Trump answers Mueller's questions

Trump said today that it has him that answered the Mueller questions. Not his attorneys.

I guess the lies will be his & he can't argue anyone else did it.

Trump isn't too bright.
Once it is clear he has perjured himself, he will blame the lawyers

Mindless parrot regurgitating pre-prescribed meme
Can't you snowflakes get you're own material? I don't know people say the left is winning the culture wars. The left has come up with nothing original in the last 20 years.
Except all the good art and music, good science, amd good journalism...but you are welcome to your glam country amd Infowars, you little cultural stain....
Music since 2000 mostly sucks, and so do movies. Journalism couldn't be any worse.

Here is a painting that recently sold for 80 million dollars.


Is that any rational person's conception of good art?
Turn off the radio and search out s9me good music. Turn off fox and search out some good art. It's out there...
Prove it, dumbass. Even lefties lament the fact that the airwaves have become a desert when it comes to good music.
I just said turn off the radio...damn you little crybaby, pay attention when I post to you...
Can't you snowflakes get you're own material? I don't know people say the left is winning the culture wars. The left has come up with nothing original in the last 20 years.
Except all the good art and music, good science, amd good journalism...but you are welcome to your glam country amd Infowars, you little cultural stain....
Music since 2000 mostly sucks, and so do movies. Journalism couldn't be any worse.

Here is a painting that recently sold for 80 million dollars.


Is that any rational person's conception of good art?
Turn off the radio and search out s9me good music. Turn off fox and search out some good art. It's out there...
Prove it, dumbass. Even lefties lament the fact that the airwaves have become a desert when it comes to good music.
I just said turn off the radio...damn you little crybaby, pay attention when I post to you...
Turning off the radio is how you find all that innovative modern music?
Except all the good art and music, good science, amd good journalism...but you are welcome to your glam country amd Infowars, you little cultural stain....
Music since 2000 mostly sucks, and so do movies. Journalism couldn't be any worse.

Here is a painting that recently sold for 80 million dollars.


Is that any rational person's conception of good art?
Turn off the radio and search out s9me good music. Turn off fox and search out some good art. It's out there...
Prove it, dumbass. Even lefties lament the fact that the airwaves have become a desert when it comes to good music.
I just said turn off the radio...damn you little crybaby, pay attention when I post to you...
Turning off the radio is how you find all that innovative modern music?
And then you search it out.
Music since 2000 mostly sucks, and so do movies. Journalism couldn't be any worse.

Here is a painting that recently sold for 80 million dollars.


Is that any rational person's conception of good art?
Turn off the radio and search out s9me good music. Turn off fox and search out some good art. It's out there...
Prove it, dumbass. Even lefties lament the fact that the airwaves have become a desert when it comes to good music.
I just said turn off the radio...damn you little crybaby, pay attention when I post to you...
Turning off the radio is how you find all that innovative modern music?
And then you search it out.
Yet, you still can't list any good music produced in the last 10 years. How much good music was produced in the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s?
If this whole Mueller investigation finds nothing on Trump and I suspect that will be the case I can't wait to see the lefts meltdown it might very well top their election night meltdown.

You mean the election where they picked up something like 40 seats? LOL.
No I mean the 2016 one when they lost their collective freaking mind and still have not gotten it back.

Looks like they got it back now that the first round of Subpoenas is being worked on as we speak
Your responses are evidence to the contrary.

Oh...that made no sense...but whatever.

You have elected a man with the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of U.S. policy. Now he's in yuuuuuge trouble, he knows it, and has gotten much worse. I imagine this is the very first problem that Trump won't be able to buy his way out of.

For more on the COLLUSION-- click to redirect to these 2 links on this board.
Do you know liberals actually still think there was collusion? LOL
Do you know liberals actually still think there was collusion? LOL

2 separate links for 2 different posts on this board.
Non player character.

Mindless parrot regurgitating pre-prescribed meme
Can't you snowflakes get you're own material? I don't know people say the left is winning the culture wars. The left has come up with nothing original in the last 20 years.
Except all the good art and music, good science, amd good journalism...but you are welcome to your glam country amd Infowars, you little cultural stain....
Music since 2000 mostly sucks, and so do movies. Journalism couldn't be any worse.

Here is a painting that recently sold for 80 million dollars.


Is that any rational person's conception of good art?
Yes, mine. Stop fixating on the men in the painting.
Non player character.

Mindless parrot regurgitating pre-prescribed meme
Can't you snowflakes get you're own material? I don't know people say the left is winning the culture wars. The left has come up with nothing original in the last 20 years.
Except all the good art and music, good science, amd good journalism...but you are welcome to your glam country amd Infowars, you little cultural stain....
Music since 2000 mostly sucks, and so do movies. Journalism couldn't be any worse.

Here is a painting that recently sold for 80 million dollars.


Is that any rational person's conception of good art?
Yes, mine. Stop fixating on the men in the painting.
That only proves that you're a dumbass lacking any sense of taste.
Fuck Mueller and this Circus show..............quiet for the elections ..........shhhh.........

Elections are now over and now the next act in the scripted play begins............oh.........investigations for 6 more years......

Any day now we will create a crisis that never happened...........Enjoy the show............that is all it is and ever was.........
Of course, Trump didn’t ‘answer’ anything – his lawyers did.

And that Trump’s lawyers were allowed to respond to written questions illustrates just how dishonest Trump is, and that his lawyers know Trump is a compulsive liar.
Mueller is on a hunt to get Trump............he doesn't have to respond to a dang thing..................Using lawyers to make sure there is no perjury trap isn't dumb at all.....................I would have told Mueller to pound sand.

I again...........prove it or STFU............he has no reason to testify..........and if he's committed a crime.........CHARGE HIM WITH IT........if not..........blah blah blah

He already testified in writing. Try to keep up.
Who da fuck cares...........Put up or shut up.............and again you waited to play this song and dance after the elections again.....

Now it's full scale ........We got you now again.............derp derp..........

Maybe you can get Stormy to do a police sketch of Trumps dick on CNN..........about the only thing they didn't do the last time.

Obviously, crazy right wingers claim to not care, but sane people generally do. I didn't wait until after the elections for him to answer the questions. Trump did.
He didn't have to answer a damn thing. That is the point. Innocent until proven guilty. Period. Not like the Comedy Circus of the Kav confirmation.

The left are damaged goods................can't get over the fact that they lost a rigged election. Say nothing on how they raped their own primaries............always pointing to others being corrupt when they are corrupt to the core. Inciting violence across the nation and blaming others for fighting back. Using the Federal Agencies as weapons against people who disagree.

We are watching and are NOT AMUZED. Produce a charge or STFU. I could care less what a bunch of bottom feeders thinks about me. That clear it up for you.

Mindless parrot regurgitating pre-prescribed meme
Can't you snowflakes get you're own material? I don't know people say the left is winning the culture wars. The left has come up with nothing original in the last 20 years.
Except all the good art and music, good science, amd good journalism...but you are welcome to your glam country amd Infowars, you little cultural stain....
Music since 2000 mostly sucks, and so do movies. Journalism couldn't be any worse.

Here is a painting that recently sold for 80 million dollars.


Is that any rational person's conception of good art?
Yes, mine. Stop fixating on the men in the painting.
That only proves that you're a dumbass lacking any sense of taste.

I have a very good "sense of taste." Keep posting Interwebs Smack, 96. You are really good at throwing insults. Nasty, Ugly and Snarky.
Why do you assume he perjured himself, because it's a perjury trap?

Because he can't finish a sentence without lying
Another mindless post from a mindless TDS liberal that can't stand their hero Hillary lost. 2 years later and they still cry like little girls.....................How could they lose when they rigged it .............poor things..............

America saw your BS and didn't let you now you are nothing more than blabbering fools who never shut up.
Of course, Trump didn’t ‘answer’ anything – his lawyers did.

And that Trump’s lawyers were allowed to respond to written questions illustrates just how dishonest Trump is, and that his lawyers know Trump is a compulsive liar.
Mueller is on a hunt to get Trump............he doesn't have to respond to a dang thing..................Using lawyers to make sure there is no perjury trap isn't dumb at all.....................I would have told Mueller to pound sand.

I again...........prove it or STFU............he has no reason to testify..........and if he's committed a crime.........CHARGE HIM WITH IT........if not..........blah blah blah

He already testified in writing. Try to keep up.
Who da fuck cares...........Put up or shut up.............and again you waited to play this song and dance after the elections again.....

Now it's full scale ........We got you now again.............derp derp..........

Maybe you can get Stormy to do a police sketch of Trumps dick on CNN..........about the only thing they didn't do the last time.

Obviously, crazy right wingers claim to not care, but sane people generally do. I didn't wait until after the elections for him to answer the questions. Trump did.
He didn't have to answer a damn thing. That is the point. Innocent until proven guilty. Period. Not like the Comedy Circus of the Kav confirmation.

The left are damaged goods................can't get over the fact that they lost a rigged election. Say nothing on how they raped their own primaries............always pointing to others being corrupt when they are corrupt to the core. Inciting violence across the nation and blaming others for fighting back. Using the Federal Agencies as weapons against people who disagree.

We are watching and are NOT AMUZED. Produce a charge or STFU. I could care less what a bunch of bottom feeders thinks about me. That clear it up for you.

It seems clear that Trump felt he had to answer the questions, or he wouldn't have done it. The rest of your post is just more off topic whining like right wingers usually do.
Mueller is on a hunt to get Trump............he doesn't have to respond to a dang thing..................Using lawyers to make sure there is no perjury trap isn't dumb at all.....................I would have told Mueller to pound sand.

I again...........prove it or STFU............he has no reason to testify..........and if he's committed a crime.........CHARGE HIM WITH IT........if not..........blah blah blah

He already testified in writing. Try to keep up.
Who da fuck cares...........Put up or shut up.............and again you waited to play this song and dance after the elections again.....

Now it's full scale ........We got you now again.............derp derp..........

Maybe you can get Stormy to do a police sketch of Trumps dick on CNN..........about the only thing they didn't do the last time.

Obviously, crazy right wingers claim to not care, but sane people generally do. I didn't wait until after the elections for him to answer the questions. Trump did.
He didn't have to answer a damn thing. That is the point. Innocent until proven guilty. Period. Not like the Comedy Circus of the Kav confirmation.

The left are damaged goods................can't get over the fact that they lost a rigged election. Say nothing on how they raped their own primaries............always pointing to others being corrupt when they are corrupt to the core. Inciting violence across the nation and blaming others for fighting back. Using the Federal Agencies as weapons against people who disagree.

We are watching and are NOT AMUZED. Produce a charge or STFU. I could care less what a bunch of bottom feeders thinks about me. That clear it up for you.

It seems clear that Trump felt he had to answer the questions, or he wouldn't have done it. The rest of your post is just more off topic whining like right wingers usually do.
Pot paints the kettle black which is what you normally do............

Again......put up or shut up........You got a crime......then charge him with it.....all else is political BS going 2 years.....probably another 6...........You are boring me.
He already testified in writing. Try to keep up.
Who da fuck cares...........Put up or shut up.............and again you waited to play this song and dance after the elections again.....

Now it's full scale ........We got you now again.............derp derp..........

Maybe you can get Stormy to do a police sketch of Trumps dick on CNN..........about the only thing they didn't do the last time.

Obviously, crazy right wingers claim to not care, but sane people generally do. I didn't wait until after the elections for him to answer the questions. Trump did.
He didn't have to answer a damn thing. That is the point. Innocent until proven guilty. Period. Not like the Comedy Circus of the Kav confirmation.

The left are damaged goods................can't get over the fact that they lost a rigged election. Say nothing on how they raped their own primaries............always pointing to others being corrupt when they are corrupt to the core. Inciting violence across the nation and blaming others for fighting back. Using the Federal Agencies as weapons against people who disagree.

We are watching and are NOT AMUZED. Produce a charge or STFU. I could care less what a bunch of bottom feeders thinks about me. That clear it up for you.

It seems clear that Trump felt he had to answer the questions, or he wouldn't have done it. The rest of your post is just more off topic whining like right wingers usually do.
Pot paints the kettle black which is what you normally do............

Again......put up or shut up........You got a crime......then charge him with it.....all else is political BS going 2 years.....probably another 6...........You are boring me.

Sorry about your short attention span, but we still have to wait until Mueller is ready before all the evidence is released.
Who da fuck cares...........Put up or shut up.............and again you waited to play this song and dance after the elections again.....

Now it's full scale ........We got you now again.............derp derp..........

Maybe you can get Stormy to do a police sketch of Trumps dick on CNN..........about the only thing they didn't do the last time.

Obviously, crazy right wingers claim to not care, but sane people generally do. I didn't wait until after the elections for him to answer the questions. Trump did.
He didn't have to answer a damn thing. That is the point. Innocent until proven guilty. Period. Not like the Comedy Circus of the Kav confirmation.

The left are damaged goods................can't get over the fact that they lost a rigged election. Say nothing on how they raped their own primaries............always pointing to others being corrupt when they are corrupt to the core. Inciting violence across the nation and blaming others for fighting back. Using the Federal Agencies as weapons against people who disagree.

We are watching and are NOT AMUZED. Produce a charge or STFU. I could care less what a bunch of bottom feeders thinks about me. That clear it up for you.

It seems clear that Trump felt he had to answer the questions, or he wouldn't have done it. The rest of your post is just more off topic whining like right wingers usually do.
Pot paints the kettle black which is what you normally do............

Again......put up or shut up........You got a crime......then charge him with it.....all else is political BS going 2 years.....probably another 6...........You are boring me.

Sorry about your short attention span, but we still have to wait until Mueller is ready before all the evidence is released.
The Never ending story.................2 years and he can't produce anything..........Using all the tools and budget of the Federal Gov't...........Give me a break............if he had something it would already be out........

Put up or shut up.......if he's too incompetent to do the job then he should have been fired long ago............

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