trump Alters Map With Sharpie

20 seconds into what? All the article shows is a still picture. :auiqs.jpg:

There is a video below the still picture. Scroll down

This your first computer?

Goofy makes a funny! You mean THIS video?

View attachment 277664

There is one hyperlink to a short video in it Trump makes it clear that his map was the ORIGINAL data and that the hurricane was going to turn and makes no mention of Alabama. :asshole:
Another swing and a miss for the Never Trumpers with TDS oozing out of their pores. :auiqs.jpg:

Can't wait to see the skin peeling off your faces next year! :banana: :5_1_12024: :banana:


Even you own screen shot shows Trump holding the altered map! Fuck, you truly are this stupid...all this time I thought it was an act.

At least Trump is smart enough to know there aren't 60 states in the USA, shithead! :1peleas:

And knows that you don't wipe a HDD with a cloth! :dance:

Yes he is, too bad he is not smart enough to admit when he made a mistake, fuck even Obama could do that.

I never once heard Obama apologize for marrying Michelle, ignoring Black crime in Chicago, accepting a Nobel prize he did not deserve, apologize for lying about Obamacare, or ignoring ISIS for two years much less wiretapping and undermining Trump! Much less that he doesn't even know the number of states in the country!
I never once heard Obama apologize for marrying Michelle, ignoring Black crime in Chicago, accepting a Nobel prize he did not deserve, apologize for lying about Obamacare, or ignoring ISIS for two years much less wiretapping and undermining Trump! Much less that he don't even know the number of states in the country!

Waiting patiently for trike dude, winger and Ed to explain how a 1960s document was made on 1980s tech.


Like how I can get a copy of the Constitution on my computer?
But....but....they didn’t have computers when they wrote the Constitution. It must be fake

Waiting Obamabots.

How is a 1960 document released that was created on 1980 tech

Save you the BS and answer

Simple really

How about you post a link that proves it was fake, or get back to the discussion the rest of us are having about Trump and his sharpie moment trying to say his tweet was correct.

Yanno...................the rest of us have moved on and know that Obama is no longer in the WH, and that Hillary is finished politically. It's you conservatives who don't want to discuss the current spate of bullshit that Trump is spewing, because every time it's brought up, you guys scream about Hillary and Obama. We know that Trump is in the WH, and Hillary isn't. Apparently, you don't.
I never once heard Obama apologize for marrying Michelle, ignoring Black crime in Chicago, accepting a Nobel prize he did not deserve, apologize for lying about Obamacare, or ignoring ISIS for two years much less wiretapping and undermining Trump! Much less that he don't even know the number of states in the country!


Is that what you fap to?
Look ShitStain, you already lost the argument long ago when you started this ad hominem crap about not knowing computers or links when you have NO IDEA my knowledge or background! But if that isn't funny enough, you link me to the same link and video I already commented on and watched! You are too fucking funny! And in it, Trump says NOTHING about Alabama, and clearly says the storm would be turning up the fucking coast and that his chart was only the ORIGINAL (early) data.

we are not talking about what Trump said in the video, we are talking about the map he holds up, the one that was altered with a sharpie. Do try and keep up with the discussion.

Altered? It had a barely discernible line drawn on it that was CLEARLY not part of the actual NOAA data, fuckhead! And nowhere did he mention it, point to it or even mention Alabama!!! DAMN are you stoopid!
That's a PICTURE shithead. Like I showed, there was no "video" in the link you gave.

But seeing how you cannot provide a working link to an actual video, I'll chalk this up to another Leftwing goosechase.

If you did not know how to open a link, why not just say so.

I gave a screen shot of where the video is in the article I linked to, but you lack the ability to scroll down that far.

So, let me lay it out for your Barney style...

Here is the link...if you push the left button on your mouse on with the pointer over the link it will open up for you.

The White House on Twitter

At the 20 second mark Trump holds up the map with the sharpie line added to it.

If you need any more help, do not hesitate to ask.

Look ShitStain, you already lost the argument long ago when you started this ad hominem crap about not knowing computers or links when you have NO IDEA my knowledge or background! But if that isn't funny enough, you link me to the same link and video I already commented on and watched! You are too fucking funny! And in it, Trump says NOTHING about Alabama, and clearly says the storm would be turning up the fucking coast and that his chart was only the ORIGINAL (early) data.

And STILL, no clue who actually drew that line on the map or why.

You fucking clueless, lying, braindead, needle-dick buttfucking, tightass arrogant Trump-deranged morons who don't know shit and makes stuff up while trying to make everyone one else out an idiot just TAKE THE FREEKING CAKE.

But thanks for another good laugh on how pathetic all you Leftards are. :auiqs.jpg:
What is so hard to understand is this. Trump said something that was wrong...probably to his basr, Alabama loves him, and instead of admitting he was wrong and laughing it off, he doubles down, makes a fake map, and his supporters go into a frenzy defending him.

It should have been a nothing blooper, like Bush, Obama, Biden have made...but it is TRUMP's own behavior that blew it up into something bizarre.

Going to that extreme is unreal, especialy for a president, when it is so easy to just, ok, I got it wrong.
Altered? It had a barely discernible line drawn on it that was CLEARLY not part of the actual NOAA data, fuckhead! And nowhere did he mention it, point to it or even mention Alabama!!! DAMN are you stoopid!

Yes, altered. that is what it is called when you change something like somebody did to that map. Do you think it was just coincidence it was over Alabama?

Never mind, of course you do, you do not even know how to scroll down on a computer page
I never once heard Obama apologize for marrying Michelle, ignoring Black crime in Chicago, accepting a Nobel prize he did not deserve, apologize for lying about Obamacare, or ignoring ISIS for two years much less wiretapping and undermining Trump! Much less that he don't even know the number of states in the country!


TRANSLATION: deflect when you cannot refute the facts! :banana:
Hilarious. The pathetic Trumpstettes are now back into birther mode. It's absolutely beautiful. Yes that certainly proves
Trump is not a JOKE. Well played. LOL

Like I said. Trump's sharpie. OR his phony birther racist shit. Or the going on over the Central Park Five even after it's PROVEN they were innocent. Or Trump's phony school for real estate agents (which he paid off the plaintiffs' law suit btw) Nothing New. Trump will just trot out some other pathetically false narrative tomorrow, and the Trumpstettes will fall over themselves in saying "oh, he's such a great business man, the world cowers."

Don't even start your Central Park 5 were innocent bullshit. Anybody in New York knows they got let out by a corrupt mayor and that the forensics showed that one guy could not have committed that rape. Never mind the other crimes those hoodlums were committing that entire night. As of your birther rants, explain Obama putting on his own book sleeve that he was Kenyan and letting to ride for years, right up until he wanted to run for President. But you leftists will trot out more bullshit tomorrow and lemmings like you will gobble it down without question.
Central Park 5 were not only innocent but received millions in compensation.
There was no evidence of any one of them at the scene. No DNA, no blood, no hairs. No evidence of the victim on their clothes
Plus, the guy who actually did it confessed and his DNA was found at the scene

If not for the hysteria which was stoked by Trump. They never would have been convicted

And that was a real tragedy, their lives were ruined.
I never once heard Obama apologize for marrying Michelle, ignoring Black crime in Chicago, accepting a Nobel prize he did not deserve, apologize for lying about Obamacare, or ignoring ISIS for two years much less wiretapping and undermining Trump! Much less that he don't even know the number of states in the country!


TRANSLATION: deflect when you cannot refute the facts! :banana:

When you offer up a fact, I will respond to it
Waiting Obamabots.

How is a 1960 document released that was created on 1980 tech

Save you the BS and answer

Simple really

How about you post a link that proves it was fake, or get back to the discussion the rest of us are having about Trump and his sharpie moment trying to say his tweet was correct.

Yanno...................the rest of us have moved on and know that Obama is no longer in the WH, and that Hillary is finished politically. It's you conservatives who don't want to discuss the current spate of bullshit that Trump is spewing, because every time it's brought up, you guys scream about Hillary and Obama. We know that Trump is in the WH, and Hillary isn't. Apparently, you don't.

How about you do your own research? I've had a an IT whiz making 80k a year explain it to me. Seven layers created on Adobe that never existed in the 1960s.

Go ahead, paper pusher
There is a video below the still picture. Scroll down

This your first computer?

Goofy makes a funny! You mean THIS video?

View attachment 277664

There is one hyperlink to a short video in it Trump makes it clear that his map was the ORIGINAL data and that the hurricane was going to turn and makes no mention of Alabama. :asshole:
Another swing and a miss for the Never Trumpers with TDS oozing out of their pores. :auiqs.jpg:

Can't wait to see the skin peeling off your faces next year! :banana: :5_1_12024: :banana:


Even you own screen shot shows Trump holding the altered map! Fuck, you truly are this stupid...all this time I thought it was an act.

At least Trump is smart enough to know there aren't 60 states in the USA, shithead! :1peleas:

And knows that you don't wipe a HDD with a cloth! :dance:

Yes he is, too bad he is not smart enough to admit when he made a mistake, fuck even Obama could do that.

I never once heard Obama apologize for marrying Michelle, ignoring Black crime in Chicago, accepting a Nobel prize he did not deserve, apologize for lying about Obamacare, or ignoring ISIS for two years much less wiretapping and undermining Trump! Much less that he doesn't even know the number of states in the country!
What a bizarre bunch of claims. Why would apologize for marrying Michelle?
Waiting Obamabots.

How is a 1960 document released that was created on 1980 tech

Save you the BS and answer

Simple really

How about you post a link that proves it was fake, or get back to the discussion the rest of us are having about Trump and his sharpie moment trying to say his tweet was correct.

Yanno...................the rest of us have moved on and know that Obama is no longer in the WH, and that Hillary is finished politically. It's you conservatives who don't want to discuss the current spate of bullshit that Trump is spewing, because every time it's brought up, you guys scream about Hillary and Obama. We know that Trump is in the WH, and Hillary isn't. Apparently, you don't.

How about you do your own research? I've had a an IT whiz making 80k a year explain it to me. Seven layers created on Adobe that never existed in the 1960s.

Go ahead, paper pusher
i argued birthers way back, and realized what a waste of time it is...let me know when you have actually seen it ok?

Oh and maybe how you gotCongress and tbe courts and tbe nefia and all the peopke inHawaii's records to keep a secret without leaking for dollars.

Birfers and trufers...same channel.

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