Trump answers Mueller's questions

Right but idiots like you read what you wrote and never go any further and like the MSM YOU never stated he didn't submit them dumb shit!
But like the biased dumb ass MSM you conveniently left out half the story...I.E. He never submitted them dumb ASS! Get a f...king life and have a little less bias in your thinking... wait...that's an ALIEN concept ...thinking!
BIAS?? Remember the POS McConnell wanting to take down Obama?? Now he preaches BI partisanship???What a vile POS he is and he's your's
Yeah nothing like a president saying you can ride, but you will be seated in the back seat.
Republican bi partisanship,,,,,,,,,do it our way
Lol, Trump says he will work with democrats. Not like Obama, you can come along for the ride. But you will have to sit in the back seat.
Lets see the anus work with China first

LOL, if he did you'd be screaming he was "colluding" with them.
BIAS?? Remember the POS McConnell wanting to take down Obama?? Now he preaches BI partisanship???What a vile POS he is and he's your's
Yeah nothing like a president saying you can ride, but you will be seated in the back seat.
Republican bi partisanship,,,,,,,,,do it our way
Lol, Trump says he will work with democrats. Not like Obama, you can come along for the ride. But you will have to sit in the back seat.
Lets see the anus work with China first

LOL, if he did you'd be screaming he was "colluding" with them.
Doc good to see one on your side has a sense of humor,
It was a great victory, we kept the senate which will give us this.
View attachment 229300
watch your great victory as your stumbling pos trump is driven to the crazy farm by Mueller and the new Dem house Just in passing ,,,,,,,,he's half way there already
If we get the supreme court your screwed, and you know it. Anyway all the democrats are talking about is going after Trump and ruining the economy. We will get both houses back and keep the presidency. Thank you!
Ruining the economy?? How many MORE trillions are you going to add to our debt ? You should thank GOD Obama left the moron a great and advancing economy
Obama left Trump an anemic economy that was headed into another recession.

Obama’s Final Numbers
Statistical indicators of President Obama's eight years in office.

By Brooks Jackson

Posted on September 29, 2017 | Updated on September 24, 2018


of the 11,641,000 jobs...95% part time!
And then the OTHER monstrosity of Obamacare that totally discouraged economic growth!

Businesses eliminated hundreds of thousands of full-time jobs to avoid Obamacare mandate
Businesses eliminated hundreds of thousands of full-time jobs to avoid Obamacare mandate

The Affordable Care Act requires businesses with more than 50 full-time employees to provide health insurance

Up to 250,000 positions may have been eliminated by small businesses seeking to avoid Obamacare’s employer mandate, according to estimates in a new working paper distributed by the National Bureau of Economic Research.
Altogether between 28,000 and 50,000 businesses appear to have reduced their number of full-time employees from 2014 to 2016 because of the mandate.

The share of businesses with fewer than 50 employees grew between 2012 and 2016 to 45% from 37%.
Meanwhile, a June 2016 study determined that 500,000 workers in the retail, hospitality and food service sectors were forced involuntarily into part-time employment as companies sought to circumvent the employer mandate. A separate Goldman Sachs study found that a few hundred thousand people found themselves in this position.

Now for the actual proof!

Obamacare required an employer with 50 or more employees to have group insurance plan, Obama never understood that the employer would be faced
when the employer wanted to hire another employee to the 49 employees it would cost an employer an average of $284/month per employee.
50 employees times $284 equals $14,200 more per month.

Solution: Hire two part-time employees. No need to spend $14,200/month

A new study by economists from Harvard and Princeton indicates that 94% of the 10 million new jobs created during the Obama era were temporary positions.
The study shows that the jobs were temporary, contract positions, or part-time "gig" jobs in a variety of fields.

shows that the proportion of workers throughout the U.S., during the Obama era, who were working in these kinds of temporary jobs, increased from 10.7% of the population to 15.8%.
Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract

And you idiots that say Obama contributed to the "economic recovery" are the SAME dummies that the guy who designed ACA said it took well here's his exact words:
"And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass."
ObamaCare architect: 'Stupidity' of voters helped bill pass
I haven't read through this thread but I got a good chuckle out of Trump's comment that he wrote his own answers.

Of course, President Dolt, you have to write your own answers. If you admit that your attorneys wrote your answers, they are not your answers.

The reality may be that an attorney may assist in the drafting of the answers, but the answers must be those of the deponent.

You would think that Trump with his 3000 plus lawsuits would know that.

Well, if anything has come clear with the Trump presidency is that Trump is a very, very slow learner.
Which tells you something about his all white, zero college cult
If this whole Mueller investigation finds nothing on Trump and I suspect that will be the case I can't wait to see the lefts meltdown it might very well top their election night meltdown.
Or your very recent one and you have to be all kinds of a fool to think that with all this time ,with all of trumps inside peoples spilling their guts ,he has nothing on that vile cheating clown
Trump will probably not get "caught" red handed with collusion, but some of his campaign staff will, I'm thinking. Stone is looking like a good possibility. I am still guessing Trump Jr. is going to get named.
Obstruction of justice? I think Trump will get away with the decisions he made. The investigation is still ongoing, is it not?
I started laughing where you said "I'm thinking."

Stone isn't part of Trump's staff, dingbat.
He was an official campaign adviser in 2015 who has been ratted out as helping arrange the Wikileaks in 2016.

Special counsel pushing Paul Manafort for information on Roger Stone: Sources
Oct 17, 2018, 6:21 PM ET

Prosecutors from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office have been asking former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort — their newest cooperating witness — about his friend and former business associate Roger Stone, according to multiple sources familiar with the matter.

Stone, a longtime political adviser to President Donald Trump and onetime partner of Manafort’s at the lobbying firm Black, Manafort, Stone and Kelly, has come under increasing scrutiny from the special counsel in recent months. Nearly a dozen individuals close to Stone have been brought in for interviews with the Mueller team, and many of those same individuals have also appeared before a federal grand jury.

Mueller’s interest in Stone appears to be focused on whether Stone or his associates communicated with Julian Assange or WikiLeaks about the release of damaging emails allegedly hacked from Hillary Clinton’s campaign by Russian intelligence officers masquerading as hacker persona “Guccifer 2.0.”

Special counsel pushing Paul Manafort for information on Roger Stone: Sources

roger stone is cooked.
Fuck Mueller and this Circus show..............quiet for the elections ..........shhhh.........

Elections are now over and now the next act in the scripted play begins............oh.........investigations for 6 more years......

Any day now we will create a crisis that never happened...........Enjoy the show............that is all it is and ever was.........
Of course, Trump didn’t ‘answer’ anything – his lawyers did.

And that Trump’s lawyers were allowed to respond to written questions illustrates just how dishonest Trump is, and that his lawyers know Trump is a compulsive liar.
The same lying POS standing at the entrance to his plane saying he has no knowledge of the 130000 given to Stormy He can look some one in the eyes and lie his ass off One of republicans better traits
Stormy the Porn star will lead you down the path of righteousness..........LOL

What happened to that lawyer of hers............Oh...............he went to jail..........LOL

nope he didn't.
Mueller has a tough job. He has to explain that he found nothing and justify his existence.

Please relay those "kind and comforting words" to Manafort, Gates , Papadapolus Flynn and soon-to-be, Cohen and Srone and Donny-baby.......LOL

None have which been charged with "collusion" or "obstruction".
Or indeed anything to do with Russia at all.

It is truly enlightening to watch the level of TDS going on here. The Right was bad about Obambi but not like this.
Obama wasn't a conniving, lying, money hungry, power mad , pos like trump is

or a treasonous putin puppet.
It is truly enlightening to watch the level of TDS going on here. The Right was bad about Obambi but not like this.
Obama wasn't a conniving, lying, money hungry, power mad , pos like trump is

He absolutely was it's just that was/is YOUR conniving, lying, money hungry, power mad , pos like trump is.
Doc leave your room and go out to change your pants shirt and hat Then come back to tell us what an evil man Obama is

LOL, he decided who would be killed by Drones and said he could even do it to Americans.
He decided to take Libya out and look at the mess it is now.
He decided to go to war in Syria.
HE said he could legislate with his "phone" and a "pen".
HE got us involved in Yemen.
HE said to get in the daces of those who didn't support him and his ideas.
HE called those who didn't support him "bitter clinger".

On and on and on. Go play with your Tinker Toys boy.
It has pretty much been established the Obama created ISIS.

because he was a moooooooslem? :lmao:
I haven't read through this thread but I got a good chuckle out of Trump's comment that he wrote his own answers.

Of course, President Dolt, you have to write your own answers. If you admit that your attorneys wrote your answers, they are not your answers.

The reality may be that an attorney may assist in the drafting of the answers, but the answers must be those of the deponent.

You would think that Trump with his 3000 plus lawsuits would know that.

Well, if anything has come clear with the Trump presidency is that Trump is a very, very slow learner.

ne' eh!!!!! he's one of them thar stable genius' & he knows the best words!!!!!!!!!
Last edited:
Trump said today that it has him that answered the Mueller questions. Not his attorneys.

I guess the lies will be his & he can't argue anyone else did it.

Trump isn't too bright.

Well, I imagine Mueller has patiently waited for this day. I also imagine that Mueller already knows the answers to the questions since many of Trump's inner circle have been charged and have gone into a lot of plea deals with Mueller to TALK.

So it's no wonder Trump has been flipping out lately.

It's rumored that Muller has another 15 sealed indictments that he plans to unload soon, on top of the 37 Federal Grand jury indictments, 6 guilty pleas & 100's of criminal charges he's already done.

There is a reason Trump won't give in person interviews or will refuse any subpoena to face a grand jury hearing to answer questions.

There's nothing like admitting to Obstruction of justice on National TV. This video explains it.

and up to 85 subpoena s ready to go He's so fed up he's talking about how much he likes Pelosi
A new study by economists from Harvard and Princeton indicates that 94% of the 10 million new jobs created during the Obama era were temporary positions.
The study shows that the jobs were temporary, contract positions, or part-time "gig" jobs in a variety of fields.

shows that the proportion of workers throughout the U.S., during the Obama era, who were working in these kinds of temporary jobs, increased from 10.7% of the population to 15.8%.
Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract

Let’s take a look.
The Rise and Nature of Alternative Work Arrangements in the United States, 1995-2015

Do you really want to call 2005-2015 the “Obama era?” And checking the math, the increase from 2005-2015 was about 8.6 million.

So how does that get turned into 10 million under Obama?

watch your great victory as your stumbling pos trump is driven to the crazy farm by Mueller and the new Dem house Just in passing ,,,,,,,,he's half way there already
If we get the supreme court your screwed, and you know it. Anyway all the democrats are talking about is going after Trump and ruining the economy. We will get both houses back and keep the presidency. Thank you!
Ruining the economy?? How many MORE trillions are you going to add to our debt ? You should thank GOD Obama left the moron a great and advancing economy
Obama left Trump an anemic economy that was headed into another recession.

Obama’s Final Numbers
Statistical indicators of President Obama's eight years in office.

By Brooks Jackson

Posted on September 29, 2017 | Updated on September 24, 2018


of the 11,641,000 jobs...95% part time!
And then the OTHER monstrosity of Obamacare that totally discouraged economic growth!

Businesses eliminated hundreds of thousands of full-time jobs to avoid Obamacare mandate
Businesses eliminated hundreds of thousands of full-time jobs to avoid Obamacare mandate

The Affordable Care Act requires businesses with more than 50 full-time employees to provide health insurance

Up to 250,000 positions may have been eliminated by small businesses seeking to avoid Obamacare’s employer mandate, according to estimates in a new working paper distributed by the National Bureau of Economic Research.
Altogether between 28,000 and 50,000 businesses appear to have reduced their number of full-time employees from 2014 to 2016 because of the mandate.

The share of businesses with fewer than 50 employees grew between 2012 and 2016 to 45% from 37%.
Meanwhile, a June 2016 study determined that 500,000 workers in the retail, hospitality and food service sectors were forced involuntarily into part-time employment as companies sought to circumvent the employer mandate. A separate Goldman Sachs study found that a few hundred thousand people found themselves in this position.

Now for the actual proof!

Obamacare required an employer with 50 or more employees to have group insurance plan, Obama never understood that the employer would be faced
when the employer wanted to hire another employee to the 49 employees it would cost an employer an average of $284/month per employee.
50 employees times $284 equals $14,200 more per month.

Solution: Hire two part-time employees. No need to spend $14,200/month

A new study by economists from Harvard and Princeton indicates that 94% of the 10 million new jobs created during the Obama era were temporary positions.
The study shows that the jobs were temporary, contract positions, or part-time "gig" jobs in a variety of fields.

shows that the proportion of workers throughout the U.S., during the Obama era, who were working in these kinds of temporary jobs, increased from 10.7% of the population to 15.8%.
Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract

And you idiots that say Obama contributed to the "economic recovery" are the SAME dummies that the guy who designed ACA said it took well here's his exact words:
"And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass."
ObamaCare architect: 'Stupidity' of voters helped bill pass
This article here has this chart

the study is looking at people who don't have long term contracts at their current job, not part-time employees. (Workers with 'alternative work arrangements')
The study isnt about full time vs part time.
Mueller has a tough job. He has to explain that he found nothing and justify his existence.

Please relay those "kind and comforting words" to Manafort, Gates , Papadapolus Flynn and soon-to-be, Cohen and Srone and Donny-baby.......LOL

None have which been charged with "collusion" or "obstruction".
Or indeed anything to do with Russia at all.

It is truly enlightening to watch the level of TDS going on here. The Right was bad about Obambi but not like this.
Obama wasn't a conniving, lying, money hungry, power mad , pos like trump is
Of course he is. Power and money are the only things that matter to the POS Obama. He lies every time he opens his mouth.
Please relay those "kind and comforting words" to Manafort, Gates , Papadapolus Flynn and soon-to-be, Cohen and Srone and Donny-baby.......LOL

None have which been charged with "collusion" or "obstruction".
Or indeed anything to do with Russia at all.

It is truly enlightening to watch the level of TDS going on here. The Right was bad about Obambi but not like this.
Obama wasn't a conniving, lying, money hungry, power mad , pos like trump is
Of course he is. Power and money are the only things that matter to the POS Obama. He lies every time he opens his mouth.
There you go again bripat
None have which been charged with "collusion" or "obstruction".
Or indeed anything to do with Russia at all.

It is truly enlightening to watch the level of TDS going on here. The Right was bad about Obambi but not like this.
Obama wasn't a conniving, lying, money hungry, power mad , pos like trump is
Of course he is. Power and money are the only things that matter to the POS Obama. He lies every time he opens his mouth.
There you go again bripat

LOL, he decided who would be killed by Drones and said he could even do it to Americans.
He decided to take Libya out and look at the mess it is now.
He decided to go to war in Syria.
HE said he could legislate with his "phone" and a "pen".
HE got us involved in Yemen.
HE said to get in the daces of those who didn't support him and his ideas.
HE called those who didn't support him "bitter clinger".
Mueller has a tough job. He has to explain that he found nothing and justify his existence.

Then why was Trump so unhinged on Twitter, ranting about Mueller's questions, if there's nothing?

Snowflakes never fail to accuse Trump of being "unhinged." That's just one of the many reasons rational people ignore everything they say.


You have elected a man with the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of U.S. policy. Now he's in yuuuuuge trouble, he knows it, and has gotten much worse. I imagine this is the very first problem that Trump won't be able to buy his way out of.

For more on the COLLUSION-- click to redirect to these 2 links on this board.
Do you know liberals actually still think there was collusion? LOL
Do you know liberals actually still think there was collusion? LOL

2 separate links for 2 different posts on this board.
Fuck Mueller and this Circus show..............quiet for the elections ..........shhhh.........

Elections are now over and now the next act in the scripted play begins............oh.........investigations for 6 more years......

Any day now we will create a crisis that never happened...........Enjoy the show............that is all it is and ever was.........
Of course, Trump didn’t ‘answer’ anything – his lawyers did.

And that Trump’s lawyers were allowed to respond to written questions illustrates just how dishonest Trump is, and that his lawyers know Trump is a compulsive liar.
Mueller is on a hunt to get Trump............he doesn't have to respond to a dang thing..................Using lawyers to make sure there is no perjury trap isn't dumb at all.....................I would have told Mueller to pound sand.

I again...........prove it or STFU............he has no reason to testify..........and if he's committed a crime.........CHARGE HIM WITH IT........if not..........blah blah blah

He already testified in writing. Try to keep up.
Who da fuck cares...........Put up or shut up.............and again you waited to play this song and dance after the elections again.....

Now it's full scale ........We got you now again.............derp derp..........

Maybe you can get Stormy to do a police sketch of Trumps dick on CNN..........about the only thing they didn't do the last time.

Obviously, crazy right wingers claim to not care, but sane people generally do. I didn't wait until after the elections for him to answer the questions. Trump did.

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