Trump approval surging! Keep up the good work Mr. President!

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Just more delusional equine excrement !
You failed hard in coming with a decent rebuttal on that one.

If one day I ever can't think of something smart to say in replying, I'll just not reply back.
I cant really take you seriously when you acknowledge that he has singled out people of color ( as well as Religious ethnic minorities ) for ridicule -which he has done disproportionately I might add- and then out of naiveté, dishonesty, or just stupidity, state as a fact that he was not motivated by animus toward them because of who and what they are. I can always think of something smart to say. It's just a matter of how much energy I want to expend on idiocy.

I guess you missed my point. Are you saying that people of color should be exempt from mocking just because there're not white? Here I am mocking you and I have no idea what color you are. I'm not mocking you because you might be a person of color, I'm mocking you because you probably voted for Hillary.

Hillary supporters are enemies of America.
What the hell are you blathering about?? Can you throw anymore dung at the wall in the hope that something sticks? Abortion? KKK? Black Panthers?? I think that you once told me to stay on topic.:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
Why can't you just debate the topic? Tell me about how decent people murder there unborn children and punch little old white ladies because she can't defend herself when the thug has eight friends backing him up.
What the hell are you blathering about?? Can you throw anymore dung at the wall in the hope that something sticks? Abortion? KKK? Black Panthers?? I think that you once told me to stay on topic.:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
Why can't you just debate the topic? Tell me about how decent people murder there unborn children and punch little old white ladies because she can't defend herself when the thug has eight friends backing him up.
Let's see
Why do women choose abortion?
Because they realize they can't afford another child, because the father has denied support, because they will lose their job, because childcare is too expensive
What the hell are you blathering about?? Can you throw anymore dung at the wall in the hope that something sticks? Abortion? KKK? Black Panthers?? I think that you once told me to stay on topic.:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
Why can't you just debate the topic? Tell me about how decent people murder there unborn children and punch little old white ladies because she can't defend herself when the thug has eight friends backing him up.
Let's see
Why do women choose abortion?
Because they realize they can't afford another child, because the father has denied support, because they will lose their job, because childcare is too expensive

Comparing women who have abortions to nazis is as fucking stupid gets

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What the hell are you blathering about?? Can you throw anymore dung at the wall in the hope that something sticks? Abortion? KKK? Black Panthers?? I think that you once told me to stay on topic.:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
Why can't you just debate the topic? Tell me about how decent people murder there unborn children and punch little old white ladies because she can't defend herself when the thug has eight friends backing him up.
Let's see
Why do women choose abortion?
Because they realize they can't afford another child, because the father has denied support, because they will lose their job, because childcare is too expensive

Comparing women who have abortions to nazis is as fucking stupid gets

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Give her time
She is a misguided teen

We all said stupid things when we were that age
Let's see
Why do women choose abortion?
Because they realize they can't afford another child, because the father has denied support, because they will lose their job, because childcare is too expensive
Why not wait and see if their luck changes? If things don't get better, you can always kill them in the middle of their birthday party when they turn 4 years old.

Or, maybe people who don't want children could stop getting pregnant. It's not rocket science.
nah... you just support someone who said that people at a Nazi rally were decent people.

I don't understand that.... but I'm not a shill for the orange lunatic

and since you're stupid, he's white.... the orange is something he did to himself by choice.

A decent person such as Trump has faith that everyone can have decency in them. I have faith that even you and other Trump haters might have a shred of decency in them. You just haven't found it yet.

Sorry but people don't get to choose the color of their skin. Assuming that they do is kinda racist.
So you think that Neo Nazis have decency in them.?? No wonder your a Trump supporter.

that and the money they pay per post.
Who is we? Are you aware that libtards are known for not being very good thinkers?

no one is "aware" of that, loony toon.

did you join just to troll for your orange Jesus?
What's an orange Jesus?
I find it very distasteful to mock a person because of their skin color. I guess I don't understand because I'm not a democrat.
Bullshit. You support a president who has repeatedly mocked people of color. And Orange is not a race.

he's also mocked the disabled, war heroes and gold star families.

but why quibble with the delusional trump troll?
Let's see
Why do women choose abortion?
Because they realize they can't afford another child, because the father has denied support, because they will lose their job, because childcare is too expensive
Why not wait and see if their luck changes? If things don't get better, you can always kill them in the middle of their birthday party when they turn 4 years old.

Or, maybe people who don't want children could stop getting pregnant. It's not rocket science.
Generally they have been there before
If conservatives cared about them when they were four years old instead of embryos maybe more women would keep them
What the hell are you blathering about?? Can you throw anymore dung at the wall in the hope that something sticks? Abortion? KKK? Black Panthers?? I think that you once told me to stay on topic.:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
Why can't you just debate the topic? Tell me about how decent people murder there unborn children and punch little old white ladies because she can't defend herself when the thug has eight friends backing him up.
Let's see
Why do women choose abortion?
Because they realize they can't afford another child, because the father has denied support, because they will lose their job, because childcare is too expensive

Comparing women who have abortions to nazis is as fucking stupid gets

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
More unborn children are murdered in the womb in one year in America than all the Jews by left wing Nazi's during the Holocaust.
What the hell are you blathering about?? Can you throw anymore dung at the wall in the hope that something sticks? Abortion? KKK? Black Panthers?? I think that you once told me to stay on topic.:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
Why can't you just debate the topic? Tell me about how decent people murder there unborn children and punch little old white ladies because she can't defend herself when the thug has eight friends backing him up.
Let's see
Why do women choose abortion?
Because they realize they can't afford another child, because the father has denied support, because they will lose their job, because childcare is too expensive
Then she shouldn't have gotten herself pregnant now, should she.
Generally they have been there before
If conservatives cared about them when they were four years old instead of embryos maybe more women would keep them
If they've been there before then they must not be very good learners.

Have you ever stuck your tongue to a frozen flag pole? Did you learn not to do it again?

Maybe the same should go with not getting pregnant if you don't want children.
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