trump and children must honor subpoena for NY AG judge rules

Hun, there is this law that says you don't have to talk to investigators....
Tell it to the judge.
To be honest I don’t expect Hillary or Biden to ever be held accountable for their malfeasance. High level Swamp Critters are totally above the rule of law. However I consider both guilty as hell.

I hope I am wrong but I don’t see Durham as all that big a threat to Hilary. She is basically untouchable.

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When did Hillary or Biden try to destroy our democracy, like trump did on January 6th?
How nice for her. It must be nice not to be under several criminal investigations at once.
You know, the repub party is paying to defend the POS former Liar in Chief. They must be spending millions on lawyers on all the cases being bought against him. Every dollar they spend is one less dollar they will spend on congressional candidates this year....while trump sits on his war chest and laughs at the repub sheep.
When did Hillary or Biden try to destroy our democracy, like trump did on January 6th?
Hillary was spying on our President and Joe Biden has threatened to nuke Americans.

Because they're fucking corrupt. The fact still remains that Comey stated publicly that there were classified emails on her unsecured server
You're FOS.
Comey stated under oath, that there were emails that were marked CONFIDENTIAL, NOT classified.
Hannity just stated that to rile up his cult.
You're FOS.
Comey stated under oath, that there were emails that were marked CONFIDENTIAL, NOT classified.
Hannity just stated that to rile up his cult.
Did Comey lie under oath?

"From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received. Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent; 36 chains contained Secret information at the time; and eight contained Confidential information, which is the lowest level of classification. Separate from those, about 2,000 additional e-mails were “up-classified” to make them Confidential; the information in those had not been classified at the time the e-mails were sent." - Comey's report on the email investigation.
They'll have to coach him up like crazy. In his condition, he could say anything, and say it like an eight year old.
Think you’re confusing him with the cognitive declining Joe Biden when he gets questioned about his connections with China 🇨🇳
Think you’re confusing him with the cognitive declining Joe Biden when he gets questioned about his connections with China 🇨🇳
Of course SHERI sees nothing wrong with him tripping on the stairs three times, not remembering names, open borders, loosing out has independence, Remember “ What am I doing here?”, Open borders, his Connection with China and his drug addicted son getting rich, etc etc . Can you imagine if Trump was pro segregation the way Biden was? We all know SHERI is a far left Hypocrite
Shameless, embarrassing lies.
Of course you will believe Hillary. To you she is probably as honest as George Washington who could never tell a lie and so had to admit he chopped down the cherry tree. Nice myth.

Hillary lies. Has lied, lies now and will lie in the future.

Of course the liberal media will agree with you that Hillary never spied on Trump just like they insisted Trump colluded with Putin to beat Hillary in 2016. The liberal media has been kissing Hillary’s butt for decades and will continue to hope she becomes President one day.

The sad fact is Hillary be a better President than Demented Joe Biden or Giggles Kamala Harris. Even I have to admit that.
Of course you will believe Hillary.
Idiot non sequitur. You have spent so much time immersed in a bubble of stupidity and illogic, that you think this sort of argument is actually substantive or effective.

You are not supporting your lies by posting articles you never read. And even if you did read them, they don't support your lies. They just show us the source of the lies you regurgitate without understanding.
How nice for her. It must be nice not to be under several criminal investigations at once.
Hillary is above the rule of law. Trump isn’t. That sums up what is wrong with our nation today.

The rule of law should apply equally to all.

Prosecutors should not go on witch hunts to find something to charge political opponents with.
Idiot non sequitur. You have spent so much time immersed in a bubble of stupidity and illogic, that you think this sort of argument is actually substantive or effective.

You are not supporting your lies by posting articles you never read. And even if you did read them, they don't support your lies. They just show us the source of the lies you regurgitate without understanding.
You sound intelligent. It’s a shame you are so partisan that you can’t see through Hillary and recognize her for what she is.

But you are not alone in this partisanship.

Remember Trump's statement only people who claim the fifth are guilty of things. His son Eric claimed the 5th over 500 times when he testified. You want to bet trouble break that record. Or if he keeps talking he's going to bury himself for sure. Either way he will lose his case.
That was before we had direct verifiable proof that we have
Deep States running our Government.Trump found it out the hard way.
No need for his sons to have to be persecuted { even though they were }
needlessly.All the Trumps { Don jr. and Eric and Eric's wife Lara } are
marvelously well spoken.Not a single word is out of place.They are master
articulators.Not so mush with Pop { Donald Sr. }
But he makes up for it in other ways.His inexhaustible fortitude.

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