trump and children must honor subpoena for NY AG judge rules

A statement by the director of the FBI saying that classified information was stored on an unsecured server is proof that a crime was committed, because storing classified material on an unsecured server is a crime.
Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. Prosecutors necessarily weigh a number of factors before bringing charges. There are obvious considerations, like the strength of the evidence, especially regarding intent. Responsible decisions also consider the context of a person’s actions, and how similar situations have been handled in the past.

And again, considering what Trump has done, both in how he handled the presidential records and stored them I would suggest that recommendation is a good thing for Trump.
you respect a process while you target people. you hate.
I respect the process, period. How I feel about the person has absolutely no bearing on that. I'm one of the few people who's capable of that on this board.

Courts work the same way. I'm sure every judge hates pedophiles but a good judge will not hesitate to acquit if he finds that the police violated the defendant's rights. It's the whole reason Lady Justice wears a blindfold. It signals impartiality and a commitment to dispense justice without regard to, ( among other things), personal feelings. It's the only way it can work.

I don't think I hate. Maybe I do. In the end, it simply doesn't matter too how I look at these things.
Go to jail for what? Because some stupid Soros NY prosecutor wants to get him ignoring the laws and whatever else.

Prosecutor is missing that the rest of the nation and world are tired of Soros and Zuckerberg --she should be more worried that the nation is about to rebel and that although Biden and other higher pols can hide behind the military and huge fences surrounding the white house---she isn't as well guarded.
because some stupid Soros NY prosecutor wants to get him ignoring the laws
Yes, that is a prosecutor's job. Someone who ignores laws and does criminal stuff is a criminal. Criminals need to be held to account. I don't think that's a controversial stance. Do you?
What ever will you do when it doesn't? Cry more?
Are you thinking you know the future? This is just more of a nothing burger. If they start on the Clinton Foundation more it will trickle back to Clinton, Obama, Biden... Then, there is the Hunter connection to billions coming to the Biden Clan from China, Russia, Ukraine, and Iran...
Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. Prosecutors necessarily weigh a number of factors before bringing charges. There are obvious considerations, like the strength of the evidence, especially regarding intent. Responsible decisions also consider the context of a person’s actions, and how similar situations have been handled in the past.

And again, considering what Trump has done, both in how he handled the presidential records and stored them I would suggest that recommendation is a good thing for Trump.
But, mishandling classified material, like Clinton did, is a crime. There's no disputing that fact.

Would you like to move on to her destroying subpoenaed evidence?
I respect the process, period. How I feel about the person has absolutely no bearing on that. I'm one of the few people who's capable of that on this board.

Courts work the same way. I'm sure every judge hates pedophiles but a good judge will not hesitate to acquit if he finds that the police violated the defendant's rights. It's the whole reason Lady Justice wears a blindfold. It signals impartiality and a commitment to dispense justice without regard to, ( among other things), personal feelings. It's the only way it can work.

I don't think I hate. Maybe I do. In the end, it simply doesn't matter too how I look at these things.
I agree. Great comments. Unfortunately, too many let their minds be fogged, as seen here daily.
But, mishandling classified material, like Clinton did, is a crime. There's no disputing that fact.

Would you like to move on to her destroying subpoenaed evidence?
You can't have it both ways. Either you go by the assessment of Comey or you do not.

As for your question.
I should add here that we found no evidence that any of the additional work-related e-mails were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them. Our assessment is that, like many e-mail users, Secretary Clinton periodically deleted e-mails or e-mails were purged from the system when devices were changed.

This speaks to intent. And why it's hard to charge. As opposed to this.

Do you still want to go there?
They will pead the 5th, over and over again.

Hillary Clinton never pleaded the 5th.
You’re right. Hillary never pleaded the 5th. She lied and got away with it as usual. If you are Hillary you can lie to Congress and it is no big deal.

Just remember this:

“You see, the mob takes the fifth,” Trump observed on the campaign trail in 2016. “If you’re innocent, why are you taking the fifth amendment?”0
Or alternatively you are simply wrong about Biden and Clinton?

Not for nothing Durham yesterday actually filed another motion that quite explicitly said that this furor on the right about his previous motion was misconstrued. That is the reality of the situation.

If both people who you consider friends and those you consider enemies both say the same thing you can do 2 things.

Either you insist you are right and everybody is wrong. In this case believe a massive conspiracy. Or you acknowledge the possibility that you are simply wrong.
To be honest I don’t expect Hillary or Biden to ever be held accountable for their malfeasance. High level Swamp Critters are totally above the rule of law. However I consider both guilty as hell.

I hope I am wrong but I don’t see Durham as all that big a threat to Hilary. She is basically untouchable.

You can't have it both ways. Either you go by the assessment of Comey or you do not.

As for your question.
I should add here that we found no evidence that any of the additional work-related e-mails were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them. Our assessment is that, like many e-mail users, Secretary Clinton periodically deleted e-mails or e-mails were purged from the system when devices were changed.

This speaks to intent. And why it's hard to charge. As opposed to this.

Do you still want to go there?
Comey admitted Clinton mishandled classified material. She also lied under oath when she said there were no classified emails on her server. That's another felony.
Just remember this:

“You see, the mob takes the fifth,” Trump observed on the campaign trail in 2016. “If you’re innocent, why are you taking the fifth amendment?”0
Keep beating that dead horse until your arm falls off.
To be honest I don’t expect Hillary or Biden to ever be held accountable for their malfeasance. High level Swamp Critters are totally above the rule of law. However I consider both guilty as hell.

I hope I am wrong but I don’t see Durham as all that big a threat to Hilary. She is basically untouchable.

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Hillary's faithful people will be thrown under the bus to save her. She rolls that way.
Biden?? I'm not so sure. The laptop and Ukraine may be a huge dilemma for the Big Guy. Especially if the dems lose control of both houses.
Hillary's faithful people will be thrown under the bus to save her. She rolls that way.
Biden?? I'm not so sure. The laptop and Ukraine may be a huge dilemma for the Big Guy. Especially if the dems lose control of both houses.
You may well be right. Time will tell.
To be honest I don’t expect Hillary or Biden to ever be held accountable for their malfeasance. High level Swamp Critters are totally above the rule of law. However I consider both guilty as hell.

I hope I am wrong but I don’t see Durham as all that big a threat to Hilary. She is basically untouchable.

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So you chose the conspiracy? Fair enough. Good luck with that.
Comey admitted Clinton mishandled classified material. She also lied under oath when she said there were no classified emails on her server. That's another felony.
Ah, so you don't want to go there? Good choice I think.

Ok, as I see it. You had four full years to bring the entire DOJ down on Clinton. Nothing happened.

I will say the same thing to you as I did to BatCat. Either, every prosecutor in the US is corrupt. Every judge is corrupt. There is in fact a massive conspiracy going on involving all branches of government and nearly every agency.


No matter what you think happened, Clinton simply didn't do something wrong enough that a prosecutor has faith that he can reach the "beyond reasonable doubt" standard in a court of law.

I know what I think is more likely.

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