Trump ally Carl Paladino slammed for 'racist' wish list for Obamas

So all along obie has been a Klan handpuppet? No wonder racial tensions have risen, those necks are some sneaky bastards!
Well, I have now exceeded the USDA recommended allotment for ingesting hyperbole.

and it's not even 10 o'clock in the morning here.

If you mean by "the left" those who watch, listen and understand that Trump has surrounded himself with the power elite, cronies and plutocrats, you have defined a demographic which understands that fascism is defined as a collusion of Authoritarians vis a vis We the People. Read the 14 points which define fascism:

 Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

And how they related to trump's actions:

Donald Trump and the 14 signs of Fascism • /r/politics
remember the first Obama Administration? wasnt it about 25 clowns sitting on that exclusive board table? must of been pretty messy cleaning up those meetings

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