Trump and the GOP's have no health care plan, like always

I presume you believe nothing will ever change since EVERY Politician and Business Person does the same thing.
Using your logic voting is pointless.

Pointless? Why would you even consider that using my logic voting is pointless? FYI, Obama took out the GWBush tax cuts for the rich.....of course you don't were too busy crying over Bush being gone.

You are obviously ignoring the fact that I debunked your fantasy about Trump being concerned for the country and folks like you.
Trump is running on a platform that NO OTHER candidate has run on since Reagan started our downfall.

Yup........the platform of say whatever comes into his head (LIES)......then contradicts himself the next day.....his supporters don't care. Like Trump, most of his supporters are racists, sexists and bullies.

NBC: Trump contradicts himself in 2 interviews minutes apart

Donald Trump reverses position on torture, saying he would abide by law

The point is that Trump opens his mouth and regurgitates whatever word vomit he thinks is appropriate for the situation.
Donald Trump Thinks Gays Are Just Terrific, Unless He Doesn’t. Who Even Knows?
As opposed to the carefully crafted speeches we've been hearing since Reagan and have resulted in the collapse of America?
At least admit that almost EVERYONE who runs for office has NO intention of pushing their expressed agenda.

I don't know where you get your information......but Obama did a lot of the things he promised....that is, even with a Congress where the majority belong to the Party of "NO" and kept fighting him all the way. Imagine what we can do if Trump does really gifts us with a Democratic will be the greatest America yet.....and we can thank Trump for that..... he really would make America great again....:rolleyes:

A Trump-topped ticket is a mouthwatering prospect for Democrats, especially when it comes to retaking control of the Senate. And if Hillary Clinton can win the presidency, which Democrats seem to believe a Trump nomination would almost guarantee, Democrats would only need to retake four seats, not five, to win control of the Senate.
How Donald Trump Could Swing the Senate | Opinion

Obama fixed our Free Trade Deals?
Obama stopped Business Visa abuse?
Obama stopped Illegals?

You're not stupid or on drugs?
If it isn't, they've got the wrong plan. And, you're thinking that if we had the same old same old that we had before, they could?

Insurance premiums would be continuing to go up under the old method......except they weren't getting as much health-care benefits as they are now.

But, conservatives will continue to deny it is better......just like they continue to deny that things are better from the way they were under Bush.....same old bullshit.

I'm thinking that of we bring Corporations back to the US people will have jobs and the Health Insurance that goes with it.
Hillary, for sure, will do ZERO to bring back jobs as she gets paid 250K a pop to lecture MNCs on the benefits of Globalism.

Yeah....keep dreaming. Trump probably has most of his money in other countries...he just says what his moron supporters want to hear, and they believe everything he says. It's already been published....his tax plan will help the rich. I hope you're one of them, or else, you're just like the rest of them.....drunk on Trump KoolAid.

Trump Plan Is Tax Cut for the Rich, Even Hedge Fund Managers

Donald Trump’s tax plan, released Monday, does not live up to the populist language he has offered on taxes all summer.

When talking about taxes in this campaign, Donald Trump has often sounded like a different kind of Republican. He says he will take on “the hedge fund guys” and their carried interest loophole. He thinks it’s “outrageous” how little tax some multimillionaires pay. But his plan calls for major tax cuts not just for the middle class but also for the richest Americans — even the hedge fund managers. And despite his campaign’s assurances that the plan is “fiscally responsible,” it would grow budget deficits by trillions of dollars over a decade.

I presume you believe nothing will ever change since EVERY Politician and Business Person does the same thing.
Using your logic voting is pointless.

Of course not.

Voting for Obama made all the difference in the world....that is if you were looking for eight more years of moron GWB. you hate GW Bush.......but you voted for him twice, I bet!

Please show me where I ever said Bush was good for something.

Show it or STFU.
Pointless? Why would you even consider that using my logic voting is pointless? FYI, Obama took out the GWBush tax cuts for the rich.....of course you don't were too busy crying over Bush being gone.

You are obviously ignoring the fact that I debunked your fantasy about Trump being concerned for the country and folks like you.
Trump is running on a platform that NO OTHER candidate has run on since Reagan started our downfall.

Yup........the platform of say whatever comes into his head (LIES)......then contradicts himself the next day.....his supporters don't care. Like Trump, most of his supporters are racists, sexists and bullies.

NBC: Trump contradicts himself in 2 interviews minutes apart

Donald Trump reverses position on torture, saying he would abide by law

The point is that Trump opens his mouth and regurgitates whatever word vomit he thinks is appropriate for the situation.
Donald Trump Thinks Gays Are Just Terrific, Unless He Doesn’t. Who Even Knows?
As opposed to the carefully crafted speeches we've been hearing since Reagan and have resulted in the collapse of America?
At least admit that almost EVERYONE who runs for office has NO intention of pushing their expressed agenda.

I don't know where you get your information......but Obama did a lot of the things he promised....that is, even with a Congress where the majority belong to the Party of "NO" and kept fighting him all the way. Imagine what we can do if Trump does really gifts us with a Democratic will be the greatest America yet.....and we can thank Trump for that..... he really would make America great again....:rolleyes:

A Trump-topped ticket is a mouthwatering prospect for Democrats, especially when it comes to retaking control of the Senate. And if Hillary Clinton can win the presidency, which Democrats seem to believe a Trump nomination would almost guarantee, Democrats would only need to retake four seats, not five, to win control of the Senate.
How Donald Trump Could Swing the Senate | Opinion

Obama fixed our Free Trade Deals?
Obama stopped Business Visa abuse?
Obama stopped Illegals?

You're not stupid or on drugs?

I wager she's both.

It's hysterical to see the drivel coming from the left.

The GOP is going to lose the senate....Trump; or no Trump.
Pointless? Why would you even consider that using my logic voting is pointless? FYI, Obama took out the GWBush tax cuts for the rich.....of course you don't were too busy crying over Bush being gone.

You are obviously ignoring the fact that I debunked your fantasy about Trump being concerned for the country and folks like you.
Trump is running on a platform that NO OTHER candidate has run on since Reagan started our downfall.

Yup........the platform of say whatever comes into his head (LIES)......then contradicts himself the next day.....his supporters don't care. Like Trump, most of his supporters are racists, sexists and bullies.

NBC: Trump contradicts himself in 2 interviews minutes apart

Donald Trump reverses position on torture, saying he would abide by law

The point is that Trump opens his mouth and regurgitates whatever word vomit he thinks is appropriate for the situation.
Donald Trump Thinks Gays Are Just Terrific, Unless He Doesn’t. Who Even Knows?
As opposed to the carefully crafted speeches we've been hearing since Reagan and have resulted in the collapse of America?
At least admit that almost EVERYONE who runs for office has NO intention of pushing their expressed agenda.

I don't know where you get your information......but Obama did a lot of the things he promised....that is, even with a Congress where the majority belong to the Party of "NO" and kept fighting him all the way. Imagine what we can do if Trump does really gifts us with a Democratic will be the greatest America yet.....and we can thank Trump for that..... he really would make America great again....:rolleyes:

A Trump-topped ticket is a mouthwatering prospect for Democrats, especially when it comes to retaking control of the Senate. And if Hillary Clinton can win the presidency, which Democrats seem to believe a Trump nomination would almost guarantee, Democrats would only need to retake four seats, not five, to win control of the Senate.
How Donald Trump Could Swing the Senate | Opinion

Obama fixed our Free Trade Deals?
Obama stopped Business Visa abuse?
Obama stopped Illegals?

You're not stupid or on drugs?

You can keep your plan if you like it.

We'll save you 2500/year.

Lots of people still uninsured.

Probably one of the most divisive presidents ever.

A "constitutional scholar" who basically showed all that term means is you know how to get around it.
Yeah....keep dreaming. Trump probably has most of his money in other countries...he just says what his moron supporters want to hear, and they believe everything he says. It's already been published....his tax plan will help the rich. I hope you're one of them, or else, you're just like the rest of them.....drunk on Trump KoolAid.

Trump Plan Is Tax Cut for the Rich, Even Hedge Fund Managers

Donald Trump’s tax plan, released Monday, does not live up to the populist language he has offered on taxes all summer.

When talking about taxes in this campaign, Donald Trump has often sounded like a different kind of Republican. He says he will take on “the hedge fund guys” and their carried interest loophole. He thinks it’s “outrageous” how little tax some multimillionaires pay. But his plan calls for major tax cuts not just for the middle class but also for the richest Americans — even the hedge fund managers. And despite his campaign’s assurances that the plan is “fiscally responsible,” it would grow budget deficits by trillions of dollars over a decade.

I presume you believe nothing will ever change since EVERY Politician and Business Person does the same thing.
Using your logic voting is pointless.

Pointless? Why would you even consider that using my logic voting is pointless? FYI, Obama took out the GWBush tax cuts for the rich.....of course you don't were too busy crying over Bush being gone.

You are obviously ignoring the fact that I debunked your fantasy about Trump being concerned for the country and folks like you.
Trump is running on a platform that NO OTHER candidate has run on since Reagan started our downfall.

Yup........the platform of say whatever comes into his head (LIES)......then contradicts himself the next day.....his supporters don't care. Like Trump, most of his supporters are racists, sexists and bullies.

NBC: Trump contradicts himself in 2 interviews minutes apart

Donald Trump reverses position on torture, saying he would abide by law

The point is that Trump opens his mouth and regurgitates whatever word vomit he thinks is appropriate for the situation.
Donald Trump Thinks Gays Are Just Terrific, Unless He Doesn’t. Who Even Knows?
As opposed to the carefully crafted speeches we've been hearing since Reagan and have resulted in the collapse of America?
At least admit that almost EVERYONE who runs for office has NO intention of pushing their expressed agenda.

That goes for all of congress.

They are all pretty much crooks.
they want to dismantle the ACA , allow ins to cross state lines, already does, have HSA's , we already do.

Don't be fooled , read about Blue Cross Blue Shield Association and United Healthcare Group and a few other giants. They gobble up smaller health ins companies like Pac man, and do whatever they want to the prices.

I don't think I heard one GOP talk about prescription prices. If they did, it was not a big deal for them as I listened to all debates.

Trump doesn't know jack about HI, and all those coming out to endorse him, is just because they will want favors.

There have been other plans offered up. That would require a lot of reading to know that and clearly the left prefers to let unknown people write something and pass it before they tell us what's in it. Do your homework and then stop making claims that aren't true. Obamacare is failing and companies are dropping it due to costs. It was designed to fail and is nothing more than a stepping stone to single payer. It will get worse.
they want to dismantle the ACA , allow ins to cross state lines, already does, have HSA's , we already do.

Don't be fooled , read about Blue Cross Blue Shield Association and United Healthcare Group and a few other giants. They gobble up smaller health ins companies like Pac man, and do whatever they want to the prices.

I don't think I heard one GOP talk about prescription prices. If they did, it was not a big deal for them as I listened to all debates.

Trump doesn't know jack about HI, and all those coming out to endorse him, is just because they will want favors.

There have been other plans offered up. That would require a lot of reading to know that and clearly the left prefers to let unknown people write something and pass it before they tell us what's in it. Do your homework and then stop making claims that aren't true. Obamacare is failing and companies are dropping it due to costs. It was designed to fail and is nothing more than a stepping stone to single payer. It will get worse.

If Chris Matthews said it.....well, by golly, it must be true.
they want to dismantle the ACA , allow ins to cross state lines, already does, have HSA's , we already do.

Don't be fooled , read about Blue Cross Blue Shield Association and United Healthcare Group and a few other giants. They gobble up smaller health ins companies like Pac man, and do whatever they want to the prices.

I don't think I heard one GOP talk about prescription prices. If they did, it was not a big deal for them as I listened to all debates.

Trump doesn't know jack about HI, and all those coming out to endorse him, is just because they will want favors.

Funny,I seem to remember Barry telling us we'd save $2500 a year on our healthcare insurance.
And yet you somehow believe that a couple of socialist are going to save you money?

My husband has had private ins for years, I know all about health ins believe me. Lucky for him, the ACA came along, as healthy as he is, he may have an accident or get dx with ca tomorrow, and we will have a safety net , instead of losing our home and everything else.
Most who do not have ins, make over 50 grand a year, but most likely under 80, and they just don't think they need ins. I am happy its mandatory now, everyone pays according to their incomes.

Why would you lose your home? You cannot lose your home if you cannot pay your medical bills.
Title is a lie.
Trump has a plan...
It's on his website...
And HIS web site actually works
Pointless? Why would you even consider that using my logic voting is pointless? FYI, Obama took out the GWBush tax cuts for the rich.....of course you don't were too busy crying over Bush being gone.

You are obviously ignoring the fact that I debunked your fantasy about Trump being concerned for the country and folks like you.
Trump is running on a platform that NO OTHER candidate has run on since Reagan started our downfall.

Yup........the platform of say whatever comes into his head (LIES)......then contradicts himself the next day.....his supporters don't care. Like Trump, most of his supporters are racists, sexists and bullies.

NBC: Trump contradicts himself in 2 interviews minutes apart

Donald Trump reverses position on torture, saying he would abide by law

The point is that Trump opens his mouth and regurgitates whatever word vomit he thinks is appropriate for the situation.
Donald Trump Thinks Gays Are Just Terrific, Unless He Doesn’t. Who Even Knows?
As opposed to the carefully crafted speeches we've been hearing since Reagan and have resulted in the collapse of America?
At least admit that almost EVERYONE who runs for office has NO intention of pushing their expressed agenda.

I don't know where you get your information......but Obama did a lot of the things he promised....that is, even with a Congress where the majority belong to the Party of "NO" and kept fighting him all the way. Imagine what we can do if Trump does really gifts us with a Democratic will be the greatest America yet.....and we can thank Trump for that..... he really would make America great again....:rolleyes:

A Trump-topped ticket is a mouthwatering prospect for Democrats, especially when it comes to retaking control of the Senate. And if Hillary Clinton can win the presidency, which Democrats seem to believe a Trump nomination would almost guarantee, Democrats would only need to retake four seats, not five, to win control of the Senate.
How Donald Trump Could Swing the Senate | Opinion

Obama fixed our Free Trade Deals?
Obama stopped Business Visa abuse?
Obama stopped Illegals?

You're not stupid or on drugs?
You must be the one that is stupid or on drugs....seems you missed the part where I mentioned the Party of "NO" that did nothing but write up repeals to Obamacare and set up a zillion committees to review the Benghazi attack........they voted "no" to everything else. It's pretty hard to pass any bills when Congress won't act on it.....and when he tried the Executive Order route, you all squealed like pigs on the way to slaughter. So, don't tell me that Obama didn't do anything....he didn't start two worthless wars that caused our debt to sky-rocket...but conservatives sure like to hold him accountable for that. He did end the stupid tax cuts to the rich that Republicans claimed were creating jobs when we were in the midst of losing thousands of jobs.....thanks to doofus Bush.
I'm thinking that of we bring Corporations back to the US people will have jobs and the Health Insurance that goes with it.
Hillary, for sure, will do ZERO to bring back jobs as she gets paid 250K a pop to lecture MNCs on the benefits of Globalism.

Yeah....keep dreaming. Trump probably has most of his money in other countries...he just says what his moron supporters want to hear, and they believe everything he says. It's already been published....his tax plan will help the rich. I hope you're one of them, or else, you're just like the rest of them.....drunk on Trump KoolAid.

Trump Plan Is Tax Cut for the Rich, Even Hedge Fund Managers

Donald Trump’s tax plan, released Monday, does not live up to the populist language he has offered on taxes all summer.

When talking about taxes in this campaign, Donald Trump has often sounded like a different kind of Republican. He says he will take on “the hedge fund guys” and their carried interest loophole. He thinks it’s “outrageous” how little tax some multimillionaires pay. But his plan calls for major tax cuts not just for the middle class but also for the richest Americans — even the hedge fund managers. And despite his campaign’s assurances that the plan is “fiscally responsible,” it would grow budget deficits by trillions of dollars over a decade.

I presume you believe nothing will ever change since EVERY Politician and Business Person does the same thing.
Using your logic voting is pointless.

Of course not.

Voting for Obama made all the difference in the world....that is if you were looking for eight more years of moron GWB. you hate GW Bush.......but you voted for him twice, I bet!

Please show me where I ever said Bush was good for something.

Show it or STFU.

I don't blame you for trying to deny that you were ever a Bush supporter......but, many conservatives are using that tactic.....trying to distance themselves from ever having voted or supported him...the way you defend the right-wing is typical of most conservative Bush droolers.
Trump is running on a platform that NO OTHER candidate has run on since Reagan started our downfall.

Yup........the platform of say whatever comes into his head (LIES)......then contradicts himself the next day.....his supporters don't care. Like Trump, most of his supporters are racists, sexists and bullies.

NBC: Trump contradicts himself in 2 interviews minutes apart

Donald Trump reverses position on torture, saying he would abide by law

The point is that Trump opens his mouth and regurgitates whatever word vomit he thinks is appropriate for the situation.
Donald Trump Thinks Gays Are Just Terrific, Unless He Doesn’t. Who Even Knows?
As opposed to the carefully crafted speeches we've been hearing since Reagan and have resulted in the collapse of America?
At least admit that almost EVERYONE who runs for office has NO intention of pushing their expressed agenda.

I don't know where you get your information......but Obama did a lot of the things he promised....that is, even with a Congress where the majority belong to the Party of "NO" and kept fighting him all the way. Imagine what we can do if Trump does really gifts us with a Democratic will be the greatest America yet.....and we can thank Trump for that..... he really would make America great again....:rolleyes:

A Trump-topped ticket is a mouthwatering prospect for Democrats, especially when it comes to retaking control of the Senate. And if Hillary Clinton can win the presidency, which Democrats seem to believe a Trump nomination would almost guarantee, Democrats would only need to retake four seats, not five, to win control of the Senate.
How Donald Trump Could Swing the Senate | Opinion

Obama fixed our Free Trade Deals?
Obama stopped Business Visa abuse?
Obama stopped Illegals?

You're not stupid or on drugs?

I wager she's both.

It's hysterical to see the drivel coming from the left.

The GOP is going to lose the senate....Trump; or no Trump.

You're just mad because I debunked your claims......sore loser.
Trump is running on a platform that NO OTHER candidate has run on since Reagan started our downfall.

Yup........the platform of say whatever comes into his head (LIES)......then contradicts himself the next day.....his supporters don't care. Like Trump, most of his supporters are racists, sexists and bullies.

NBC: Trump contradicts himself in 2 interviews minutes apart

Donald Trump reverses position on torture, saying he would abide by law

The point is that Trump opens his mouth and regurgitates whatever word vomit he thinks is appropriate for the situation.
Donald Trump Thinks Gays Are Just Terrific, Unless He Doesn’t. Who Even Knows?
As opposed to the carefully crafted speeches we've been hearing since Reagan and have resulted in the collapse of America?
At least admit that almost EVERYONE who runs for office has NO intention of pushing their expressed agenda.

I don't know where you get your information......but Obama did a lot of the things he promised....that is, even with a Congress where the majority belong to the Party of "NO" and kept fighting him all the way. Imagine what we can do if Trump does really gifts us with a Democratic will be the greatest America yet.....and we can thank Trump for that..... he really would make America great again....:rolleyes:

A Trump-topped ticket is a mouthwatering prospect for Democrats, especially when it comes to retaking control of the Senate. And if Hillary Clinton can win the presidency, which Democrats seem to believe a Trump nomination would almost guarantee, Democrats would only need to retake four seats, not five, to win control of the Senate.
How Donald Trump Could Swing the Senate | Opinion

Obama fixed our Free Trade Deals?
Obama stopped Business Visa abuse?
Obama stopped Illegals?

You're not stupid or on drugs?

You can keep your plan if you like it.

We'll save you 2500/year.

Lots of people still uninsured.

Probably one of the most divisive presidents ever.

A "constitutional scholar" who basically showed all that term means is you know how to get around it.

Yeah.....that's what conservatives used to say about they're telling politicians "don't mess with my Medicare".....hypocrites.
Yeah....keep dreaming. Trump probably has most of his money in other countries...he just says what his moron supporters want to hear, and they believe everything he says. It's already been published....his tax plan will help the rich. I hope you're one of them, or else, you're just like the rest of them.....drunk on Trump KoolAid.

Trump Plan Is Tax Cut for the Rich, Even Hedge Fund Managers

Donald Trump’s tax plan, released Monday, does not live up to the populist language he has offered on taxes all summer.

When talking about taxes in this campaign, Donald Trump has often sounded like a different kind of Republican. He says he will take on “the hedge fund guys” and their carried interest loophole. He thinks it’s “outrageous” how little tax some multimillionaires pay. But his plan calls for major tax cuts not just for the middle class but also for the richest Americans — even the hedge fund managers. And despite his campaign’s assurances that the plan is “fiscally responsible,” it would grow budget deficits by trillions of dollars over a decade.

I presume you believe nothing will ever change since EVERY Politician and Business Person does the same thing.
Using your logic voting is pointless.

Of course not.

Voting for Obama made all the difference in the world....that is if you were looking for eight more years of moron GWB. you hate GW Bush.......but you voted for him twice, I bet!

Please show me where I ever said Bush was good for something.

Show it or STFU.

I don't blame you for trying to deny that you were ever a Bush supporter......but, many conservatives are using that tactic.....trying to distance themselves from ever having voted or supported him...the way you defend the right-wing is typical of most conservative Bush droolers.

In other words, you can't show it.

So typical of a winger......nothing but made up bulls**t.
Yup........the platform of say whatever comes into his head (LIES)......then contradicts himself the next day.....his supporters don't care. Like Trump, most of his supporters are racists, sexists and bullies.

NBC: Trump contradicts himself in 2 interviews minutes apart

Donald Trump reverses position on torture, saying he would abide by law

The point is that Trump opens his mouth and regurgitates whatever word vomit he thinks is appropriate for the situation.
Donald Trump Thinks Gays Are Just Terrific, Unless He Doesn’t. Who Even Knows?
As opposed to the carefully crafted speeches we've been hearing since Reagan and have resulted in the collapse of America?
At least admit that almost EVERYONE who runs for office has NO intention of pushing their expressed agenda.

I don't know where you get your information......but Obama did a lot of the things he promised....that is, even with a Congress where the majority belong to the Party of "NO" and kept fighting him all the way. Imagine what we can do if Trump does really gifts us with a Democratic will be the greatest America yet.....and we can thank Trump for that..... he really would make America great again....:rolleyes:

A Trump-topped ticket is a mouthwatering prospect for Democrats, especially when it comes to retaking control of the Senate. And if Hillary Clinton can win the presidency, which Democrats seem to believe a Trump nomination would almost guarantee, Democrats would only need to retake four seats, not five, to win control of the Senate.
How Donald Trump Could Swing the Senate | Opinion

Obama fixed our Free Trade Deals?
Obama stopped Business Visa abuse?
Obama stopped Illegals?

You're not stupid or on drugs?

You can keep your plan if you like it.

We'll save you 2500/year.

Lots of people still uninsured.

Probably one of the most divisive presidents ever.

A "constitutional scholar" who basically showed all that term means is you know how to get around it.

Yeah.....that's what conservatives used to say about they're telling politicians "don't mess with my Medicare".....hypocrites.

Has nothing to do with my post.


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