trump Alters Map With Sharpie

Central Park 5 were not only innocent but received millions in compensation.
There was no evidence of any one of them at the scene. No DNA, no blood, no hairs. No evidence of the victim on their clothes
Plus, the guy who actually did it confessed and his DNA was found at the scene

If not for the hysteria which was stoked by Trump. They never would have been convicted

And that was a real tragedy, their lives were ruined.
Their lives weren't ruined. They were violent gang bangers Before They went on the wilding. They were violent gang bangers after they got out of prison.
Now you are making shit up
None had a criminal record, they didn’t belong to gangs and they became the most hated people in New York City.
The wilding assaulted more than just the jogger and the jogger was more than raped. Some Mexican came upon her unconscious body and raped her. If she hadn't been beaten nearly to death it would not have happened.

The jogger had the shit beat out of her. Blood everywhere
Yet not a drop on any of the Central Park 5
They managed such a horrific crime without leaving a trace and without getting any blood or hairs from the victim on them

None of the wilding victims identified any of the Central Park 5
Yet they confessed.

They should have gotten the death penalty instead of a slap on the wrist five years.

Waiting Obamabots.

How is a 1960 document released that was created on 1980 tech

Save you the BS and answer

Simple really

How about you post a link that proves it was fake, or get back to the discussion the rest of us are having about Trump and his sharpie moment trying to say his tweet was correct.

Yanno...................the rest of us have moved on and know that Obama is no longer in the WH, and that Hillary is finished politically. It's you conservatives who don't want to discuss the current spate of bullshit that Trump is spewing, because every time it's brought up, you guys scream about Hillary and Obama. We know that Trump is in the WH, and Hillary isn't. Apparently, you don't.

How about you do your own research? I've had a an IT whiz making 80k a year explain it to me. Seven layers created on Adobe that never existed in the 1960s.

Go ahead, paper pusher

Really? You're "proof" is the word of someone you know who works in IT? How about something a bit more concrete, because anyone can get someone to back their bullshit if they look hard enough, and yours sounds just like that. I suppose you believed Trump when he said he saw lots of Muslims cheering when the twin towers collapsed? If you can believe Cheeto Jesus on that claim, why can't you accept his word when he says Obama was a US citizen? Even your dear leader says he's a citizen, so why are you still on the birther train?
How about you do your own research? I've had a an IT whiz making 80k a year explain it to me. Seven layers created on Adobe that never existed in the 1960s.

Go ahead, paper pusher
i argued birthers way back, and realized what a waste of time it is...let me know when you have actually seen it ok?

Oh and maybe how you gotCongress and tbe courts and tbe nefia and all the peopke inHawaii's records to keep a secret without leaking for dollars.

Birfers and trufers...same channel.

I challenged you. How is a 60s document created using 80s tech?

Save your crap and explain. By now you must realize won't I post until I'm confifent
You keep dodging. Have you examined it? How do you know it was created that way?

You're dodging not me. The fact is your boy released a document that was a fraud.

Again .... it was created by tech that wasn't available until 20 years after the fact

Explain or stop. Simple
You are basing your claim on a faulty premise that you cant or wont prove. I am not going to.

No, computer forensics is real. His fraud was created using Adobe and the layering proves it. It's readibly on the net and I've talked to my husband's firm IT mgr.

Seven layers using Adobe. Do you know what layering is? No and until you do bow out
Last edited:
And that was a real tragedy, their lives were ruined.
Their lives weren't ruined. They were violent gang bangers Before They went on the wilding. They were violent gang bangers after they got out of prison.
Now you are making shit up
None had a criminal record, they didn’t belong to gangs and they became the most hated people in New York City.
The wilding assaulted more than just the jogger and the jogger was more than raped. Some Mexican came upon her unconscious body and raped her. If she hadn't been beaten nearly to death it would not have happened.

The jogger had the shit beat out of her. Blood everywhere
Yet not a drop on any of the Central Park 5
They managed such a horrific crime without leaving a trace and without getting any blood or hairs from the victim on them

None of the wilding victims identified any of the Central Park 5
Yet they confessed.

They should have gotten the death penalty instead of a slap on the wrist five years.


They were exonerated by DNA evidence and a confession of a rapist who was already in jail. Lester Holt has been doing a series about crime and punishment this week on NBC Nightly News, and he interviewed those people on tonight's newscast. They said that they were interrogated for 6 to 10 hours without any rest or food, and reached a breaking point and confessed after being told they could go home afterwards. The Innocence Project looked into it and found that the DNA evidence would exonerate them, as well as found who the real rapist was. Incidentally, 29 percent of the people that the Innocence Project has found to be not guilty of the crime they were accused of also confessed to a crime they didn't commit.
And that was a real tragedy, their lives were ruined.
Their lives weren't ruined. They were violent gang bangers Before They went on the wilding. They were violent gang bangers after they got out of prison.
Now you are making shit up
None had a criminal record, they didn’t belong to gangs and they became the most hated people in New York City.
The wilding assaulted more than just the jogger and the jogger was more than raped. Some Mexican came upon her unconscious body and raped her. If she hadn't been beaten nearly to death it would not have happened.

The jogger had the shit beat out of her. Blood everywhere
Yet not a drop on any of the Central Park 5
They managed such a horrific crime without leaving a trace and without getting any blood or hairs from the victim on them

None of the wilding victims identified any of the Central Park 5
Yet they confessed.

They should have gotten the death penalty instead of a slap on the wrist five years.

Yea...they did
14-15 year old boys denied sleep and harassed endlessly without their parents or an attorney

Their stories were full of holes and contradicted available evidence
They were wrong on location, what she was wearing, timing, who did what?

You are right....Trump wanted them dead
Waiting Obamabots.

How is a 1960 document released that was created on 1980 tech

Save you the BS and answer

Simple really

How about you post a link that proves it was fake, or get back to the discussion the rest of us are having about Trump and his sharpie moment trying to say his tweet was correct.

Yanno...................the rest of us have moved on and know that Obama is no longer in the WH, and that Hillary is finished politically. It's you conservatives who don't want to discuss the current spate of bullshit that Trump is spewing, because every time it's brought up, you guys scream about Hillary and Obama. We know that Trump is in the WH, and Hillary isn't. Apparently, you don't.

How about you do your own research? I've had a an IT whiz making 80k a year explain it to me. Seven layers created on Adobe that never existed in the 1960s.

Go ahead, paper pusher

Really? You're "proof" is the word of someone you know who works in IT? How about something a bit more concrete, because anyone can get someone to back their bullshit if they look hard enough, and yours sounds just like that. I suppose you believed Trump when he said he saw lots of Muslims cheering when the twin towers collapsed? If you can believe Cheeto Jesus on that claim, why can't you accept his word when he says Obama was a US citizen? Even your dear leader says he's a citizen, so why are you still on the birther train?

Gfy pencil pusher dude You're an incompetent dumbfuck and blabber too much.

By the way my dad was a MCPO... you? His fodder. You know it and so do I
Waiting Obamabots.

How is a 1960 document released that was created on 1980 tech

Save you the BS and answer

Simple really

How about you post a link that proves it was fake, or get back to the discussion the rest of us are having about Trump and his sharpie moment trying to say his tweet was correct.

Yanno...................the rest of us have moved on and know that Obama is no longer in the WH, and that Hillary is finished politically. It's you conservatives who don't want to discuss the current spate of bullshit that Trump is spewing, because every time it's brought up, you guys scream about Hillary and Obama. We know that Trump is in the WH, and Hillary isn't. Apparently, you don't.

How about you do your own research? I've had a an IT whiz making 80k a year explain it to me. Seven layers created on Adobe that never existed in the 1960s.

Go ahead, paper pusher

Really? You're "proof" is the word of someone you know who works in IT? How about something a bit more concrete, because anyone can get someone to back their bullshit if they look hard enough, and yours sounds just like that. I suppose you believed Trump when he said he saw lots of Muslims cheering when the twin towers collapsed? If you can believe Cheeto Jesus on that claim, why can't you accept his word when he says Obama was a US citizen? Even your dear leader says he's a citizen, so why are you still on the birther train?

Gfy pencil pusher dude You're an incompetent dumbfuck and blabber too much.

By the way my dad was a MCPO... you? His fodder. You know it and so do I
You can always tell when she is losing an argument
Her profanity gets worse
Their lives weren't ruined. They were violent gang bangers Before They went on the wilding. They were violent gang bangers after they got out of prison.
Now you are making shit up
None had a criminal record, they didn’t belong to gangs and they became the most hated people in New York City.
The wilding assaulted more than just the jogger and the jogger was more than raped. Some Mexican came upon her unconscious body and raped her. If she hadn't been beaten nearly to death it would not have happened.

The jogger had the shit beat out of her. Blood everywhere
Yet not a drop on any of the Central Park 5
They managed such a horrific crime without leaving a trace and without getting any blood or hairs from the victim on them

None of the wilding victims identified any of the Central Park 5
Yet they confessed.

They should have gotten the death penalty instead of a slap on the wrist five years.


They were exonerated by DNA evidence and a confession of a rapist who was already in jail. Lester Holt has been doing a series about crime and punishment this week on NBC Nightly News, and he interviewed those people on tonight's newscast. They said that they were interrogated for 6 to 10 hours without any rest or food, and reached a breaking point and confessed after being told they could go home afterwards. The Innocence Project looked into it and found that the DNA evidence would exonerate them, as well as found who the real rapist was. Incidentally, 29 percent of the people that the Innocence Project has found to be not guilty of the crime they were accused of also confessed to a crime they didn't commit.
The guy who confessed was already in prison and he got a few perks for his "confession".
Lets clarify what a lie is.

If you purposely use a sharpie to expand the direction of a hurricane without and knowledge of how hurricane travel and then lie that you didn't do it then that is purposely lying

quoting OB said 8 years ago is comparing apple to oranges for example oil production. US oil production was no where near that it is today thanks to fracking and directional drilling which change the game

US is now 10th on the list of proven oil reserves
The top dog is Venzuela with 300,787

US has 39,230 with 9 other countries with PROVEN oil reserves

That is quite a difference and yes oil production in the US is in the lead but it is not sustainable in the long run

History of oil production in the US has had its ups and downs

So when you pull a quote years ago when US wasn't even 10th on the list and said that he lied

No he just used information that was available to him at the time. Times change and who knows what the landscape will look like in 10 years

Well the IG report about Obama

While the report does show that Obama and Clinton sent emails to each other. It really doesn't prove that he knew she had a personal server

FBI analysts and Prosecutor 2 told us that former President Barack Obama was one of the 13 individuals with whom Clinton had direct contact using her account,” the report says in a footnote on page 89.

So he received an email from her, why would he suspect that it was a private email account.

Now if you say he should have know well that just stretching it

You need more proof in order to determine if it was a lie

I get emails all the time and I do not pay attention to the server or com. Its not important. The message of the email is whats important. You read it then either delete it or save it.

It just a conspiracy theory and that blurp is not enough to prove who know what and when but I am sure its enough for repubs as the right goes on a rampage with that its is why Comey did what he did. But it was not Comey it was the process that determine whether she would not be charged. Ultimately the IG itself agreed.
Waiting Obamabots.

How is a 1960 document released that was created on 1980 tech

Save you the BS and answer

Simple really

How about you post a link that proves it was fake, or get back to the discussion the rest of us are having about Trump and his sharpie moment trying to say his tweet was correct.

Yanno...................the rest of us have moved on and know that Obama is no longer in the WH, and that Hillary is finished politically. It's you conservatives who don't want to discuss the current spate of bullshit that Trump is spewing, because every time it's brought up, you guys scream about Hillary and Obama. We know that Trump is in the WH, and Hillary isn't. Apparently, you don't.

How about you do your own research? I've had a an IT whiz making 80k a year explain it to me. Seven layers created on Adobe that never existed in the 1960s.

Go ahead, paper pusher

Really? You're "proof" is the word of someone you know who works in IT? How about something a bit more concrete, because anyone can get someone to back their bullshit if they look hard enough, and yours sounds just like that. I suppose you believed Trump when he said he saw lots of Muslims cheering when the twin towers collapsed? If you can believe Cheeto Jesus on that claim, why can't you accept his word when he says Obama was a US citizen? Even your dear leader says he's a citizen, so why are you still on the birther train?

Gfy pencil pusher dude You're an incompetent dumbfuck and blabber too much.

By the way my dad was a MCPO... you? His fodder. You know it and so do I

Just what I thought, you don't have anything to back up your bullshit, nor can you refute what I said, so you throw insults and tell me about your daddy who was an MCPO. So what if your daddy was an MCPO? I seriously doubt that I would have been any kind of "fodder" for him, as it's doubtful that he and I would have worked in the same specialty. And, for what it's worth, I've taken on SCPO's, MCPO's, LT's, CDR's, and even one Admiral and won. Why? Because I knew my job very well, and was so good at it that my last 2 tours were both independent duty billets, and both of them I was serving in an E-7 billet as an E-6. Even got special permission from BUPERS to be able to administer Navy Wide Advancement Exams, which is rare, as only E-7's and above are allowed to have possession of those normally.

And no.....................just because your daddy was in the service, that doesn't give you any room to denigrate mine. But, keep on the diet of bitch pudding, I've come to expect no less from you.
30 pages of cackling loons screaming at the sky over the president marking on a map. Nothing is more insane than that.
Twitter is Trumps laser pointer and democrats are all cats.
I did a Google search, Big Brother has had TWENTY-ONE seasons!

Remember, this guy is a reality TEE VEE star. His own reality TEE VEE show ran for 14 seasons, 15 if you count the season with Arnold. :71:

The fact that folks think any of it is real? :dunno:

It amuses me.

He got elected because of compulsory schooling and the fact that the population has no ability for critical thinking.

And the nominating process is pretty much rigged.
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!

How in the hell did this man get elected President, and why hasn't someone staged an intervention?

#Sharpiegate trends as people mock Trump for showing Hurricane Dorian path map altered with pen
Clearly there is no telling what uneducated progressive imbeciles will say once they've been through the public school indoctrination and force-fed bullshit by the media.

trump writes on weather chart.png
I wonder how long he can stand this mockery before he goes over the edge? It seems that every time Trump is mocked, he loses it just a bit more each time.
I did a Google search, Big Brother has had TWENTY-ONE seasons!

Remember, this guy is a reality TEE VEE star. His own reality TEE VEE show ran for 14 seasons, 15 if you count the season with Arnold. :71:

The fact that folks think any of it is real? :dunno:

It amuses me.

He got elected because of compulsory schooling and the fact that the population has no ability for critical thinking.

And the nominating process is pretty much rigged.

Also... no one did more for Trumps campaign than Hillary.

That crazy bitch is such an evil weeble even democrats couldn't make themselves vote for her.

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