Trump and dangerous precedent

Muslims are coming here to get welfare. Trump goes to the UK to give investment.

Muslims come here to commit murder. Trump goes to the UK to give parties.

Does that help your understanding?

Trump is using hate speech. Most Muslims don't go to the US to commit murder.

But then trying to tell some right wingers that all Muslims aren't the same is a waste of time, because no one cares to listen.

According to our Constitution, there is no such restriction on "hate speech".

It's not my fault you don't understand rights.

Rights have restrictions on them inherently because they conflict with other rights.

Where is hate speech not covered by freedom of speech?

Outside of this forum, I can call you anything i want and there is nothing you can do about it, especially if it is true!

Just because you can call me something, doesn't mean this speech is PROTECTED by the freedom of speech.

Any right is limited if another right infringes on this. If you say something that then goes against my rights, you don't have this protection. Just because no one will prosecute you for doing something doesn't mean it's a right.

If you say "I hate n***ers" in your home it's not protected, but you won't be prosecuted. If you say it in a place with lots of black people that's a different matter as to whether you'll be prosecuted. If you say it on TV and broadcast it to millions of people it's even more of an offense.

There are different levels that aren't necessarily based on what you say, but HOW you say it.

None of them are protected.

You are dead wrong. Saying "I hate ni**ers" is protected no matter where you say it.

You don't understand the first thing about the Constitution or the Bill of Rights.
Liberal translation
Temporary halt to Muslim immigration until we can figure out how to keep terrorist out of the US means a ban.

Oh, and how do you stop terrorists from getting into the US? I mean, banning all Muslims entering the US forever wouldn't stop terrorists getting into the US. This is just rhetoric and it's not Trump who is saying it's a temporary halt to Muslim immigration, it's others who claim to be interpreting (or making more user friendly) what Trump is coming out with.

Donald Trump: Ban all Muslim travel to U.S. -

""Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on," a campaign press release said."

So a press release doesn't call for exceptions, it calls for a "total and complete shutdown", until some time that will NEVER HAPPEN.
'UNTIL OUR COUNTIRES REPRESENTATIVES CAN FIGURE OUT WHAT IS GOING ON'. Do you understand the meaning of the word 'until'? Or maybe your concerns exist because you agree with the head of the FBI and you have no faith that the US can vet the people you want to welcome with open arms regardless?

Yeah, I understand what it means. It's a throw away sentence, Congress will NEVER figure out how to keep terrorists out of the country, it's impossible. So.......
OK. So you just want to invite them in. Sigh.

I didn't say that.

In general people are limited from going to countries based on their nationality, not their religion. In the US there is freedom of religion. If an individual from any religion has shown why they shouldn't go to the US, then of course, stop them, but just because someone is a Muslim doesn't make them a problem.
A Muslim who's lived 50 years in the UK without a single problem is probably not going to be a threat in the US, are they?

Wrong again. As all the empirical evidence demonstrates, being a Muslim is a problem for Western nations.
Trump Threatens To Pull £700m Scots Investment

Trump believes that banning him from the UK would set dangerous precedent.

However he doesn't think banning Muslims from the US would set dangerous precedent.

Doesn't this guy know what hypocrisy is?

If it's wrong to ban Muslim immigration here, you should be condemning Britain for considering banning him there.

Talk about hypocrisy.

Actually no. Trump would ban people who have done nothing wrong. Trump has proven with his words why he should be banned from the UK. A pity he can't be banned from the US.

If you listened to what he actually said, you would not appear so stupid when you post on this board.

He said he would ban muslim immigration until we could find a way to effectively check out every one of them to determine which ones were likely terrorists.

It makes sense to everyone but the perpetually stupid left wingers like you.

Again, I made my point, you think this is me appearing stupid. What the feck ever, if you want to go insult people, then go find people who are interested in playing your childish games.

your so-called point was based on a false premise. Making points based on lies is a mark of stupidity-------------if the shoe fits-----------------------.

You're using insults instead of making an argument. This is the sort of thing idiots do. If the shoe fits----------------------------

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