Trump answers Mueller's questions

The one where your ah trump declared a great victory after losing the house
It was a great victory, we kept the senate which will give us this.
View attachment 229300
watch your great victory as your stumbling pos trump is driven to the crazy farm by Mueller and the new Dem house Just in passing ,,,,,,,,he's half way there already
If we get the supreme court your screwed, and you know it. Anyway all the democrats are talking about is going after Trump and ruining the economy. We will get both houses back and keep the presidency. Thank you!
Ruining the economy?? How many MORE trillions are you going to add to our debt ? You should thank GOD Obama left the moron a great and advancing economy
Obama left Trump an anemic economy that was headed into another recession.
Bri It's BS like that that kills any possibility of bi partisanship Almost like that scum McConnell asking for bi partisanship
The one where your ah trump declared a great victory after losing the house
It was a great victory, we kept the senate which will give us this.
View attachment 229300
watch your great victory as your stumbling pos trump is driven to the crazy farm by Mueller and the new Dem house Just in passing ,,,,,,,,he's half way there already
If we get the supreme court your screwed, and you know it. Anyway all the democrats are talking about is going after Trump and ruining the economy. We will get both houses back and keep the presidency. Thank you!
Ruining the economy?? How many MORE trillions are you going to add to our debt ? You should thank GOD Obama left the moron a great and advancing economy
Obama left Trump an anemic economy that was headed into another recession.

Obama’s Final Numbers
Statistical indicators of President Obama's eight years in office.

By Brooks Jackson

Posted on September 29, 2017 | Updated on September 24, 2018

Where did you come up with that shit? Look the word up before you go spouting goofy crap like that.

the definition of moot

1 [moot] adjective
  1. open to discussion or debate; debatable; doubtful: Whether that was the cause of their troubles is a moot point .
  2. of little or no practical value, meaning, or relevance; purely academic: In practical terms, the issue of her application is moot because the deadline has passed.
  3. Chiefly Law . not actual; theoretical; hypothetical.

Dumb ass. Moot is a word that is often used in conjunction with the word court, but that's like saying the word hung came from "hung jury". I don't know where you came up with that no relevance to reality crap.
You're too stupid to argue with. You're defending morons who say "the issue is mute." Enough said.

No I'm saying your definition of moot is something an idiot might come up with.
Only an idiot would argue with the definition from the Dictionary.

I'm not arguing with the dictionary, just your silly take on it

"saying a subject is "moot" means it has no relevance to reality."
Trump said today that it has him that answered the Mueller questions. Not his attorneys.

I guess the lies will be his & he can't argue anyone else did it.

Trump isn't too bright.
The fucking moron probably can't even read the questions, and even if he could, he wouldn't be able to understand them. His lawyers are the ones that will answer the questions, maybe.

More than likely, trump will grade out as INCOMPLETE --- a grade that most of you nutters are very familiar with, I'm sure --- because I seriously doubt Robert Mueller will be seeing any answers to his questions any time soon.
I'll bet he knows the meaning and proper use of the term "moot."
I wouldn't bet on that, and what is it with this bizarre obsession of yours with the word moot?
Trump said today that it has him that answered the Mueller questions. Not his attorneys.

I guess the lies will be his & he can't argue anyone else did it.

Trump isn't too bright.
The fucking moron probably can't even read the questions, and even if he could, he wouldn't be able to understand them. His lawyers are the ones that will answer the questions, maybe.

More than likely, trump will grade out as INCOMPLETE --- a grade that most of you nutters are very familiar with, I'm sure --- because I seriously doubt Robert Mueller will be seeing any answers to his questions any time soon.
Mullier and his team of world class dummies sit around and circle jerk everyday.
So what you are saying is Mullier doesn't have fuck all authority to get any answers from Trump.
For once you are correct.
Clearly, reading comprehension isn't your forte.

If I were him I'd tell Mueller to fuck off...............provide proof of a crime or STFU...........wouldn't answer a dang thing.
The investigation isnt about Trump. Its purpose is to find out how to protect our country from foreign influence. The 2016 election was rife with foreign influence, and we need to get to the bottom of what happened.
They knew about that a long time ago............They got Phished............a tactic commonly used to gain access to your computer..........Has to be opened to put the virus in...............A small group hacked into the DNC by Phishing..........and they were Russian bots................

In regards to really changing the one has proven that to be matter how loud they scream.
That isn't what Mueller is investigating. No one has a crystal ball.
Was supposedly and investigation into Russia and Trump involvement...........that ended ........then obstruction..........and then this and that and this and that.

Unended with endless funding.
Were you as concerned when they went after Bill with one crock of crap after another until they finally got him for lying??
Many women accused Bill of sexual assualt.........had more than a accusation during the time. They knew when and where.......In the Kav hearing the star witness couldn't even recall the house..........but that house changed her life..........remember.

All of the sayings to date was that they couldn't find evidence that Trump colluded in the Russian op bots of doing anything. Which was the original intent of investigation.............not an open ended hit job to find anything they could find. Hardly the same.

Charge him or STFU.
Mueller has a tough job. He has to explain that he found nothing and justify his existence.
Trump said today that it has him that answered the Mueller questions. Not his attorneys.

I guess the lies will be his & he can't argue anyone else did it.

Trump isn't too bright.

It there he is where you ain’t. So I guess he is smarter then you.
Smarter?? Is smarter getting your shit thrown back in your face every day ?

There he sits. And there you sit.
I wouldn't take that job for a million Yes I know he did because he's bringing in multi millions and suckers stand by him and bow their heads
Trump said today that it has him that answered the Mueller questions. Not his attorneys.

I guess the lies will be his & he can't argue anyone else did it.

Trump isn't too bright.
The fucking moron probably can't even read the questions, and even if he could, he wouldn't be able to understand them. His lawyers are the ones that will answer the questions, maybe.

More than likely, trump will grade out as INCOMPLETE --- a grade that most of you nutters are very familiar with, I'm sure --- because I seriously doubt Robert Mueller will be seeing any answers to his questions any time soon.
I'll bet he knows the meaning and proper use of the term "moot."
I wouldn't bet on that, and what is it with this bizarre obsession of yours with the word moot?
I'm not the one who keeps harping on it, moron.
Amazing how they kept quiet about this investigation during the elections.............

If this whole Mueller investigation finds nothing on Trump and I suspect that will be the case I can't wait to see the lefts meltdown it might very well top their election night meltdown.
Or your very recent one and you have to be all kinds of a fool to think that with all this time ,with all of trumps inside peoples spilling their guts ,he has nothing on that vile cheating clown
Trump will probably not get "caught" red handed with collusion, but some of his campaign staff will, I'm thinking. Stone is looking like a good possibility. I am still guessing Trump Jr. is going to get named.
Obstruction of justice? I think Trump will get away with the decisions he made. The investigation is still ongoing, is it not?
I started laughing where you said "I'm thinking."

Stone isn't part of Trump's staff, dingbat.
He was an official campaign adviser in 2015 who has been ratted out as helping arrange the Wikileaks in 2016.
Mueller has a tough job. He has to explain that he found nothing and justify his existence.
He has already found "something" and if he finds no evidence that the Trump campaign was knowingly involved in the Russians' attempt to sway our election, that should be good news to all. It certainly isn't "nothing" to exonerate our sitting President of crimes against the country.
We are going to be listening to this crap for another 6 years.........

Fuck Mueller and this Circus show..............quiet for the elections ..........shhhh.........

Elections are now over and now the next act in the scripted play begins............oh.........investigations for 6 more years......

Any day now we will create a crisis that never happened...........Enjoy the show............that is all it is and ever was.........
Of course, Trump didn’t ‘answer’ anything – his lawyers did.

And that Trump’s lawyers were allowed to respond to written questions illustrates just how dishonest Trump is, and that his lawyers know Trump is a compulsive liar.

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