Trump approval surging! Keep up the good work Mr. President!

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Thanks newbie Trumptard, but we were feeling just fine about the economy in 2016.
Who is we? Are you aware that libtards are known for not being very good thinkers?

no one is "aware" of that, loony toon.

did you join just to troll for your orange Jesus?
What's an orange Jesus?
I find it very distasteful to mock a person because of their skin color. I guess I don't understand because I'm not a democrat.
Bullshit. You support a president who has repeatedly mocked people of color. And Orange is not a race.
nah... you just support someone who said that people at a Nazi rally were decent people.

I don't understand that.... but I'm not a shill for the orange lunatic

and since you're stupid, he's white.... the orange is something he did to himself by choice.

A decent person such as Trump has faith that everyone can have decency in them. I have faith that even you and other Trump haters might have a shred of decency in them. You just haven't found it yet.

Sorry but people don't get to choose the color of their skin. Assuming that they do is kinda racist.
Economic optimism soars, boosting Trump's approval rating

The last thing the left wants is American's feeling good about the economy.
Trump’s Twitter Approval Rating is Even Worse than His Presidential One
Americans approve even less of President Donald Trump's use of Twitter than they do his presidency, according to a new poll.

26 percent[/a] of 1,500 Americans polled said that Trump's use of Twitter was appropriate, according to a survey from The Economist and YouGov. His presidential approval rating was almost 10 points higher at 35 percent in December.

Trump's approval rating just entered a league of its own - CNNPolitics

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump's approval rating sank to a new low in CNN polling on Tuesday, earning the approval of just 35% of Americans less than a year into his first term.

That's a significant drop from the 45% approval rating that Trump had in March, shortly after taking office.
That's from CNN. You can't be helped if you refuse to watch real news.
Who is we? Are you aware that libtards are known for not being very good thinkers?

no one is "aware" of that, loony toon.

did you join just to troll for your orange Jesus?
What's an orange Jesus?
I find it very distasteful to mock a person because of their skin color. I guess I don't understand because I'm not a democrat.
Bullshit. You support a president who has repeatedly mocked people of color. And Orange is not a race.
He may have mocked people of color but he did not mock them because of their color the way you are mocking Trump because of his color... HYPOCRITE!
nah... you just support someone who said that people at a Nazi rally were decent people.

I don't understand that.... but I'm not a shill for the orange lunatic

and since you're stupid, he's white.... the orange is something he did to himself by choice.

A decent person such as Trump has faith that everyone can have decency in them. I have faith that even you and other Trump haters might have a shred of decency in them. You just haven't found it yet.

Sorry but people don't get to choose the color of their skin. Assuming that they do is kinda racist.
So you think that Neo Nazis have decency in them.?? No wonder your a Trump supporter.
Economic optimism soars, boosting Trump's approval rating

The last thing the left wants is American's feeling good about the economy.
Trump’s Twitter Approval Rating is Even Worse than His Presidential One
Americans approve even less of President Donald Trump's use of Twitter than they do his presidency, according to a new poll.

26 percent[/a] of 1,500 Americans polled said that Trump's use of Twitter was appropriate, according to a survey from The Economist and YouGov. His presidential approval rating was almost 10 points higher at 35 percent in December.

Trump's approval rating just entered a league of its own - CNNPolitics

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump's approval rating sank to a new low in CNN polling on Tuesday, earning the approval of just 35% of Americans less than a year into his first term.

That's a significant drop from the 45% approval rating that Trump had in March, shortly after taking office.
That's from CNN. You can't be helped if you refuse to watch real news.
I know......You Trumpanzees all think that CNN and the NYP are fake news. Or claim to believe that because you can't handle reality.
no one is "aware" of that, loony toon.

did you join just to troll for your orange Jesus?
What's an orange Jesus?
I find it very distasteful to mock a person because of their skin color. I guess I don't understand because I'm not a democrat.
Bullshit. You support a president who has repeatedly mocked people of color. And Orange is not a race.
He may have mocked people of color but he did not mock them because of their color the way you are mocking Trump because of his color... HYPOCRITE!
Just more delusional equine excrement !
nah... you just support someone who said that people at a Nazi rally were decent people.

I don't understand that.... but I'm not a shill for the orange lunatic

and since you're stupid, he's white.... the orange is something he did to himself by choice.

A decent person such as Trump has faith that everyone can have decency in them. I have faith that even you and other Trump haters might have a shred of decency in them. You just haven't found it yet.

Sorry but people don't get to choose the color of their skin. Assuming that they do is kinda racist.
So you think that Neo Nazis have decency in them.?? No wonder your a Trump supporter.
Do you believe that abortion moms, knock out game players, black panther members, democrats who started the KKK, people who voted for a woman who has people killed when they get in her way, have any decency in them?

I'd like to think that they do, as a conservative I always look for the good in all people. Being an optimist is what being a good person is all about.
Can we at least get a raise at work?
If you work harder.
Americans have been working pretty hard since 1970 with no increase in their income, after adjusting for inflation and taxes.

Working harder is also the case as Americans are the most efficient labor force in the world int erms of most value added to the product that they make/hour of labor.

This "Fuck Americas Workers' attitude among conservatives is one of its most repelling features.
nah... you just support someone who said that people at a Nazi rally were decent people.

I don't understand that.... but I'm not a shill for the orange lunatic

and since you're stupid, he's white.... the orange is something he did to himself by choice.

A decent person such as Trump has faith that everyone can have decency in them. I have faith that even you and other Trump haters might have a shred of decency in them. You just haven't found it yet.

Sorry but people don't get to choose the color of their skin. Assuming that they do is kinda racist.
So you think that Neo Nazis have decency in them.?? No wonder your a Trump supporter.
Do you believe that abortion moms, knock out game players, black panther members, democrats who started the KKK, people who voted for a woman who has people killed when they get in her way, have any decency in them?

I'd like to think that they do, as a conservative I always look for the good in all people. Being an optimist is what being a good person is all about.
What the hell are you blathering about?? Can you throw anymore dung at the wall in the hope that something sticks? Abortion? KKK? Black Panthers?? I think that you once told me to stay on topic.:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
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Just more delusional equine excrement !
You failed hard in coming with a decent rebuttal on that one.

If one day I ever can't think of something smart to say in replying, I'll just not reply back.
I cant really take you seriously when you acknowledge that he has singled out people of color ( as well as Religious ethnic minorities ) for ridicule -which he has done disproportionately I might add- and then out of naiveté, dishonesty, or just stupidity, state as a fact that he was not motivated by animus toward them because of who and what they are. I can always think of something smart to say. It's just a matter of how much energy I want to expend on idiocy.

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nah... you just support someone who said that people at a Nazi rally were decent people.

I don't understand that.... but I'm not a shill for the orange lunatic

and since you're stupid, he's white.... the orange is something he did to himself by choice.

A decent person such as Trump has faith that everyone can have decency in them. I have faith that even you and other Trump haters might have a shred of decency in them. You just haven't found it yet.

Sorry but people don't get to choose the color of their skin. Assuming that they do is kinda racist.
So you think that Neo Nazis have decency in them.?? No wonder your a Trump supporter.
Do you believe that abortion moms, knock out game players, black panther members, democrats who started the KKK, people who voted for a woman who has people killed when they get in her way, have any decency in them?

I'd like to think that they do, as a conservative I always look for the good in all people. Being an optimist is what being a good person is all about.
Knockout game AND Black Panther members?

Oh my!
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