Trump and Conservatives win again

That's the point the democrats started this bull shit and once again cry wolf when the republicans fight them at their own game.
Democrats put their thumb on the scale, republicans threw out the scale, and just declared how much it weighed. The supreme court saw such wrongdoing by the republicans they declared what they were doing illegal.
The Republicans and Democrats are going to continue to over-interpret their "mandate" (ha) with every electoral victory, and immediately proceed to cram their agendas down the throats of the rest of us.

Then they'll overdo it and get thrown out on their ass, again, because they're too FULL of themselves to fucking LEARN.
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That's the point the democrats started this bull shit and once again cry wolf when the republicans fight them at their own game.
Democrats put their thumb on the scale, republicans threw out the scale, and just declared how much it weighed. The supreme court saw such wrongdoing by the republicans they declared what they were doing illegal.

But don't you get they are figuring it out? And they will just use more clever ways , like we seen in Kansas..the democrats should be proud they taught the republicans well on how to lower the bar some more.
Yep, the Republicans and Democrats are going to continue to over-interpret their "mandate" with every electoral victory, and immediately proceed to cram their agendas down the throats of the rest of us.

Then they'll overdo it and get thrown out on their ass, again, because they're too FULL of themselves to fucking LEARN.

I disagree that's why screw ball Trump was elected ..
Nothing too major but definitely not a "do nothing" Congress. The major legislation is being stopped by RINO's in the Senate.
At least you don't blame the democrats. That's the first step.

Not really. Democrats stick together, if not for that, the RINO's would have much less impact.

Too late, you already blamed the republicans.

Oh......sorry. I didn't realize you were the one making the rules here. :blues:
People voted DumBama in because they liked him personally. They voted a Republican led Congress to stop his policies.

How could any Democrat or left-leaning Republican not vote for Obama?

"The first black President? Sure, my friends said they're voting for him so I want them to like me..."

How stupid it is to choose a leader, based primarily on his color. As stupid as choosing one based on the fact that she's a woman. I have no problem with a black or female President, but it's as glaring as the sun, those who supported Obama and Hillary knew or cared nothing as to who or what they really were.

That's our voting public for ya. Unfortunately, many vote for representatives like they used to vote for their favorite American Idol contestant: how do they look, how do they speak, how do they dress........

It's why I believe not everybody should be allowed to vote. You should have to take a very simple test before voting. Nothing too hard, just questions like who is the VP? What party does he belong to? Who holds the majority in Congress? In the Senate?

If you can't pass the test, you don't get to vote. Republicans would love something like that. Democrats would go ape shit. Democrats heavily rely on the politically ignorant for power. That's why all ghettos vote strictly Democrat.

Hell, I'd be happy if we just had a national voter ID law. That would cut out most of the fraudulent voting by illegals and leftists.
All you have to do is keep them from registering
Once they are registered, ID will not help

Nobody wants to prevent any legal voter from registering to vote. We just don't want our voted cancelled out by fraudulent voting. Voter fraud is a crime against my my constitutional right to choose my elected officials, as it prevents my vote from having any effect on the election.
Yet you are unable to prove fraudulent voting
Huh? It was Harry Reid who caused back is a botch

And we warned you guys

Trump is nominating people to the federal bench who have no experience, and who got a FAIL rating from the bar. Yet Trump claims he only hires the best people. Even those rated at totally unqualified.

Don't blame Trump blame Harry Reid and what's with this crap? The democrats were for gorsush gave him high marks, then turn their backs on him out of spite..

So it's probably the same thing..and Obama tried to load the bench with anti constitution judges, who ruled on "feeling And emotion"
Republucans stole the seat
Huh? It was Harry Reid who caused back is a botch

And we warned you guys

Trump is nominating people to the federal bench who have no experience, and who got a FAIL rating from the bar. Yet Trump claims he only hires the best people. Even those rated at totally unqualified.

Don't blame Trump blame Harry Reid and what's with this crap? The democrats were for gorsush gave him high marks, then turn their backs on him out of spite..

So it's probably the same thing..and Obama tried to load the bench with anti constitution judges, who ruled on "feeling And emotion"
Republucans stole the seat

Republicans played by your rules and you got burned :)
How could any Democrat or left-leaning Republican not vote for Obama?

"The first black President? Sure, my friends said they're voting for him so I want them to like me..."

How stupid it is to choose a leader, based primarily on his color. As stupid as choosing one based on the fact that she's a woman. I have no problem with a black or female President, but it's as glaring as the sun, those who supported Obama and Hillary knew or cared nothing as to who or what they really were.

That's our voting public for ya. Unfortunately, many vote for representatives like they used to vote for their favorite American Idol contestant: how do they look, how do they speak, how do they dress........

It's why I believe not everybody should be allowed to vote. You should have to take a very simple test before voting. Nothing too hard, just questions like who is the VP? What party does he belong to? Who holds the majority in Congress? In the Senate?

If you can't pass the test, you don't get to vote. Republicans would love something like that. Democrats would go ape shit. Democrats heavily rely on the politically ignorant for power. That's why all ghettos vote strictly Democrat.

Hell, I'd be happy if we just had a national voter ID law. That would cut out most of the fraudulent voting by illegals and leftists.
All you have to do is keep them from registering
Once they are registered, ID will not help

Nobody wants to prevent any legal voter from registering to vote. We just don't want our voted cancelled out by fraudulent voting. Voter fraud is a crime against my my constitutional right to choose my elected officials, as it prevents my vote from having any effect on the election.
Yet you are unable to prove fraudulent voting

We already have numerous times conspiracy guy...
Yet you are unable to prove fraudulent voting

Yet the courts have proved widespread gerrymandering.

Alabama found guilty of racial gerrymandering

Alabama found guilty of racial gerrymandering
A federal appeals court ruled Friday that the state of Alabama engaged in unconstitutional racial gerrymandering in at least 12 districts in order to preserve a Republican supermajority.
Unless Alabama appeals, the state will have to redraw its voting maps to comply with the Voting Rights Act and the Constitution before the next election in 2018.
Yet you are unable to prove fraudulent voting

Yet the courts have proved widespread gerrymandering.

Alabama found guilty of racial gerrymandering

Alabama found guilty of racial gerrymandering
A federal appeals court ruled Friday that the state of Alabama engaged in unconstitutional racial gerrymandering in at least 12 districts in order to preserve a Republican supermajority.
Unless Alabama appeals, the state will have to redraw its voting maps to comply with the Voting Rights Act and the Constitution before the next election in 2018.

Think progress?
Yet the courts have proved widespread gerrymandering.

Alabama found guilty of racial gerrymandering

Alabama found guilty of racial gerrymandering
A federal appeals court ruled Friday that the state of Alabama engaged in unconstitutional racial gerrymandering in at least 12 districts in order to preserve a Republican supermajority.
Unless Alabama appeals, the state will have to redraw its voting maps to comply with the Voting Rights Act and the Constitution before the next election in 2018.

Think progress?

Reporting on the court finding Alabama guilty of unconstitutional gerrymandering. They're reporting on the court case, not giving an opinion. ASS.
American Democracy is one of God's greatest creations, and Republicans are laughing as they shit on it. Thus, most Republicans will burn in Hell for eternity. Democrats, who will be in Heaven, therefore "win" in the big picture.

I know it's not PC to talk about there being absolutes of good and evil, and that it will trigger the snowflakes when I do, but I'm not PC. The Republicans here embrace evil, hence they will pay the price for doing so.
American Democracy is one of God's greatest creations, and Republicans are laughing as they shit on it. Thus, most Republicans will burn in Hell for eternity. Democrats, who will be in Heaven, therefore "win" in the big picture.

I know it's not PC to talk about there being absolutes of good and evil, and that it will trigger the snowflakes when I do, but I'm not PC. The Republicans here embrace evil, hence they will pay the price for doing so.

Oh please, if anybody sides with evil consistently, it's the Democrats. And where in the Holy Bible does it mention democracy?

I understand you're ignorance of religion and God, but let me just clue you in on something: Nobody will sit next to God that supports baby killing.
Yet you are unable to prove fraudulent voting

Yet the courts have proved widespread gerrymandering.

Alabama found guilty of racial gerrymandering

Alabama found guilty of racial gerrymandering
A federal appeals court ruled Friday that the state of Alabama engaged in unconstitutional racial gerrymandering in at least 12 districts in order to preserve a Republican supermajority.
Unless Alabama appeals, the state will have to redraw its voting maps to comply with the Voting Rights Act and the Constitution before the next election in 2018.

Alabama found guilty of racial gerrymandering

Democrats insist on districts that ensure minority candidates win.
Racial gerrymandering is a Dem policy.
Huh? It was Harry Reid who caused back is a botch

And we warned you guys

Trump is nominating people to the federal bench who have no experience, and who got a FAIL rating from the bar. Yet Trump claims he only hires the best people. Even those rated at totally unqualified.

Don't blame Trump blame Harry Reid and what's with this crap? The democrats were for gorsush gave him high marks, then turn their backs on him out of spite..

So it's probably the same thing..and Obama tried to load the bench with anti constitution judges, who ruled on "feeling And emotion"
Republucans stole the seat

Republicans played by your rules and you got burned :)
They set up new rules

Refusing to consider a Presidents Supreme Court nomination

Their time may come

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