Trump answers Mueller's questions

Fuck Mueller and this Circus show..............quiet for the elections ..........shhhh.........

Elections are now over and now the next act in the scripted play begins............oh.........investigations for 6 more years......

Any day now we will create a crisis that never happened...........Enjoy the show............that is all it is and ever was.........
Of course, Trump didn’t ‘answer’ anything – his lawyers did.

And that Trump’s lawyers were allowed to respond to written questions illustrates just how dishonest Trump is, and that his lawyers know Trump is a compulsive liar.
Mueller is on a hunt to get Trump............he doesn't have to respond to a dang thing..................Using lawyers to make sure there is no perjury trap isn't dumb at all.....................I would have told Mueller to pound sand.

I again...........prove it or STFU............he has no reason to testify..........and if he's committed a crime.........CHARGE HIM WITH IT........if not..........blah blah blah
Mueller has a tough job. He has to explain that he found nothing and justify his existence.
He has already found "something" and if he finds no evidence that the Trump campaign was knowingly involved in the Russians' attempt to sway our election, that should be good news to all. It certainly isn't "nothing" to exonerate our sitting President of crimes against the country.
He has found nothing about Trump and Russians. Now he has to explain that. Supposedly Mueller has a stack more indictments. None of which has anything to do with Russia. He has identified an additional 85 people as investigation targets.

If he comes up with the same kind of crap as he has so far he should be fired.
Fuck Mueller and this Circus show..............quiet for the elections ..........shhhh.........

Elections are now over and now the next act in the scripted play begins............oh.........investigations for 6 more years......

Any day now we will create a crisis that never happened...........Enjoy the show............that is all it is and ever was.........
Of course, Trump didn’t ‘answer’ anything – his lawyers did.

And that Trump’s lawyers were allowed to respond to written questions illustrates just how dishonest Trump is, and that his lawyers know Trump is a compulsive liar.
The same lying POS standing at the entrance to his plane saying he has no knowledge of the 130000 given to Stormy He can look some one in the eyes and lie his ass off One of republicans better traits
We are going to be listening to this crap for another 6 years.........

Once more

Perjury trap and old IRS hits.........................Nothing on collusion the original scope..............That was the purpose of the special prosecutor..........

Perhaps you can find Trump stole milk money in elementary school one day...........LOL

Why was the Dems so SILENT on this during the would have lost now the circus is back on

Fuck Mueller and this Circus show..............quiet for the elections ..........shhhh.........

Elections are now over and now the next act in the scripted play begins............oh.........investigations for 6 more years......

Any day now we will create a crisis that never happened...........Enjoy the show............that is all it is and ever was.........
Of course, Trump didn’t ‘answer’ anything – his lawyers did.

And that Trump’s lawyers were allowed to respond to written questions illustrates just how dishonest Trump is, and that his lawyers know Trump is a compulsive liar.
Mueller is on a hunt to get Trump............he doesn't have to respond to a dang thing..................Using lawyers to make sure there is no perjury trap isn't dumb at all.....................I would have told Mueller to pound sand.

I again...........prove it or STFU............he has no reason to testify..........and if he's committed a crime.........CHARGE HIM WITH IT........if not..........blah blah blah

He already testified in writing. Try to keep up.
Fuck Mueller and this Circus show..............quiet for the elections ..........shhhh.........

Elections are now over and now the next act in the scripted play begins............oh.........investigations for 6 more years......

Any day now we will create a crisis that never happened...........Enjoy the show............that is all it is and ever was.........
Of course, Trump didn’t ‘answer’ anything – his lawyers did.

And that Trump’s lawyers were allowed to respond to written questions illustrates just how dishonest Trump is, and that his lawyers know Trump is a compulsive liar.
The same lying POS standing at the entrance to his plane saying he has no knowledge of the 130000 given to Stormy He can look some one in the eyes and lie his ass off One of republicans better traits
Stormy the Porn star will lead you down the path of righteousness..........LOL

What happened to that lawyer of hers............Oh...............he went to jail..........LOL
Trump said today that it has him that answered the Mueller questions. Not his attorneys.

I guess the lies will be his & he can't argue anyone else did it.

Trump isn't too bright.

Well, I imagine Mueller has patiently waited for this day. I also imagine that Mueller already knows the answers to the questions since many of Trump's inner circle have been charged and have gone into a lot of plea deals with Mueller to TALK.

So it's no wonder Trump has been flipping out lately.

It's rumored that Muller has another 15 sealed indictments that he plans to unload soon, on top of the 37 Federal Grand jury indictments, 6 guilty pleas & 100's of criminal charges he's already done.

There is a reason Trump won't give in person interviews or will refuse any subpoena to face a grand jury hearing to answer questions.

There's nothing like admitting to Obstruction of justice on National TV. This video explains it.

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Fuck Mueller and this Circus show..............quiet for the elections ..........shhhh.........

Elections are now over and now the next act in the scripted play begins............oh.........investigations for 6 more years......

Any day now we will create a crisis that never happened...........Enjoy the show............that is all it is and ever was.........
Of course, Trump didn’t ‘answer’ anything – his lawyers did.

And that Trump’s lawyers were allowed to respond to written questions illustrates just how dishonest Trump is, and that his lawyers know Trump is a compulsive liar.
Mueller is on a hunt to get Trump............he doesn't have to respond to a dang thing..................Using lawyers to make sure there is no perjury trap isn't dumb at all.....................I would have told Mueller to pound sand.

I again...........prove it or STFU............he has no reason to testify..........and if he's committed a crime.........CHARGE HIM WITH IT........if not..........blah blah blah

He already testified in writing. Try to keep up.
Who da fuck cares...........Put up or shut up.............and again you waited to play this song and dance after the elections again.....

Now it's full scale ........We got you now again.............derp derp..........

Maybe you can get Stormy to do a police sketch of Trumps dick on CNN..........about the only thing they didn't do the last time.
Fuck Mueller and this Circus show..............quiet for the elections ..........shhhh.........

Elections are now over and now the next act in the scripted play begins............oh.........investigations for 6 more years......

Any day now we will create a crisis that never happened...........Enjoy the show............that is all it is and ever was.........
Of course, Trump didn’t ‘answer’ anything – his lawyers did.

And that Trump’s lawyers were allowed to respond to written questions illustrates just how dishonest Trump is, and that his lawyers know Trump is a compulsive liar.
Mueller is on a hunt to get Trump............he doesn't have to respond to a dang thing..................Using lawyers to make sure there is no perjury trap isn't dumb at all.....................I would have told Mueller to pound sand.

I again...........prove it or STFU............he has no reason to testify..........and if he's committed a crime.........CHARGE HIM WITH IT........if not..........blah blah blah
Perjury trap?? LOL LOL Just have the lying SOB tell the truth Is that so hard for a republican??? No need to answer We already know
We are going to be listening to this crap for another 6 years.........

Once more

Perjury trap and old IRS hits.........................Nothing on collusion the original scope..............That was the purpose of the special prosecutor..........

Perhaps you can find Trump stole milk money in elementary school one day...........LOL

Why was the Dems so SILENT on this during the would have lost now the circus is back on

Be careful eagle you're entering a perjury trap lol
Fuck Mueller and this Circus show..............quiet for the elections ..........shhhh.........

Elections are now over and now the next act in the scripted play begins............oh.........investigations for 6 more years......

Any day now we will create a crisis that never happened...........Enjoy the show............that is all it is and ever was.........
Of course, Trump didn’t ‘answer’ anything – his lawyers did.

And that Trump’s lawyers were allowed to respond to written questions illustrates just how dishonest Trump is, and that his lawyers know Trump is a compulsive liar.
Mueller is on a hunt to get Trump............he doesn't have to respond to a dang thing..................Using lawyers to make sure there is no perjury trap isn't dumb at all.....................I would have told Mueller to pound sand.

I again...........prove it or STFU............he has no reason to testify..........and if he's committed a crime.........CHARGE HIM WITH IT........if not..........blah blah blah
Perjury trap?? LOL LOL Just have the lying SOB tell the truth Is that so hard for a republican??? No need to answer We already know
TDS in full swing..............Oh you have him now.........LOL

You don't know jack squat........if Mueller had anything substantial he would have smoked Trump before the elections..........this is just the beginning of the new endless investigations until Trump is out of office SILENT about during the elections. tsk tsk
We are going to be listening to this crap for another 6 years.........

Once more

Perjury trap and old IRS hits.........................Nothing on collusion the original scope..............That was the purpose of the special prosecutor..........

Perhaps you can find Trump stole milk money in elementary school one day...........LOL

Why was the Dems so SILENT on this during the would have lost now the circus is back on

Be careful eagle you're entering a perjury trap lol
No one has to testify in this should know that during the Obama years.
We are going to be listening to this crap for another 6 years.........

Once more

Perjury trap and old IRS hits.........................Nothing on collusion the original scope..............That was the purpose of the special prosecutor..........

Perhaps you can find Trump stole milk money in elementary school one day...........LOL

Why was the Dems so SILENT on this during the would have lost now the circus is back on

Be careful eagle you're entering a perjury trap lol
No one has to testify in this should know that during the Obama years.
Remember Bill??,,,,,,,,BTW Eagle Don't know how long you've been a republican but surely you can see the party going down a dead end street with all the slime you've picked up
We are going to be listening to this crap for another 6 years.........

Once more

Perjury trap and old IRS hits.........................Nothing on collusion the original scope..............That was the purpose of the special prosecutor..........

Perhaps you can find Trump stole milk money in elementary school one day...........LOL

Why was the Dems so SILENT on this during the would have lost now the circus is back on

Be careful eagle you're entering a perjury trap lol
No one has to testify in this should know that during the Obama years.
Remember Bill??,,,,,,,,BTW Eagle Don't know how long you've been a republican but surely you can see the party going down a dead end street with all the slime you've picked up
I remember Bill .........didn't support the military in out of the service during his term..........Was over there before that.........

Scandals follow the Clinton's ...........even back then..........imagine that.
Mueller has a tough job. He has to explain that he found nothing and justify his existence.

Please relay those "kind and comforting words" to Manafort, Gates , Papadapolus Flynn and soon-to-be, Cohen and Srone and Donny-baby.......LOL
Reality, facts and objectivity will NEVER be part of the Trump cult membership mind-set. These morons will go down with the Trump
Reality, facts and objectivity will NEVER be part of the Trump cult membership mind-set. These morons will go down with the Trump

They are wetting their pants knowing that a new House is preparing up to EIGHT FIVE subpoena's No more Brexit BS ,,,,,, Emoluments obstruction collusion etc etc I ALMOST hope in wins in 20 20 Really destroy repub party
Trump said today that it has him that answered the Mueller questions. Not his attorneys.

I guess the lies will be his & he can't argue anyone else did it.

Trump isn't too bright.

Nor are you as Trump hasn't submit the answers to Mueller...YET!

Donald Trump says he has answered Robert Mueller's questions, but hasn't submitted them yet
Donald Trump says he has answered Robert Mueller's questions, but hasn't submitted them yet
President Donald Trump said Friday he has answered questions from special counsel Robert Mueller, but has not yet submitted them to prosecutors who are are investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. election.

Trump did not detail the questions or his answers, but again denied any kind of collusion with Russians who sought to influence the presidential election in his favor.

Truly pathetic how people don't READ or listen closely!
Look, assfuck, he was on TV & said he has answered then & will turn them in.

I never said they were submitted.
'Get a fucking brain.

Right but idiots like you read what you wrote and never go any further and like the MSM YOU never stated he didn't submit them dumb shit!
But like the biased dumb ass MSM you conveniently left out half the story...I.E. He never submitted them dumb ASS! Get a f...king life and have a little less bias in your thinking... wait...that's an ALIEN concept ...thinking!
BIAS?? Remember the POS McConnell wanting to take down Obama?? Now he preaches BI partisanship???What a vile POS he is and he's your's
Yeah nothing like a president saying you can ride, but you will be seated in the back seat.
Republican bi partisanship,,,,,,,,,do it our way

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