Trump and Rubio The Morning After...

Rubio sounded like a desperate child crying out for attention. He's a loser. He isn't ready for the big leagues. Like Trump, most have dismissed him.
i too am disappointed by marco's performance, then christie becomes most eligible vp the next day. politics is funny and fast.
I would like to see Rubio/Kasich ticket I find highly doubtful that Trump who has even higher negatives than Hillary could win a general election.
marco would be like obama, too young a senator, not much experience really at anything,
lot's of self proclaimed ability and "inside knowledge".
kasich and carson, the cream rises to the top.
Haha... why you gotta play the card:
I would like to see Rubio/Kasich ticket I find highly doubtful that Trump who has even higher negatives than Hillary could win a general election.
marco would be like obama, too young a senator, not much experience really at anything,
lot's of self proclaimed ability and "inside knowledge".
He's actually served in the Senate longer than Obama had when he ran and had shown a much better understanding of the problems facing the country and the world.
I would like to see Rubio/Kasich ticket I find highly doubtful that Trump who has even higher negatives than Hillary could win a general election.
marco would be like obama, too young a senator, not much experience really at anything,
lot's of self proclaimed ability and "inside knowledge".
He's actually served in the Senate longer than Obama had when he ran and had shown a much better understanding of the problems facing the country and the world.
The problem with Cruz and Rubio isn't inexperience, Obama was just as green and he dominated two elections... The problem with these two is their language. Their attacks on the Left may rally up the "base" and hardline conservatives but they are way too divisive in the way they attack the other side to stand a chance in a general election. Trump, is the master of attacks, however, he does it in a different way, he actually still gives the general feeling that he may be able to work with both sides to actually get stuff done in Washington. I'm not a supporter of any of the 3 "pitbulls" however, I believe I have an accurate read of the situation.
Not a single comment on Trump's drunken Twitter Trumpettes are truly moon-struck with the con artist. :badgrin:
The Republican Party better go with tough pitbulls like Trump, Christie, and Cruz this time around. Going the 'milquetoast nice guy' route like with Romney, won't work. We live in a crazy 'Jerry Springer' age. Most won't admit it, but they do want a vicious nasty show. They want the down & dirty.

We are almost at the prequal of the movie Idocracy
Too sensitive as well. I don't want a sensitive, touchy feely, Commander in Chief. Need some cajones in the White House.

Republicans need pitbull candidates. Trump and Christie won't take any shit from the vicious Left. I think that could be a formidable ticket. They tried the high road dignified approach last time with Romney. The Left viciously attacked him and his family. And Romney being the genuinely good guy he is, tried to ignore it and rise above it. He didn't fight back. And that doesn't work anymore.

Our Society is debased and nasty. It wants viciousness. It wants to see you get down & dirty. Most may not admit it, but it is what they want. It's a 'Jerry Springer' age. The dignified high road doesn't work anymore. It's seen as weakness. Trump and Christie will go on the attack. They'll fight back against the Left's viciousness. It's exactly what the Republican Party needs at this point.

A party and constituency without a shred of dignity....sounds like the GOP
I would like to see Rubio/Kasich ticket I find highly doubtful that Trump who has even higher negatives than Hillary could win a general election.
marco would be like obama, too young a senator, not much experience really at anything,
lot's of self proclaimed ability and "inside knowledge".
He's actually served in the Senate longer than Obama had when he ran and had shown a much better understanding of the problems facing the country and the world.
The problem with Cruz and Rubio isn't inexperience, Obama was just as green and he dominated two elections... The problem with these two is their language. Their attacks on the Left may rally up the "base" and hardline conservatives but they are way too divisive in the way they attack the other side to stand a chance in a general election. Trump, is the master of attacks, however, he does it in a different way, he actually still gives the general feeling that he may be able to work with both sides to actually get stuff done in Washington. I'm not a supporter of any of the 3 "pitbulls" however, I believe I have an accurate read of the situation.
I think it's just the opposite though I do agree Cruz has been so hard right in the Senate he couldn't convince voters in a general election he could work with the other side Rubio has shown he can bridge that gap and that is where having Kasich on the ticket would valuable. What Trump says and does appeals to a specific segment of the base just as what Sanders does on the left but I don't think either has much support beyond that and could win a general election.
I would like to see Rubio/Kasich ticket I find highly doubtful that Trump who has even higher negatives than Hillary could win a general election.
marco would be like obama, too young a senator, not much experience really at anything,
lot's of self proclaimed ability and "inside knowledge".
He's actually served in the Senate longer than Obama had when he ran and had shown a much better understanding of the problems facing the country and the world.
but he wasn't a certified community organizer. one would think teaching alinsky at universtiy of chicago for a year, would be more than enough to well prepare anyone to be President, and commander in chief of the grandest military on the planet, by a Trump sized margin of measure.

better than all the other militaries on earth put together, been that way since Washington.
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Too sensitive as well. I don't want a sensitive, touchy feely, Commander in Chief. Need some cajones in the White House.

Republicans need pitbull candidates. Trump and Christie won't take any shit from the vicious Left. I think that could be a formidable ticket. They tried the high road dignified approach last time with Romney. The Left viciously attacked him and his family. And Romney being the genuinely good guy he is, tried to ignore it and rise above it. He didn't fight back. And that doesn't work anymore.

Our Society is debased and nasty. It wants viciousness. It wants to see you get down & dirty. Most may not admit it, but it is what they want. It's a 'Jerry Springer' age. The dignified high road doesn't work anymore. It's seen as weakness. Trump and Christie will go on the attack. They'll fight back against the Left's viciousness. It's exactly what the Republican Party needs at this point.

A party and constituency without a shred of dignity....sounds like the GOP
Says the party who's front runner is being investigated by the FBI.
I would like to see Rubio/Kasich ticket I find highly doubtful that Trump who has even higher negatives than Hillary could win a general election.
marco would be like obama, too young a senator, not much experience really at anything,
lot's of self proclaimed ability and "inside knowledge".
He's actually served in the Senate longer than Obama had when he ran and had shown a much better understanding of the problems facing the country and the world.
The problem with Cruz and Rubio isn't inexperience, Obama was just as green and he dominated two elections... The problem with these two is their language. Their attacks on the Left may rally up the "base" and hardline conservatives but they are way too divisive in the way they attack the other side to stand a chance in a general election. Trump, is the master of attacks, however, he does it in a different way, he actually still gives the general feeling that he may be able to work with both sides to actually get stuff done in Washington. I'm not a supporter of any of the 3 "pitbulls" however, I believe I have an accurate read of the situation.
I think it's just the opposite though I do agree Cruz has been so hard right in the Senate he couldn't convince voters in a general election he could work with the other side Rubio has shown he can bridge that gap and that is where having Kasich on the ticket would valuable. What Trump says and does appeals to a specific segment of the base just as what Sanders does on the left but I don't think either has much support beyond that and could win a general election.
Rubio has shown that he can bridge the gap, which perked my interest at the beginning of his campaign, however, he is trying to take this hardline approach constantly attacking Obama/Clinton. Almost all of his answers to questions is an attack on the administration, again, rallys the base but turns off a majority of the population and comes of as divisive. Perhaps that is just campaign politics though. Cruz just creeps me out with overdramatic and false sincerity. Bernie I agree, he is a hardliner and way off to the left, although I love the idea of a revolution against the top 1% and campaign finance, I dont think he would get much traction as far as law making... Trump, I think is saying what he needs to get elected. I don't think he is a true conservative or pro-life, or pro-marriage, or really wanting to abolish Obamacare, but its what he needs to say right now. I think if he made it to the white house he would take a much more moderate stance and utilize his relationships on both sides to perhaps get things done. On the other hand with his explosive and unstable personality, it could be a complete disaster... High risk, high reward.
I would like to see Rubio/Kasich ticket I find highly doubtful that Trump who has even higher negatives than Hillary could win a general election.
marco would be like obama, too young a senator, not much experience really at anything,
lot's of self proclaimed ability and "inside knowledge".
He's actually served in the Senate longer than Obama had when he ran and had shown a much better understanding of the problems facing the country and the world.
The problem with Cruz and Rubio isn't inexperience, Obama was just as green and he dominated two elections... The problem with these two is their language. Their attacks on the Left may rally up the "base" and hardline conservatives but they are way too divisive in the way they attack the other side to stand a chance in a general election. Trump, is the master of attacks, however, he does it in a different way, he actually still gives the general feeling that he may be able to work with both sides to actually get stuff done in Washington. I'm not a supporter of any of the 3 "pitbulls" however, I believe I have an accurate read of the situation.
I think it's just the opposite though I do agree Cruz has been so hard right in the Senate he couldn't convince voters in a general election he could work with the other side Rubio has shown he can bridge that gap and that is where having Kasich on the ticket would valuable. What Trump says and does appeals to a specific segment of the base just as what Sanders does on the left but I don't think either has much support beyond that and could win a general election.
Rubio has shown that he can bridge the gap, which perked my interest at the beginning of his campaign, however, he is trying to take this hardline approach constantly attacking Obama/Clinton. Almost all of his answers to questions is an attack on the administration, again, rallys the base but turns off a majority of the population and comes of as divisive. Perhaps that is just campaign politics though. Cruz just creeps me out with overdramatic and false sincerity. Bernie I agree, he is a hardliner and way off to the left, although I love the idea of a revolution against the top 1% and campaign finance, I dont think he would get much traction as far as law making... Trump, I think is saying what he needs to get elected. I don't think he is a true conservative or pro-life, or pro-marriage, or really wanting to abolish Obamacare, but its what he needs to say right now. I think if he made it to the white house he would take a much more moderate stance and utilize his relationships on both sides to perhaps get things done. On the other hand with his explosive and unstable personality, it could be a complete disaster... High risk, high reward.
Everyone takes the hardline approach in the primary and then tries to pivot back to the center in the general election you always have to walk that fine line of not losing your base and pissing everyone else off so bad you can't get them back.
Trump looked like a 20-year-old girl dressed in nightclub clothes stumbling home with a hangover at sunrise after a one night stand.
Trump looked like a 20-year-old girl dressed in nightclub clothes stumbling home with a hangover at sunrise after a one night stand.
he owns a shitload of nightclubs, i don't think he spends much time there.

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