Trump answers Mueller's questions

Trump said today that it has him that answered the Mueller questions. Not his attorneys.

I guess the lies will be his & he can't argue anyone else did it.

Trump isn't too bright.
The fucking moron probably can't even read the questions, and even if he could, he wouldn't be able to understand them. His lawyers are the ones that will answer the questions, maybe.

More than likely, trump will grade out as INCOMPLETE --- a grade that most of you nutters are very familiar with, I'm sure --- because I seriously doubt Robert Mueller will be seeing any answers to his questions any time soon.
I'll bet he knows the meaning and proper use of the term "moot."
I wouldn't bet on that, and what is it with this bizarre obsession of yours with the word moot?
I'm not the one who keeps harping on it, moron.
You're making no sense as usual, shit for brains.
Mueller has a tough job. He has to explain that he found nothing and justify his existence.

Please relay those "kind and comforting words" to Manafort, Gates , Papadapolus Flynn and soon-to-be, Cohen and Srone and Donny-baby.......LOL

None have which been charged with "collusion" or "obstruction".
Or indeed anything to do with Russia at all.

It is truly enlightening to watch the level of TDS going on here. The Right was bad about Obambi but not like this.
Mueller has a tough job. He has to explain that he found nothing and justify his existence.

Please relay those "kind and comforting words" to Manafort, Gates , Papadapolus Flynn and soon-to-be, Cohen and Srone and Donny-baby.......LOL

None have which been charged with "collusion" or "obstruction".
Or indeed anything to do with Russia at all.

It is truly enlightening to watch the level of TDS going on here. The Right was bad about Obambi but not like this.
Obama wasn't a conniving, lying, money hungry, power mad , pos like trump is
Mueller has a tough job. He has to explain that he found nothing and justify his existence.

Please relay those "kind and comforting words" to Manafort, Gates , Papadapolus Flynn and soon-to-be, Cohen and Srone and Donny-baby.......LOL

None have which been charged with "collusion" or "obstruction".
Or indeed anything to do with Russia at all.

It is truly enlightening to watch the level of TDS going on here. The Right was bad about Obambi but not like this.
Obama wasn't a conniving, lying, money hungry, power mad , pos like trump is

He absolutely was it's just that was/is YOUR conniving, lying, money hungry, power mad , pos like trump is.
Please relay those "kind and comforting words" to Manafort, Gates , Papadapolus Flynn and soon-to-be, Cohen and Srone and Donny-baby.......LOL

None have which been charged with "collusion" or "obstruction".
Or indeed anything to do with Russia at all.

It is truly enlightening to watch the level of TDS going on here. The Right was bad about Obambi but not like this.
Obama wasn't a conniving, lying, money hungry, power mad , pos like trump is

He absolutely was it's just that was/is YOUR conniving, lying, money hungry, power mad , pos like trump is.
Doc leave your room and go out to change your pants shirt and hat Then come back to tell us what an evil man Obama is
None have which been charged with "collusion" or "obstruction".
Or indeed anything to do with Russia at all.

It is truly enlightening to watch the level of TDS going on here. The Right was bad about Obambi but not like this.
Obama wasn't a conniving, lying, money hungry, power mad , pos like trump is

He absolutely was it's just that was/is YOUR conniving, lying, money hungry, power mad , pos like trump is.
Doc leave your room and go out to change your pants shirt and hat Then come back to tell us what an evil man Obama is

LOL, he decided who would be killed by Drones and said he could even do it to Americans.
He decided to take Libya out and look at the mess it is now.
He decided to go to war in Syria.
HE said he could legislate with his "phone" and a "pen".
HE got us involved in Yemen.
HE said to get in the daces of those who didn't support him and his ideas.
HE called those who didn't support him "bitter clinger".

On and on and on. Go play with your Tinker Toys boy.
I hate when they get in your dace...

Fucking batshit crazy "boy"
I hate when they get in your dace...

Fucking batshit crazy "boy"
I thought you'd change your clothing and then come back ,,like all those dems do when they come back to vote again and again . You folks have the best bullshit I must say
Or indeed anything to do with Russia at all.

It is truly enlightening to watch the level of TDS going on here. The Right was bad about Obambi but not like this.
Obama wasn't a conniving, lying, money hungry, power mad , pos like trump is

He absolutely was it's just that was/is YOUR conniving, lying, money hungry, power mad , pos like trump is.
Doc leave your room and go out to change your pants shirt and hat Then come back to tell us what an evil man Obama is

LOL, he decided who would be killed by Drones and said he could even do it to Americans.
He decided to take Libya out and look at the mess it is now.
He decided to go to war in Syria.
HE said he could legislate with his "phone" and a "pen".
HE got us involved in Yemen.
HE said to get in the daces of those who didn't support him and his ideas.
HE called those who didn't support him "bitter clinger".

On and on and on. Go play with your Tinker Toys boy.
It has pretty much been established the Obama created ISIS.
the definition of moot

1 [moot] adjective
  1. open to discussion or debate; debatable; doubtful: Whether that was the cause of their troubles is a moot point .
  2. of little or no practical value, meaning, or relevance; purely academic: In practical terms, the issue of her application is moot because the deadline has passed.
  3. Chiefly Law . not actual; theoretical; hypothetical.

Dumb ass. Moot is a word that is often used in conjunction with the word court, but that's like saying the word hung came from "hung jury". I don't know where you came up with that no relevance to reality crap.
You're too stupid to argue with. You're defending morons who say "the issue is mute." Enough said.

No I'm saying your definition of moot is something an idiot might come up with.
Only an idiot would argue with the definition from the Dictionary.

I'm not arguing with the dictionary, just your silly take on it

"saying a subject is "moot" means it has no relevance to reality."
That's exactly what it means, moron.
It is truly enlightening to watch the level of TDS going on here. The Right was bad about Obambi but not like this.
Obama wasn't a conniving, lying, money hungry, power mad , pos like trump is

He absolutely was it's just that was/is YOUR conniving, lying, money hungry, power mad , pos like trump is.
Doc leave your room and go out to change your pants shirt and hat Then come back to tell us what an evil man Obama is

LOL, he decided who would be killed by Drones and said he could even do it to Americans.
He decided to take Libya out and look at the mess it is now.
He decided to go to war in Syria.
HE said he could legislate with his "phone" and a "pen".
HE got us involved in Yemen.
HE said to get in the daces of those who didn't support him and his ideas.
HE called those who didn't support him "bitter clinger".

On and on and on. Go play with your Tinker Toys boy.
It has pretty much been established the Obama created ISIS.

In all fairness they ALL work for the same people, there is a reason Rump is spending like a drunk Progressive.
I would love to see those questions and answers.

Just like his taxes, you'll never see 'em poodle.
I would love to see those questions and answers.

Just like his taxes, you'll never see 'em poodle.
His taxes are a mute subject. Mueller Mauling is on the way.
The word is "moot," not "mute," you fucking retard.

I don't often harp on technical gaffs, but when someone doesn't know what the difference between "mute" and "moot" is, it shows they are illiterate. "Moot" is a word that comes from law school. It's from the term "moot court," which is a pretend court where students practice their trial skills. The decisions rendered there have no effect in the real world, hence saying a subject is "moot" means it has no relevance to reality.

Actually, yes I do know and that is what I meant. Thank you for a correction.

What recent one would that be? You have to be a special kind of fool to believe the partisan idiocy you just responed with
The one where your ah trump declared a great victory after losing the house
It was a great victory, we kept the senate which will give us this.
View attachment 229300
watch your great victory as your stumbling pos trump is driven to the crazy farm by Mueller and the new Dem house Just in passing ,,,,,,,,he's half way there already
If we get the supreme court your screwed, and you know it. Anyway all the democrats are talking about is going after Trump and ruining the economy. We will get both houses back and keep the presidency. Thank you!
You've been screwing Dems seems like forever, at least since you put the moron pervert Thomas on the bench We're used to it now But now what's happening with your POS in the WH will make your hair stand on end
He is doing a great job, isn't he?
The one where your ah trump declared a great victory after losing the house
It was a great victory, we kept the senate which will give us this.
View attachment 229300
watch your great victory as your stumbling pos trump is driven to the crazy farm by Mueller and the new Dem house Just in passing ,,,,,,,,he's half way there already
If we get the supreme court your screwed, and you know it. Anyway all the democrats are talking about is going after Trump and ruining the economy. We will get both houses back and keep the presidency. Thank you!
You've been screwing Dems seems like forever, at least since you put the moron pervert Thomas on the bench We're used to it now But now what's happening with your POS in the WH will make your hair stand on end
He is doing a great job, isn't he?
Even his great tax giveaway is falling to pieces
Nor are you as Trump hasn't submit the answers to Mueller...YET!

Donald Trump says he has answered Robert Mueller's questions, but hasn't submitted them yet
Donald Trump says he has answered Robert Mueller's questions, but hasn't submitted them yet
President Donald Trump said Friday he has answered questions from special counsel Robert Mueller, but has not yet submitted them to prosecutors who are are investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. election.

Trump did not detail the questions or his answers, but again denied any kind of collusion with Russians who sought to influence the presidential election in his favor.

Truly pathetic how people don't READ or listen closely!
Look, assfuck, he was on TV & said he has answered then & will turn them in.

I never said they were submitted.
'Get a fucking brain.

Right but idiots like you read what you wrote and never go any further and like the MSM YOU never stated he didn't submit them dumb shit!
But like the biased dumb ass MSM you conveniently left out half the story...I.E. He never submitted them dumb ASS! Get a f...king life and have a little less bias in your thinking... wait...that's an ALIEN concept ...thinking!
BIAS?? Remember the POS McConnell wanting to take down Obama?? Now he preaches BI partisanship???What a vile POS he is and he's your's
Yeah nothing like a president saying you can ride, but you will be seated in the back seat.
Republican bi partisanship,,,,,,,,,do it our way
Lol, Trump says he will work with democrats. Not like Obama, you can come along for the ride. But you will have to sit in the back seat.
Look, assfuck, he was on TV & said he has answered then & will turn them in.

I never said they were submitted.
'Get a fucking brain.

Right but idiots like you read what you wrote and never go any further and like the MSM YOU never stated he didn't submit them dumb shit!
But like the biased dumb ass MSM you conveniently left out half the story...I.E. He never submitted them dumb ASS! Get a f...king life and have a little less bias in your thinking... wait...that's an ALIEN concept ...thinking!
BIAS?? Remember the POS McConnell wanting to take down Obama?? Now he preaches BI partisanship???What a vile POS he is and he's your's
Yeah nothing like a president saying you can ride, but you will be seated in the back seat.
Republican bi partisanship,,,,,,,,,do it our way
Lol, Trump says he will work with democrats. Not like Obama, you can come along for the ride. But you will have to sit in the back seat.

To quote the Great Black Messiah: "I won".
I haven't read through this thread but I got a good chuckle out of Trump's comment that he wrote his own answers.

Of course, President Dolt, you have to write your own answers. If you admit that your attorneys wrote your answers, they are not your answers.

The reality may be that an attorney may assist in the drafting of the answers, but the answers must be those of the deponent.

You would think that Trump with his 3000 plus lawsuits would know that.

Well, if anything has come clear with the Trump presidency is that Trump is a very, very slow learner.
Last edited:
Look, assfuck, he was on TV & said he has answered then & will turn them in.

I never said they were submitted.
'Get a fucking brain.

Right but idiots like you read what you wrote and never go any further and like the MSM YOU never stated he didn't submit them dumb shit!
But like the biased dumb ass MSM you conveniently left out half the story...I.E. He never submitted them dumb ASS! Get a f...king life and have a little less bias in your thinking... wait...that's an ALIEN concept ...thinking!
BIAS?? Remember the POS McConnell wanting to take down Obama?? Now he preaches BI partisanship???What a vile POS he is and he's your's
Yeah nothing like a president saying you can ride, but you will be seated in the back seat.
Republican bi partisanship,,,,,,,,,do it our way
Lol, Trump says he will work with democrats. Not like Obama, you can come along for the ride. But you will have to sit in the back seat.
Lets see the anus work with China first

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