Trump Adviser: Hillary Clinton Should Be 'Shot For Treason'

I think the GOP is just a couple steps away from outright demanding that their political enemies be shot or locked up. Maybe in a gulag.


This is them asking for political opponents to be shot. Lets be honest there was nine investigations and the GOP own people said there is nothing to answer and they still want her shot to death.

This guy isn't a BriPat or Sassy, who we know are bonkers... This guy was appointed by the Trump team.. At what point does this not resemble a NAZI government...
You're going to have to tell me what is so ignorant about the truth?

The implication that we are "both ignorant" presumes that you have "higher knowledge" of what happened in the Iran-Contra affair......However, you choose to not reveal that higher knowledge....Kind of like us not privy to Trump's plans to defeat ISIS.

It would be a poor use of my time to research and discuss Iran-Contra affair, Nicaragua, and El Salvador during the Reagan years. The best I can recall is what Reagan was doing with selling arms to Iran may have been illegal but it was for the good of this nation. Reagan was in a major fight with Russia and communism around the globe. He was trying to keep it out of Nicaragua as well as El Salvador. But the worthless congress kept voting for aid to the freedom fighters or to the El Salvador govt to help stop the communists, and then congress would deny it. And then they would allow it, and then deny it. They sucked.

Reagan took matters into his own hands and made sure there was funding to fight off communism. Iran may have been our enemy but so were the Arab nations they were fighting against. It is not like there has ever been an easy Muslim nation partner in the Middle East to support against another warring faction. So what Reagan did was totally fine with me and with many. It was not unlike Franklin Roosevelt secretly and illegally supplying arms to the British when they were fighting the Nazis. Just because Congress is a bunch of cowards and slow to act does not allow for the luxury of time.

So spare me the illegal angle --- since you never care when it is your party doing illegal crap.

PS -- I get a kick out of everyone demanding Trump disclose his details how he will defeat ISIS or stop the immigrants or build a wall or get more jobs. Why? Who else is giving any details on all their promises? Hilldedbeest? Has she told us how she is going to provide free college education to everyone? And as it is, I do not care to know the details of all these campaign promises because virtually NO ONE ever makes good on them. Including that creep we are now burdened with. So you and the media make me ill thinking Trump has to disclose all his plans. All he has to do is surround himself with smart people and maybe the plans will come to fruition. One thing I know --- I do not want any of Hillary's plans to ever come true. She is an enemy, just like Barack.
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The real Tom Horn died at the end of a rope and McQueen horribly from cancer.
Hillary is a lying ass bitch who will not be able to obtain the required security clearances due to her negligence


Says who?

The rule of law


The rule of law could not prosecute. It no longer holds any promise for the outcome you wish.

Thx. That is most unfortunate for America and millions of federal employees with a secret clearance.

Wow, sounds like the NaziCons are coming after DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz next.

They must really hate women!
Hillary is a lying ass bitch who will not be able to obtain the required security clearances due to her negligence


Says who?

The rule of law


The rule of law could not prosecute. It no longer holds any promise for the outcome you wish.

Thx. That is most unfortunate for America and millions of federal employees with a secret clearance.


I would say it's the most unfortunate for you fools who believed the RW hype only to be let down yet again.
Treason is still a crime that can warrant the death penalty.

If a public official betrays the nation by selling or giving military or state secrets to a nation we are at war with or even one who is known to have waged subversive acts against the U.S. -- that could be deemed treason, an extremely serious offense.

I, for one, have no problem with the death penalty for that type of treason. One cannot measure the damage and loss of lives such a thing might cause.
Even in cases where the accused has been completely cleared apparently.

Not "cleared" . Declared too stupid to prosecute. Big difference.
Declared "nothing illegal." Would 9 more investigations satisfy you?

One honest investigation where the investigators are not intimidated or black mailed might --- might --- satisfy me.

The facts about Benghazi and the email bullshit is enough for me to convict her. Just her lying to those parents of the dead soldiers saying it was a video is enough to make me sick and charge her with something.

But to answer your earlier question --- no, she should not be charged with treason or hung if she has been cleared by the committee or court. Even if "cleared" is dubious.
President Trump would be right in insisting she have a MILITARY trial.
That would be illegal but certainly more Trump.
Even in cases where the accused has been completely cleared apparently.

Not "cleared" . Declared too stupid to prosecute. Big difference.
Declared "nothing illegal." Would 9 more investigations satisfy you?

One honest investigation where the investigators are not intimidated or black mailed might --- might --- satisfy me.

The facts about Benghazi and the email bullshit is enough for me to convict her. Just her lying to those parents of the dead soldiers saying it was a video is enough to make me sick and charge her with something.

But to answer your earlier question --- no, she should not be charged with treason or hung if she has been cleared by the committee or court. Even if "cleared" is dubious.
President Trump would be right in insisting she have a MILITARY trial.
That would be illegal but certainly more Trump.
That would NOT be illegal given her former position.
Forget impeachment. Now Trump is sending out dog whistles that Hillary should be assassinated.



TOO FAR, EVEN FOR TRUMP: Suggesting violence against Clinton is beyond offensive and it’s time for GOP to abandon him

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