Trump Admits He Lost in 2020

If Trump loses, what we have to look forward to the dismantling of our Constitution and Bill of Rights, and instead become reset to harsh global dominance.
And it will be hell. Our grandchildren will be nothing more than slaves. They will never realize a freedom that was fought for and died for to preserve.
Seek help soon.
I listen to the entire interview. I have concluded that you are a fool.
Well, keep bumping the thread.

That way most of the forum will eventually listen to what he said, and have their thoughts confirmed about folks that still bleev Trump lied to his base. . .

Intelligent folks know, in fact, Trump hasn't changed position on anything. The only liar and flip-flopper is that DNC nominee. But that's pretty much par for the course, ain't it?

I might be a fool, but you & everyone that bleevs the OP are liars and a morons.

Yes, something changed. His position went from winning by a landslide, to, losing by a whisker.

He clearly still believes that if the election were fair and not corrupt, that he would have won by a landslide.

. . however acknowledges that with the cheating, he lost by a whisker.

I watched the PODcast, I know what I heard.

Bannon is currently in jail. No one should ever take what he says as proof of anything. He lies and twists reality as much as you do.

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