Trump administration to propose rule that would cut 3.1 million people from food stamp program

As Americans "we" do it. I never vote for a party. I vote ideas and anyone that supports those ideas.

so youve never voted for a dem or repubes???

and sorry youre not going to push a guilt trip on me or others for your fuck ups,,,,,

I'm 57, I have voted quite a bit. Have I ever? Yes. Last presidential election I vote for Jill Stein. The one before Vermin Supreme. Before that Bob Barr.

But like others, you think a proper rebuttal is taking a swipe at me for some odd reason. I don't understand.......

might be because youre blaming me and other people for doing something they didnt do,,,

I blamed "us". We have allowed it to happen. We root it on today (or many do). Are you saying you don't support Trump's position on Iran?

no we havent,,,and nothing short of leaving the middle east or turning it into a glass bowl will solve the iran problem or ours,,

and you might want to defend a different country than iran,,,they are one of the largest provider of terrorist in the world

Right behind the U.S. and Saudi Arabia,
so youve never voted for a dem or repubes???

and sorry youre not going to push a guilt trip on me or others for your fuck ups,,,,,

I'm 57, I have voted quite a bit. Have I ever? Yes. Last presidential election I vote for Jill Stein. The one before Vermin Supreme. Before that Bob Barr.

But like others, you think a proper rebuttal is taking a swipe at me for some odd reason. I don't understand.......

might be because youre blaming me and other people for doing something they didnt do,,,

I blamed "us". We have allowed it to happen. We root it on today (or many do). Are you saying you don't support Trump's position on Iran?

no we havent,,,and nothing short of leaving the middle east or turning it into a glass bowl will solve the iran problem or ours,,

and you might want to defend a different country than iran,,,they are one of the largest provider of terrorist in the world

Right behind the U.S. and Saudi Arabia,

so you believe the USA is a terrorist country????
How do you know the welfare moochers in those states voted for him?
I wonder what it will be like to live in those places when the moochers get really really hungry. Like starving hungry.

You might need more ammo. And more guns.
So you're really so dopey as to believe the only thing between poor people and total starvation is the benevolent iron fist of The State?

I thought we were talking about welfare moochers?

You saying all people on welfare are poor? Wow.
I'm 57, I have voted quite a bit. Have I ever? Yes. Last presidential election I vote for Jill Stein. The one before Vermin Supreme. Before that Bob Barr.

But like others, you think a proper rebuttal is taking a swipe at me for some odd reason. I don't understand.......

might be because youre blaming me and other people for doing something they didnt do,,,

I blamed "us". We have allowed it to happen. We root it on today (or many do). Are you saying you don't support Trump's position on Iran?

no we havent,,,and nothing short of leaving the middle east or turning it into a glass bowl will solve the iran problem or ours,,

and you might want to defend a different country than iran,,,they are one of the largest provider of terrorist in the world

Right behind the U.S. and Saudi Arabia,

so you believe the USA is a terrorist country????

Absolutely. We invade countries that have done nothing to us. We funded both OBL and ISIS.

We blow up schools and hospitals. Seems to fit the bill to me.
Why would you want people who vote for you to be on food stamps? Wouldn't you want them to have the opportunity to get off of them? I'm not sure why Democrats view government dependency as desirable. Instead of getting as many people on foodstamps as possible(Obama), wouldn't you want to provide as much opportunity as possible so people wouldn't need them?

Millions of jobs have to be done and they simply do not pay much. The argument for raising minimum wage? SOCIALISM!!!

I see your argument as talking out of both sides of your mouth. No, tens of millions of people can not become engineers or doctors. They still have to eat.
/——/ I earn a great living and I’m neither a doctor or lawyer. When I got my first part time job in 1968 it was for $1.40 an hour. I wanted to buy my first car and minimum wage wasn’t enough so I got experience, improved my skills and found a job for about $2.25 and by 1969 I was making over $3 an hour. I bought my first car, a used VW Karman Ghia.

It doesn't matter what you did. When you did it there were millions of well paying factory jobs that one could get with absolutely no experience. That is no longer the case.

That's like arguing, I could buy a loaf of bread for 19 cents, I don't understand why everyone can't do that today.
/—-/ No dumbass, it means I took matters into my own hands and worked hard to do better. Today I’d take the $10 an hour job and work my way up. Same theory, just different numbers.
Federal minimum wage is $7.25. Dotard.
I blamed "us". We have allowed it to happen. We root it on today (or many do). Are you saying you don't support Trump's position on Iran?

no we havent,,,and nothing short of leaving the middle east or turning it into a glass bowl will solve the iran problem or ours,,

and you might want to defend a different country than iran,,,they are one of the largest provider of terrorist in the world

Right behind the U.S. and Saudi Arabia,

so you believe the USA is a terrorist country????

Absolutely. We invade countries that have done nothing to us. We funded both OBL and ISIS.

We blow up schools and hospitals. Seems to fit the bill to me.
to a degree youre right but have a very blurry view of things,

and you might want to look up the definition of terrorist,,,
/—-/ No dumbass, it means I took matters into my own hands and worked hard to do better. Today I’d take the $10 an hour job and work my way up. Same theory, just different numbers.

Just for future reference, if you think name calling is a proper rebuttal, I will ignore you.

Yes, you can take a $10 an hour job and move up BUT there are a limited number of jobs one can move up to.

I note this over and over, please tell me in decent language if you can where I am wrong.

Your solution will work for an individual. It will not work for tens of millions. This is a country of tens of millions.

Well, it sure has worked for tens of millions individuals for the last 100 years (at least). For those that feel they deserve a promotion because they show up every day, better hold out for that $15/hour job that may come along one of these days.

If it worked, there wouldn't be so many on public assistance of some sort.

Again, you once could get a good paying factory job. You didn't have to get "promoted" to just get by. Sadly $15 an hour will not even do that in some places.

It works, which is why there are so many more not getting public assistance. I can understand you or others not willing to put out the effort, it's not easy, although that only assures you will not get anywhere.

It seems that this always is the reply. It's not about me. For some reason you and many others think you have to get in some stupid personal shot. I don't
understand it. I'm doing fine. Everything is not about me.
It's a common tactic of internet trolls. Paid and non-paid. Click on the poster name and choose ignore if they are ruining your fun because they won't stop.

no we havent,,,and nothing short of leaving the middle east or turning it into a glass bowl will solve the iran problem or ours,,

and you might want to defend a different country than iran,,,they are one of the largest provider of terrorist in the world

Right behind the U.S. and Saudi Arabia,

so you believe the USA is a terrorist country????

Absolutely. We invade countries that have done nothing to us. We funded both OBL and ISIS.

We blow up schools and hospitals. Seems to fit the bill to me.
to a degree youre right but have a very blurry view of things,

and you might want to look up the definition of terrorist,,,

We define who a "terrorist" is. The definition doesn't matter. If we defend our country we are Patriotic. If others defend theirs, they are terrorists.
/—-/ No dumbass, it means I took matters into my own hands and worked hard to do better. Today I’d take the $10 an hour job and work my way up. Same theory, just different numbers.

Just for future reference, if you think name calling is a proper rebuttal, I will ignore you.

Yes, you can take a $10 an hour job and move up BUT there are a limited number of jobs one can move up to.

I note this over and over, please tell me in decent language if you can where I am wrong.

Your solution will work for an individual. It will not work for tens of millions. This is a country of tens of millions.

Well, it sure has worked for tens of millions individuals for the last 100 years (at least). For those that feel they deserve a promotion because they show up every day, better hold out for that $15/hour job that may come along one of these days.

If it worked, there wouldn't be so many on public assistance of some sort.

Again, you once could get a good paying factory job. You didn't have to get "promoted" to just get by. Sadly $15 an hour will not even do that in some places.

It works, which is why there are so many more not getting public assistance. I can understand you or others not willing to put out the effort, it's not easy, although that only assures you will not get anywhere.
/—-/ Well maybe everything comes easy to you, but I had to work my azz off with both a full time job and a part time job on the weekend. I lived on the cheap saved every dime to pay for college tuition. It took a decade before I started making a good living and could start investing. Wish I had your easy life and golden touch,
In modern times, it can take 20+ years to pay off a student loan.
no we havent,,,and nothing short of leaving the middle east or turning it into a glass bowl will solve the iran problem or ours,,

and you might want to defend a different country than iran,,,they are one of the largest provider of terrorist in the world

Right behind the U.S. and Saudi Arabia,

so you believe the USA is a terrorist country????

Absolutely. We invade countries that have done nothing to us. We funded both OBL and ISIS.

We blow up schools and hospitals. Seems to fit the bill to me.
to a degree youre right but have a very blurry view of things,

and you might want to look up the definition of terrorist,,,

We define who a "terrorist" is. The definition doesn't matter. If we defend our country we are Patriotic. If others defend theirs, they are terrorists.

you just twisted the reality of the whole mess,,,

sorry but words have meanings even if you want to ignore them,,
we need a democrat candidate who speaks to what american are feeling in their guts and kick Trump out of the white house and into jail!
The Citizens of the United States of America want America placed first not second behind other countries. They want to be left only to live their lives without government regulations telling them what to eat, who to love, where to go to church. Basically they want to be left alone.

I don't see it as a race. People don't seem to understand that we do better when others do better also. You don't have to knock others down to do well yourself. When people have something to lose, they are less likely to want to see it destroyed.

what do you mean by "knock others down"???

how and when is that happening,,

Like we do with places like Iran. They want to sell oil to China and Russia. It's their oil, they can do as they wish. We argue for sanctions because they will not bend to our every will.
And we never learn. They are determined, those Iranians. And resilient. And clever.

Maybe we should install another puppet government. Are we at the proper point in the cycle to try that again yet?
pknopp, I knew you weren't a serious poster when you implied you had to be a doctor or lawyer to not be on government assistance. The best way to help the poor is to get them a job, and it doesn't have to be a magical golden cow job. Democrats are saying the unemployment numbers are no big deal, but the fact is, there is more opportunity for everyone than there has been for some time. Your hard on for collectivism is sadly misplaced. I thought you were 12 before you said you were 50.
Right behind the U.S. and Saudi Arabia,

so you believe the USA is a terrorist country????

Absolutely. We invade countries that have done nothing to us. We funded both OBL and ISIS.

We blow up schools and hospitals. Seems to fit the bill to me.
to a degree youre right but have a very blurry view of things,

and you might want to look up the definition of terrorist,,,

We define who a "terrorist" is. The definition doesn't matter. If we defend our country we are Patriotic. If others defend theirs, they are terrorists.

you just twisted the reality of the whole mess,,,

sorry but words have meanings even if you want to ignore them,,

The reality is we are killing innocent people all over the globe. You can say that is not terrorism, I say it is.
we need a democrat candidate who speaks to what american are feeling in their guts and kick Trump out of the white house and into jail!
The Citizens of the United States of America want America placed first not second behind other countries. They want to be left only to live their lives without government regulations telling them what to eat, who to love, where to go to church. Basically they want to be left alone.

I don't see it as a race. People don't seem to understand that we do better when others do better also. You don't have to knock others down to do well yourself. When people have something to lose, they are less likely to want to see it destroyed.

what do you mean by "knock others down"???

how and when is that happening,,

Like we do with places like Iran. They want to sell oil to China and Russia. It's their oil, they can do as they wish. We argue for sanctions because they will not bend to our every will.
And we never learn. They are determined, those Iranians. And resilient. And clever.

Maybe we should install another puppet government. Are we at the proper point in the cycle to try that again yet?

Who knows.
so you believe the USA is a terrorist country????

Absolutely. We invade countries that have done nothing to us. We funded both OBL and ISIS.

We blow up schools and hospitals. Seems to fit the bill to me.
to a degree youre right but have a very blurry view of things,

and you might want to look up the definition of terrorist,,,

We define who a "terrorist" is. The definition doesn't matter. If we defend our country we are Patriotic. If others defend theirs, they are terrorists.

you just twisted the reality of the whole mess,,,

sorry but words have meanings even if you want to ignore them,,

The reality is we are killing innocent people all over the globe. You can say that is not terrorism, I say it is.

and your solution is???
pknopp, I knew you weren't a serious poster when you implied you had to be a doctor or lawyer to not be on government assistance.

That isn't what I said. What I said still has not been addressed. But again, make it about me, not what I said. Throw in a little name calling along the way.
Absolutely. We invade countries that have done nothing to us. We funded both OBL and ISIS.

We blow up schools and hospitals. Seems to fit the bill to me.
to a degree youre right but have a very blurry view of things,

and you might want to look up the definition of terrorist,,,

We define who a "terrorist" is. The definition doesn't matter. If we defend our country we are Patriotic. If others defend theirs, they are terrorists.

you just twisted the reality of the whole mess,,,

sorry but words have meanings even if you want to ignore them,,

The reality is we are killing innocent people all over the globe. You can say that is not terrorism, I say it is.

and your solution is???

Mind our own business. If another country decides it's in their best interest to do something we would rather them not, that's just the way it is.
to a degree youre right but have a very blurry view of things,

and you might want to look up the definition of terrorist,,,

We define who a "terrorist" is. The definition doesn't matter. If we defend our country we are Patriotic. If others defend theirs, they are terrorists.

you just twisted the reality of the whole mess,,,

sorry but words have meanings even if you want to ignore them,,

The reality is we are killing innocent people all over the globe. You can say that is not terrorism, I say it is.

and your solution is???

Mind our own business. If another country decides it's in their best interest to do something we would rather them not, that's just the way it is.

but what if they choose to do it to us or our allies,,,or other innocent people???

if a person was robbing and killing a person would you just walk on by or do something about it???

I will give you a hint on a solution,,,its called the constitution,,,

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