Trump administration to propose rule that would cut 3.1 million people from food stamp program

Lol so in your demented life a bullet in the head does not constitute a health problem.

If u sa sooooo

thats a death problem sweetie,,,health is a daily thing
Poor health on a daily basis results in death

I see we have a new special ed agent

just like good health on a daily basis results in death,,,
sorry sweetie but at some point everybody dies,,,

and who did you say is special ed???
Did you go to Harvard to learn that?

300 grand flushed there


at least I learned it,,,
you not so much,,,

sweetie its best you not respond, your reputation cant handle much more of your logic,,,
Lol Bill Gates and I are both dropouts. He created Microsoft I just bought apples

How do you know the welfare moochers in those states voted for him?

Democratic votes were suppressed throughout the South, through various illegal methods, which targetted poor southern voters.
Correct the Russians abducted voters on their way to the polls

In a manner of speaking they did. The anti-Hillary messaging caused millions of Democrats to stay home. Voter turnout, on both sides was the lowest in years. Trump won the election with fewer Republican votes than Mitt Romney received in losing to Obama in 2012, and that election was one of the biggest landslides in history. It wasn't even close.

Part of the Russian election interference was a disinformation campaign directed to keep Democrats from voting. The black community had a lot of issues with the Clintons. One only need look at the exploding incarcertation rates for young black males under President Clinton to understand why there was reluctance to back Hillary. Trump asked blacks "What do you have to lose?" in voting for him, and while very few blacks actually went out and voted for his racist ass, black voters, in general, sat out the 2016 election.

Hillary Clinton would not have been my first voting choice in 2016, if I were voting. I much prefer Elizabeth Warren. She's just as smart as Clinton, and she hasn't enduring nearly 30 years of Republicans, right wing radio, and FOX News flat out lying about her, calling her a criminal on no evidence, and forcing witch hunt investigations that have resulted in no charges, no witnesses - not one ever, and no crimes or criminal wrong-doing having been found.

Trump has one investigation, and is found to have broken the law 3 times, and is awaiting trial/impeachment for those crimes, and 7 of his associates, including those at the very top of his campaign and his Administration, are now sitting in jail, as a result of their actions, under Trump's direction.

Despite immunity being granted in all directions, no Clinton staffer has every "flipped" on or implicated the Clintons in any crime, except Monica Lewinsky. When Trump paraded "Bill's women" in advance of the 2016 debate, it was because HE was being accused of things far worse than Clinton had ever done.

Trump has always covered his own crimes by accusing others. His willingness to co-operate in the Epstein prosecution in Miami, being a prime example, despite having known of Epstein's behaviour for more than 15 years before Jeffrey was first charged in Miami in 2008, he made no reports to police about Epstein's behaviour with young girls, even though he barred Epstein from his club in 2004 for inappropriate behaviour with young female members, 4 years prior to charges being filed against Epstein in Miami.

By cooperating, Trump was able to divert any suspicion of his behaviour during his very public and long-standing friendship with Epstein. And the questions investigators asked would tell Trump what direction the investigation was heading, so he could track any risk to himself.

I'm still waiting for the videos. You know that a total slime like Epstein has videos of him and his pals abusing those poor girls.

some body had a big bowl of koo koo puffs this morning

When you can't attack the veracity of the post, you attack the messenger. Your concession is noted.
thats a death problem sweetie,,,health is a daily thing
Poor health on a daily basis results in death

I see we have a new special ed agent

just like good health on a daily basis results in death,,,
sorry sweetie but at some point everybody dies,,,

and who did you say is special ed???
Did you go to Harvard to learn that?

300 grand flushed there


at least I learned it,,,
you not so much,,,

sweetie its best you not respond, your reputation cant handle much more of your logic,,,
Lol Bill Gates and I are both dropouts. He created Microsoft I just bought apples


like I said,,,that didnt help you,,,
How do you know the welfare moochers in those states voted for him?

Democratic votes were suppressed throughout the South, through various illegal methods, which targetted poor southern voters.
Correct the Russians abducted voters on their way to the polls

In a manner of speaking they did. The anti-Hillary messaging caused millions of Democrats to stay home. Voter turnout, on both sides was the lowest in years. Trump won the election with fewer Republican votes than Mitt Romney received in losing to Obama in 2012, and that election was one of the biggest landslides in history. It wasn't even close.

Part of the Russian election interference was a disinformation campaign directed to keep Democrats from voting. The black community had a lot of issues with the Clintons. One only need look at the exploding incarcertation rates for young black males under President Clinton to understand why there was reluctance to back Hillary. Trump asked blacks "What do you have to lose?" in voting for him, and while very few blacks actually went out and voted for his racist ass, black voters, in general, sat out the 2016 election.

Hillary Clinton would not have been my first voting choice in 2016, if I were voting. I much prefer Elizabeth Warren. She's just as smart as Clinton, and she hasn't enduring nearly 30 years of Republicans, right wing radio, and FOX News flat out lying about her, calling her a criminal on no evidence, and forcing witch hunt investigations that have resulted in no charges, no witnesses - not one ever, and no crimes or criminal wrong-doing having been found.

Trump has one investigation, and is found to have broken the law 3 times, and is awaiting trial/impeachment for those crimes, and 7 of his associates, including those at the very top of his campaign and his Administration, are now sitting in jail, as a result of their actions, under Trump's direction.

Despite immunity being granted in all directions, no Clinton staffer has every "flipped" on or implicated the Clintons in any crime, except Monica Lewinsky. When Trump paraded "Bill's women" in advance of the 2016 debate, it was because HE was being accused of things far worse than Clinton had ever done.

Trump has always covered his own crimes by accusing others. His willingness to co-operate in the Epstein prosecution in Miami, being a prime example, despite having known of Epstein's behaviour for more than 15 years before Jeffrey was first charged in Miami in 2008, he made no reports to police about Epstein's behaviour with young girls, even though he barred Epstein from his club in 2004 for inappropriate behaviour with young female members, 4 years prior to charges being filed against Epstein in Miami.

By cooperating, Trump was able to divert any suspicion of his behaviour during his very public and long-standing friendship with Epstein. And the questions investigators asked would tell Trump what direction the investigation was heading, so he could track any risk to himself.

I'm still waiting for the videos. You know that a total slime like Epstein has videos of him and his pals abusing those poor girls.

some body had a big bowl of koo koo puffs this morning

When you can't attack the veracity of the post, you attack the messenger. Your concession is noted.

might be because your message has been debunked hundreds of times, and all youre doing is repeating the TDS induced rant all dems do,,,
its mostly poor people that are fat,,,the working people not so much
Because the poor have so much money to spend on food.

True in the case of the USA. You can not explain to someone from Somalia that the poor are fatter than the rich in the usa

Poor people in America are just as malnourisihed as poor people in Somalia. Poor Americans and stupid Americans, eat fast food. It's very cheap because the workers are paid crap wages, and it's loaded with fat, sugar, and is entirely processed and filled with chemicals. It's cheap, filling, and of no real nutritional value whatsoever.

Highly processed foods use fat, salt, and sugar to boost the flavour of their foods, and they bind the food with chemical preservatives, making it harder for our bodies to process the foods. It's no accident that the nation which eats the most processed and pre-prepared food in the world, is the fattest.

I cook my own food, from scratch, using ingredients I buy from farmers on our local farmers market. Since I retired, I'm making my own jams, canning tomatoes, and buying less and less processed food. I just turned 70, and I can still share some clothes with my yoga-instructor daughter. I credit this to a lifetime spent eating real food, and avoiding highly processed, low nutrtion junk.

Sadly, most Americans don't bother to cook anymore. They take lasagna out of the box, put it in the oven, and bake it. Who knows what's in it? It'll taste OK, and it will fill you up. But will it provide your body with all the vitamins, minerals, and trace elements to maintain healthy tissue growth? Or is our food bound with chemicals and preservatives our bodies were never designed to eat, and cannot process, and which will be stored as fat?
Your making excuses. Women bought into the feminist agenda that has become extreme feminism. And that caused repercusssions in our society with the price tag to raise children several times higher then it used to be with a high percentage of disjointed families including even those who are still married. Nature will do something with all of what we are doing at some point. For it is being done with the printing of fiat currency and massive taxation. Its just a matter of when. And we are slowly in decline just like Britain started their fall in the 19th century before us.
Poor health on a daily basis results in death

I see we have a new special ed agent

just like good health on a daily basis results in death,,,
sorry sweetie but at some point everybody dies,,,

and who did you say is special ed???
Did you go to Harvard to learn that?

300 grand flushed there


at least I learned it,,,
you not so much,,,

sweetie its best you not respond, your reputation cant handle much more of your logic,,,
Lol Bill Gates and I are both dropouts. He created Microsoft I just bought apples


like I said,,,that didnt help you,,,
You wanna try for 2 billion commas

Silly poo
just like good health on a daily basis results in death,,,
sorry sweetie but at some point everybody dies,,,

and who did you say is special ed???
Did you go to Harvard to learn that?

300 grand flushed there


at least I learned it,,,
you not so much,,,

sweetie its best you not respond, your reputation cant handle much more of your logic,,,
Lol Bill Gates and I are both dropouts. He created Microsoft I just bought apples


like I said,,,that didnt help you,,,
You wanna try for 2 billion commas

Silly poo

you are going down faster than I thought possible,,,,
Democratic votes were suppressed throughout the South, through various illegal methods, which targetted poor southern voters.
Correct the Russians abducted voters on their way to the polls

In a manner of speaking they did. The anti-Hillary messaging caused millions of Democrats to stay home. Voter turnout, on both sides was the lowest in years. Trump won the election with fewer Republican votes than Mitt Romney received in losing to Obama in 2012, and that election was one of the biggest landslides in history. It wasn't even close.

Part of the Russian election interference was a disinformation campaign directed to keep Democrats from voting. The black community had a lot of issues with the Clintons. One only need look at the exploding incarcertation rates for young black males under President Clinton to understand why there was reluctance to back Hillary. Trump asked blacks "What do you have to lose?" in voting for him, and while very few blacks actually went out and voted for his racist ass, black voters, in general, sat out the 2016 election.

Hillary Clinton would not have been my first voting choice in 2016, if I were voting. I much prefer Elizabeth Warren. She's just as smart as Clinton, and she hasn't enduring nearly 30 years of Republicans, right wing radio, and FOX News flat out lying about her, calling her a criminal on no evidence, and forcing witch hunt investigations that have resulted in no charges, no witnesses - not one ever, and no crimes or criminal wrong-doing having been found.

Trump has one investigation, and is found to have broken the law 3 times, and is awaiting trial/impeachment for those crimes, and 7 of his associates, including those at the very top of his campaign and his Administration, are now sitting in jail, as a result of their actions, under Trump's direction.

Despite immunity being granted in all directions, no Clinton staffer has every "flipped" on or implicated the Clintons in any crime, except Monica Lewinsky. When Trump paraded "Bill's women" in advance of the 2016 debate, it was because HE was being accused of things far worse than Clinton had ever done.

Trump has always covered his own crimes by accusing others. His willingness to co-operate in the Epstein prosecution in Miami, being a prime example, despite having known of Epstein's behaviour for more than 15 years before Jeffrey was first charged in Miami in 2008, he made no reports to police about Epstein's behaviour with young girls, even though he barred Epstein from his club in 2004 for inappropriate behaviour with young female members, 4 years prior to charges being filed against Epstein in Miami.

By cooperating, Trump was able to divert any suspicion of his behaviour during his very public and long-standing friendship with Epstein. And the questions investigators asked would tell Trump what direction the investigation was heading, so he could track any risk to himself.

I'm still waiting for the videos. You know that a total slime like Epstein has videos of him and his pals abusing those poor girls.

some body had a big bowl of koo koo puffs this morning

When you can't attack the veracity of the post, you attack the messenger. Your concession is noted.

might be because your message has been debunked hundreds of times, and all youre doing is repeating the TDS induced rant all dems do,,,

What is al gore saying that children will never see snow
Correct the Russians abducted voters on their way to the polls

In a manner of speaking they did. The anti-Hillary messaging caused millions of Democrats to stay home. Voter turnout, on both sides was the lowest in years. Trump won the election with fewer Republican votes than Mitt Romney received in losing to Obama in 2012, and that election was one of the biggest landslides in history. It wasn't even close.

Part of the Russian election interference was a disinformation campaign directed to keep Democrats from voting. The black community had a lot of issues with the Clintons. One only need look at the exploding incarcertation rates for young black males under President Clinton to understand why there was reluctance to back Hillary. Trump asked blacks "What do you have to lose?" in voting for him, and while very few blacks actually went out and voted for his racist ass, black voters, in general, sat out the 2016 election.

Hillary Clinton would not have been my first voting choice in 2016, if I were voting. I much prefer Elizabeth Warren. She's just as smart as Clinton, and she hasn't enduring nearly 30 years of Republicans, right wing radio, and FOX News flat out lying about her, calling her a criminal on no evidence, and forcing witch hunt investigations that have resulted in no charges, no witnesses - not one ever, and no crimes or criminal wrong-doing having been found.

Trump has one investigation, and is found to have broken the law 3 times, and is awaiting trial/impeachment for those crimes, and 7 of his associates, including those at the very top of his campaign and his Administration, are now sitting in jail, as a result of their actions, under Trump's direction.

Despite immunity being granted in all directions, no Clinton staffer has every "flipped" on or implicated the Clintons in any crime, except Monica Lewinsky. When Trump paraded "Bill's women" in advance of the 2016 debate, it was because HE was being accused of things far worse than Clinton had ever done.

Trump has always covered his own crimes by accusing others. His willingness to co-operate in the Epstein prosecution in Miami, being a prime example, despite having known of Epstein's behaviour for more than 15 years before Jeffrey was first charged in Miami in 2008, he made no reports to police about Epstein's behaviour with young girls, even though he barred Epstein from his club in 2004 for inappropriate behaviour with young female members, 4 years prior to charges being filed against Epstein in Miami.

By cooperating, Trump was able to divert any suspicion of his behaviour during his very public and long-standing friendship with Epstein. And the questions investigators asked would tell Trump what direction the investigation was heading, so he could track any risk to himself.

I'm still waiting for the videos. You know that a total slime like Epstein has videos of him and his pals abusing those poor girls.

some body had a big bowl of koo koo puffs this morning

When you can't attack the veracity of the post, you attack the messenger. Your concession is noted.

might be because your message has been debunked hundreds of times, and all youre doing is repeating the TDS induced rant all dems do,,,

What is al gore saying that children will never see snow

dont change the subject,,,
we all know gore is losing it,,,
Did you go to Harvard to learn that?

300 grand flushed there


at least I learned it,,,
you not so much,,,

sweetie its best you not respond, your reputation cant handle much more of your logic,,,
Lol Bill Gates and I are both dropouts. He created Microsoft I just bought apples


like I said,,,that didnt help you,,,
You wanna try for 2 billion commas

Silly poo

you are going down faster than I thought possible,,,,
Nope Google posted better than expected revenue

It's up over 10 percent on the day

Alphabet soars after crushing earnings and announcing a $25 billion buyback (GOOG) | Markets Insider

If u need help ask, I will refer you to the cash you blew
at least I learned it,,,
you not so much,,,

sweetie its best you not respond, your reputation cant handle much more of your logic,,,
Lol Bill Gates and I are both dropouts. He created Microsoft I just bought apples


like I said,,,that didnt help you,,,
You wanna try for 2 billion commas

Silly poo

you are going down faster than I thought possible,,,,
Nope Google posted better than expected revenue

It's up over 10 percent on the day

Alphabet soars after crushing earnings and announcing a $25 billion buyback (GOOG) | Markets Insider

gates doesnt own google,,,

its official,,you have lost your mind,,,
In a manner of speaking they did. The anti-Hillary messaging caused millions of Democrats to stay home. Voter turnout, on both sides was the lowest in years. Trump won the election with fewer Republican votes than Mitt Romney received in losing to Obama in 2012, and that election was one of the biggest landslides in history. It wasn't even close.

Part of the Russian election interference was a disinformation campaign directed to keep Democrats from voting. The black community had a lot of issues with the Clintons. One only need look at the exploding incarcertation rates for young black males under President Clinton to understand why there was reluctance to back Hillary. Trump asked blacks "What do you have to lose?" in voting for him, and while very few blacks actually went out and voted for his racist ass, black voters, in general, sat out the 2016 election.

Hillary Clinton would not have been my first voting choice in 2016, if I were voting. I much prefer Elizabeth Warren. She's just as smart as Clinton, and she hasn't enduring nearly 30 years of Republicans, right wing radio, and FOX News flat out lying about her, calling her a criminal on no evidence, and forcing witch hunt investigations that have resulted in no charges, no witnesses - not one ever, and no crimes or criminal wrong-doing having been found.

Trump has one investigation, and is found to have broken the law 3 times, and is awaiting trial/impeachment for those crimes, and 7 of his associates, including those at the very top of his campaign and his Administration, are now sitting in jail, as a result of their actions, under Trump's direction.

Despite immunity being granted in all directions, no Clinton staffer has every "flipped" on or implicated the Clintons in any crime, except Monica Lewinsky. When Trump paraded "Bill's women" in advance of the 2016 debate, it was because HE was being accused of things far worse than Clinton had ever done.

Trump has always covered his own crimes by accusing others. His willingness to co-operate in the Epstein prosecution in Miami, being a prime example, despite having known of Epstein's behaviour for more than 15 years before Jeffrey was first charged in Miami in 2008, he made no reports to police about Epstein's behaviour with young girls, even though he barred Epstein from his club in 2004 for inappropriate behaviour with young female members, 4 years prior to charges being filed against Epstein in Miami.

By cooperating, Trump was able to divert any suspicion of his behaviour during his very public and long-standing friendship with Epstein. And the questions investigators asked would tell Trump what direction the investigation was heading, so he could track any risk to himself.

I'm still waiting for the videos. You know that a total slime like Epstein has videos of him and his pals abusing those poor girls.

some body had a big bowl of koo koo puffs this morning

When you can't attack the veracity of the post, you attack the messenger. Your concession is noted.

might be because your message has been debunked hundreds of times, and all youre doing is repeating the TDS induced rant all dems do,,,

What is al gore saying that children will never see snow

dont change the subject,,,
we all know gore is losing it,,,
Al gore is lost, this is about me entering the stratosphere

Alphabet soars after crushing earnings and announcing a $25 billion buyback (GOOG) | Markets Insider
Lol Bill Gates and I are both dropouts. He created Microsoft I just bought apples


like I said,,,that didnt help you,,,
You wanna try for 2 billion commas

Silly poo

you are going down faster than I thought possible,,,,
Nope Google posted better than expected revenue

It's up over 10 percent on the day

Alphabet soars after crushing earnings and announcing a $25 billion buyback (GOOG) | Markets Insider

gates doesnt own google,,,

its official,,you have lost your mind,,,
I own Google doofus


Alphabet soars after crushing earnings and announcing a $25 billion buyback (GOOG) | Markets Insider
like I said,,,that didnt help you,,,
You wanna try for 2 billion commas

Silly poo

you are going down faster than I thought possible,,,,
Nope Google posted better than expected revenue

It's up over 10 percent on the day

Alphabet soars after crushing earnings and announcing a $25 billion buyback (GOOG) | Markets Insider

gates doesnt own google,,,

its official,,you have lost your mind,,,
I own Google doofus


Alphabet soars after crushing earnings and announcing a $25 billion buyback (GOOG) | Markets Insider

so youre the anti christian lunatic,,,

go figure,,,,
Wait a minute.....I thought only wealthy people voted for Trump and vote Republican?
Oh hell no! The rich have the poor uneducated whites convinced that the rich need their protection. How do you think they stay rich?!

I never got a job from a poor person,,,
^^^^ Example above.

Oh you can have a job. You just can't be rich. Because if you were rich, who would work to protect the rich people? There are more of you than there are of them.
You wanna try for 2 billion commas

Silly poo

you are going down faster than I thought possible,,,,
Nope Google posted better than expected revenue

It's up over 10 percent on the day

Alphabet soars after crushing earnings and announcing a $25 billion buyback (GOOG) | Markets Insider

gates doesnt own google,,,

its official,,you have lost your mind,,,
I own Google doofus


Alphabet soars after crushing earnings and announcing a $25 billion buyback (GOOG) | Markets Insider

so youre the anti christian lunatic,,,

go figure,,,,
Technically I am a catholic who hasn't been to church in decades because I do not donate to pedophiles and because the thousand retards in the room would likely kick my ass when I told them what the priest does 4 fun
you are going down faster than I thought possible,,,,
Nope Google posted better than expected revenue

It's up over 10 percent on the day

Alphabet soars after crushing earnings and announcing a $25 billion buyback (GOOG) | Markets Insider

gates doesnt own google,,,

its official,,you have lost your mind,,,
I own Google doofus


Alphabet soars after crushing earnings and announcing a $25 billion buyback (GOOG) | Markets Insider

so youre the anti christian lunatic,,,

go figure,,,,
Technically I am a catholic who hasn't been to church in decades because I do not donate to pedophiles and because the thousand retards in the room would likely kick my ass when I told them what the priest does 4 fun

You don't donate to Catholics because you feel they're all pedophiles, yet you claim to be a Catholic...go figure.

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