Trump and Nixon - the one clear similarity


Gold Member
May 9, 2019
Nixon went down, all the way down. Who pushed him?

Prosecutor Archibald Cox
Liar/Traitor John Dean
The Washington Post
Carl Bernstein
Bob Woodward
Mark Felt - Deep Throat - loyalist to J Edgar Hoover

While Felt's background is reportedly "Baptist," it is now perfectly clear that J Edgar Hoover didn't promote you if you weren't openly Zionist. The rest are all Zionist Jew.

Who is trying to get Trump?

John Dean
The NYT, WaPo, CNN and others
Rod Rosenstein/Robert Mueller
Christopher Steele
Fusion GPS attorney Joshua Levy
Michael Cohen
"Never Trump"

Yeah, same thing, all Zionist Jews.

The Zionist demographic here has an interesting "standard" for attempting to remove/assassinate a sitting US President. The "standard" is whether or not Zionism approves...

For some reason, "Zionism" doesn't like Trump. All he does is suck up to them, and they are still trying to "get him."

Nixon was clearly not as "Pro Israel" as Zionism wanted. But Nixon didn't de-classify the truth about JFK etc....
Nixon went down, all the way down. Who pushed him?

Prosecutor Archibald Cox
Liar/Traitor John Dean
The Washington Post
Carl Bernstein
Bob Woodward
Mark Felt - Deep Throat - loyalist to J Edgar Hoover

While Felt's background is reportedly "Baptist," it is now perfectly clear that J Edgar Hoover didn't promote you if you weren't openly Zionist. The rest are all Zionist Jew.

Who is trying to get Trump?

John Dean
The NYT, WaPo, CNN and others
Rod Rosenstein/Robert Mueller
Christopher Steele
Fusion GPS attorney Joshua Levy
Michael Cohen
"Never Trump"

Yeah, same thing, all Zionist Jews.

The Zionist demographic here has an interesting "standard" for attempting to remove/assassinate a sitting US President. The "standard" is whether or not Zionism approves...

For some reason, "Zionism" doesn't like Trump. All he does is suck up to them, and they are still trying to "get him."

Nixon was clearly not as "Pro Israel" as Zionism wanted. But Nixon didn't de-classify the truth about JFK etc....
I wouldn't phrase it that way.

Trump has plenty of Jews supporting him, just not the uber warmongering Zionist side....

.... or

more precisely

Those who really do NOT want to re-open any investigation into 911
President Clinton put his hand on the Bible, swore to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. And then he lied. He perjured himself

Trump didn’t perjure himself. He was never under oath
We've had Presidents who

got into the office by having their boss assassinated,
orchestrated and did a huge terror attack on America, lied about who did it, and started 2 wars over such lies
lied about whether the "First Lady" was even a real female
lied to and later imprisoned innocent people for believing him

But no, a 3rd rate burglary, that's MUCH MUCH WORSE... unless you are on the side of ZIONISM....
Certainly I think anybody who reads the report is going to see that there were things that he or anyone could have done differently. But we weren’t in that same situation that he was. And the issue comes down to, did he obstruct justice? And the attorney general determined that he did not. Or at least there was, you know, insufficient grounds to prove it or make a case that he did.

I think when you study almost anybody as closely and with such a fine-tooth comb as the president was studied, you’re always going to find instances where a person’s judgment can be second-guessed. But that’s not the standard we use to determine whether we ought to impeach a president or not. It’s whether he committed high crimes and misdemeanors. And I think there’s no evidence that that’s the case, or that you could ever prove a case of that nature.
In summary, Donald Trump ran the cleanest, most honest and patriotic campaign in recent history, and ZIONISM didn't like that....

What did Putin say on 9/13??

Yeah, 911 was a FRAUD and the US, Israel and Saudi did it....

"Talking to Putin" = greater crime than those behind 911

That's the "US" media's take...
Nixon went down, all the way down. Who pushed him?

Prosecutor Archibald Cox
Liar/Traitor John Dean
The Washington Post
Carl Bernstein
Bob Woodward
Mark Felt - Deep Throat - loyalist to J Edgar Hoover

While Felt's background is reportedly "Baptist," it is now perfectly clear that J Edgar Hoover didn't promote you if you weren't openly Zionist. The rest are all Zionist Jew.

Who is trying to get Trump?

John Dean
The NYT, WaPo, CNN and others
Rod Rosenstein/Robert Mueller
Christopher Steele
Fusion GPS attorney Joshua Levy
Michael Cohen
"Never Trump"

Yeah, same thing, all Zionist Jews.

The Zionist demographic here has an interesting "standard" for attempting to remove/assassinate a sitting US President. The "standard" is whether or not Zionism approves...

For some reason, "Zionism" doesn't like Trump. All he does is suck up to them, and they are still trying to "get him."

Nixon was clearly not as "Pro Israel" as Zionism wanted. But Nixon didn't de-classify the truth about JFK etc....

Oh, I thought you were going to say they were both honkys.
Both got terribly unfavorable media coverage, which is the same thing, since

media = ZIONISM

W, for example, got much more favorable media coverage, especially when he was selling out our troops to go and fight and die for the cause of Greater Israel...
Nixon went down, all the way down. Who pushed him?

Prosecutor Archibald Cox
Liar/Traitor John Dean
The Washington Post
Carl Bernstein
Bob Woodward
Mark Felt - Deep Throat - loyalist to J Edgar Hoover

While Felt's background is reportedly "Baptist," it is now perfectly clear that J Edgar Hoover didn't promote you if you weren't openly Zionist. The rest are all Zionist Jew.

Who is trying to get Trump?

John Dean
The NYT, WaPo, CNN and others
Rod Rosenstein/Robert Mueller
Christopher Steele
Fusion GPS attorney Joshua Levy
Michael Cohen
"Never Trump"

Yeah, same thing, all Zionist Jews.

The Zionist demographic here has an interesting "standard" for attempting to remove/assassinate a sitting US President. The "standard" is whether or not Zionism approves...

For some reason, "Zionism" doesn't like Trump. All he does is suck up to them, and they are still trying to "get him."

Nixon was clearly not as "Pro Israel" as Zionism wanted. But Nixon didn't de-classify the truth about JFK etc....
Both crooks only trump is the greater thief and liar
Bannon WAS the only SOB in the White House who can think straight. now that he's gone there's chaos.

Bob Woodward...

He loved


He hated

HW Bush

One correlation - if you murdered a lot of people, Bob Woodward really really liked you....

Honestly, folks, if you can't figure out what matters to Bob Woodward, you can't even notice his ears...

which are even more "Jewish" than Rupert Murdoch's...

Nixon went down, all the way down. Who pushed him?

Prosecutor Archibald Cox
Liar/Traitor John Dean
The Washington Post
Carl Bernstein
Bob Woodward
Mark Felt - Deep Throat - loyalist to J Edgar Hoover

While Felt's background is reportedly "Baptist," it is now perfectly clear that J Edgar Hoover didn't promote you if you weren't openly Zionist. The rest are all Zionist Jew.

Who is trying to get Trump?

John Dean
The NYT, WaPo, CNN and others
Rod Rosenstein/Robert Mueller
Christopher Steele
Fusion GPS attorney Joshua Levy
Michael Cohen
"Never Trump"

Yeah, same thing, all Zionist Jews.

The Zionist demographic here has an interesting "standard" for attempting to remove/assassinate a sitting US President. The "standard" is whether or not Zionism approves...

For some reason, "Zionism" doesn't like Trump. All he does is suck up to them, and they are still trying to "get him."

Nixon was clearly not as "Pro Israel" as Zionism wanted. But Nixon didn't de-classify the truth about JFK etc....

Nixon went down, all the way down. Who pushed him?

Prosecutor Archibald Cox
Liar/Traitor John Dean
The Washington Post
Carl Bernstein
Bob Woodward
Mark Felt - Deep Throat - loyalist to J Edgar Hoover

While Felt's background is reportedly "Baptist," it is now perfectly clear that J Edgar Hoover didn't promote you if you weren't openly Zionist. The rest are all Zionist Jew.

Who is trying to get Trump?

John Dean
The NYT, WaPo, CNN and others
Rod Rosenstein/Robert Mueller
Christopher Steele
Fusion GPS attorney Joshua Levy
Michael Cohen
"Never Trump"

Yeah, same thing, all Zionist Jews.

The Zionist demographic here has an interesting "standard" for attempting to remove/assassinate a sitting US President. The "standard" is whether or not Zionism approves...

For some reason, "Zionism" doesn't like Trump. All he does is suck up to them, and they are still trying to "get him."

Nixon was clearly not as "Pro Israel" as Zionism wanted. But Nixon didn't de-classify the truth about JFK etc....

Isn't is always with these tards?

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