Trump answers Mueller's questions

Both sides are going to be disappointed, Mueller is going to stick with the job he was given, find out who was helping the Russians to meddle in our affairs.
He's already strayed from that assignment, dumbass. What did Paul Manafort's conviction have to do with Russians meddling in our affairs? Flynn? Popodopolous?
We'll find out soon enough You left out Cohen Think he knows anything about money laundering?
Sorry about your short attention span, but we still have to wait until Mueller is ready before all the evidence is released.
The Never ending story.................2 years and he can't produce anything..........Using all the tools and budget of the Federal Gov't...........Give me a break............if he had something it would already be out........

Put up or shut up.......if he's too incompetent to do the job then he should have been fired long ago............

Watergate took 2 years & that was nothing compared to this clusterfuck.
There is no "clusterfuck," you dumb asshole. There's no nothing: no crime, no collusion, no nothing.

oh how much FUN it's gonna be when the shit hits the fan....
Only problem is with republicans, there is no cure for stupid
We have the same opinion of you.........isn't that quaint...........LOL
Both sides are going to be disappointed, Mueller is going to stick with the job he was given, find out who was helping the Russians to meddle in our affairs.
He's already strayed from that assignment, dumbass. What did Paul Manafort's conviction have to do with Russians meddling in our affairs? Flynn? Popodopolous?
We'll find out soon enough You left out Cohen Think he knows anything about money laundering?
Of course he does, as does Trump's personal accountant. And both are cooperating witnesses. Mueller will be referring Trump's money laundering to the NY office.
The Never ending story.................2 years and he can't produce anything..........Using all the tools and budget of the Federal Gov't...........Give me a break............if he had something it would already be out........

Put up or shut up.......if he's too incompetent to do the job then he should have been fired long ago............

Watergate took 2 years & that was nothing compared to this clusterfuck.
There is no "clusterfuck," you dumb asshole. There's no nothing: no crime, no collusion, no nothing.

oh how much FUN it's gonna be when the shit hits the fan....
Only problem is with republicans, there is no cure for stupid
We have the same opinion of you.........isn't that quaint...........LOL
You support a moron who's on record for 6000 lies and that's in less than 2 years and you call us stupid?? LOL
Watergate took 2 years & that was nothing compared to this clusterfuck.
There is no "clusterfuck," you dumb asshole. There's no nothing: no crime, no collusion, no nothing.

oh how much FUN it's gonna be when the shit hits the fan....
Only problem is with republicans, there is no cure for stupid
We have the same opinion of you.........isn't that quaint...........LOL
You support a moron who's on record for 6000 lies and that's in less than 2 years and you call us stupid?? LOL
Blah blah blah...........his policies are working and he's trying to keep his promises...........

So far he's done pretty dang good considering the road blocks against him and a bunch of TDS morons attacking him for 2 years like you.

I'm fairly satisfied..............especially on the main issue the Supreme Court.........Your side didn't get to pick them. LOL
I would love to see those questions and answers.

Just like his taxes, you'll never see 'em poodle.
I would love to see those questions and answers.

Just like his taxes, you'll never see 'em poodle.
His taxes are a mute subject. Mueller Mauling is on the way.
The word is "moot," not "mute," you fucking retard.

I don't often harp on technical gaffs, but when someone doesn't know what the difference between "mute" and "moot" is, it shows they are illiterate. "Moot" is a word that comes from law school. It's from the term "moot court," which is a pretend court where students practice their trial skills. The decisions rendered there have no effect in the real world, hence saying a subject is "moot" means it has no relevance to reality.

Really thought it is a mute point...





There is no "clusterfuck," you dumb asshole. There's no nothing: no crime, no collusion, no nothing.

oh how much FUN it's gonna be when the shit hits the fan....
Only problem is with republicans, there is no cure for stupid
We have the same opinion of you.........isn't that quaint...........LOL
You support a moron who's on record for 6000 lies and that's in less than 2 years and you call us stupid?? LOL
Blah blah blah...........his policies are working and he's trying to keep his promises...........

So far he's done pretty dang good considering the road blocks against him and a bunch of TDS morons attacking him for 2 years like you.

I'm fairly satisfied..............especially on the main issue the Supreme Court.........Your side didn't get to pick them. LOL
Sorry eagle but WTF has he done besides giving taxcuts to billionaires ?? Our good economy isn't because of him but its downturn might be The POS thinks his crowing is what makes the sun come up He makes me sick
oh how much FUN it's gonna be when the shit hits the fan....
Only problem is with republicans, there is no cure for stupid
We have the same opinion of you.........isn't that quaint...........LOL
You support a moron who's on record for 6000 lies and that's in less than 2 years and you call us stupid?? LOL
Blah blah blah...........his policies are working and he's trying to keep his promises...........

So far he's done pretty dang good considering the road blocks against him and a bunch of TDS morons attacking him for 2 years like you.

I'm fairly satisfied..............especially on the main issue the Supreme Court.........Your side didn't get to pick them. LOL
Sorry eagle but WTF has he done besides giving taxcuts to billionaires ?? Our good economy isn't because of him but its downturn might be The POS thinks his crowing is what makes the sun come up He makes me sick
Tax breaks and less regulations stir growth............whether you will admit it or are booming..........

It is working..............all that matters to me........the rest is a bunch of rhetoric..........that were are used to hearing every 2 years........
Only problem is with republicans, there is no cure for stupid
We have the same opinion of you.........isn't that quaint...........LOL
You support a moron who's on record for 6000 lies and that's in less than 2 years and you call us stupid?? LOL
Blah blah blah...........his policies are working and he's trying to keep his promises...........

So far he's done pretty dang good considering the road blocks against him and a bunch of TDS morons attacking him for 2 years like you.

I'm fairly satisfied..............especially on the main issue the Supreme Court.........Your side didn't get to pick them. LOL
Sorry eagle but WTF has he done besides giving taxcuts to billionaires ?? Our good economy isn't because of him but its downturn might be The POS thinks his crowing is what makes the sun come up He makes me sick
Tax breaks and less regulations stir growth............whether you will admit it or are booming..........

It is working..............all that matters to me........the rest is a bunch of rhetoric..........that were are used to hearing every 2 years........
Obama handed over a ship steady on course Obama was handed a ship that be sinking Trump is like a dog barking at the moon,,,,or that rooster that thinks he's the reason the sun rises in the morning
We have the same opinion of you.........isn't that quaint...........LOL
You support a moron who's on record for 6000 lies and that's in less than 2 years and you call us stupid?? LOL
Blah blah blah...........his policies are working and he's trying to keep his promises...........

So far he's done pretty dang good considering the road blocks against him and a bunch of TDS morons attacking him for 2 years like you.

I'm fairly satisfied..............especially on the main issue the Supreme Court.........Your side didn't get to pick them. LOL
Sorry eagle but WTF has he done besides giving taxcuts to billionaires ?? Our good economy isn't because of him but its downturn might be The POS thinks his crowing is what makes the sun come up He makes me sick
Tax breaks and less regulations stir growth............whether you will admit it or are booming..........

It is working..............all that matters to me........the rest is a bunch of rhetoric..........that were are used to hearing every 2 years........
Obama handed over a ship steady on course Obama was handed a ship that be sinking Trump is like a dog barking at the moon,,,,or that rooster that thinks he's the reason the sun rises in the morning

He was a regulation nightmare.......................and it's easy to claim victory with stats when it starts from a near depression start........slowest recovery in a long time under him even when the Feds pumped Trillions into it.
Both sides are going to be disappointed, Mueller is going to stick with the job he was given, find out who was helping the Russians to meddle in our affairs.
He's already strayed from that assignment, dumbass. What did Paul Manafort's conviction have to do with Russians meddling in our affairs? Flynn? Popodopolous?
Because he was Trump's campaign manager and is now going to jail for laundering money for Russians. Duh, what a stupid question.
That isn't why he is going to jail, moron. It has nothing to do with Russia.

The most annoying thing about arguing with you is that you're so fucking dumb that you can't even get the most basic facts right.
We have the same opinion of you.........isn't that quaint...........LOL
You support a moron who's on record for 6000 lies and that's in less than 2 years and you call us stupid?? LOL
Blah blah blah...........his policies are working and he's trying to keep his promises...........

So far he's done pretty dang good considering the road blocks against him and a bunch of TDS morons attacking him for 2 years like you.

I'm fairly satisfied..............especially on the main issue the Supreme Court.........Your side didn't get to pick them. LOL
Sorry eagle but WTF has he done besides giving taxcuts to billionaires ?? Our good economy isn't because of him but its downturn might be The POS thinks his crowing is what makes the sun come up He makes me sick
Tax breaks and less regulations stir growth............whether you will admit it or are booming..........

It is working..............all that matters to me........the rest is a bunch of rhetoric..........that were are used to hearing every 2 years........
Obama handed over a ship steady on course Obama was handed a ship that be sinking Trump is like a dog barking at the moon,,,,or that rooster that thinks he's the reason the sun rises in the morning
That's a snowflake myth.
I would love to see those questions and answers.

Just like his taxes, you'll never see 'em poodle.
I would love to see those questions and answers.

Just like his taxes, you'll never see 'em poodle.
His taxes are a mute subject. Mueller Mauling is on the way.
The word is "moot," not "mute," you fucking retard.

I don't often harp on technical gaffs, but when someone doesn't know what the difference between "mute" and "moot" is, it shows they are illiterate. "Moot" is a word that comes from law school. It's from the term "moot court," which is a pretend court where students practice their trial skills. The decisions rendered there have no effect in the real world, hence saying a subject is "moot" means it has no relevance to reality.

Really thought it is a mute point...





Your brain is an inactive organ. You could have a lobotomy, and no one would notice.
Watergate took 2 years & that was nothing compared to this clusterfuck.
There is no "clusterfuck," you dumb asshole. There's no nothing: no crime, no collusion, no nothing.

oh how much FUN it's gonna be when the shit hits the fan....
Only problem is with republicans, there is no cure for stupid
We have the same opinion of you.........isn't that quaint...........LOL
You support a moron who's on record for 6000 lies and that's in less than 2 years and you call us stupid?? LOL
The "record" is written by certified idiots.
That isn't why he is going to jail, moron. It has nothing to do with Russia.
Of course, this is moronic and very embarrassing for you. Manafort is going to prison for laundering money for Russian kleptocrats by using LLCs with russian interests to steal money from the Ukraine and funnel it to russians.
That isn't why he is going to jail, moron. It has nothing to do with Russia.
Of course, this is moronic and very embarrassing for you. Manafort is going to prison for laundering money for Russian kleptocrats by using LLCs with russian interests to steal money from the Ukraine and funnel it to russians.
wrong, dumbass. That isn't one of the charges he plead to.
That isn't why he is going to jail, moron. It has nothing to do with Russia.
Of course, this is moronic and very embarrassing for you. Manafort is going to prison for laundering money for Russian kleptocrats by using LLCs with russian interests to steal money from the Ukraine and funnel it to russians.
wrong, dumbass. That isn't one of the charges he plead to.
Of course it is, and it is precisely what Manafort did. he skimmed off the top and hid his personal income, while funneling Ukrainian federal money to russian kleptocrats through LLCs with russian interets. Dude, read the goddamn news once in a while... step outside the bubble...
That isn't why he is going to jail, moron. It has nothing to do with Russia.
Of course, this is moronic and very embarrassing for you. Manafort is going to prison for laundering money for Russian kleptocrats by using LLCs with russian interests to steal money from the Ukraine and funnel it to russians.
wrong, dumbass. That isn't one of the charges he plead to.

Manafort plead guilty to conspiracy against the US, and conspiracy to obstruct justice. You gonna try to defend that scum?
That isn't why he is going to jail, moron. It has nothing to do with Russia.
Of course, this is moronic and very embarrassing for you. Manafort is going to prison for laundering money for Russian kleptocrats by using LLCs with russian interests to steal money from the Ukraine and funnel it to russians.
wrong, dumbass. That isn't one of the charges he plead to.
Of course it is, and it is precisely what Manafort did. he skimmed off the top and hid his personal income, while funneling Ukrainian federal money to russian kleptocrats through LLCs with russian interets. Dude, read the goddamn news once in a while... step outside the bubble...
Quote the charge from the indictment or shut the fuck up.
That isn't why he is going to jail, moron. It has nothing to do with Russia.
Of course, this is moronic and very embarrassing for you. Manafort is going to prison for laundering money for Russian kleptocrats by using LLCs with russian interests to steal money from the Ukraine and funnel it to russians.
wrong, dumbass. That isn't one of the charges he plead to.

Manafort plead guilty to conspiracy against the US, and conspiracy to obstruct justice. You gonna try to defend that scum?
How am I defending him? I'm saying the charges against him had nothing to do with Russia or collusion, and you morons have failed to prove otherwise.

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