Trouble in Paradise

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The next step in enforcing the vaccines is violence. The others threats are not working. Communists have no problems with violence. People refusing the vaccines are NOT Communists.

I have been contemplating the same thing, arriving at the same conclusion: depending on how many Americans can or can not be coerced into not only getting one of the COVID vaccines but also how many are willing to force vaccinate their children, violence will be required to get the rest jabbed.

One example of just how desperate our government is to vaccinate all Americans comes to us out of Louisiana. The other day some government ***** in that state were offering to EXPUNGE the felony records of any poor sap who stepped up to get double jabbed. Can you imagine? Can you name a precedent for such government insanity?

Madness in the third degree.
What is communism, Trumpster?

Oh, and what makes me a communist? Precisely?

Go ahead. Lay your genius on us.
One who embraces, condones, and promotes Marxist and socialist ideas that will lead to a full communist state.

Also you are a habitual liar, a key giveaway for a communist.
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