Trump and dangerous precedent

Trump Threatens To Pull £700m Scots Investment

Trump believes that banning him from the UK would set dangerous precedent.

However he doesn't think banning Muslims from the US would set dangerous precedent.

Doesn't this guy know what hypocrisy is?

Set a dangerous precedent? Don't be silly! Banning muzzies is the wisest thing we could possibly do.

So there goes freedom of religion, what other rights do you want to follow? How about the 2A?
A lot of British people like what he says too. The debate will be held, there will be no vote, and absolutely nothing, other than the usual Muslims and their dhimmis whining, will happen. Absolutely nothing. Cameron has already made that clear and nothing has changed.

A lot. What is a lot? 50 people? 1,000 people?

Sure, some people like what he has to say, there are idiots in the UK too you know.

And Cameron has made it clear that money is more important than people's health, and people's lives. So yeah, nothing will happen. Money rules in the Tory Party as it does in the Republican Party.
Trump won't be banned because he hasn't done anything deserving of a ban. I'm so pleased he isn't going to be banned, that would be intolerable and the U.K. Would look utterly ridiculous, or more ridiculous than usual.

Only a fool thinks Britain is going to ban Trump. Left loons live in some alternate universe

Maybe people aren't actually doing the petition to get him banned. Ever thought about that?
The petition demands that he be banned.

If I ask you how you are, does that mean I want to know how you are? Not necessarily.

If you can't see past things being black and white, then I'm sorry for you.
Trump Threatens To Pull £700m Scots Investment

Trump believes that banning him from the UK would set dangerous precedent.

However he doesn't think banning Muslims from the US would set dangerous precedent.

Doesn't this guy know what hypocrisy is?

As much as I disagree with Trump the fact is England need to cool it heels on banning him because Trump is just speaking from his ass and nothing more when it come to banning Muslim's.

Also it is him not any other member of his family that is being threaten with being banned from the U.K. so his daughter could run the operation in Scotland for him until he get the ban lifted...

Of course his daughter could run it, however Trump isn't saying he'd pull out because he wouldn't be able to go to the UK, he's saying it because he's trying to use his power of money to show how powerful he is, and expects others to just roll over. This sort of diplomacy doesn't work very well in many cases, it just makes people angry.
Britain will have to ban the leaders of Hungary too.

News from The Associated Press

The way the European invasion is going, Finland and Sweden might have to be added to the British ban list. If things keep deteriorating in Germany add Merkle to the list. Britain might find it mighty lonely except for the muslims who want to kill them.

Trump is guilty of premature common sense.

Er... they're not thinking of banning all Americans, so... what are you going on about?
Trump Threatens To Pull £700m Scots Investment

Trump believes that banning him from the UK would set dangerous precedent.

However he doesn't think banning Muslims from the US would set dangerous precedent.

Doesn't this guy know what hypocrisy is?
Liberal translation
Temporary halt to Muslim immigration until we can figure out how to keep terrorist out of the US means a ban.
Trump Threatens To Pull £700m Scots Investment

Trump believes that banning him from the UK would set dangerous precedent.

However he doesn't think banning Muslims from the US would set dangerous precedent.

Doesn't this guy know what hypocrisy is?

Set a dangerous precedent? Don't be silly! Banning muzzies is the wisest thing we could possibly do.

So there goes freedom of religion, what other rights do you want to follow? How about the 2A?

The Constitution doesn't protect the freedom of religion for foreigners, moron.
Trump Threatens To Pull £700m Scots Investment

Trump believes that banning him from the UK would set dangerous precedent.

However he doesn't think banning Muslims from the US would set dangerous precedent.

Doesn't this guy know what hypocrisy is?
Liberal translation
Temporary halt to Muslim immigration until we can figure out how to keep terrorist out of the US means a ban.

Oh, and how do you stop terrorists from getting into the US? I mean, banning all Muslims entering the US forever wouldn't stop terrorists getting into the US. This is just rhetoric and it's not Trump who is saying it's a temporary halt to Muslim immigration, it's others who claim to be interpreting (or making more user friendly) what Trump is coming out with.

Donald Trump: Ban all Muslim travel to U.S. -

""Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on," a campaign press release said."

So a press release doesn't call for exceptions, it calls for a "total and complete shutdown", until some time that will NEVER HAPPEN.
you have to love how they care so much about religion when it comes to Muslims. now the Christians, they just crap all over them every chance they get. they have art with Jesus in piss, etc. not one CHOPPED off people's heads over that.
A lot of British people like what he says too. The debate will be held, there will be no vote, and absolutely nothing, other than the usual Muslims and their dhimmis whining, will happen. Absolutely nothing. Cameron has already made that clear and nothing has changed.

A lot. What is a lot? 50 people? 1,000 people?

Sure, some people like what he has to say, there are idiots in the UK too you know.

And Cameron has made it clear that money is more important than people's health, and people's lives. So yeah, nothing will happen. Money rules in the Tory Party as it does in the Republican Party.
Trump won't be banned because he hasn't done anything deserving of a ban. I'm so pleased he isn't going to be banned, that would be intolerable and the U.K. Would look utterly ridiculous, or more ridiculous than usual.

Only a fool thinks Britain is going to ban Trump. Left loons live in some alternate universe

Maybe people aren't actually doing the petition to get him banned. Ever thought about that?
The petition demands that he be banned.

"Here’s how I think Mr. Trump ought to respond: He should enter the debate over whether Britain should stay in Europe. That would drive Mr. Cameron and his fellow Europhiles crazy — but that’s only one of its virtues."
Opportunity Is Knocking As Britons Eye a Ban Of Donald Trump - The New York Sun
A lot. What is a lot? 50 people? 1,000 people?

Sure, some people like what he has to say, there are idiots in the UK too you know.

And Cameron has made it clear that money is more important than people's health, and people's lives. So yeah, nothing will happen. Money rules in the Tory Party as it does in the Republican Party.
Trump won't be banned because he hasn't done anything deserving of a ban. I'm so pleased he isn't going to be banned, that would be intolerable and the U.K. Would look utterly ridiculous, or more ridiculous than usual.

Only a fool thinks Britain is going to ban Trump. Left loons live in some alternate universe

Maybe people aren't actually doing the petition to get him banned. Ever thought about that?
The petition demands that he be banned.

"Here’s how I think Mr. Trump ought to respond: He should enter the debate over whether Britain should stay in Europe. That would drive Mr. Cameron and his fellow Europhiles crazy — but that’s only one of its virtues."
Opportunity Is Knocking As Britons Eye a Ban Of Donald Trump - The New York Sun

they won't ever be honest about what he said. they can't use it for their dirty politics if they did. but the majority of the people understood what he meant and that's why his poll numbers didn't drop one POINT after he made his comment on halting ALL immigrations until this GOVERNMENT got it's shit together
A lot. What is a lot? 50 people? 1,000 people?

Sure, some people like what he has to say, there are idiots in the UK too you know.

And Cameron has made it clear that money is more important than people's health, and people's lives. So yeah, nothing will happen. Money rules in the Tory Party as it does in the Republican Party.
Trump won't be banned because he hasn't done anything deserving of a ban. I'm so pleased he isn't going to be banned, that would be intolerable and the U.K. Would look utterly ridiculous, or more ridiculous than usual.

Only a fool thinks Britain is going to ban Trump. Left loons live in some alternate universe

Maybe people aren't actually doing the petition to get him banned. Ever thought about that?
The petition demands that he be banned.

"Here’s how I think Mr. Trump ought to respond: He should enter the debate over whether Britain should stay in Europe. That would drive Mr. Cameron and his fellow Europhiles crazy — but that’s only one of its virtues."
Opportunity Is Knocking As Britons Eye a Ban Of Donald Trump - The New York Sun

He can say what he likes. He can put his money where he likes. He probably won't help much though.
Typical Trump followers......nothing but a violent mob of dummies.

OMG I can't believe I just saw that. Here in America. I would expect to see something like that in places like Iran or North Korea.

It's so sad to see so many Americans who hate freedom and our constitution.

They were just sitting there quietly with signs that says America is already great.

What kind of people don't believe America is great? They sure must hate America if they don't believe we're great.

What kind of people hate Americans who exercise their constitutional rights just because they're saying something they don't like?

I guess no one told them that freedom of speech is for everyone. Not just those who say what you like to hear.

I agree with the commentators, anyone who chants USA! while attacking someone for exercising their constitutional right to speak their minds and express their feelings, has absolutely no idea what the USA is all about.

These people aren't freedom loving Americans and anyone who thinks that denying Americans their constitutional rights is ok doesn't want America to be great.
Typical Trump followers......nothing but a violent mob of dummies.

OMG I can't believe I just saw that. Here in America. I would expect to see something like that in places like Iran or North Korea.

It's so sad to see so many Americans who hate freedom and our constitution.

They were just sitting there quietly with signs that says America is already great.

What kind of people don't believe America is great? They sure must hate America if they don't believe we're great.

What kind of people hate Americans who exercise their constitutional rights just because they're saying something they don't like?

I guess no one told them that freedom of speech is for everyone. Not just those who say what you like to hear.

I agree with the commentators, anyone who chants USA! while attacking someone for exercising their constitutional right to speak their minds and express their feelings, has absolutely no idea what the USA is all about.

These people aren't freedom loving Americans and anyone who thinks that denying Americans their constitutional rights is ok doesn't want America to be great.

You have no freedom of speech in a hall rented by someone else specifically so he can speak. Those "protesters" were nothing more than thugs and trespassers.
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Trump Threatens To Pull £700m Scots Investment

Trump believes that banning him from the UK would set dangerous precedent.

However he doesn't think banning Muslims from the US would set dangerous precedent.

Doesn't this guy know what hypocrisy is?
Liberal translation
Temporary halt to Muslim immigration until we can figure out how to keep terrorist out of the US means a ban.

Oh, and how do you stop terrorists from getting into the US? I mean, banning all Muslims entering the US forever wouldn't stop terrorists getting into the US. This is just rhetoric and it's not Trump who is saying it's a temporary halt to Muslim immigration, it's others who claim to be interpreting (or making more user friendly) what Trump is coming out with.

Donald Trump: Ban all Muslim travel to U.S. -

""Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on," a campaign press release said."

So a press release doesn't call for exceptions, it calls for a "total and complete shutdown", until some time that will NEVER HAPPEN.
'UNTIL OUR COUNTIRES REPRESENTATIVES CAN FIGURE OUT WHAT IS GOING ON'. Do you understand the meaning of the word 'until'? Or maybe your concerns exist because you agree with the head of the FBI and you have no faith that the US can vet the people you want to welcome with open arms regardless?
Trump Threatens To Pull £700m Scots Investment

Trump believes that banning him from the UK would set dangerous precedent.

However he doesn't think banning Muslims from the US would set dangerous precedent.

Doesn't this guy know what hypocrisy is?
Liberal translation
Temporary halt to Muslim immigration until we can figure out how to keep terrorist out of the US means a ban.

Oh, and how do you stop terrorists from getting into the US? I mean, banning all Muslims entering the US forever wouldn't stop terrorists getting into the US. This is just rhetoric and it's not Trump who is saying it's a temporary halt to Muslim immigration, it's others who claim to be interpreting (or making more user friendly) what Trump is coming out with.

Donald Trump: Ban all Muslim travel to U.S. -

""Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on," a campaign press release said."

So a press release doesn't call for exceptions, it calls for a "total and complete shutdown", until some time that will NEVER HAPPEN.

Again: that is exactly what should be do. It's not about religion or race; it's about law. US law and Sharia are simply incompatible and always will be.
Trump Threatens To Pull £700m Scots Investment

Trump believes that banning him from the UK would set dangerous precedent.

However he doesn't think banning Muslims from the US would set dangerous precedent.

Doesn't this guy know what hypocrisy is?

If it's wrong to ban Muslim immigration here, you should be condemning Britain for considering banning him there.

Talk about hypocrisy.

Actually no. Trump would ban people who have done nothing wrong. Trump has proven with his words why he should be banned from the UK. A pity he can't be banned from the US.
So you really do want to eliminate the first amendment too.

You might not have noticed, but the First Amendment doesn't exist in the UK.

Their problem, not ours.
Muslims are coming here to get welfare. Trump goes to the UK to give investment.

Muslims come here to commit murder. Trump goes to the UK to give parties.

Does that help your understanding?

Trump is using hate speech. Most Muslims don't go to the US to commit murder.

But then trying to tell some right wingers that all Muslims aren't the same is a waste of time, because no one cares to listen.

According to our Constitution, there is no such restriction on "hate speech".
Trump Threatens To Pull £700m Scots Investment

Trump believes that banning him from the UK would set dangerous precedent.

However he doesn't think banning Muslims from the US would set dangerous precedent.

Doesn't this guy know what hypocrisy is?
Liberal translation
Temporary halt to Muslim immigration until we can figure out how to keep terrorist out of the US means a ban.

Oh, and how do you stop terrorists from getting into the US? I mean, banning all Muslims entering the US forever wouldn't stop terrorists getting into the US. This is just rhetoric and it's not Trump who is saying it's a temporary halt to Muslim immigration, it's others who claim to be interpreting (or making more user friendly) what Trump is coming out with.

Donald Trump: Ban all Muslim travel to U.S. -

""Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on," a campaign press release said."

So a press release doesn't call for exceptions, it calls for a "total and complete shutdown", until some time that will NEVER HAPPEN.
'UNTIL OUR COUNTIRES REPRESENTATIVES CAN FIGURE OUT WHAT IS GOING ON'. Do you understand the meaning of the word 'until'? Or maybe your concerns exist because you agree with the head of the FBI and you have no faith that the US can vet the people you want to welcome with open arms regardless?

Yeah, I understand what it means. It's a throw away sentence, Congress will NEVER figure out how to keep terrorists out of the country, it's impossible. So.......
Trump Threatens To Pull £700m Scots Investment

Trump believes that banning him from the UK would set dangerous precedent.

However he doesn't think banning Muslims from the US would set dangerous precedent.

Doesn't this guy know what hypocrisy is?
Liberal translation
Temporary halt to Muslim immigration until we can figure out how to keep terrorist out of the US means a ban.

Oh, and how do you stop terrorists from getting into the US? I mean, banning all Muslims entering the US forever wouldn't stop terrorists getting into the US. This is just rhetoric and it's not Trump who is saying it's a temporary halt to Muslim immigration, it's others who claim to be interpreting (or making more user friendly) what Trump is coming out with.

Donald Trump: Ban all Muslim travel to U.S. -

""Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on," a campaign press release said."

So a press release doesn't call for exceptions, it calls for a "total and complete shutdown", until some time that will NEVER HAPPEN.

Again: that is exactly what should be do. It's not about religion or race; it's about law. US law and Sharia are simply incompatible and always will be.

But then again you're making the assumption that any Muslim who goes to the US is going to expect sharia law.

Also, you have Republican candidates who are proposing laws which AREN'T compatible with the US constitution, and what happens? Oh, the right go crazy for them. Go figure.

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