the low end are going to suffer.

Of course,I personally watched it happen in machine shops.
Mexicans went from about two percent of machinist in 85 to around eighty percent in 2000.
And wages stagnated. Thank God I saw the writing on the wall and made my money elsewhere.
Of course,I personally watched it happen in machine shops.
Mexicans went from about two percent of machinist in 85 to around eighty percent in 2000.
And wages stagnated. Thank God I saw the writing on the wall and made my money elsewhere.

That is absolutely factually true. Mexicans are the new black slaves. They are willing to work for a fraction of what it costs to maintain a middle class lifestyle because back home, petty wages are sufficient to afford middle class living. And, employers don't have to provide medical insurance for illegals. Double bonus. The only problem is how to provide the horde of legal Americans with enough income to keep the American economy afloat.

Most youngsters I know complain of not wanting to go to college because after they strip what little their families have in savings to get a degree, there are only slave wages and seas of endless Mexicans to compete with. And, employers aren't hiring. So they're stuck with debt and a degree on their wall in a cheap plastic and glass frame. A very expensive trinket.

Also, with monopolies firmly entrenched from lobbying favors and regulations, if you try to enter a given market with your new innovative ideas, you will be tortured first, then squashed like a bug on a desert highway before you even make your first dollar of profit. So why innovate?

For instance, I myself have had dozens of really good ideas to innovate cutting edge new American industry. But instead of having time and money to invest in my ideas, I'm struggling month to month to keep from losing the roof over my head. So I'm forced to take odd jobs that require long hours and petty wages, poor returns. And why? Because the people who hire me know I'm in a pinch. And reptiles know that people in a pinch will work for long hours at shitty wages. Thus, the worst sort of people rise to the top...stupid, petty, meanspirited, without innovative ideas because all their brains are capable of processing is selfish greed. And innovative types like myself are shut clean out of the marketplace by our reptilian counterparts.

And, smart people know when they've been beat before they've even left the chute. So, good ideas and American innovation flush down the commode with each manhour spent at a shitty job working long hours for shitty wages because more cunning and ruthless greed-whores know how to keep good men down..
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Of course,I personally watched it happen in machine shops.
Mexicans went from about two percent of machinist in 85 to around eighty percent in 2000.
And wages stagnated. Thank God I saw the writing on the wall and made my money elsewhere.

That is absolutely factually true. Mexicans are the new black slaves. They are willing to work for a fraction of what it costs to maintain a middle class lifestyle because back home, petty wages are sufficient to afford middle class living. And, employers don't have to provide medical insurance for illegals. Double bonus. The only problem is how to provide the horde of legal Americans with enough income to keep the American economy afloat.

Most youngsters I know complain of not wanting to go to college because after they strip what little their families have in savings to get a degree, there are only slave wages and seas of endless Mexicans to compete with. And, employers aren't hiring. So they're stuck with debt and a degree on their wall in a cheap plastic and glass frame. A very expensive trinket.

Also, with monopolies firmly entrenched from lobbying favors and regulations, if you try to enter a given market with your new innovative ideas, you will be tortured first, then squashed like a bug on a desert highway before you even make your first dollar of profit. So why innovate?

For instance, I myself have had dozens of really good ideas to innovate cutting edge new American industry. But instead of having time and money to invest in my ideas, I'm struggling month to month to keep from losing the roof over my head. So I'm forced to take odd jobs that require long hours and petty wages, poor returns. And why? Because the people who hire me know I'm in a pinch. And reptiles know that people in a pinch will work for long hours at shitty wages. Thus, the worst sort of people rise to the top...stupid, petty, meanspirited, without innovative ideas because all their brains are capable of processing is selfish greed. And innovative types like myself are shut clean out of the marketplace by our reptilian counterparts.

And, smart people know when they've been beat before they've even left the chute. So, good ideas and American innovation flush down the commode with each manhour spent at a shitty job working long hours for shitty wages because more cunning and ruthless greed-whores know how to keep good men down..

And who is it who enables this not only to survive, but to flourish?

Money is the barometer of a society's virtue. When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion--when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing--when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors--when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don't protect you against them, but protect them against you--when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice--you may know that your society is doomed.
You know me, always keeping it raw and real...

Last night in Obama's SOTU speech he just frankly lied a hellof a lot. Especially about the economy & jobs.

He made veiled reference though, addressing the 1% in the audience (virtually all of them), to how automation, offshoring jobs and foreign bank accounts to escape taxes were the culprits.

When you take jobs away from people, they can't buy stuff from you anymore. That's the long and the short of the argument.

Solutions would be like Canada's very sensible requirement of a certain percentage of industry using automation, to have humans doing that work. Also, stiffer tariffs on ALL goods manufactured offshore. PERIOD. And, universal healthcare, where the equivalent of a second mortgage in premiums and deductibles would immediately vanish from the American home's outlay each month. That money would be converted to consuming. Private healthcare maintained for the upper classes. Free clinics require a co-pay for routine visits. All paid for via Article I, Section 8.

Ask yourselves this as your portfolio shrinks, dear 1%....How many of these workers are buying cars, vacations, dining, sundries or new homes this year? Welcome to trickle-up recession. You have nobody but yourselves to thank..

The new auto assembly line...a tiny group of people getting filthy ass rich...until trickle-up grabs them by the throat.. Obama said "auto sales are up!". He just failed to mention that Americans aren't the ones able to buy them. Very recently banks have announced they're loaning up to 120% of the value of a new car. And 90% of a new home purchase. These bandaids might work to get people elected, but then the banks are sitting precariously...again...who will bail them out next time when there are no more crumbs left in the cookie jar?

Folks, we have to get REAL about the economy.....AND FAST...


The old auto assembly line... I'll bet a bunch of these guys would be buying stuff all day long if we had the Canadian requirements in place:


Very recently banks have announced they're loaning up to 120% of the value of a new car.


Gone are the days of the 3 and 4 year car loan for a large percentage of Americans.
With soaring prices on vehicles and dwindling income people are signing 6 and 7 year loans.
Thats fucken nuts!! You're pretty much guaranteed to end up backasswards on the loan.
This is a symptom of what the OP is talking about,and it's only going to get worse.

I have huge problem with this logic.

The whole reason prices have gone up, is because of buyers. Buyers demand cars that are more expensive than they can afford. If no one bought a car they couldn't pay cash for, the prices of cars would go down. But that would require you buy a less expensive car. People don't want to do that. So this crying over buying cars you can't afford, for loans you can't pay back, is not the car companies fault. It's the public's fault. Stop buying cars you can't afford.

And of course you are going to end up backwards on the loan. Any loan made on a product that goes down in value, you are going to end up upside down on. If you buy a couch with a credit card, you are upside down on the couch before you get it to your home.

Any time you borrow money on something that loses value, it is mathematically impossible to end up upside down on it, unless you place a ton of money down.

You used to be able to buy a nice truck for 25k 15 years ago.
Now that same truck would run you around 40k yet wages are still the same...thats a problem.

That's a bit nebulous.

Define exactly what you consider a "nice truck for $25K".... because....[CHEV[COLORADO[]][]]&listingId=409699020&Log=0

Chevy Colorado Extended Cab, for $23,000 new. I've been in one of those. That fits my definition of "nice".

Now most people want the 300 HP V-6, with the premium stereo blue tooth, Z71 option, with 4x4 and fog lights and bell and whistles, and yeah that costs significantly more.

But to just get a decent truck.... For $25K.... yeah you can do that. People choose not to. People choose to buy all the bells and whistles.... but that doesn't mean "you can't buy a nice truck for $25K".
I don't know you need humans bolting down seats? Someone has to Design, build, program, install, maintain, monitor, order all of those Automation machines. Higher pay, better jobs. This allows all that human labor to be used elsewhere.

Am I way wrong?

Yes in that there are fewer decent paying jobs.
Obviously automation is designed to make the manufacturer more money and that translates into fewer workers.

I'm no liberal by any stretch and I believe in free markets but there is going to be an adjustment period and it's going to suck.

But see what you are ignoring is that it is exactly those automations that allow us to buy products. The whole reason we are able to buy the goods and services we do, is exactly because automation allows prices to fall.

You can't look exclusively at the job/wage side of the equation, and ignore the price side.

Yeah, wouldn't it be great if everyone was hand building car parts like the 1949, and was making a middle class income of.... $36,000 a year. That's how much those amazing auto factory jobs were, that you claim we need.

To put that in context, two people working full time wage at Mcdonalds, earn $6 thousand more a year.

And by the way, the average car in 1949 was $16,500.

What's my point? There are hundreds of jobs that pay better than the factory worker jobs of the past, by a wide margin too.

Are you fucking kidding me?
The average price of a new car in 1949 was $1,650.00

I'm sorry. I assumed you understood I was accounting for inflation.

The middle class yearly wage wasn't $36,000 a year either.

Use the inflation calculator.
Inflation Calculator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Punch in $1,650, and you end up with.... $16,500.

So in standardized 2015 dollars.... the estimate is that a new car in 1949 cost roughly $16,500 in today's money.

Sorry for the confusion.
You know me, always keeping it raw and real...

Last night in Obama's SOTU speech he just frankly lied a hellof a lot. Especially about the economy & jobs.

He made veiled reference though, addressing the 1% in the audience (virtually all of them), to how automation, offshoring jobs and foreign bank accounts to escape taxes were the culprits.

When you take jobs away from people, they can't buy stuff from you anymore. That's the long and the short of the argument.

Solutions would be like Canada's very sensible requirement of a certain percentage of industry using automation, to have humans doing that work. Also, stiffer tariffs on ALL goods manufactured offshore. PERIOD. And, universal healthcare, where the equivalent of a second mortgage in premiums and deductibles would immediately vanish from the American home's outlay each month. That money would be converted to consuming. Private healthcare maintained for the upper classes. Free clinics require a co-pay for routine visits. All paid for via Article I, Section 8.

Ask yourselves this as your portfolio shrinks, dear 1%....How many of these workers are buying cars, vacations, dining, sundries or new homes this year? Welcome to trickle-up recession. You have nobody but yourselves to thank..

The new auto assembly line...a tiny group of people getting filthy ass rich...until trickle-up grabs them by the throat.. Obama said "auto sales are up!". He just failed to mention that Americans aren't the ones able to buy them. Very recently banks have announced they're loaning up to 120% of the value of a new car. And 90% of a new home purchase. These bandaids might work to get people elected, but then the banks are sitting precariously...again...who will bail them out next time when there are no more crumbs left in the cookie jar?

Folks, we have to get REAL about the economy.....AND FAST...


The old auto assembly line... I'll bet a bunch of these guys would be buying stuff all day long if we had the Canadian requirements in place:


Very recently banks have announced they're loaning up to 120% of the value of a new car.


Gone are the days of the 3 and 4 year car loan for a large percentage of Americans.
With soaring prices on vehicles and dwindling income people are signing 6 and 7 year loans.
Thats fucken nuts!! You're pretty much guaranteed to end up backasswards on the loan.
This is a symptom of what the OP is talking about,and it's only going to get worse.

I have huge problem with this logic.

The whole reason prices have gone up, is because of buyers. Buyers demand cars that are more expensive than they can afford. If no one bought a car they couldn't pay cash for, the prices of cars would go down. But that would require you buy a less expensive car. People don't want to do that. So this crying over buying cars you can't afford, for loans you can't pay back, is not the car companies fault. It's the public's fault. Stop buying cars you can't afford.

And of course you are going to end up backwards on the loan. Any loan made on a product that goes down in value, you are going to end up upside down on. If you buy a couch with a credit card, you are upside down on the couch before you get it to your home.

Any time you borrow money on something that loses value, it is mathematically impossible to end up upside down on it, unless you place a ton of money down.

You used to be able to buy a nice truck for 25k 15 years ago.
Now that same truck would run you around 40k yet wages are still the same...thats a problem.

That's a bit nebulous.

Define exactly what you consider a "nice truck for $25K".... because....[CHEV[COLORADO[]][]]&listingId=409699020&Log=0

Chevy Colorado Extended Cab, for $23,000 new. I've been in one of those. That fits my definition of "nice".

Now most people want the 300 HP V-6, with the premium stereo blue tooth, Z71 option, with 4x4 and fog lights and bell and whistles, and yeah that costs significantly more.

But to just get a decent truck.... For $25K.... yeah you can do that. People choose not to. People choose to buy all the bells and whistles.... but that doesn't mean "you can't buy a nice truck for $25K".

In 98 I purchased a Toyota Tacoma 4X4 TRD with blower and all the bell and whistles for 25k
That truck today without the blower,which is around an extra 5k,will run you over 37k.
Add the blower,which unfortunately is no longer available,and the price jumps to 42k.

Wages sure as hell havent kept up with the rise in the price of the truck.
Of course,I personally watched it happen in machine shops.
Mexicans went from about two percent of machinist in 85 to around eighty percent in 2000.
And wages stagnated. Thank God I saw the writing on the wall and made my money elsewhere.

That is absolutely factually true. Mexicans are the new black slaves. They are willing to work for a fraction of what it costs to maintain a middle class lifestyle because back home, petty wages are sufficient to afford middle class living. And, employers don't have to provide medical insurance for illegals. Double bonus. The only problem is how to provide the horde of legal Americans with enough income to keep the American economy afloat.

Most youngsters I know complain of not wanting to go to college because after they strip what little their families have in savings to get a degree, there are only slave wages and seas of endless Mexicans to compete with. And, employers aren't hiring. So they're stuck with debt and a degree on their wall in a cheap plastic and glass frame. A very expensive trinket.

Also, with monopolies firmly entrenched from lobbying favors and regulations, if you try to enter a given market with your new innovative ideas, you will be tortured first, then squashed like a bug on a desert highway before you even make your first dollar of profit. So why innovate?

For instance, I myself have had dozens of really good ideas to innovate cutting edge new American industry. But instead of having time and money to invest in my ideas, I'm struggling month to month to keep from losing the roof over my head. So I'm forced to take odd jobs that require long hours and petty wages, poor returns. And why? Because the people who hire me know I'm in a pinch. And reptiles know that people in a pinch will work for long hours at shitty wages. Thus, the worst sort of people rise to the top...stupid, petty, meanspirited, without innovative ideas because all their brains are capable of processing is selfish greed. And innovative types like myself are shut clean out of the marketplace by our reptilian counterparts.

And, smart people know when they've been beat before they've even left the chute. So, good ideas and American innovation flush down the commode with each manhour spent at a shitty job working long hours for shitty wages because more cunning and ruthless greed-whores know how to keep good men down..

And who is it who enables this not only to survive, but to flourish?

Money is the barometer of a society's virtue. When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion--when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing--when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors--when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don't protect you against them, but protect them against you--when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice--you may know that your society is doomed.

- Ayn Rand - Atlas Shrugged -​
You know me, always keeping it raw and real...

Last night in Obama's SOTU speech he just frankly lied a hellof a lot. Especially about the economy & jobs.

He made veiled reference though, addressing the 1% in the audience (virtually all of them), to how automation, offshoring jobs and foreign bank accounts to escape taxes were the culprits.

When you take jobs away from people, they can't buy stuff from you anymore. That's the long and the short of the argument.

Solutions would be like Canada's very sensible requirement of a certain percentage of industry using automation, to have humans doing that work. Also, stiffer tariffs on ALL goods manufactured offshore. PERIOD. And, universal healthcare, where the equivalent of a second mortgage in premiums and deductibles would immediately vanish from the American home's outlay each month. That money would be converted to consuming. Private healthcare maintained for the upper classes. Free clinics require a co-pay for routine visits. All paid for via Article I, Section 8.

Ask yourselves this as your portfolio shrinks, dear 1%....How many of these workers are buying cars, vacations, dining, sundries or new homes this year? Welcome to trickle-up recession. You have nobody but yourselves to thank..

The new auto assembly line...a tiny group of people getting filthy ass rich...until trickle-up grabs them by the throat.. Obama said "auto sales are up!". He just failed to mention that Americans aren't the ones able to buy them. Very recently banks have announced they're loaning up to 120% of the value of a new car. And 90% of a new home purchase. These bandaids might work to get people elected, but then the banks are sitting precariously...again...who will bail them out next time when there are no more crumbs left in the cookie jar?

Folks, we have to get REAL about the economy.....AND FAST...


The old auto assembly line... I'll bet a bunch of these guys would be buying stuff all day long if we had the Canadian requirements in place:


Very recently banks have announced they're loaning up to 120% of the value of a new car.


Gone are the days of the 3 and 4 year car loan for a large percentage of Americans.
With soaring prices on vehicles and dwindling income people are signing 6 and 7 year loans.
Thats fucken nuts!! You're pretty much guaranteed to end up backasswards on the loan.
This is a symptom of what the OP is talking about,and it's only going to get worse.

Cars are built better than they used to be. Gone are the days of planned obsolescence.
That being said, we need to teach more economics in school, most people have no clue how to manage their money.

You cant deny that prices are going up and wages are not keeping up.

I've been in an old muscle car from the 1960s. Yeah, you could work a summer job and buy a 1960s muscle car. And you can't do that today.

The reason is the quality of the car has gone up. 1960s muscle cars were junk compared to cars of today. Crap stereos, power nothing, metal rotted out, bad traction... lots of power...... oh yeah. But when it got cold, trying to start that carburetor sucked.

Cars have come a million miles in advancement since the 1960s, and those advancements have a cost to them. All that safety glass, all that heated windows, power everything, anti-lock breaks, power steering, everything has air conditioning, and on top of that, the unseen advancements.... reduced admissions, fuel savings from lighter materials.

All of it costs a TON of money.

So the cost of cars has gone up.

The cost housing has gone up too... but again... we demand more from housing. You realize that as late as the 1970s, only 30% of homes had air conditioning? I've been to the homes where my parents grew up. Mother was raised in a house only slightly larger than my first apartment.

My father was raised in a home that was only 1 floor, with 2 bed rooms, and he had 2 brothers. Figure that math out there.
Compare that to the home I was raised in, which had 3 floors, and 5 bed rooms, and it was only me and my sister.

Homes have become massive. The middle class of this generation, lives in homes that are the size of the elite mansions of yesterday year. And more than just size! You have to have cable. We didn't have cable TV for the first dozen years I was alive. Internet? What's that? My father had to re-wire some of the rooms in our home, because they didn't have power outlets. We didn't have A/C.

Today, many apartments are more furnished and wired than the home I grew up in. And I'm only 38! But people demand more and bigger, and more features in their homes. Thus prices of homes have gone up. Homes don't end up with Cat-5 Internet cable outlets in every room by magic. You have to pay people to do that.

And wired for security is now a thing too. My neighbors where I live, installed a security camera. I'm now considering it. Homes with that installed cost more.

Prices have gone up in specific areas, but it's because people are demanding more things. If you want to buy a cheaper car, they are available. IF you want a cheaper home, they exist. But it's not a problem of the economy, or economic policy.
Of course,I personally watched it happen in machine shops.
Mexicans went from about two percent of machinist in 85 to around eighty percent in 2000.
And wages stagnated. Thank God I saw the writing on the wall and made my money elsewhere.

That is absolutely factually true. Mexicans are the new black slaves. They are willing to work for a fraction of what it costs to maintain a middle class lifestyle because back home, petty wages are sufficient to afford middle class living. And, employers don't have to provide medical insurance for illegals. Double bonus. The only problem is how to provide the horde of legal Americans with enough income to keep the American economy afloat.

Most youngsters I know complain of not wanting to go to college because after they strip what little their families have in savings to get a degree, there are only slave wages and seas of endless Mexicans to compete with. And, employers aren't hiring. So they're stuck with debt and a degree on their wall in a cheap plastic and glass frame. A very expensive trinket.

Also, with monopolies firmly entrenched from lobbying favors and regulations, if you try to enter a given market with your new innovative ideas, you will be tortured first, then squashed like a bug on a desert highway before you even make your first dollar of profit. So why innovate?

For instance, I myself have had dozens of really good ideas to innovate cutting edge new American industry. But instead of having time and money to invest in my ideas, I'm struggling month to month to keep from losing the roof over my head. So I'm forced to take odd jobs that require long hours and petty wages, poor returns. And why? Because the people who hire me know I'm in a pinch. And reptiles know that people in a pinch will work for long hours at shitty wages. Thus, the worst sort of people rise to the top...stupid, petty, meanspirited, without innovative ideas because all their brains are capable of processing is selfish greed. And innovative types like myself are shut clean out of the marketplace by our reptilian counterparts.

And, smart people know when they've been beat before they've even left the chute. So, good ideas and American innovation flush down the commode with each manhour spent at a shitty job working long hours for shitty wages because more cunning and ruthless greed-whores know how to keep good men down..

And who is it who enables this not only to survive, but to flourish?

Money is the barometer of a society's virtue. When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion--when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing--when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors--when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don't protect you against them, but protect them against you--when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice--you may know that your society is doomed.

- Ayn Rand - Atlas Shrugged -​

Anti-government dog shit..Austerity pimping crap!
I don't know you need humans bolting down seats? Someone has to Design, build, program, install, maintain, monitor, order all of those Automation machines. Higher pay, better jobs. This allows all that human labor to be used elsewhere.

Am I way wrong?

Yes in that there are fewer decent paying jobs.
Obviously automation is designed to make the manufacturer more money and that translates into fewer workers.

I'm no liberal by any stretch and I believe in free markets but there is going to be an adjustment period and it's going to suck.

But see what you are ignoring is that it is exactly those automations that allow us to buy products. The whole reason we are able to buy the goods and services we do, is exactly because automation allows prices to fall.

You can't look exclusively at the job/wage side of the equation, and ignore the price side.

Yeah, wouldn't it be great if everyone was hand building car parts like the 1949, and was making a middle class income of.... $36,000 a year. That's how much those amazing auto factory jobs were, that you claim we need.

To put that in context, two people working full time wage at Mcdonalds, earn $6 thousand more a year.

And by the way, the average car in 1949 was $16,500.

What's my point? There are hundreds of jobs that pay better than the factory worker jobs of the past, by a wide margin too.

Are you fucking kidding me?
The average price of a new car in 1949 was $1,650.00

I'm sorry. I assumed you understood I was accounting for inflation.

The middle class yearly wage wasn't $36,000 a year either.

Use the inflation calculator.
Inflation Calculator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Punch in $1,650, and you end up with.... $16,500.

So in standardized 2015 dollars.... the estimate is that a new car in 1949 cost roughly $16,500 in today's money.

Sorry for the confusion.

You cant get much of a car for $16,500....
Here's another example.
Do new cars cost too much?
Of course,I personally watched it happen in machine shops.
Mexicans went from about two percent of machinist in 85 to around eighty percent in 2000.
And wages stagnated. Thank God I saw the writing on the wall and made my money elsewhere.

That is absolutely factually true. Mexicans are the new black slaves. They are willing to work for a fraction of what it costs to maintain a middle class lifestyle because back home, petty wages are sufficient to afford middle class living. And, employers don't have to provide medical insurance for illegals. Double bonus. The only problem is how to provide the horde of legal Americans with enough income to keep the American economy afloat.

Most youngsters I know complain of not wanting to go to college because after they strip what little their families have in savings to get a degree, there are only slave wages and seas of endless Mexicans to compete with. And, employers aren't hiring. So they're stuck with debt and a degree on their wall in a cheap plastic and glass frame. A very expensive trinket.

Also, with monopolies firmly entrenched from lobbying favors and regulations, if you try to enter a given market with your new innovative ideas, you will be tortured first, then squashed like a bug on a desert highway before you even make your first dollar of profit. So why innovate?

For instance, I myself have had dozens of really good ideas to innovate cutting edge new American industry. But instead of having time and money to invest in my ideas, I'm struggling month to month to keep from losing the roof over my head. So I'm forced to take odd jobs that require long hours and petty wages, poor returns. And why? Because the people who hire me know I'm in a pinch. And reptiles know that people in a pinch will work for long hours at shitty wages. Thus, the worst sort of people rise to the top...stupid, petty, meanspirited, without innovative ideas because all their brains are capable of processing is selfish greed. And innovative types like myself are shut clean out of the marketplace by our reptilian counterparts.

And, smart people know when they've been beat before they've even left the chute. So, good ideas and American innovation flush down the commode with each manhour spent at a shitty job working long hours for shitty wages because more cunning and ruthless greed-whores know how to keep good men down..

And who is it who enables this not only to survive, but to flourish?

Money is the barometer of a society's virtue. When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion--when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing--when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors--when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don't protect you against them, but protect them against you--when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice--you may know that your society is doomed.

- Ayn Rand - Atlas Shrugged -​

Anti-government dog shit..Austerity pimping crap!


Ayn Rand to liberals is like sunshine to a vampire.

Of course,I personally watched it happen in machine shops.
Mexicans went from about two percent of machinist in 85 to around eighty percent in 2000.
And wages stagnated. Thank God I saw the writing on the wall and made my money elsewhere.

That is absolutely factually true. Mexicans are the new black slaves. They are willing to work for a fraction of what it costs to maintain a middle class lifestyle because back home, petty wages are sufficient to afford middle class living. And, employers don't have to provide medical insurance for illegals. Double bonus. The only problem is how to provide the horde of legal Americans with enough income to keep the American economy afloat.

Most youngsters I know complain of not wanting to go to college because after they strip what little their families have in savings to get a degree, there are only slave wages and seas of endless Mexicans to compete with. And, employers aren't hiring. So they're stuck with debt and a degree on their wall in a cheap plastic and glass frame. A very expensive trinket.

Also, with monopolies firmly entrenched from lobbying favors and regulations, if you try to enter a given market with your new innovative ideas, you will be tortured first, then squashed like a bug on a desert highway before you even make your first dollar of profit. So why innovate?

For instance, I myself have had dozens of really good ideas to innovate cutting edge new American industry. But instead of having time and money to invest in my ideas, I'm struggling month to month to keep from losing the roof over my head. So I'm forced to take odd jobs that require long hours and petty wages, poor returns. And why? Because the people who hire me know I'm in a pinch. And reptiles know that people in a pinch will work for long hours at shitty wages. Thus, the worst sort of people rise to the top...stupid, petty, meanspirited, without innovative ideas because all their brains are capable of processing is selfish greed. And innovative types like myself are shut clean out of the marketplace by our reptilian counterparts.

And, smart people know when they've been beat before they've even left the chute. So, good ideas and American innovation flush down the commode with each manhour spent at a shitty job working long hours for shitty wages because more cunning and ruthless greed-whores know how to keep good men down..

And who is it who enables this not only to survive, but to flourish?

Money is the barometer of a society's virtue. When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion--when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing--when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors--when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don't protect you against them, but protect them against you--when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice--you may know that your society is doomed.

- Ayn Rand - Atlas Shrugged -​

Most of the book is a pretty difficult read, but the story of the 20th Century Motor Co, and D'anconia's Money Speech are brilliant.
Of course,I personally watched it happen in machine shops.
Mexicans went from about two percent of machinist in 85 to around eighty percent in 2000.
And wages stagnated. Thank God I saw the writing on the wall and made my money elsewhere.

That is absolutely factually true. Mexicans are the new black slaves. They are willing to work for a fraction of what it costs to maintain a middle class lifestyle because back home, petty wages are sufficient to afford middle class living. And, employers don't have to provide medical insurance for illegals. Double bonus. The only problem is how to provide the horde of legal Americans with enough income to keep the American economy afloat.

Most youngsters I know complain of not wanting to go to college because after they strip what little their families have in savings to get a degree, there are only slave wages and seas of endless Mexicans to compete with. And, employers aren't hiring. So they're stuck with debt and a degree on their wall in a cheap plastic and glass frame. A very expensive trinket.

Also, with monopolies firmly entrenched from lobbying favors and regulations, if you try to enter a given market with your new innovative ideas, you will be tortured first, then squashed like a bug on a desert highway before you even make your first dollar of profit. So why innovate?

For instance, I myself have had dozens of really good ideas to innovate cutting edge new American industry. But instead of having time and money to invest in my ideas, I'm struggling month to month to keep from losing the roof over my head. So I'm forced to take odd jobs that require long hours and petty wages, poor returns. And why? Because the people who hire me know I'm in a pinch. And reptiles know that people in a pinch will work for long hours at shitty wages. Thus, the worst sort of people rise to the top...stupid, petty, meanspirited, without innovative ideas because all their brains are capable of processing is selfish greed. And innovative types like myself are shut clean out of the marketplace by our reptilian counterparts.

And, smart people know when they've been beat before they've even left the chute. So, good ideas and American innovation flush down the commode with each manhour spent at a shitty job working long hours for shitty wages because more cunning and ruthless greed-whores know how to keep good men down..

And who is it who enables this not only to survive, but to flourish?

Money is the barometer of a society's virtue. When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion--when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing--when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors--when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don't protect you against them, but protect them against you--when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice--you may know that your society is doomed.

- Ayn Rand - Atlas Shrugged -​

Most of the book is a pretty difficult read, but the story of the 20th Century Motor Co, and D'anconia's Money Speech are brilliant.

I've read it a couple of times.

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