Trump Admin Tells Minnesota Governor To Get Bent Over $16 Million Aid Request Following Riots

People aren't getting sick and dying all around the world? The entire world is in on this?
certainly. China has many ties. they wish to destroy America. bringing in the other countries was their plan. look it up. Italy has now stated that the deaths were far over calculated. but hey, facts are never your friend.

here's one article on the over exaggeration of deaths.


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So we are capitalists when things are good and socialists when things aren't? (kinda the point many have been making).

Ah, you Communists are such fucking cowards.

What does the term "recession" mean, Comrade?

Were we in a recession in 2019, or are the Washington Post fucking liars?

IN FACT, was there a recession in 2020? The little Goebbels kept talking of one in March and April, was their one or did the party press lie through their fucking teeth to smear their political enemy?

What difference does the economy have? You either practice capitalism during the good and the bad or you don't. We don't.

Fucking coward.

A recession is two consecutive quarters with negative GDP.

That NEVER occurred in 2019 - QUITE THE OPPOSITE, WAPOST are fucking liars who spewed shit to smear a political enemy.

FURTHER, in order for there to be a recession in March, there would have needed to be negative GDP growth in November and December, which is laughable. IN FACT the first quarter of 2020 was (just barely) positive for GDP, so there has been NO RECESSION UNDER TRUMP at all.

But you and our filthy demagogue press are shameless liars.
Look dickfuck, financial experts are calling it a recession based on the idea that the 2nd quarter numbers will be negative.

No liar, PARTISAN HACKS are lying.

Recession has a meaning.

UNLESS YOU COMMIE FUCKS can show two consecutive quarters of declining GDP, there was and is no recession, regardless of what lying scum like Krugman spew.

When the second quarter numbers come in, the Trumop Recession will have started in the first quarter of 2020.

You can cry, scream, stomp your feet but even a dumbass like youi know it is going to happen.

Unless you are saying it will not happen.
Can you explain for the audience WHY we entered a recession?

Bubbles. They always pop.
Nothing to do with SHUTTING DOWN BUSINESS for months?

Bubbles popped in the past all without what is going on now.
I didnt mention "bubbles." I mentioned blue state governors making it illegal to go to work.

I notice that not once did you mention WHY the states shut down. The 3.5 million Americans who got sick, overwhelming the heath care system. The lack of sufficient beds to deal with all of the sick people. 140,000 dead Americans, and the highest rates of infection and death in the world.

The rest of the first world shut down hard, tested like crazy, and shut the virus down. We listened to scientists, bought PPE, took the WHO tests, and prepared our people. We squashed the curve, and re-opened safely. When Justin Trudeau was asked about saving the economy, he said we'll discuss the economy, once our people are safe. He then assured business people that the government would be there for them, once the virus was under control. We are just getting ready enter Phase 3 re-opening, and we shut down WEEKS earlier than the USA.

Americans, with no real leadership in the pandemic failed to properly plan, prepare, or execute any sort of meaningful response to stop the spread of the pandemic. Trump continues to do nothing, except attack Dr. Fauci and the other scientists, and refuse to follow their advice. The illness and death continues to rise unabated. Every day you're setting records for the number of infections.


We have more that have recovered from the Coronavirus than any place other than Brazil. Our death rate per capita is less than Spain, Sweden, UK, Italy and several other countries. The US case fatality rate is at 4.0%,, Canada is at 8.0%, Germany 4.3%. Also at least 10 of the 25 countries are seeing a rise in cases, not just the United States. Why do you resort to lies all the time and feel the need to distort the truth?
So we are capitalists when things are good and socialists when things aren't? (kinda the point many have been making).

Ah, you Communists are such fucking cowards.

What does the term "recession" mean, Comrade?

Were we in a recession in 2019, or are the Washington Post fucking liars?

IN FACT, was there a recession in 2020? The little Goebbels kept talking of one in March and April, was their one or did the party press lie through their fucking teeth to smear their political enemy?

What difference does the economy have? You either practice capitalism during the good and the bad or you don't. We don't.

Fucking coward.

A recession is two consecutive quarters with negative GDP.

That NEVER occurred in 2019 - QUITE THE OPPOSITE, WAPOST are fucking liars who spewed shit to smear a political enemy.

FURTHER, in order for there to be a recession in March, there would have needed to be negative GDP growth in November and December, which is laughable. IN FACT the first quarter of 2020 was (just barely) positive for GDP, so there has been NO RECESSION UNDER TRUMP at all.

But you and our filthy demagogue press are shameless liars.
Look dickfuck, financial experts are calling it a recession based on the idea that the 2nd quarter numbers will be negative.

No liar, PARTISAN HACKS are lying.

Recession has a meaning.

UNLESS YOU COMMIE FUCKS can show two consecutive quarters of declining GDP, there was and is no recession, regardless of what lying scum like Krugman spew.

When the second quarter numbers come in, the Trumop Recession will have started in the first quarter of 2020.

You can cry, scream, stomp your feet but even a dumbass like youi know it is going to happen.

Unless you are saying it will not happen.
Can you explain for the audience WHY we entered a recession?

Bubbles. They always pop.
Nothing to do with SHUTTING DOWN BUSINESS for months?

Bubbles popped in the past all without what is going on now.
I didnt mention "bubbles." I mentioned blue state governors making it illegal to go to work.

Here's a look at three major ways this pandemic-driven recession is different than previous downturns

It's always "different" when it happens to your guy. It was going to pop no matter the excuse.
Still talking about bubbles while missing the info about the PANDEMIC DRIVEN RECESSION

If not the virus it would have been something else.

BS! What would have been the something else? The economy was strengthening and getting better coming into the spring. The housing market remained strong even after the pandemic closed down, which is uses as a good indicator of the future.

If the economy was getting better that was the time to raise taxes to address the debt and to stop the continual infusions by the Fed. Debt and Socialist programs from the Fed was holding up the economy.
America is now officially a banana republic.
Yes, ant the rioters have made it so
Our nation began with riots in Boston and we have had them ever since. They are American as apple pie. Donald Trump has made America a banana republic with his continuous never-ending scandals.
It's called "If you throw a tantrum and tear up your shit, you do without"...

When you were growing up and did that, did your parents rush out and replace it, where you could throw another tantrum and do it again???

Or did they make you learn not to do stupid shit???
Yeah, and 16 million for what ????

Most of the problem can be cleaned up with a little elbow grease involved. Probably came up short on a government give away program or will divert it to busing the voters uh I mean destroyers to the polls come November. I wouldn't trust a Democrat for as far as I could throw one. Well they best get innovative, and get off their aces to begin cleaning up.
They could just dump Trump in Nov. and elect Joe for President. Putting a mature sensible person with character could solve many problems.
Or we could just tell the governor that the state has to pay for the damage he allowed...

If the people don't like that, they need to demand that the governor DO HIS JOB and maintain order, or be removed...

Or risk the possibility of Trump declaring martial law, and sending in troops to restore order and protect people...

That is never going to happen. Trump Speaks Loudly and carries a small stick.
I'm actually hoping that Trump DOESN'T step in...

Let the Democrats destroy all of their shit, then enjoy the consequences of their stupidity!!!!

Trump needs many of these places to win next November. Telling them to "screw off" is not how he will do that. It failed for Obama/Hillary and will for Trump also.
/----/ NEWS FLASH: The libtards begging for money to clean up what other libtards destroyed aren't voting for Trump no matter how much money he sends. Trump gave Andy Boy Cuomo everything he needed and Cuomo still hates Trump. You see Trump will not try and buy votes like you democRATs are famous for.
America is now officially a banana republic.
Yes, ant the rioters have made it so
Our nation began with riots in Boston and we have had them ever since. They are American as apple pie. Donald Trump has made America a banana republic with his continuous never-ending scandals.
It's called "If you throw a tantrum and tear up your shit, you do without"...

When you were growing up and did that, did your parents rush out and replace it, where you could throw another tantrum and do it again???

Or did they make you learn not to do stupid shit???
Yeah, and 16 million for what ????

Most of the problem can be cleaned up with a little elbow grease involved. Probably came up short on a government give away program or will divert it to busing the voters uh I mean destroyers to the polls come November. I wouldn't trust a Democrat for as far as I could throw one. Well they best get innovative, and get off their aces to begin cleaning up.
They could just dump Trump in Nov. and elect Joe for President. Putting a mature sensible person with character could solve many problems.
Or we could just tell the governor that the state has to pay for the damage he allowed...

If the people don't like that, they need to demand that the governor DO HIS JOB and maintain order, or be removed...

Or risk the possibility of Trump declaring martial law, and sending in troops to restore order and protect people...

That is never going to happen. Trump Speaks Loudly and carries a small stick.
I'm actually hoping that Trump DOESN'T step in...

Let the Democrats destroy all of their shit, then enjoy the consequences of their stupidity!!!!

Trump needs many of these places to win next November. Telling them to "screw off" is not how he will do that. It failed for Obama/Hillary and will for Trump also.
/----/ NEWS FLASH: The libtards begging for money to clean up what other libtards destroyed aren't voting for Trump no matter how much money he sends. Trump gave Andy Boy Cuomo everything he needed and Cuomo still hates Trump. You see Trump will not try and buy votes like you democRATs are famous for.

Michigan asked Obama for help with their poisoned water. He turned his back on them. Trump indeed does need states he is turning his back on.
and that's precisely why trump is the most corrupt president and admin in all of our history!!! SAD

sad he's such a creep!
I like how President Trump's leadership outrages the SJWs.
BTW, the Dems/Press have been digging for dirt on Trump for about 5 years now.
They can't find anything so they invent scandals like the Russian Collusion hoax, and the fraudulent prosecution of General Flynn.
/----/ If you can't find dirt on your opponent, give him something to deny.
If the economy was getting better that was the time to raise taxes to address the debt and to stop the continual infusions by the Fed. Debt and Socialist programs from the Fed was holding up the economy.
why wasn't spending cut then?
So we are capitalists when things are good and socialists when things aren't? (kinda the point many have been making).

Ah, you Communists are such fucking cowards.

What does the term "recession" mean, Comrade?

Were we in a recession in 2019, or are the Washington Post fucking liars?

IN FACT, was there a recession in 2020? The little Goebbels kept talking of one in March and April, was their one or did the party press lie through their fucking teeth to smear their political enemy?

What difference does the economy have? You either practice capitalism during the good and the bad or you don't. We don't.

Fucking coward.

A recession is two consecutive quarters with negative GDP.

That NEVER occurred in 2019 - QUITE THE OPPOSITE, WAPOST are fucking liars who spewed shit to smear a political enemy.

FURTHER, in order for there to be a recession in March, there would have needed to be negative GDP growth in November and December, which is laughable. IN FACT the first quarter of 2020 was (just barely) positive for GDP, so there has been NO RECESSION UNDER TRUMP at all.

But you and our filthy demagogue press are shameless liars.
Look dickfuck, financial experts are calling it a recession based on the idea that the 2nd quarter numbers will be negative.

No liar, PARTISAN HACKS are lying.

Recession has a meaning.

UNLESS YOU COMMIE FUCKS can show two consecutive quarters of declining GDP, there was and is no recession, regardless of what lying scum like Krugman spew.

When the second quarter numbers come in, the Trumop Recession will have started in the first quarter of 2020.

You can cry, scream, stomp your feet but even a dumbass like youi know it is going to happen.

Unless you are saying it will not happen.
Can you explain for the audience WHY we entered a recession?

Bubbles. They always pop.
Nothing to do with SHUTTING DOWN BUSINESS for months?

Bubbles popped in the past all without what is going on now.
I didnt mention "bubbles." I mentioned blue state governors making it illegal to go to work.

Here's a look at three major ways this pandemic-driven recession is different than previous downturns

It's always "different" when it happens to your guy. It was going to pop no matter the excuse.
Still talking about bubbles while missing the info about the PANDEMIC DRIVEN RECESSION

If not the virus it would have been something else.

BS! What would have been the something else? The economy was strengthening and getting better coming into the spring. The housing market remained strong even after the pandemic closed down, which is uses as a good indicator of the future.

If the economy was getting better that was the time to raise taxes to address the debt and to stop the continual infusions by the Fed. Debt and Socialist programs from the Fed was holding up the economy.

I don't disagree, Trump was never a fiscal conservative, that was a big reason I didn't vote for him. We needed to raise taxes and cut spending to prepare for an emergency, like we have today. That doesn't mean the economy was bad or failing, it was unwise spending.
I don't disagree, Trump was never a fiscal conservative, that was a big reason I didn't vote for him. We needed to raise taxes and cut spending to prepare for an emergency, like we have today. That doesn't mean the economy was bad or failing, it was unwise spending.
Congress controls spending.
So we are capitalists when things are good and socialists when things aren't? (kinda the point many have been making).

Ah, you Communists are such fucking cowards.

What does the term "recession" mean, Comrade?

Were we in a recession in 2019, or are the Washington Post fucking liars?

IN FACT, was there a recession in 2020? The little Goebbels kept talking of one in March and April, was their one or did the party press lie through their fucking teeth to smear their political enemy?

What difference does the economy have? You either practice capitalism during the good and the bad or you don't. We don't.

Fucking coward.

A recession is two consecutive quarters with negative GDP.

That NEVER occurred in 2019 - QUITE THE OPPOSITE, WAPOST are fucking liars who spewed shit to smear a political enemy.

FURTHER, in order for there to be a recession in March, there would have needed to be negative GDP growth in November and December, which is laughable. IN FACT the first quarter of 2020 was (just barely) positive for GDP, so there has been NO RECESSION UNDER TRUMP at all.

But you and our filthy demagogue press are shameless liars.
Look dickfuck, financial experts are calling it a recession based on the idea that the 2nd quarter numbers will be negative.

No liar, PARTISAN HACKS are lying.

Recession has a meaning.

UNLESS YOU COMMIE FUCKS can show two consecutive quarters of declining GDP, there was and is no recession, regardless of what lying scum like Krugman spew.

When the second quarter numbers come in, the Trumop Recession will have started in the first quarter of 2020.

You can cry, scream, stomp your feet but even a dumbass like youi know it is going to happen.

Unless you are saying it will not happen.
Can you explain for the audience WHY we entered a recession?

Bubbles. They always pop.
Nothing to do with SHUTTING DOWN BUSINESS for months?

Bubbles popped in the past all without what is going on now.
I didnt mention "bubbles." I mentioned blue state governors making it illegal to go to work.

Here's a look at three major ways this pandemic-driven recession is different than previous downturns

It's always "different" when it happens to your guy. It was going to pop no matter the excuse.
Still talking about bubbles while missing the info about the PANDEMIC DRIVEN RECESSION

If not the virus it would have been something else.

BS! What would have been the something else? The economy was strengthening and getting better coming into the spring. The housing market remained strong even after the pandemic closed down, which is uses as a good indicator of the future.

If the economy was getting better that was the time to raise taxes to address the debt and to stop the continual infusions by the Fed. Debt and Socialist programs from the Fed was holding up the economy.

I don't disagree, Trump was never a fiscal conservative, that was a big reason I didn't vote for him. We needed to raise taxes and cut spending to prepare for an emergency, like we have today. That doesn't mean the economy was bad or failing, it was unwise spending.
/-----/ " Trump was never a fiscal conservative, that was a big reason I didn't vote for him. "
So the one you did vote for was a fiscal conservative?
America is now officially a banana republic.
Yes, ant the rioters have made it so
Our nation began with riots in Boston and we have had them ever since. They are American as apple pie. Donald Trump has made America a banana republic with his continuous never-ending scandals.
It's called "If you throw a tantrum and tear up your shit, you do without"...

When you were growing up and did that, did your parents rush out and replace it, where you could throw another tantrum and do it again???

Or did they make you learn not to do stupid shit???
Yeah, and 16 million for what ????

Most of the problem can be cleaned up with a little elbow grease involved. Probably came up short on a government give away program or will divert it to busing the voters uh I mean destroyers to the polls come November. I wouldn't trust a Democrat for as far as I could throw one. Well they best get innovative, and get off their aces to begin cleaning up.
They could just dump Trump in Nov. and elect Joe for President. Putting a mature sensible person with character could solve many problems.
Or we could just tell the governor that the state has to pay for the damage he allowed...

If the people don't like that, they need to demand that the governor DO HIS JOB and maintain order, or be removed...

Or risk the possibility of Trump declaring martial law, and sending in troops to restore order and protect people...

That is never going to happen. Trump Speaks Loudly and carries a small stick.
I'm actually hoping that Trump DOESN'T step in...

Let the Democrats destroy all of their shit, then enjoy the consequences of their stupidity!!!!

Trump needs many of these places to win next November. Telling them to "screw off" is not how he will do that. It failed for Obama/Hillary and will for Trump also.
/----/ NEWS FLASH: The libtards begging for money to clean up what other libtards destroyed aren't voting for Trump no matter how much money he sends. Trump gave Andy Boy Cuomo everything he needed and Cuomo still hates Trump. You see Trump will not try and buy votes like you democRATs are famous for.
I understand it is difficult for you Trumpettes (don't boitrher trying to deny it) to get that your fat assed orange buddy is supposed to be President of the US not just the Republican Party. Evidently, dumbfuck you thinks Trump only has to do his job when it is people that bow down to him.
America is now officially a banana republic.
Yes, ant the rioters have made it so
Our nation began with riots in Boston and we have had them ever since. They are American as apple pie. Donald Trump has made America a banana republic with his continuous never-ending scandals.
It's called "If you throw a tantrum and tear up your shit, you do without"...

When you were growing up and did that, did your parents rush out and replace it, where you could throw another tantrum and do it again???

Or did they make you learn not to do stupid shit???
Yeah, and 16 million for what ????

Most of the problem can be cleaned up with a little elbow grease involved. Probably came up short on a government give away program or will divert it to busing the voters uh I mean destroyers to the polls come November. I wouldn't trust a Democrat for as far as I could throw one. Well they best get innovative, and get off their aces to begin cleaning up.
They could just dump Trump in Nov. and elect Joe for President. Putting a mature sensible person with character could solve many problems.
Or we could just tell the governor that the state has to pay for the damage he allowed...

If the people don't like that, they need to demand that the governor DO HIS JOB and maintain order, or be removed...

Or risk the possibility of Trump declaring martial law, and sending in troops to restore order and protect people...

That is never going to happen. Trump Speaks Loudly and carries a small stick.
I'm actually hoping that Trump DOESN'T step in...

Let the Democrats destroy all of their shit, then enjoy the consequences of their stupidity!!!!

Trump needs many of these places to win next November. Telling them to "screw off" is not how he will do that. It failed for Obama/Hillary and will for Trump also.
/----/ NEWS FLASH: The libtards begging for money to clean up what other libtards destroyed aren't voting for Trump no matter how much money he sends. Trump gave Andy Boy Cuomo everything he needed and Cuomo still hates Trump. You see Trump will not try and buy votes like you democRATs are famous for.
I understand it is difficult for you Trumpettes (don't boitrher trying to deny it) to get that your fat assed orange buddy is supposed to be President of the US not just the Republican Party. Evidently, dumbfuck you thinks Trump only has to do his job when it is people that bow down to him.
/----/ I know it's difficult for you Libtard Moonbats to get that the US Taxpayers should not have to pay for damage by rioters that the Gov and Mayor refused to stop.
And what guarantee that the money would be well spent and not squandered or spent on other projects like college tuition for illegals and then telling the businesses to go after their insurance companies for money? It's not like you clowns have the best track record in managing taxpayer money.
If the economy was getting better that was the time to raise taxes to address the debt and to stop the continual infusions by the Fed. Debt and Socialist programs from the Fed was holding up the economy.
why wasn't spending cut then?

Trump had bailout money to give away.
/——/ And when he wanted money for the wall the democRAT Congress said no. So where is Trump‘s stash of $$$ to give away?

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