Trump Adviser: Y'All Are Too Stupid To Understand Trump Tax Returns

I've been wondering about this...
After the returns are made public....
Are those bitching about it gonna sit at their PC and look at every page...

There are people that look forward to that even if his returns run a couple thousand pages.
Couple thousand idiot? Last I read just the court evidence was over 17,000 pages. Trump is not one company. Trump is over a hundred companies.

Actually there are 15,000 pages of lies and two thousand pages of evidence.
Donnie is like Willard, says he's going to do everything, but wot say how he'll do anything ..
Now I understand what he meant by " I love the poorly educated "

Before announcing his candidacy, Donald Trump said he would release his tax returns, but earlier this month he said he would not release them before the presidential election.

Then, Trump promised to release the returns after an IRS audit. Now Trump's chief strategist, Paul Manafort, said this week he doesn't think they'll be released because they're too complicated for the public to understand.

"I will be surprised if he puts them out. I wouldn't necessarily advise him to. It's not really an issue for the people we are appealing to. His tax returns are incredibly complicated. I wouldn't understand them, so how are the American people going to?" Manafort told The Huffington Post in an interview posted Wednesday evening.

Manafort continued saying the personal financial disclosure forms Trump released last week "gives out the salient points."

Trump has said he is worth more than $10 billion and that it's impossible to determine an exact figure based on his personal financial disclosure forms. Trump: Tax returns too complicated to release

Yes, Trump loves the "poorly educated"...

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