Trump and the stock market

Boy oh boy, do the pseuedocons fucking HATE it when their benchmarks come back to bitch slap them in their slack little faces. :lol:

And yet they never learn! They keep making new ones which will also come back to bite them.

I call them tards for a reason.

No you piece of shit, you made statements you cannot possibly support. You did so because you weren't up to the challenge by the rational thought under post 30. Face it fucker, you're a dishonest and twisted person. Do that and there's a chance you might develop a useful brain.
I already answered post 30, dipshit.

You seem to think a President who came into office with the economy falling off a cliff which was bleeding half a million jobs a month had an easier task than one who was elected on third base.

I can't work with you if you are that profoundly retarded.

Obama at this point: 41 percent.

Trump: 23.6 percent.
The economy bottomed out early into obozo's presidency. economic cycles and TARP which truly saved the economy.
Trump talks a much bigger game than he produces. In 2018 the market is flat. He is underperforming Obama in percentage growth.
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Tech markets are taking a huge hit as progressive Socialist Liberal Social Media Gawds are being exposed for spying on users, hacking / stealing / sharing / using their personal data, and as Congress contemplates reigning them in with regulations /over-watch....something Trump has no say in. No one seems to be able to curb the criminal nature of liberals, and it ends up affecting us all...
Boy oh boy, do the pseuedocons fucking HATE it when their benchmarks come back to bitch slap them in their slack little faces. :lol:

And yet they never learn! They keep making new ones which will also come back to bite them.

I call them tards for a reason.

No you piece of shit, you made statements you cannot possibly support. You did so because you weren't up to the challenge by the rational thought under post 30. Face it fucker, you're a dishonest and twisted person. Do that and there's a chance you might develop a useful brain.
I already answered post 30, dipshit.

You seem to think a President who came into office with the economy falling off a cliff which was bleeding half a million jobs a month had an easier task than one who was elected on third base.

I can't work with you if you are that profoundly retarded.

Obama at this point: 41 percent.

Trump: 23.6 percent.

No you didn't. Rather than acknowledge reason you pulled talking points and clutter out of your ass, because your brain proves worthless.
All during the Obama administration, you could hear the pseudocon rube herd parroting the same bullshit about how weak our economy was growing.

You still hear some of them make that claim about the Obama administration to this day.

And yet Trump has failed to match the annual job growth of Obama's last five years. So most of the UE they crow about today is attributable to Obama, not Trump.

Trump has yet to match Obama's best quarterly GDP growth.

Trump has DOUBLED our federal deficit in less than two years, in a supposedly booming economy!

And then there's this:

Obama DOW: 41 percent

Trump DOW: 23.6 percent
Boy oh boy, do the pseuedocons fucking HATE it when their benchmarks come back to bitch slap them in their slack little faces. :lol:

And yet they never learn! They keep making new ones which will also come back to bite them.

I call them tards for a reason.

If the dow hits 30k are you gonna say Trump you da man? Probably not, piss drinker
I hope the Dow does hit 30,000. That would please me very much. It would be great for my portfolio.

I am more worried about what Trump is doing to stop the next recession from turning into a major catastrophe. Probably nothing. He'll just blame the Democrats, and you rubes will parrot that.

Or can you tell us what Trump is doing to prevent the next recession from turning into a catastrophe?

What a loaded question.
No, I am heading off the lies you will tell if and when the economy tanks. I don't want any post hoc bullshit to try and get Trump off the hook.

What is Trump doing to protect our economy?

If he blames Democrats later, I am going to find you and ask you why he didn't stop them.

Just as an analagous example, is Trump doing anything to stop the Democrats from forcing banks to make loans to negroes?

So you're engaging in logical fallacies as a preemptive strike?
You people are just too fucking dumb and dishonest. SHOW ME MOTHER FUCKER where I contributed the DOW performance to Trump.

Okey dokey!

Here you go dummy:

In that link:

Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500, and NASDAQ have all notched record highs.

You claimed the Dow performance was a Trump accomplishment. Choke on it.

You only proved how desperate and dishonest you are.
Boy oh boy, do the pseuedocons fucking HATE it when their benchmarks come back to bitch slap them in their slack little faces. :lol:

And yet they never learn! They keep making new ones which will also come back to bite them.

I call them tards for a reason.

If the dow hits 30k are you gonna say Trump you da man? Probably not, piss drinker
I hope the Dow does hit 30,000. That would please me very much. It would be great for my portfolio.

I am more worried about what Trump is doing to stop the next recession from turning into a major catastrophe. Probably nothing. He'll just blame the Democrats, and you rubes will parrot that.

Or can you tell us what Trump is doing to prevent the next recession from turning into a catastrophe?

What a loaded question.
No, I am heading off the lies you will tell if and when the economy tanks. I don't want any post hoc bullshit to try and get Trump off the hook.

What is Trump doing to protect our economy?

If he blames Democrats later, I am going to find you and ask you why he didn't stop them.

Just as an analagous example, is Trump doing anything to stop the Democrats from forcing banks to make loans to negroes?

Poor negroes at that.
The bigger the boom the bigger the bust.

Stock up on sacks of beans and rice, you'll get through it.
You are one of the stinkiest of the rotten stenched hypocrites on this forum.
Did you ever take that shower we talked about? Seriously, it's not so bad.
Great: DOW 25,000!!...

That was you. You started that topic.

You gave the credit to Trump. Your first sentence, "Trump makes it look so easy:"

Where's your topic about Trump crashing the Dow back below 25,000?

The stench of hypocrisy is all over you, dipshit.
Trump got it up to 27,000 and now it's at 24,500. Suck it up buttercup, and for God's sake, take that fucking shower! The stench will go away, especially if you use soap.
Trump has nothing to do with the ups and downs of the market and neither did Obama.

The market goes up. The market goes down. Happens all of the time.

I'm sure Trump watch's it because of his business but he sure doesn't control it and neither does anyone else.
Trump boasts: 'The reason our stock market is so successful is because of me'

Yup. He sure did take credit for it on it's run up. Wanna bet if he takes any blame if it crashes?
I do think we are headed into a recession and Trump doesn't have anything to do with it.

It will be the Greenspan, W, Obama, Bernanke recession.

If there was one person responsible for the housing bubble it was Greenspan. W and Obama helped create TARP. Obama spearheaded the porkulas package. Bernanke kept on QEing.

Add to that many of these tech companies are WAY over valued.

I almost completely agree.

Except Trump does have some responsibility for the markets.

His ridiculous - and needless - trade war rhetoric has been hurting the economy almost all year.
He should have done what he promised and cleaned out the Fed...he didn't.

I agree with all the things you say...except for saying Trump 'doesn't have anything to do with it'.

Trump's trade war and everything else you can credit with him might/will cause the recession like the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand caused WW1.

It did, but everything was at such at a boiling point that it was inevitable.
all you need to do is look at a 10 year chart ..


now you can argue about Mickey Mouse controlling the market ...
Boy oh boy, do the pseuedocons fucking HATE it when their benchmarks come back to bitch slap them in their slack little faces. :lol:

And yet they never learn! They keep making new ones which will also come back to bite them.

I call them tards for a reason.

No you piece of shit, you made statements you cannot possibly support. You did so because you weren't up to the challenge by the rational thought under post 30. Face it fucker, you're a dishonest and twisted person. Do that and there's a chance you might develop a useful brain.
I already answered post 30, dipshit.

You seem to think a President who came into office with the economy falling off a cliff which was bleeding half a million jobs a month had an easier task than one who was elected on third base.

I can't work with you if you are that profoundly retarded.

Obama at this point: 41 percent.

Trump: 23.6 percent.
The economy bottomed out early into obozo's presidency. economic cycles and TARP which truly saved the economy.
TARP, ZIRP, and QE saved the economy.

Unfortunately, the FED kept ZIRP and QE around for way, way too long.
Boy oh boy, do the pseuedocons fucking HATE it when their benchmarks come back to bitch slap them in their slack little faces. :lol:

And yet they never learn! They keep making new ones which will also come back to bite them.

I call them tards for a reason.

If the dow hits 30k are you gonna say Trump you da man? Probably not, piss drinker
I hope the Dow does hit 30,000. That would please me very much. It would be great for my portfolio.

I am more worried about what Trump is doing to stop the next recession from turning into a major catastrophe. Probably nothing. He'll just blame the Democrats, and you rubes will parrot that.

Or can you tell us what Trump is doing to prevent the next recession from turning into a catastrophe?

What a loaded question.
No, I am heading off the lies you will tell if and when the economy tanks. I don't want any post hoc bullshit to try and get Trump off the hook.

What is Trump doing to protect our economy?

If he blames Democrats later, I am going to find you and ask you why he didn't stop them.

Just as an analagous example, is Trump doing anything to stop the Democrats from forcing banks to make loans to negroes?

So you're engaging in logical fallacies as a preemptive strike?

Trump has doubled our federal deficits.

Our country is more leveraged than ever before.

These are the things which spell catastrophe during the next downturn.

What is Trump doing about them? Because from here, it looks like Trump is doing everything he can to EXACERBATE the next downturn. He is spending more than Obama. He is INCREASING our deficits instead of DECREASING them like Obama did.

Why is Trump INCREASING spending and deficits during a supposed boom economy when he should be socking away for the next rainy day?

I know why, but I want to see if you know why.
I do think we are headed into a recession and Trump doesn't have anything to do with it.

It will be the Greenspan, W, Obama, Bernanke recession.

If there was one person responsible for the housing bubble it was Greenspan. W and Obama helped create TARP. Obama spearheaded the porkulas package. Bernanke kept on QEing.

Add to that many of these tech companies are WAY over valued.

I almost completely agree.

Except Trump does have some responsibility for the markets.

His ridiculous - and needless - trade war rhetoric has been hurting the economy almost all year.
He should have done what he promised and cleaned out the Fed...he didn't.

I agree with all the things you say...except for saying Trump 'doesn't have anything to do with it'.

Trump's trade war and everything else you can credit with him might/will cause the recession like the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand caused WW1.

It did, but everything was at such at a boiling point that it was inevitable.

I agree it was probably inevitable.

But the ferocity of it is not being helped at all by Trump.

He should be balancing the budget, ending the Fed's full employment mandate, stopping the 'new', cheap money that continues to slosh into the economy, drop the nonsensical trade war rhetoric/tariffs and warn people about what is probably to come - so they could prepare. He is doing none of these.
All of these things will make the upcoming mess noticeably worse than it could have been otherwise.

Of course he has 'something to do with it'...he is increasing its downside.

I sense your mind is closed on this - that you simply cannot see that Trump does have something to do with what is coming (though not the largest part - definitely. I would put that on the Fed).
So there is no point in further discussion on this.

BTW, I am an indy and despise both major parties.

We are done here...good day.
Current US government spending is $4.07 trillion.

That's with a Republican Congress and a Republican President.

The biggest government spending while Obama was in office was $3.603 trillion.
The Republicans and Trump have increased government spending and doubled our deficits because it artificially juices the GDP to make the number bigger.

When you increase government spending, you artificially increase the GDP figure.

That's why I said Trump (and the GOP) are doing everything they can to EXACERBATE the next downturn.
I do think we are headed into a recession and Trump doesn't have anything to do with it.

It will be the Greenspan, W, Obama, Bernanke recession.

If there was one person responsible for the housing bubble it was Greenspan. W and Obama helped create TARP. Obama spearheaded the porkulas package. Bernanke kept on QEing.

Add to that many of these tech companies are WAY over valued.

I almost completely agree.

Except Trump does have some responsibility for the markets.

His ridiculous - and needless - trade war rhetoric has been hurting the economy almost all year.
He should have done what he promised and cleaned out the Fed...he didn't.

I agree with all the things you say...except for saying Trump 'doesn't have anything to do with it'.

Trump's trade war and everything else you can credit with him might/will cause the recession like the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand caused WW1.

It did, but everything was at such at a boiling point that it was inevitable.

I agree it was probably inevitable.

But the ferocity of it is not being helped at all by Trump.

He should be balancing the budget, ending the Fed's full employment mandate, stopping the 'new', cheap money that continues to slosh into the economy, drop the nonsensical trade war rhetoric/tariffs and warn people about what is probably to come - so they could prepare. He is doing none of these.
All of these things will make the upcoming mess noticeably worse than it could have been otherwise.

Of course he has 'something to do with it'...he is increasing its downside.

I sense your mind is closed on this - that you simply cannot see that Trump does have something to do with what is coming (though not the largest part - definitely. I would put that on the Fed).
So there is no point in further discussion on this.

BTW, I am an indy and despise both major parties.

We are done here...good day.
I agree the Fed has the most culpability. I even started a topic years ago about the Fed's massive doomsday bond bubble machine. :lol:

QE and ZIRP went on for way, way too long. Now our banks are even more leveraged and even more greatly Too Big To Fail. Except now they are Too Big To Save. Not even the federal government will be able to save them.

Meanwhile, Trump is spending our future descendants' money like there is no tomorrow. Running up YUGE deficits.

And the pseudocon rube herd remains dead silent about that. After eight years of screaming about Obama's spending.

Imagine that!
I do think we are headed into a recession and Trump doesn't have anything to do with it.

It will be the Greenspan, W, Obama, Bernanke recession.

If there was one person responsible for the housing bubble it was Greenspan. W and Obama helped create TARP. Obama spearheaded the porkulas package. Bernanke kept on QEing.

Add to that many of these tech companies are WAY over valued.

I almost completely agree.

Except Trump does have some responsibility for the markets.

His ridiculous - and needless - trade war rhetoric has been hurting the economy almost all year.
He should have done what he promised and cleaned out the Fed...he didn't.

I agree with all the things you say...except for saying Trump 'doesn't have anything to do with it'.

Trump's trade war and everything else you can credit with him might/will cause the recession like the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand caused WW1.

It did, but everything was at such at a boiling point that it was inevitable.

I agree it was probably inevitable.

But the ferocity of it is not being helped at all by Trump.

He should be balancing the budget, ending the Fed's full employment mandate, stopping the 'new', cheap money that continues to slosh into the economy, drop the nonsensical trade war rhetoric/tariffs and warn people about what is probably to come - so they could prepare. He is doing none of these.
All of these things will make the upcoming mess noticeably worse than it could have been otherwise.

Of course he has 'something to do with it'...he is increasing its downside.

I sense your mind is closed on this - that you simply cannot see that Trump does have something to do with what is coming (though not the largest part - definitely. I would put that on the Fed).
So there is no point in further discussion on this.

BTW, I am an indy and despise both major parties.

We are done here...good day.
Yeah, the tax cuts were supposed to give 4% growth, but all but the trumpbots knew that was bs, and the real goal was to cut taxes for those who own corporations, but there was a growth stimulus effect. Not what a middle class tax cut would have resulted in, but some. We shouldn't even be in trade wars with anyone but Jina, and Trump's hyperbole was aimed at partisan gain with his base. Increasing the cost of steel did not create new blast funances, and it won't. It increase the cost of goods, specifically cars. And people buy less. And that directly conflicts with the state reason for tax cuts.

I think the Fed has let all the QE bonds fall off its balance sheet because they matured. So there's no continuing stimulus. I think they were aiming at sustained growth of maybe 2.5 or 3 with inflation running a percentage point behind.

Did Trump and the gop cause the Fed to raise rates higher than they may have?

The EU is decelerating. How much on trade and how much on Brexit and what else, I dunno. But I suspect traders foresee a downturn in the US as well.
But that butt-head hero of yours takes all the credit when the stockmarket was rising.
Check it out and you will see . Yes he did.
So why not take this part of it all?
Tell us.
And it was just reported that for the year, the stockmarket is in the RED.

Another empty butt hurt thread. Thanks for the laughs Elmo dud.

Seriously, are you that childish in your thinking? Glad to see you are as childish as the President, great goal.

Facts are facts and if you want to play childish games more power to you, you nuts are the ruin of America. Maybe your next goal should be growing up.

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