Trump: "10% tax cut...for middle income...coming in next week...."


Trump doing what he does best.

When asked by a reporter how he was going to do it, he said by resolution.

So the White House is furiously trying once again to cover Trump's ass:

"""Behind President Trump’s talk of an imminent middle-class tax cut, his advisers are holding discussions on a far more modest proposal to ask Congress to eventually hold a symbolic vote promising a tax cut in the future."""

White House officials discuss symbolic tax vote as Trump touts imminent cut for middle class
Why does the crime party want us to pay more tax?

The crime party wants YOU to pay more taxes because somebody has to pay for their tax cuts to the rich and it ain't gonna be them. Expect cuts to your pension, your Medicare and anything else you worked for, paid for, and now is being gifted to Trump and his buddies.

Your ONLY hope, and that of your other retiree friends, is to vote Democrat and puts some checks, balances and oversights in place while the criminals occupy the White House.
y'all really should find some new propaganda around election time. This is really old.

The TRUTH never gets old.

Not one Democrat President has sat back and watched the leadership of their election campaign and all of their closest associates being indicted, pleading GUILTY, and going to jail. These people are willing pleading guilty to these crimes and cooperating with investigators. Donald Trump is an unindicted co-conspirator in the crimes Michael Cohen plead to. He most certainly was aware of the promises Gen. Flynn was making to the Russian Ambassador, and the Trump Tower meeting.

Trump has settled suits in federal criminal racism, fraud and conspiracy, and is currently under investigation for tax fraud and matters relating to the criminal operation of his charity in New York. That's in addition to his treason with Vladimir Putin, something that Putin is now openly bragging about.
Still no proof on Russia huh?

Lots and lots of it. So much so that it's no longer in dispute that Russia did it. Even the heads of the CIA, FBI, NSA and Homeland Security, all of whom are Trump appointments, are having White House press conferences to lay out what Russia did. That you're still in denial, makes me question whether you are really an American. Again.
That's a lie. Obamacare proved that is a lie.

Obamacare has nothing to do with Medicare for all. You know that, right?
I know that's a lie.
Obamacare Robs Medicare of $716 Billion to Fund Itself

LOL, Medicare and Obamacare are 2 different programs. Even if Obamacare "robbed" Medicare, that doesn't mean Medicare is the same thing as Obamacare.

If a thief robs a jewelry store, does that make a jewelry store the same as the thief? See how ridiculous you sound?

Holy fuck, nevermind. If this sort of basic concept is too much to grasp, what's even the point of trying to explain this to a moron.

BTW, What was your screen name before?
You said Obamacare has nothing to do with medicare. You lied. Obamacare stole from medicare, so that means Obamacare has a lot to do with medicare. You're an idiot.

Obamacare didn't "steal from Medicare". Obamacare cut Medicare costs and stablized the program financially. In fact, Obamacare enhanced and improved Medicare and saved it for future generations.
Funny stuff. That must be why Obungocare is so popular, huh. Obungocare was so popular that the Democrats lost the House and the Senate in 2010, huh. Sell that to some naïve college kids.

Trump doing what he does best.

When asked by a reporter how he was going to do it, he said by resolution.

So the White House is furiously trying once again to cover Trump's ass:

"""Behind President Trump’s talk of an imminent middle-class tax cut, his advisers are holding discussions on a far more modest proposal to ask Congress to eventually hold a symbolic vote promising a tax cut in the future."""

White House officials discuss symbolic tax vote as Trump touts imminent cut for middle class
Well, I gotta give the Bigly Orangeturd credit. When the gop first took up "tax cut" he wanted to raise taxes on the 1% and cut them for the middle. And Rubio wasn't far off.
Trump Wanted Higher Taxes on the Rich – and to Print Lots of Money: Woodward

But expanding the money supply or borrowing more to pay off the debt .... not so good.
Obamacare has nothing to do with Medicare for all. You know that, right?
I know that's a lie.
Obamacare Robs Medicare of $716 Billion to Fund Itself

LOL, Medicare and Obamacare are 2 different programs. Even if Obamacare "robbed" Medicare, that doesn't mean Medicare is the same thing as Obamacare.

If a thief robs a jewelry store, does that make a jewelry store the same as the thief? See how ridiculous you sound?

Holy fuck, nevermind. If this sort of basic concept is too much to grasp, what's even the point of trying to explain this to a moron.

BTW, What was your screen name before?
You said Obamacare has nothing to do with medicare. You lied. Obamacare stole from medicare, so that means Obamacare has a lot to do with medicare. You're an idiot.

Obamacare didn't "steal from Medicare". Obamacare cut Medicare costs and stablized the program financially. In fact, Obamacare enhanced and improved Medicare and saved it for future generations.
Funny stuff. That must be why Obungocare is so popular, huh. Obungocare was so popular that the Democrats lost the House and the Senate in 2010, huh. Sell that to some naïve college kids.

It wasn't Obamacare that cost the House and Senate, it was the Tea Party tax revolt. And it was the racist backlash from the racist wing of the Republican Party to the election of a black President. Not to mention that Democrats simply do not turn out for the Midterms. At least they haven't until this year.

As for Obamacare, it is now far more popular than Trump. Obamacare is so popular, that Republicans, who promised to "repeal and replace Obamacare" haven't done either, despite having control of the House and the Senate. Republicans are now running on protecting and preserving Obamacare, even as they are leading lawsuits to gut it..
Last edited:

LOL, Medicare and Obamacare are 2 different programs. Even if Obamacare "robbed" Medicare, that doesn't mean Medicare is the same thing as Obamacare.

If a thief robs a jewelry store, does that make a jewelry store the same as the thief? See how ridiculous you sound?

Holy fuck, nevermind. If this sort of basic concept is too much to grasp, what's even the point of trying to explain this to a moron.

BTW, What was your screen name before?
You said Obamacare has nothing to do with medicare. You lied. Obamacare stole from medicare, so that means Obamacare has a lot to do with medicare. You're an idiot.

Obamacare didn't "steal from Medicare". Obamacare cut Medicare costs and stablized the program financially. In fact, Obamacare enhanced and improved Medicare and saved it for future generations.
Funny stuff. That must be why Obungocare is so popular, huh. Obungocare was so popular that the Democrats lost the House and the Senate in 2010, huh. Sell that to some naïve college kids.

It wasn't Obamacare that cost the House and Senate, it was the Tea Party tax revolt. And it was the racist backlash from the racist wing of the Republican Party to the election of a black President. Not to mention that Democrats simply do not turn out for the Midterms. At least they haven't until this year.

As for Obamacare, it is now fare more popular than Trump. Obamacare is so popular, that Republicans, who promised to "repeal and replace Obamacare" haven't done either, despite having control of the House and the Senate. Republicans are now running on protecting and preserving Obamacare, even as they are leading lawsuits to gut it..
Yes, the tax revolt was because of obungocare, which is a tax. Duh!!

LOL, Medicare and Obamacare are 2 different programs. Even if Obamacare "robbed" Medicare, that doesn't mean Medicare is the same thing as Obamacare.

If a thief robs a jewelry store, does that make a jewelry store the same as the thief? See how ridiculous you sound?

Holy fuck, nevermind. If this sort of basic concept is too much to grasp, what's even the point of trying to explain this to a moron.

BTW, What was your screen name before?
You said Obamacare has nothing to do with medicare. You lied. Obamacare stole from medicare, so that means Obamacare has a lot to do with medicare. You're an idiot.

Obamacare didn't "steal from Medicare". Obamacare cut Medicare costs and stablized the program financially. In fact, Obamacare enhanced and improved Medicare and saved it for future generations.
Funny stuff. That must be why Obungocare is so popular, huh. Obungocare was so popular that the Democrats lost the House and the Senate in 2010, huh. Sell that to some naïve college kids.

It wasn't Obamacare that cost the House and Senate, it was the Tea Party tax revolt. And it was the racist backlash from the racist wing of the Republican Party to the election of a black President. Not to mention that Democrats simply do not turn out for the Midterms. At least they haven't until this year.

As for Obamacare, it is now fare more popular than Trump. Obamacare is so popular, that Republicans, who promised to "repeal and replace Obamacare" haven't done either, despite having control of the House and the Senate. Republicans are now running on protecting and preserving Obamacare, even as they are leading lawsuits to gut it..
I think Obamacare was perceived as "giving people something they didn't earn." And yeah, part of that was the perception by aging whites that the mudbloods were getting something they had to work to get.

It was not well thought out, and the people largely behind it were theorists and pols who never had, or hadn't had in decades, a real job. And practically speaking, there was no way to cover ALL workers whose jobs didn't "earn them" HC without ending the employer sponsored tax credits for employers. And that was not politically possible. And there was at least a perception that some workers were paying higher taxes to give other workers HC, and that was what doomed the dems. It wasn't classwarfare on the rich that workers minded. It was paying for Jack to get a raise with MY money.
Any socialized medicine wheather it be Obamacare/ACA/single payer/Medicare for all, will bankrupt conservatives...

So prove it don't give me your thoughts.
If people can’t afford something they go bankrupt…

Is that your proof?

June 2017 Bankruptcy Filings Down 2.8 Percent

Maybe this will help your demented mind.
You do realize if someone’s forced to pay for something they cannot afford like Obama care/single payer/Medicare for all… They have no choice but to file for bankruptcy?

Medicare for all will cost you less than what you're paying for health insurance.
I have never purchased health insurance, never will.
For me and my family I’ve always paid out of pocket I don’t expect someone else to pay for my shit
So prove it don't give me your thoughts.
If people can’t afford something they go bankrupt…

Is that your proof?

June 2017 Bankruptcy Filings Down 2.8 Percent

Maybe this will help your demented mind.
You do realize if someone’s forced to pay for something they cannot afford like Obama care/single payer/Medicare for all… They have no choice but to file for bankruptcy?

Medicare for all will cost you less than what you're paying for health insurance.
I have never purchased health insurance, never will.
For me and my family I’ve always paid out of pocket I don’t expect someone else to pay for my shit
If and when you get cancer or dementia or something, hopefully you will die painfully in a gutter.
Good point. Obamacare was a socialist money-grab for progressives and the ACA was for Conservatives. The ACA is a much better program than Obamacare. Everyone with an ounce of intelligence knows that.
Any socialized medicine wheather it be Obamacare/ACA/single payer/Medicare for all, will bankrupt conservatives...

So prove it don't give me your thoughts.
If people can’t afford something they go bankrupt…

Is that your proof?

June 2017 Bankruptcy Filings Down 2.8 Percent

Maybe this will help your demented mind.
You do realize if someone’s forced to pay for something they cannot afford like Obama care/single payer/Medicare for all… They have no choice but to file for bankruptcy?


Under the ACA, if you could show you could not afford it, you would get a waiver from the mandate.

You people are just too fucking stupid .
If people can’t afford something they go bankrupt…

Is that your proof?

June 2017 Bankruptcy Filings Down 2.8 Percent

Maybe this will help your demented mind.
You do realize if someone’s forced to pay for something they cannot afford like Obama care/single payer/Medicare for all… They have no choice but to file for bankruptcy?

You do realize without proof this does make you look foolish.

Obviously The proof is when someone says they can’t afford it, they can’t afford it.
The government cannot determine if someone can afford something or not because they are too fucked up to begin with and they have no right to determine such a thing, all socialist entitlement programs are made by career politicians to support progressives not conservatives... Conservatives are always fucked over by socialist entitlement programs

Yea, you're right I just had a woman tell me yesterday she could not longer afford it, I said well maybe you can get a subsidy and then what is your annual income, she said $140,000. I bet she goes bankrupt. Don't think so.
This is why all socialist entitlement programs have to be an opt in, No one should be forced to pay for anyone else’s shit

Trump doing what he does best.

When asked by a reporter how he was going to do it, he said by resolution.

So the White House is furiously trying once again to cover Trump's ass:

"""Behind President Trump’s talk of an imminent middle-class tax cut, his advisers are holding discussions on a far more modest proposal to ask Congress to eventually hold a symbolic vote promising a tax cut in the future."""

White House officials discuss symbolic tax vote as Trump touts imminent cut for middle class

Looks like Trump & the GOP may make an attempt at 'vote buying'

No surprise
Yeah, it's good to let people keep more of their own money than stealing it to give to others that depend on government programs to buy their votes like Democrats do.
How abiout you assfucks pay enough to cover what is spent? It is people like you that cheer tax cuts while we plow deeper in debt.
Is that your proof?

June 2017 Bankruptcy Filings Down 2.8 Percent

Maybe this will help your demented mind.
You do realize if someone’s forced to pay for something they cannot afford like Obama care/single payer/Medicare for all… They have no choice but to file for bankruptcy?

You do realize without proof this does make you look foolish.

Obviously The proof is when someone says they can’t afford it, they can’t afford it.
The government cannot determine if someone can afford something or not because they are too fucked up to begin with and they have no right to determine such a thing, all socialist entitlement programs are made by career politicians to support progressives not conservatives... Conservatives are always fucked over by socialist entitlement programs

Yea, you're right I just had a woman tell me yesterday she could not longer afford it, I said well maybe you can get a subsidy and then what is your annual income, she said $140,000. I bet she goes bankrupt. Don't think so.
This is why all socialist entitlement programs have to be an opt in, No one should be forced to pay for anyone else’s shit
I pay for the road on which you drive. Why is that?
If people can’t afford something they go bankrupt…

Is that your proof?

June 2017 Bankruptcy Filings Down 2.8 Percent

Maybe this will help your demented mind.
You do realize if someone’s forced to pay for something they cannot afford like Obama care/single payer/Medicare for all… They have no choice but to file for bankruptcy?

Medicare for all will cost you less than what you're paying for health insurance.
I have never purchased health insurance, never will.
For me and my family I’ve always paid out of pocket I don’t expect someone else to pay for my shit
If and when you get cancer or dementia or something, hopefully you will die painfully in a gutter.
I don’t worry about things that I cannot control, but I’m not gonna pay for something that “might” happen... that’s bullshit.

Any socialized medicine wheather it be Obamacare/ACA/single payer/Medicare for all, will bankrupt conservatives...

So prove it don't give me your thoughts.
If people can’t afford something they go bankrupt…

Is that your proof?

June 2017 Bankruptcy Filings Down 2.8 Percent

Maybe this will help your demented mind.
You do realize if someone’s forced to pay for something they cannot afford like Obama care/single payer/Medicare for all… They have no choice but to file for bankruptcy?


Under the ACA, if you could show you could not afford it, you would get a waiver from the mandate.

You people are just too fucking stupid .
Millions of conservatives want nothing to do with the nanny state, No one should have to apply for a fucking waiver... you fucking moron
Maybe he will get it done.

Let's wait to call him a liar.

Did Obamacare drop prmiums by $2500/year? Did liberals call Obama a liar before it happeend?

Let's wait and see.
Did President Obama have a history of over 4,000 bald faced lies before he said that?

Got it.

The math wasn't there, but OBAMA'S WORD BEATS MATH.

Obama's claim to save $2500 was mde during the campaign for his plan. Congress did not pass his plan. You are an ass.

If you bought insurance as an individual, I guarantee you saved more than $2500.
You do realize if someone’s forced to pay for something they cannot afford like Obama care/single payer/Medicare for all… They have no choice but to file for bankruptcy?

You do realize without proof this does make you look foolish.

Obviously The proof is when someone says they can’t afford it, they can’t afford it.
The government cannot determine if someone can afford something or not because they are too fucked up to begin with and they have no right to determine such a thing, all socialist entitlement programs are made by career politicians to support progressives not conservatives... Conservatives are always fucked over by socialist entitlement programs

Yea, you're right I just had a woman tell me yesterday she could not longer afford it, I said well maybe you can get a subsidy and then what is your annual income, she said $140,000. I bet she goes bankrupt. Don't think so.
This is why all socialist entitlement programs have to be an opt in, No one should be forced to pay for anyone else’s shit
I pay for the road on which you drive. Why is that?
Actually over 90% of the roads I drive on are gravel, paid for by the state taxes decades ago… Nice try bedwetter
So prove it don't give me your thoughts.
If people can’t afford something they go bankrupt…

Is that your proof?

June 2017 Bankruptcy Filings Down 2.8 Percent

Maybe this will help your demented mind.
You do realize if someone’s forced to pay for something they cannot afford like Obama care/single payer/Medicare for all… They have no choice but to file for bankruptcy?


Under the ACA, if you could show you could not afford it, you would get a waiver from the mandate.

You people are just too fucking stupid .
Millions of conservatives want nothing to do with the nanny state, No one should have to apply for a fucking waiver... you fucking moron

Wow, you ignore all the dumbass rednecks on welfare & food Stamps.
You do realize without proof this does make you look foolish.

Obviously The proof is when someone says they can’t afford it, they can’t afford it.
The government cannot determine if someone can afford something or not because they are too fucked up to begin with and they have no right to determine such a thing, all socialist entitlement programs are made by career politicians to support progressives not conservatives... Conservatives are always fucked over by socialist entitlement programs

Yea, you're right I just had a woman tell me yesterday she could not longer afford it, I said well maybe you can get a subsidy and then what is your annual income, she said $140,000. I bet she goes bankrupt. Don't think so.
This is why all socialist entitlement programs have to be an opt in, No one should be forced to pay for anyone else’s shit
I pay for the road on which you drive. Why is that?
Actually 90% of the roads I drive on are gravel, paid for by the state taxes decades ago… Nice try bedwetter
Lying fuck.

Trump doing what he does best.

When asked by a reporter how he was going to do it, he said by resolution.

So the White House is furiously trying once again to cover Trump's ass:

"""Behind President Trump’s talk of an imminent middle-class tax cut, his advisers are holding discussions on a far more modest proposal to ask Congress to eventually hold a symbolic vote promising a tax cut in the future."""

White House officials discuss symbolic tax vote as Trump touts imminent cut for middle class

Looks like Trump & the GOP may make an attempt at 'vote buying'

No surprise
Yeah, it's good to let people keep more of their own money than stealing it to give to others that depend on government programs to buy their votes like Democrats do.
How abiout you assfucks pay enough to cover what is spent? It is people like you that cheer tax cuts while we plow deeper in debt.
No career politician has ever cared about the debt, it’s their job not to care about the fucking debt... moron
If people can’t afford something they go bankrupt…

Is that your proof?

June 2017 Bankruptcy Filings Down 2.8 Percent

Maybe this will help your demented mind.
You do realize if someone’s forced to pay for something they cannot afford like Obama care/single payer/Medicare for all… They have no choice but to file for bankruptcy?


Under the ACA, if you could show you could not afford it, you would get a waiver from the mandate.

You people are just too fucking stupid .
Millions of conservatives want nothing to do with the nanny state, No one should have to apply for a fucking waiver... you fucking moron

Wow, you ignore all the dumbass rednecks on welfare & food Stamps.
I’m an individual, I care nothing for the nanny state. Because it does not benefit me whatsoever

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