Trump Administration Exerts Executive Privilege over Mueller Report

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"There was no classified information in my emails so I erased them from my server."

Clinton deflection. Good job. :thup:


It's funny how you think she did nothing wrong. When someone points out the failings of someone you supported, you deflect. To Trump. Because you can't or won't acknowledge, or acknowledge that you, deep in your heart of hearts, know they did something wrong.

Good job. :thumbsup:

But hey, Trump this, Trump that. That evil man must pay for his crimes! Oh the humanity!

Spare me.
It's funny how you think she did nothing wrong. When someone points out the failings of someone you supported, you deflect. To Trump

I made no such statement.

This is the thread, dope.
Trump Administration Exerts Executive Privilege over Mueller Report

Oh I know. But you don't get to tell me what subjects I can bring up in my thread, only the mods and the almighty can do that.

If you don't like being cornered with your hypocrisy, please, by all means exit the thread. Or acknowledge your failing. Totally up to you pal.

Threads are like trees, the conversation branches off from a trunk of pertinence. You don't think a tree grows only one branch, do you?
"There was no classified information in my emails so I erased them from my server."

Clinton deflection. Good job. :thup:


It's funny how you think she did nothing wrong. When someone points out the failings of someone you supported, you deflect. To Trump. Because you can't or won't acknowledge, or acknowledge that you, deep in your heart of hearts, know they did something wrong.

Good job. :thumbsup:

But hey, Trump this, Trump that. That evil man must pay for his crimes! Oh the humanity!

Spare me.
It's funny how you think she did nothing wrong. When someone points out the failings of someone you supported, you deflect. To Trump

I made no such statement.

This is the thread, dope.
Trump Administration Exerts Executive Privilege over Mueller Report

Oh I know. But you don't get to tell me what subjects I can bring up in my thread, only the mods and the almighty can do that.

If you don't like being cornered with your hypocrisy, please, by all means exit the thread. Or acknowledge your failing. Totally up to you pal.

Threads are like trees, the conversation branches off from a trunk of pertinence. You don't think a tree grows only one branch, do you?
If you don't like being cornered with your hypocrisy, please, by all means exit the thread.

Hypocrisy? I made no statement regarding Clinton's actions, dope.

Do I need to go searching through your comments from the past three years to rebut this statement and expose you as the fumbling liar you are?

Do I?
* and all the underlying evidence.

You do realize the intent of that report was not to find evidence of obstruction, right? That obstruction wasn't the primary focus? The whole idea behind it was to find supposed collusion between Trump and Russian agents.

There was none.

Those "11 instances" supposedly indicating obstruction don't actually rise to the level of actual commission of obstruction. True, Trump wanted to, and tried to, but ultimately he didn't. Key word DIDN'T. He had good people around him that either talked him out of it or refused to accede to his demands. Saved him from himself.

So... I am in the least bit concerned with "all the underlying evidence".
Those "11 instances" supposedly indicating obstruction don't actually rise to the level of actual commission of obstruction.

Yep, that's exactly what Mueller concluded. :cuckoo:

Did he make the charge? No. He lazily left that up to congress to decide.
He can't make the charge, dope. No one at the DOJ can. Congress is the only remedy to a criminal president.
Clinton deflection. Good job. :thup:


It's funny how you think she did nothing wrong. When someone points out the failings of someone you supported, you deflect. To Trump. Because you can't or won't acknowledge, or acknowledge that you, deep in your heart of hearts, know they did something wrong.

Good job. :thumbsup:

But hey, Trump this, Trump that. That evil man must pay for his crimes! Oh the humanity!

Spare me.
It's funny how you think she did nothing wrong. When someone points out the failings of someone you supported, you deflect. To Trump

I made no such statement.

This is the thread, dope.
Trump Administration Exerts Executive Privilege over Mueller Report

Oh I know. But you don't get to tell me what subjects I can bring up in my thread, only the mods and the almighty can do that.

If you don't like being cornered with your hypocrisy, please, by all means exit the thread. Or acknowledge your failing. Totally up to you pal.

Threads are like trees, the conversation branches off from a trunk of pertinence. You don't think a tree grows only one branch, do you?
Clinton deflection. Good job. :thup:


It's funny how you think she did nothing wrong. When someone points out the failings of someone you supported, you deflect. To Trump. Because you can't or won't acknowledge, or acknowledge that you, deep in your heart of hearts, know they did something wrong.

Good job. :thumbsup:

But hey, Trump this, Trump that. That evil man must pay for his crimes! Oh the humanity!

Spare me.
It's funny how you think she did nothing wrong. When someone points out the failings of someone you supported, you deflect. To Trump

I made no such statement.

This is the thread, dope.
Trump Administration Exerts Executive Privilege over Mueller Report

Oh I know. But you don't get to tell me what subjects I can bring up in my thread, only the mods and the almighty can do that.

If you don't like being cornered with your hypocrisy, please, by all means exit the thread. Or acknowledge your failing. Totally up to you pal.

Threads are like trees, the conversation branches off from a trunk of pertinence. You don't think a tree grows only one branch, do you?
If you don't like being cornered with your hypocrisy, please, by all means exit the thread.

Hypocrisy? I made no statement regarding Clinton's actions, dope.

Do I need to go searching through your comments from the past three years to rebut this statement and expose you as the fumbling liar you are?

Do I?

Do what you want, loser.
You want there to be evidence of criminality.
Irrelevant,crybaby. Try to focus. What I want has no bearing on what the report says and what the underlying evidence shows. Now you are just embarrassing yourself.

No, it's not irrelevant. You laid bare your hopes that they (the Democrats) bring down the president by any means possible the moment he was elected.

A biased person like you wanting fairness and objectivity? Preposterous. Any partisan rather right or left, demanding fairness and objectivity when all they seek is the ruin of their political opponents? Preposterous.

Oh I'm focused. I see many a hypocrite in this thread. Charlatans and hypocrites all.
Last edited:

It's funny how you think she did nothing wrong. When someone points out the failings of someone you supported, you deflect. To Trump. Because you can't or won't acknowledge, or acknowledge that you, deep in your heart of hearts, know they did something wrong.

Good job. :thumbsup:

But hey, Trump this, Trump that. That evil man must pay for his crimes! Oh the humanity!

Spare me.
It's funny how you think she did nothing wrong. When someone points out the failings of someone you supported, you deflect. To Trump

I made no such statement.

This is the thread, dope.
Trump Administration Exerts Executive Privilege over Mueller Report

Oh I know. But you don't get to tell me what subjects I can bring up in my thread, only the mods and the almighty can do that.

If you don't like being cornered with your hypocrisy, please, by all means exit the thread. Or acknowledge your failing. Totally up to you pal.

Threads are like trees, the conversation branches off from a trunk of pertinence. You don't think a tree grows only one branch, do you?

It's funny how you think she did nothing wrong. When someone points out the failings of someone you supported, you deflect. To Trump. Because you can't or won't acknowledge, or acknowledge that you, deep in your heart of hearts, know they did something wrong.

Good job. :thumbsup:

But hey, Trump this, Trump that. That evil man must pay for his crimes! Oh the humanity!

Spare me.
It's funny how you think she did nothing wrong. When someone points out the failings of someone you supported, you deflect. To Trump

I made no such statement.

This is the thread, dope.
Trump Administration Exerts Executive Privilege over Mueller Report

Oh I know. But you don't get to tell me what subjects I can bring up in my thread, only the mods and the almighty can do that.

If you don't like being cornered with your hypocrisy, please, by all means exit the thread. Or acknowledge your failing. Totally up to you pal.

Threads are like trees, the conversation branches off from a trunk of pertinence. You don't think a tree grows only one branch, do you?
If you don't like being cornered with your hypocrisy, please, by all means exit the thread.

Hypocrisy? I made no statement regarding Clinton's actions, dope.

Do I need to go searching through your comments from the past three years to rebut this statement and expose you as the fumbling liar you are?

Do I?

Do what you want, loser.

Leaving so soon?
* and all the underlying evidence.

You do realize the intent of that report was not to find evidence of obstruction, right? That obstruction wasn't the primary focus? The whole idea behind it was to find supposed collusion between Trump and Russian agents.

There was none.

Those "11 instances" supposedly indicating obstruction don't actually rise to the level of actual commission of obstruction. True, Trump wanted to, and tried to, but ultimately he didn't. Key word DIDN'T. He had good people around him that either talked him out of it or refused to accede to his demands. Saved him from himself.

So... I am in the least bit concerned with "all the underlying evidence".
Those "11 instances" supposedly indicating obstruction don't actually rise to the level of actual commission of obstruction.

Yep, that's exactly what Mueller concluded. :cuckoo:

Did he make the charge? No. He lazily left that up to congress to decide.
He can't make the charge, dope. No one at the DOJ can. Congress is the only remedy to a criminal president.

Interesting. Very interesting. You take everything he said about "not exonerating" him at face value. But then say he can't charge the president with obstruction.

Either he has the power to exonerate or not.

You just undercut your own argument.

The exit is that way. (points)

Have a good evening.
Last edited:
I am rich, you just can't see my tax returns.

I am highly intelligent, you just can't see my school transcripts.

I am totally exonerated, you just can't see the full report or the underlying details or speak to the guy who wrote the report.

Interesting the liberals demanding Trump's tax returns, but not publicly revealing their own in good faith.

Odd, no?

Who refused to release their tax returns?

You're literally making things up now.

No, actually you are.

What political bearing would releasing his tax returns have on anything?

Can you name anything that will change if he does? Other than your unchanged "Orange man bad" opinion you already have of him, that is.
Again... Which Democrat refused to release their tax return? You made the claim now back it up. Don't change the topic.
So Trump, using Mrs Potato head as a spokesperson, made another absurd remark. The courts will make that decision.

Desperation speaks.


The courts will have no part in this. Executive privilege was a right (to you) when Obama sealed his college transcripts, so therefore, it should be in theory (to you), a right when a President of the opposing party exerts it in result of a political charade.

When did Obama seal his college transcripts? You got a credible link? Any king of order specifically sealing his, and only his college transcripts?

Sealed? I mean outright refused to release. My bad. But consider the fact that he exerted privilege over documents related to the Fast and Furious operation that would have implicated his administration in an illicit gun running scandal which got one of our border patrol agents killed.

You have no right to give lectures on executive privilege.

After it went to court the documents were released. No one was implicated or indicted.

Guns don't kill people, or so I've heard.

Oh, nobody was implicated or indicted because the documents were NOT released.

At any rate, you felt Obama had the right to do that. C'mon, lie to me and tell me you didn't want him to exert executive privilege over those documents.

The same thing is about to happen here.

No, guns don't kill people, people with guns do.

Your attempts to derail this thread will be ignored.

"No, guns don't kill people, people with guns do."

People without guns kill far fewer.

Fuck you
Trump declares executive privilege over Mueller report

Trump declares executive privilege over Mueller report
05/08/19 ~ By Morgan Chalfant and Jordan Fabian
The White House on Wednesday asserted executive privilege over special counsel Robert Mueller’s full report on Russia’s interference in the 2016 election, ramping up its clash with Congress over its investigations into President Trump.... The move came just before the House Judiciary Committee was scheduled to vote to hold Attorney General William Barr in contempt of Congress for failing to turn over Mueller’s unredacted report and underlying materials, which the panel had subpoenaed.
Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd wrote in a letter to the committee's chairman, Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), that the administration was following through on its threat to assert privilege if the panel refused to delay the contempt vote, saying lawmakers effectively “terminated” negotiations over access to Mueller’s report and underlying evidence.... “As we have repeatedly explained, the attorney general could not comply with your subpoena in its current form without violating the law, court rules and court orders, and without threatening the independence of the Department of Justice’s prosecutorial functions,” Boyd wrote. “Accordingly, this is to advise you that the president has asserted executive privilege over the entirety of the subpoenaed materials.”


Brought on by Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats who want Barr to violate the very law they passed about Grand Jury info. If Barr complies with the subpoena then he can be impeached for violating the law. Perfect timing, Mr. President. Now's the time to declassify and release all the Spygate documents and end this Democrat Dog and Pony show.
I heard multiple congress politicians demand all information be made public and that you are afraid to make it public in the hearing today. Time for president Trump to declassify the evidence making Democrats eat crow.
Hmm...., we just went through a two year investigation using over 40 FBI agents and 13 angry Democrat prosecutors, 1.4 million documents, 500 witnesses and 100% transparency and I don't see any charges. In fact, Mueller/Weissman knew by December 2017 that there was no conspiracy or coordination with Russia, so why did the investigation not end right then? Was it because Mueller sought to influence the midterm elections?
A.G. Barr offered Nadler, and a few selected Judiciary Committees to see the un-redacted report behind closed doors but they refused. WHY? I think you know the answer.
Due process requires the presumption of innocence and that the burden of proof be squarely on the prosecutor - or in this case - Congress. They must show cause for anything that the law prohibits them from seeing without cause i.e. grand jury testimony, national security information, and tax returns. Federal case law specifically declares that accusations of corrupt intent leading to obstruction of justice must be resolved in favor of the accused if it can be shown that an action was taken with dual purpose where one purpose is legal and permissible (i.e. fired him because he was a liar.) So the remedy is three cheers and a toast for maintaining a founding principle of our justice system.
This won't turn out well for Trump.

Yeah it will.

Barr can't release the unredacted report because it would break the law. Nadler is an attorney and he knows this quite well.

All these Dem dimwits are doing is grand standing.Trying to make themselves look important.

All they look like are idiots.

You sure ain't to smart.
I made no such statement.

This is the thread, dope.
Trump Administration Exerts Executive Privilege over Mueller Report

Oh I know. But you don't get to tell me what subjects I can bring up in my thread, only the mods and the almighty can do that.

If you don't like being cornered with your hypocrisy, please, by all means exit the thread. Or acknowledge your failing. Totally up to you pal.

Threads are like trees, the conversation branches off from a trunk of pertinence. You don't think a tree grows only one branch, do you?
I made no such statement.

This is the thread, dope.
Trump Administration Exerts Executive Privilege over Mueller Report

Oh I know. But you don't get to tell me what subjects I can bring up in my thread, only the mods and the almighty can do that.

If you don't like being cornered with your hypocrisy, please, by all means exit the thread. Or acknowledge your failing. Totally up to you pal.

Threads are like trees, the conversation branches off from a trunk of pertinence. You don't think a tree grows only one branch, do you?
If you don't like being cornered with your hypocrisy, please, by all means exit the thread.

Hypocrisy? I made no statement regarding Clinton's actions, dope.

Do I need to go searching through your comments from the past three years to rebut this statement and expose you as the fumbling liar you are?

Do I?

Do what you want, loser.

Leaving so soon?

There was no point in continuing with a guy who trolls his own thread.
* and all the underlying evidence.

You do realize the intent of that report was not to find evidence of obstruction, right? That obstruction wasn't the primary focus? The whole idea behind it was to find supposed collusion between Trump and Russian agents.

There was none.

Those "11 instances" supposedly indicating obstruction don't actually rise to the level of actual commission of obstruction. True, Trump wanted to, and tried to, but ultimately he didn't. Key word DIDN'T. He had good people around him that either talked him out of it or refused to accede to his demands. Saved him from himself.

So... I am in the least bit concerned with "all the underlying evidence".
Those "11 instances" supposedly indicating obstruction don't actually rise to the level of actual commission of obstruction.

Yep, that's exactly what Mueller concluded. :cuckoo:

Did he make the charge? No. He lazily left that up to congress to decide.
He can't make the charge, dope. No one at the DOJ can. Congress is the only remedy to a criminal president.

Interesting. Very interesting. You take everything he said about "not exonerating" him at face value. But then say he can't charge the president with obstruction.

Either he has the power to exonerate or not.

You just undercut your own argument.

The exit is that way. (points)

Have a good evening.

It's all laid out in the report if you'd care to read it.
Trump Administration Exerts Executive Privilege over Mueller Report

Hmmm, after the reaction to Oblama when he did it on Holder and the gun running business in Mexico and the drug gangs I would have thought the Republicans operated more"honestly".
Trump declares executive privilege over Mueller report

Trump declares executive privilege over Mueller report
05/08/19 ~ By Morgan Chalfant and Jordan Fabian
The White House on Wednesday asserted executive privilege over special counsel Robert Mueller’s full report on Russia’s interference in the 2016 election, ramping up its clash with Congress over its investigations into President Trump.... The move came just before the House Judiciary Committee was scheduled to vote to hold Attorney General William Barr in contempt of Congress for failing to turn over Mueller’s unredacted report and underlying materials, which the panel had subpoenaed.
Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd wrote in a letter to the committee's chairman, Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), that the administration was following through on its threat to assert privilege if the panel refused to delay the contempt vote, saying lawmakers effectively “terminated” negotiations over access to Mueller’s report and underlying evidence.... “As we have repeatedly explained, the attorney general could not comply with your subpoena in its current form without violating the law, court rules and court orders, and without threatening the independence of the Department of Justice’s prosecutorial functions,” Boyd wrote. “Accordingly, this is to advise you that the president has asserted executive privilege over the entirety of the subpoenaed materials.”


Brought on by Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats who want Barr to violate the very law they passed about Grand Jury info. If Barr complies with the subpoena then he can be impeached for violating the law. Perfect timing, Mr. President. Now's the time to declassify and release all the Spygate documents and end this Democrat Dog and Pony show.
I heard multiple congress politicians demand all information be made public and that you are afraid to make it public in the hearing today. Time for president Trump to declassify the evidence making Democrats eat crow.
Hmm...., we just went through a two year investigation using over 40 FBI agents and 13 angry Democrat prosecutors, 1.4 million documents, 500 witnesses and 100% transparency and I don't see any charges. In fact, Mueller/Weissman knew by December 2017 that there was no conspiracy or coordination with Russia, so why did the investigation not end right then? Was it because Mueller sought to influence the midterm elections?
A.G. Barr offered Nadler, and a few selected Judiciary Committees to see the un-redacted report behind closed doors but they refused. WHY? I think you know the answer.
Due process requires the presumption of innocence and that the burden of proof be squarely on the prosecutor - or in this case - Congress. They must show cause for anything that the law prohibits them from seeing without cause i.e. grand jury testimony, national security information, and tax returns. Federal case law specifically declares that accusations of corrupt intent leading to obstruction of justice must be resolved in favor of the accused if it can be shown that an action was taken with dual purpose where one purpose is legal and permissible (i.e. fired him because he was a liar.) So the remedy is three cheers and a toast for maintaining a founding principle of our justice system.
This won't turn out well for Trump.

Yeah it will.

Barr can't release the unredacted report because it would break the law. Nadler is an attorney and he knows this quite well.

All these Dem dimwits are doing is grand standing.Trying to make themselves look important.

All they look like are idiots.

You sure ain't to smart.

There are members of Congress who have authorization to see the unredacted copy. Trumo claims it clears him, you would think he wants everyone to see that.
Oh I know. But you don't get to tell me what subjects I can bring up in my thread, only the mods and the almighty can do that.

If you don't like being cornered with your hypocrisy, please, by all means exit the thread. Or acknowledge your failing. Totally up to you pal.

Threads are like trees, the conversation branches off from a trunk of pertinence. You don't think a tree grows only one branch, do you?
Oh I know. But you don't get to tell me what subjects I can bring up in my thread, only the mods and the almighty can do that.

If you don't like being cornered with your hypocrisy, please, by all means exit the thread. Or acknowledge your failing. Totally up to you pal.

Threads are like trees, the conversation branches off from a trunk of pertinence. You don't think a tree grows only one branch, do you?
If you don't like being cornered with your hypocrisy, please, by all means exit the thread.

Hypocrisy? I made no statement regarding Clinton's actions, dope.

Do I need to go searching through your comments from the past three years to rebut this statement and expose you as the fumbling liar you are?

Do I?

Do what you want, loser.

Leaving so soon?

There was no point in continuing with a guy who trolls his own thread.

Nah, there was no point in having someone continually obliterate your arguments. You did the right thing.

You do realize the intent of that report was not to find evidence of obstruction, right? That obstruction wasn't the primary focus? The whole idea behind it was to find supposed collusion between Trump and Russian agents.

There was none.

Those "11 instances" supposedly indicating obstruction don't actually rise to the level of actual commission of obstruction. True, Trump wanted to, and tried to, but ultimately he didn't. Key word DIDN'T. He had good people around him that either talked him out of it or refused to accede to his demands. Saved him from himself.

So... I am in the least bit concerned with "all the underlying evidence".
Those "11 instances" supposedly indicating obstruction don't actually rise to the level of actual commission of obstruction.

Yep, that's exactly what Mueller concluded. :cuckoo:

Did he make the charge? No. He lazily left that up to congress to decide.
He can't make the charge, dope. No one at the DOJ can. Congress is the only remedy to a criminal president.

Interesting. Very interesting. You take everything he said about "not exonerating" him at face value. But then say he can't charge the president with obstruction.

Either he has the power to exonerate or not.

You just undercut your own argument.

The exit is that way. (points)

Have a good evening.

It's all laid out in the report if you'd care to read it.

I have read it. In sum. But have you? Or did you just cherry pick what you wanted out of it? I'm pretty sure it's the latter.
Trump declares executive privilege over Mueller report

Trump declares executive privilege over Mueller report
05/08/19 ~ By Morgan Chalfant and Jordan Fabian
The White House on Wednesday asserted executive privilege over special counsel Robert Mueller’s full report on Russia’s interference in the 2016 election, ramping up its clash with Congress over its investigations into President Trump.... The move came just before the House Judiciary Committee was scheduled to vote to hold Attorney General William Barr in contempt of Congress for failing to turn over Mueller’s unredacted report and underlying materials, which the panel had subpoenaed.
Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd wrote in a letter to the committee's chairman, Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), that the administration was following through on its threat to assert privilege if the panel refused to delay the contempt vote, saying lawmakers effectively “terminated” negotiations over access to Mueller’s report and underlying evidence.... “As we have repeatedly explained, the attorney general could not comply with your subpoena in its current form without violating the law, court rules and court orders, and without threatening the independence of the Department of Justice’s prosecutorial functions,” Boyd wrote. “Accordingly, this is to advise you that the president has asserted executive privilege over the entirety of the subpoenaed materials.”


Brought on by Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats who want Barr to violate the very law they passed about Grand Jury info. If Barr complies with the subpoena then he can be impeached for violating the law. Perfect timing, Mr. President. Now's the time to declassify and release all the Spygate documents and end this Democrat Dog and Pony show.
I heard multiple congress politicians demand all information be made public and that you are afraid to make it public in the hearing today. Time for president Trump to declassify the evidence making Democrats eat crow.
Hmm...., we just went through a two year investigation using over 40 FBI agents and 13 angry Democrat prosecutors, 1.4 million documents, 500 witnesses and 100% transparency and I don't see any charges. In fact, Mueller/Weissman knew by December 2017 that there was no conspiracy or coordination with Russia, so why did the investigation not end right then? Was it because Mueller sought to influence the midterm elections?
A.G. Barr offered Nadler, and a few selected Judiciary Committees to see the un-redacted report behind closed doors but they refused. WHY? I think you know the answer.
Due process requires the presumption of innocence and that the burden of proof be squarely on the prosecutor - or in this case - Congress. They must show cause for anything that the law prohibits them from seeing without cause i.e. grand jury testimony, national security information, and tax returns. Federal case law specifically declares that accusations of corrupt intent leading to obstruction of justice must be resolved in favor of the accused if it can be shown that an action was taken with dual purpose where one purpose is legal and permissible (i.e. fired him because he was a liar.) So the remedy is three cheers and a toast for maintaining a founding principle of our justice system.
This won't turn out well for Trump.

Yeah it will.

Barr can't release the unredacted report because it would break the law. Nadler is an attorney and he knows this quite well.

All these Dem dimwits are doing is grand standing.Trying to make themselves look important.

All they look like are idiots.

You sure ain't to smart.

This issue will end up in the Supreme Court and A.G. Barr will win and Nadler will lose.
Trump declares executive privilege over Mueller report

Trump declares executive privilege over Mueller report
05/08/19 ~ By Morgan Chalfant and Jordan Fabian
The White House on Wednesday asserted executive privilege over special counsel Robert Mueller’s full report on Russia’s interference in the 2016 election, ramping up its clash with Congress over its investigations into President Trump.... The move came just before the House Judiciary Committee was scheduled to vote to hold Attorney General William Barr in contempt of Congress for failing to turn over Mueller’s unredacted report and underlying materials, which the panel had subpoenaed.
Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd wrote in a letter to the committee's chairman, Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), that the administration was following through on its threat to assert privilege if the panel refused to delay the contempt vote, saying lawmakers effectively “terminated” negotiations over access to Mueller’s report and underlying evidence.... “As we have repeatedly explained, the attorney general could not comply with your subpoena in its current form without violating the law, court rules and court orders, and without threatening the independence of the Department of Justice’s prosecutorial functions,” Boyd wrote. “Accordingly, this is to advise you that the president has asserted executive privilege over the entirety of the subpoenaed materials.”


Brought on by Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats who want Barr to violate the very law they passed about Grand Jury info. If Barr complies with the subpoena then he can be impeached for violating the law. Perfect timing, Mr. President. Now's the time to declassify and release all the Spygate documents and end this Democrat Dog and Pony show.
I heard multiple congress politicians demand all information be made public and that you are afraid to make it public in the hearing today. Time for president Trump to declassify the evidence making Democrats eat crow.
Hmm...., we just went through a two year investigation using over 40 FBI agents and 13 angry Democrat prosecutors, 1.4 million documents, 500 witnesses and 100% transparency and I don't see any charges. In fact, Mueller/Weissman knew by December 2017 that there was no conspiracy or coordination with Russia, so why did the investigation not end right then? Was it because Mueller sought to influence the midterm elections?
A.G. Barr offered Nadler, and a few selected Judiciary Committees to see the un-redacted report behind closed doors but they refused. WHY? I think you know the answer.
Due process requires the presumption of innocence and that the burden of proof be squarely on the prosecutor - or in this case - Congress. They must show cause for anything that the law prohibits them from seeing without cause i.e. grand jury testimony, national security information, and tax returns. Federal case law specifically declares that accusations of corrupt intent leading to obstruction of justice must be resolved in favor of the accused if it can be shown that an action was taken with dual purpose where one purpose is legal and permissible (i.e. fired him because he was a liar.) So the remedy is three cheers and a toast for maintaining a founding principle of our justice system.
This won't turn out well for Trump.

Yeah it will.

Barr can't release the unredacted report because it would break the law. Nadler is an attorney and he knows this quite well.

All these Dem dimwits are doing is grand standing.Trying to make themselves look important.

All they look like are idiots.

You sure ain't to smart.

This issue will end up in the Supreme Court and A.G. Barr will win and Nadler will lose.

Of course he will win. The law is on his side.

Nadler can't be much of an attorney if he thinks Barr will break the law over the Dem House and their ridiculous bullshit.
Last edited:
Trump declares executive privilege over Mueller report

Trump declares executive privilege over Mueller report
05/08/19 ~ By Morgan Chalfant and Jordan Fabian
The White House on Wednesday asserted executive privilege over special counsel Robert Mueller’s full report on Russia’s interference in the 2016 election, ramping up its clash with Congress over its investigations into President Trump.... The move came just before the House Judiciary Committee was scheduled to vote to hold Attorney General William Barr in contempt of Congress for failing to turn over Mueller’s unredacted report and underlying materials, which the panel had subpoenaed.
Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd wrote in a letter to the committee's chairman, Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), that the administration was following through on its threat to assert privilege if the panel refused to delay the contempt vote, saying lawmakers effectively “terminated” negotiations over access to Mueller’s report and underlying evidence.... “As we have repeatedly explained, the attorney general could not comply with your subpoena in its current form without violating the law, court rules and court orders, and without threatening the independence of the Department of Justice’s prosecutorial functions,” Boyd wrote. “Accordingly, this is to advise you that the president has asserted executive privilege over the entirety of the subpoenaed materials.”


Brought on by Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats who want Barr to violate the very law they passed about Grand Jury info. If Barr complies with the subpoena then he can be impeached for violating the law. Perfect timing, Mr. President. Now's the time to declassify and release all the Spygate documents and end this Democrat Dog and Pony show.
I heard multiple congress politicians demand all information be made public and that you are afraid to make it public in the hearing today. Time for president Trump to declassify the evidence making Democrats eat crow.
Hmm...., we just went through a two year investigation using over 40 FBI agents and 13 angry Democrat prosecutors, 1.4 million documents, 500 witnesses and 100% transparency and I don't see any charges. In fact, Mueller/Weissman knew by December 2017 that there was no conspiracy or coordination with Russia, so why did the investigation not end right then? Was it because Mueller sought to influence the midterm elections?
A.G. Barr offered Nadler, and a few selected Judiciary Committees to see the un-redacted report behind closed doors but they refused. WHY? I think you know the answer.
Due process requires the presumption of innocence and that the burden of proof be squarely on the prosecutor - or in this case - Congress. They must show cause for anything that the law prohibits them from seeing without cause i.e. grand jury testimony, national security information, and tax returns. Federal case law specifically declares that accusations of corrupt intent leading to obstruction of justice must be resolved in favor of the accused if it can be shown that an action was taken with dual purpose where one purpose is legal and permissible (i.e. fired him because he was a liar.) So the remedy is three cheers and a toast for maintaining a founding principle of our justice system.
This won't turn out well for Trump.

Yeah it will.

Barr can't release the unredacted report because it would break the law. Nadler is an attorney and he knows this quite well.

All these Dem dimwits are doing is grand standing.Trying to make themselves look important.

All they look like are idiots.

You sure ain't to smart.

There are members of Congress who have authorization to see the unredacted copy. Trumo claims it clears him, you would think he wants everyone to see that.

Funny, A.G. Barr worked with the Mueller team to redact only those items that by laws laid down by Congress were required to be redacted. Accordingly the public release showed that a small amount of information was redacted and the report to Congress contained less items redacted. Three subjects were redacted from the report to the public:
Grand jury materials — Under federal rules, materials from grand jury proceedings are secret, although there are exceptions. Democrats are currently wrestling with the Justice Department over access to those materials.​
Highlights From The Mueller Report, Annotated

Intelligence materials — The report contains information that comes from U.S. intelligence agencies. Officials are concerned about compromising sources and methods that America's spies want to protect.
Information related to ongoing investigations — A number of high-profile investigations have been spun out of Mueller's Russia probe, most notably the case against President Trump's former personal lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen. Details that could reveal information about other ongoing investigations are scrubbed out of the redacted report.​
The report to Congress has only redacted Grand Jury materials. Meanwhile Congress may view the Report under SCIF rules. Something Nadler and his DSA sycophants have failed to do.
Yep, that's exactly what Mueller concluded. :cuckoo:

Did he make the charge? No. He lazily left that up to congress to decide.
He can't make the charge, dope. No one at the DOJ can. Congress is the only remedy to a criminal president.

Interesting. Very interesting. You take everything he said about "not exonerating" him at face value. But then say he can't charge the president with obstruction.

Either he has the power to exonerate or not.

You just undercut your own argument.

The exit is that way. (points)

Have a good evening.

It's all laid out in the report if you'd care to read it.

I have read it. In sum. But have you? Or did you just cherry pick what you wanted out of it? I'm pretty sure it's the latter.

You're mighty confused for a guy who's supposedly read the report.
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